Safety belts .................. .
Safety belt tensioner ..... ... .. .
Airbag system ........ .... .. .. .
Important th ings to know .. .... .
Front airbags .. ... .. ... ...... . .
Monitoring the Advanced Airbag
System ... ..... .... ..... .. ... .
Side airbags .... ... ...... ..... .
Side curtain airbags (SIDEGUARD™l
Child Safety .. ... ... ..... ... ... .
Important things to know .... .. .
Child safety seats ........ ... .. .
Insta lling a ch ild safety seat .... .
Addit ional Information .... ..... .
Lower anchorages and tether for
chi ldren (LA TCH) .......... ... .. .
203 207
225 Avoid damag
ing the vehicle .....
Operate your vehicle economically
and minimize pollution ......... .
Trailer towing .......... ... .. .. .
Driv ing w it h a trailer ... .... .... .
Trai ler towing t ips ....... ...... .
Vehicle care ........ ... ... .
C lean ing and protection ...... .
Genera l information ........... .
Care of exterior ....... .. .. .. ... .
Care of interior ................ .
Fuel supply and filling your fuel
tank ........ .... .. ... .... ...... .
Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Vehicle operation . . . . . . . . 235 Checking and filling . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Intelligent technology ... ...... .
Notice about data recorded by
veh icle contro l modules ....... .
Electronic Stabilization Program
(ESP) ......................... .
Braking .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .
-advanced power
steering system . ......... .. ... . 236
Driv ing w ith your quattro® . . . . . . 242
Driving and environment . . . . . . 243
The first 1,000 miles (1,500 kml and
afterwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Cata lytic conver ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Engine
hood ......... ......... .
Engine compartmen t .... ... ... .
Engine oil ... ...... ... ....... .. .
Engine cooling system .. .... ... .
Brake fluid . ............... .... .
Ba ttery ...... .......... .... ... .
Windshield/headlight washer
con ta iner .. ........ ... ........ .
Tires and whee ls ..... ......... .
Tires .......... ...... .. .. ..... . 272
2 74
Tabl e of cont ents
Do-it-yourself service . . . 3 15
What do I do now? . ......... ... 316
Jack, tools and spare wheel . . . . . . 316
W hee l change ............... ... 318
Fuses and bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Fuses ........ ......... ..... .... 326
Bu lbs .............. ... ... ... ... 328
Eme rgency sit uations . . . . . . . . . . 330
Genera l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Starting by pushing or towing . . . . 330
Starting with jumper cables . . . . . . 330
Use of jumper cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Emergency tow ing with comme rcial
tow truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Lif ting the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Technical data
General in for matio n
E xplanat ion of technical data . . . . 340
Vehicle identification . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 341
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
irechnical data
High beam [D
The ~D warning/indicator light il lu m inates when the high beams are
on or w hen you use the head lig ht flash er. For mo re inf ormation
about using the h igh beams,
see=> page 80 . •
Electronic power control EPC
Th is warn ing /indicator l ig ht m on ito rs the ele ctr onic
po wer co nt rol.
The EPC warning/indicator light (E lectronic Power Control) illumi
n at es w he n yo u switch o n the ignitio n as a functi on ch ec k.
[ i] Tips
If thi s wa rning/indi cator light i llum ina tes w hile you a re driving , then
there is a ma lfunction in the engine electronics . Have the malfunc
t io n co rre cte d as so on as p oss ible by your auth orized Audi de aler or
qualified wor kshop .•
Brake system BRAKE (USA models)/ (CD)
(Canada models)
Th is warn ing /indicator l ight i llu minates when the brake
fl uid leve l is t oo low or wh en ther e is a ma lf u nct io n in t he
ABS , or when the pa rkin g brake i s se t.
T he lig ht illu min ate s w hen the igni tio n is turn ed on. It goes out aft er
the engine has be en started and the parking bra ke is fu lly released .
T his i ndicate s th at th e br ake w arni ng lig ht is fun cti onin g prop erl y.
If the brake warning light does not light up when the engine is
cranking or the parking brake is applied , there may be a malfunction
in the electrical system. In this case, contact your Audi dealer.
When the l ig ht comes on, an audible warning si gnal is also given.
Controls and equip
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Parking brake set
T he BRAKE or CCD) (Canada) wa rning/indicat or l igh t illum in ate s wh en
t h e pa rkin g b rake is
se t=> ,&.
• USA models : If the BRAKE warning light and the ABS warning
light come on together , the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of vehicle control
and an accident . Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop. Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
• Canada models : If the brake warning light
{(j)) and the ABS
warning light
0 come on together , the rear wheels could lock up
first under hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme
diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop .
Drive slowly and avoid sudden , hard brake applications.
• If the brake warning/indicator light does not go out after a few
seconds and the parking brake released, or lights up while you are
driving, the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir is too low. If you
believe that it is safe to do so , proceed immediately at low speed
to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or qualified repair facility and have the brake system inspected .
• Always keep in mind that after several brake applications , you
will need greater pressure on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle .
Do not rely on strained brakes to respond with maximum stopping
power in critical situations . You must allow for increased braking
distances . The extra distance u sed up by fading brakes could lead
to an accident . •
Malfunction in the brake system
Canada models:
Malfunction in the brake system
Engine coolant level too low/
engine coolant temperature too
Engine oil pressure
too low =>
page 31
=> page 31
=> page 31
=> page 32
Red symbols indicate a priority 1 malfunction -Danger!
When a red symbol appears , a warning tone will sound consecu
tively three times. The symbol continues to flash until the malfunc
tion has been repaired. If there are more than one priority 1 malfunc
tions, the symbols appear one after the other for about two
seconds .a
Brake system malfunction BRAKE (USA models)/
(CD) (Canada models)
A malfunction in the brake system must be repaired as soon as possible.
When BRAKE/ (CD) (Canada models) appears in the display
and flashes, this means there is a malfunction in the brake
system. In addition to the symbol, one of the following two
messages also appears in the display:
Stop vehicle, check brake fluid and hydraulic fluid levels
Warning! Fault in ABS brake system. Contact workshop!
- Pull of the road and stop the vehicle.
- Check the brake fluid
level :::;, page 284.
Controls and equip
Driver information display
USA models : if there is a malfunction in the ABS system, the ABS
warning/indicator light illuminates along with the BRAKE system
malfunction warning/indicator
light=> ,&..
Canada models: if there is a malfunction in the ABS system, the 0
warning/indicator light illuminates together with the ((l)) brake
system malfunction warning/indicator
light =>,&. .
• Always observe the warnings in => page 265, "Engine compart
ment", before opening the engine hood and checking the brake
• Driving with low brake fluid is a safety hazard! Stop the car and
get professional assistance.
• If the brake system warning/indicator light illuminates
together with the ABS warning/indicator light, then the ABS
system is malfunctioning. The rear wheels could quickly lock up
when you apply the brakes. This could lead to loss of control and
your vehicle could slide! Drive carefully to the nearest authorized
Audi dealer and have the malfunction corrected. •
Engine cooling system malfunction -L
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must be
repaired as soon as possible.
When the - L symbol in the display flashes, then either the
engine coolant
temperature is too high, or the coolant level
is too low. In addition to the symbol, the following message
also appears in the display:
Switch off engine, check coolant level
- Pull off the road and stop the vehicle.
- Turn off the engine.
Driver inf ormation di spl ay
priority 2 malfunction is detected, al l symbols will appear one after
t he other for about two seconds. •
Applie s to ve hicles: with Ligh ting pac kage
Light/rain* sensor defective fif>
~o Aut om atic hea dlig ht s/a utom atic w ipers defe ct iv e
If the symbol il luminates, the light /rain sensor has failed. For safety
reasons the low beams a re turned on permanently with the switch
AUTO. H owever, you can continue to turn the lights on and off
using the light sw itch . In the case of a defect in the ra in se nsor, the
windshield wiper lever functions are still available. Have the
l ight/ra in sensor checked as soon as poss ible at a dealersh ip .•
Fuel supply too low flt)
When the .ffi symbol illuminates, th is means there is about 2 to 2 .5
gallons (8 to 10 l itres) of fue l left in the fue l tank. Time to refuel!
=> page 268 . •
Checking the engine oil level ~ ..
When the ~ symbol illum inates, check the engine o il leve l as soon
possib le => page 277. Top off the oil at your ear liest opportunity
=> page 278 . •
Engine oil sensor defective ~ ...
If the ~-symbo l il lum inates, contact your authorized Audi dea ler
and have the oil sensor inspected . Until you have this done, check
the oi l leve l each t ime you refuel just to be on t he safe side
=> page 277. •
Worn brake pads 0
If the O symbo l illuminates, contact your authorized Audi dealer to
have the front brake pads inspected (on that occasion have the rear
brakes inspected as we ll to be safe) .•
Speed warning 1 8 (USA models)/ 0 (Canada
I f the 0 symbo l il luminates, this means you are driving faster than
the set vehicle speed. Slow
down! => page 35. •
Applies to ve hicles : w ith d ynami c head light rang e adjus tment
Headlight range control defective {a:>
If the t0 illuminates, the dynamic head light range control is no
longer working properly. Have the system checked a nd repaired at
your Audi dealer .•
Windshield washer fluid level too low <;p
If the O symbol illuminates, add windshield washer fluid to the
washer system and a lso fo r the headlight washer system*
=> page 291. •
Speed warning 2
0, (USA models)/ 9. (Canada models)
If the 0 symbol illum inates, this means you have driven faster than
the second set vehic le speed . S low
down!=> page 35 . •
____________________________________________ ln_t_ e_ l_ li _,..g "- e_ n
_ t_t_e _c_ h_ n_o _l_o _....g ,_,y'-----'""
• when driving in deep snow or on a loose surface (to allow the
wheels to dig in to reach firm ground)
• when trying to "rock" the vehicle free when it has become stuck .
The system should be reactivated once you are no longer in such
Both, the ABS and EDL systems are still functioning even if the ESP
is switched off.
The increased safety afforded by ASR does not mean that you can
take safety risks. Always adapt your driving style to the road conditions and traffic situation.
[ i] Tips
To ensure that the ASR works properly, all four wheels must be fitted
with identical tires Any differences in rolling radius of the tires can
cause the system to reduce engine power when this is not desired.
also::::;, page 305, "New tires and replacing tires and wheels". •
General information
What affects braking efficiency?
Operating conditions and driving habits
The brakes on today's automobiles are still subject to wear,
depending largely on operating conditions and driving
habits::::;, &.
On vehicles which are driven mostly in stop -and -go city traffic or
which are driven hard, the brake pads should be checked by your
authorized Audi dealer more often than specified in the
& Warranty booklet.
Controls and equip ment Safety first Vehicle operation
On steep slopes, you should use the braking effect of the engine
This way, you prevent unnecessary wear on the brake system. If you
must use your brakes, do not hold the brakes down continuously.
Pump the brakes at intervals.
Moisture or road salt
Under certain conditions, for example, when driving through water
or very heavy rain, or even after washing your vehicle, the braking
effect can be reduced due to moisture (or in freezing conditions ice)
on the brake pads. A few cautious brake applications should dry off
the brake pads or remove any ice coatings.
The effectiveness of the brakes can be reduced when the vehicle is
driven on a salt -covered road and the brakes are not used. Likewise,
you clean off accumulated salt coating from brake discs and pads
with a few cautious applications of the
brake::::;, &.
There may be a tendency for dirt to build up on the brake pads and
corrosion to form on the discs if the car is not driven regularly or
only for short trips with little use of the brakes .
If the brakes are not used frequently, or if corrosion has formed on
the discs , it is advisable to clean off the pads and discs by braking
firmly a few times from a moderately high
speed ::::;,& .
Faults in the brake system
If you should notice a sudden increase in brake pedal travel, then
one of the two brake circuits may have
failed::::;, &.
Low brake fluid level
Malfunctions can occur in the brake system if the brake fluid level is
too low. The brake fluid level is monitored electronically.
• You should perform braking maneuvers for the purpose of
cleaning the brake system only if road conditions permit. Other
road users must not be put at risk - you may cause an accident!
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
____________________________________________ ln_t_ e_ l_ li _,..g "- e_ n
_ t_t_e _c_ h_ n_o _l_o _....g ,_,y'-----'IJIII
Although the ABS is very effective, always remember that braking
capability is limited by tire traction. Always adjust your driving
speed according to the road and traffic conditions. Do not let the
extra safety afforded by the ABS tempt you into taking extra risks.
The ABS cannot overcome the laws of physics.
[ i] Tips
• If ABS is not functioning properly, a warning light will come on.
See~ page 21.
• If a fault occurs in the ABS , the EDL is also not functioning. This
is indicated by the ABS warning light. •
Brake assistant
The brake assistant is designed to achieve the optimum
braking effect.
The brake assistant helps to increase the effective braking power
and thus to achieve a shorter stopping distance . If the driver
presses the brake pedal very quickly, the brake assistant automati
cally boosts the braking force to the maximum level, up to the point
where the anti-lock brake function (ABS) intervenes to stop the
wheels from locking. You should then keep the brake pedal pressed
until the vehicle has braked to the required speed. The brake assis
tant switches itself off as soon as you release the brake pedal.
The brake assistant will not be operative if there is a malfunction in
the ABS.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Vehicle operation
Please remember that the accident risk always increases if you
drive too fast, especially in corners or on a slippery road, or if you
follow the vehicle ahead of you too closely. An increased accident
risk cannot be compensated even by the brake assistant, so
always maintain a safe speed. •
Servotronic® -advanced power
steering system
The power steering systems uses the power of the
running engine to allow precise steering with little effort. Your Audi is equipped with the electronically controlled
Servotronic® advanced power steering system. It adjusts
the degree of steering assistance to the roadspeed.
The advanced Servotronic ® power steering system senses the road
speed and electronically adjusts power assistance to provide
comfortable and safe steering response exactly matched to the
vehicle speed .
Power steering will not work if the engine is off. As a result, the
steering wheel will be hard to turn.
The power steering fluid level is checked during the scheduled
maintenance services.
0 Note
If there is an electronic malfunction, servotronic will still function
like a conventional power steering system, providing a constant
steering support force that is no longer proportionate to the vehicle
speed . This is most noticeable when turning the steering wheel at
low speeds (for example when parking), -more effort will be
required than usual.
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
lllffl.___T_ r_a _il _e_ r_ t_o _vv_ i_ n """g"'- ---------------------------------------------------
Trailer towing
Driving with a trailer
General information
Your Audi was designed primarily for passenger transpor
If you plan to tow a trailer, please remember t hat the add it ional load
wi ll affect durability, economy and performance.
Trailer towing not only p laces more stress on the veh icle, it a lso ca lls
for more concentration from the driver.
For th is reasons, always fo llow the operating and dr iving instruc
t ions provided and use common sense. •
Technical requirements
Trailer hit ch
Use a weight -carrying hitch conforming to the gross trailer weight.
The hitc h must be suitab le for your veh ic le and tra iler and must be
mounted securely on the vehicle's chassis at a technically sound
l ocation. Use only a tra iler hitch with removable bal l mount. A lways
check with the trai ler hitch manufacturer to make sure that you are
using t he correct hitch .
Do not use a bumper hit ch .
The hitch must be installed in such a way that it does not interfere
with the impact-absorb ing bumper system . No mod ifications
shou ld be made to the vehicle exhaust and brake systems. From
time to time, check that all hitch mount ing bo lts re main securely
When you are not towing a trai ler, remove the trailer hit c h ball
mount. Th is prevents the hitch from causing damage s hou ld your
vehic le be struck from
behind ~& .
Tire pre ssure
When towing a trailer, inf late the tires of your vehic le to the cold tire
pressure listed under "Full load" on the s ticker on the right door
jamb . Inflate trai ler tires to tra iler and tire manufacturers' specifica
t ions.
T he head ligh t settings shou ld be checked with the trailer at tached
before driving off. Have the head lights adjusted as necessary so
t hat you can see t he road ahead bu t not bl ind oncom ing traffic.
Check to make sure both vehicle and trailer lights are working prop
e rly .
Engine cool ing sy stem
Towing a t railer makes the eng ine work ha rder. It is imp ortant tha t
the cooling system's performance stands up to the additiona l
strain. Make sure that the coo ling system has enoug h fluid.
Traile r br ake s
If your tra ile r i s eq uipped wi th a braki ng system, check to be s ure
that it conforms to al l regu lations .
T he tra iler hydraulic brake system must no t be direct ly connected to
the vehic le's hydrau lic brake system .
Safety chains
Be sure trailer safety chains are properly connected from the trai ler
t o the h itch on the vehicle. Leave enough s lack in t he chains to
permit turning corners. When you install safety chains, make sure
they will not drag on the road when you are driving.
T he chains shou ld cross under t he trailer tongue to prevent it from
dropping in case of separation from the hitch. _,,,
___ C_ le_ a_n _ i_ n_ g~ a_ n_d~ p_ ro_ t_e _c _t_ i_o _n _____________________________________________ _
Cleaning and protection
General information
Regular care preser ves vehicle value.
Any automob ile is exposed to industria l fumes, corrosive road salt,
muddy dog feet, etc. A well cared for Audi can look like new many
yea rs a fter purc hase. Regu lar a nd co rrec t care wil l co ntribu te to
maintaining the beauty and value of your Audi.
Furthermore , good care may be a condition for substantiating a
warranty claim should corrosion damage or paint defe cts occur .
Your authorized Audi dea ler has a variety of dedi cated vehicle-care
product s
and can advise yo u wh ic h ones to use for c lea nin g t he
e xterior and interior of your vehic le.
W hethe r you use p roducts reco mm end ed b y Audi o r other c omm er
cia lly avai lab le cleaning agents , please make very sure you apply
t hem correct ly .
• Cleaning agents may be poisonous. Keep them out of the rea ch
of children .
• Heed all caution label s.
• Always read directions on the container before using any
produ ct. Follo w the se dire ction s carefully.
• Most chemical cleaners are con centrates and have to be
diluted .
• Use spot removing fluids only in well ventilated areas .
• Do not use gasoline , kerosene , diesel fuel, nail polish remover
or other volatile fluids. They may be toxic , flammable or hazardous
in other ways. Do not wash , wax or dry the vehicle with the igni
tion on or the engine running.
& W ARNIN G (continued )
• Do not clean the undersides of chassis , fenders , wheel cover s,
etc . without protecting your hands and arms. You may cut yourself
on sharp -edged metal parts .
• Moisture and ice on brakes may impair braking efficiency
=> page 239 , "General information ". Test the brakes carefully each
time you wash the vehicle.
Se lect only env ironmen tal ly fr iend ly c leaning pr oducts. Le ft o ver
cleaning products should not disposed of in the household waste. •
Care of exterior
Frequent wash in g pro te ct s the vehi cle.
Th e bes t protect ion aga inst enviro nmental in fl uences is frequent
washing and waxing .
Ho w o ften t his is required depends on:
• How much t he vehicle is used
• Where the vehic le is pa rked (garage, i n the ope n under t rees,
• The seaso nal and wea the r cond itions
• Environmental influences
T he lo n ger bir d dropp ings, i nsec ts, tree resin, road and ind ust ria l
grime, tar, soot, road salt and other materials remain on the vehicle
b ody, the m ore lasti ng the ir des tru cti ve effects will be . .,.