General system operation 20Home functionIf you activate the function button within a main function, the
system will automatically jump to the main menu of that main func-
In Navigation “Home function” depends on the route guidance
selected: If you have activated route guidance with stopovers, you
go to the menu for route planning by pressing the function button
page 139, fig.146. If you have activated route guidance
without stopovers
page 139, y o u g o t o t h e m a i n n a v i g a t i o n m e n u
(singe destination mode) by pressing the function button again.
History function
The system recalls the previous settings.When a function button is pressed, the system will switch to the
most recently accessed menu level for the specific main function.
This includes any sublevels that were opened. This excludes Setup
The history memory is erased when the system moves into standby
An example: You are currently on the Tuning radio menu and switch
to the navigation menu by pushing the button. If you press
the button at this time, you will not jump to the main radio
menu, but directly to the Tuning radio menu.
Start Navigation System ResetThe following process will restart your Audi Navigation
System and will allow complete functionality sytem to be
– Press the ON/OFF knob to switch the Navigation System
– Press and hold the ON/OFF knob until the display reap-
pears and turns black.
– Release the ON/OFF knob as soon as the display has
turned black. A f t e r a f e w s e c o n d s , t h e N a v i g a t i o n S y s t e m
begins its restart, or you can switch it on manually
page 11.
Fig. 15 Navigation
System ON/OFF knob
General system operation 24You can perform the following functions with this
multi-function steering wheel:
The menu thumbwheel functions apply to the equipment which is
active at the time.
If you roll the left menu thumbwheel past several detents in CD
operation, several tracks are jumped.Button
Roll the left
menu thumb-
Select the previ-
ous/next station on the
radio station list
CD or MP3
Select the previ-
ous/next track for the
audio source you are
listening to.
First press on
left menu
Start station frequency
scan forward
Second press
on left menu
Stop station fre-
quency scan
Pres s and h old
left menu
CD or MP3
Fast forward
button not applicable.
Talk Button ( ) not applicable.Roll right
menu thumb-
wheel up
or down
Radio, CD or
Increase or reduce vol-
Press the right
Radio, CD or
Repeat the last naviga-
tion* announcement
with active route guid-
a)If the radio memory list is shown in the Navigation System display, a radio
station can be selected from the list using the left menu thumbwheel.Button
General operation
CD changerApplies to vehicles: with Audi cd changerLoading your CDs into the CD changerLoading just one CD
– Press the button . As soon as the CD changer
is ready for you to load a CD, the red LEDs on the inside
sides of the CD tray (not shown in the illustration)
start to blink.
– Insert the CD (printed side up and straight) into the CD
tray . The CD automatically loads into the next free slot
in the CD changer. The LED in the button will stop
blinking.Loading all CDs
– Press and hold the button for longer than 2
– Wait until the red LEDs on the inside sides of the CD tray
(not shown in the illustration) start to blink.
– Now insert your other CDs (printed side up and straight)
o n e a t a t i m e i n t o t h e C D t r a y . Th e L E D s i n e a ch b u t t o n
will stop blinking once a CD has been loaded into the
Loading the CD into a specific empty slot
– Press the button . The LED in the button of
any empty slot will start to blink.
– If you want to load a CD into a specific slot, you can also
p r e s s a b u t t o n , w h e r e t h e L E D i s not lit a n d i n s e r t y o u r
– Wait until the red LEDs on the inside sides of the CD tray
(not shown in the illustration) start to blink.
– Now insert your CDs (printed side up and straight) into
the CD tray .
Loading the CD into a specific slot
– Press the button . The LEDs in the buttons
for the slots that already have CDs loaded blink.
– If you press an illuminated button that is not blinking
then that CD will be ejected.
– Remove the ejected CD from the CD tray .
Fig. 42 Audi cd
changer: Loading CDs
A A3
RADIO 62Sound control buttonSound settingsStarting on
page 92, you can read how to select the sound
settings for the radio function.
Tuning control buttonManual station selection
With the manual settings option, even weak stations
can be set and saved.Fig. 59 Radio: Manual tuning (forward)
–Press the Tuning control button in the FM/AM radio
– Select >> (“Tune up”) fig.59 or << (“Tune down”) in the
Display by rotating the control knob.
– Press the control knob to set the desired station
frequency.Briefly pressing the control knob will change the frequency in small
steps. If you hold the control knob down, the frequency changes
more rapidly. When you release the control knob, the frequency
adjustment stops.
W h e n y o u h a v e s e l e c t e d a r a d i o s t a t i o n m a n u a l l y, y o u a r e s h o w n t h e
station even after switching to the main Radio menu.
If you have selected a weak station in the FM band, it does not
continue to appear on the station list as a selection after changing
radio stations.
The control wheel functions always refer to the frequency band that
is currently set.
General operation
Main MP3 menuSelecting a MP3 track
The list of tracks on the activated, readable storage
medium inserted are displayed in the main MP3 menu.Fig. 84 MP3: List of tracks (main menu)–Press the Source control button from a CD/SD menu.
–Select MP3 page 77.
– In the main MP3 menu fig.84, select the desired track
on the active MP3 data carrier with the control knob.The playing time of the track will be displayed after the track name.You can select an MP3 data carrier using the MP3 list control button
page 84.Tips
I f yo u o p e n t h e d i s p l a y, M P3 p l a y b a ck o f t h e a c t i v e d a t a c a rr i e r is
The MP3 player can also stop when playing back individual MP3
tracks from a data carrier if they cannot be read. In this case, select
another readable MP3 track on this data carrier and playback
Because there are different methods of generating MP3 files, it
is possible that MP3 files cannot be played or information cannot be
read. You can find additional hints starting on
page 37.
General operation
– By rotating and pressing the control knob, select NAME
(“Details”) to open more detailed information about the
current track page 86, fig.89.If information about the current track, performer, album, year of
issue, specific comments and the category has been stored in the
MP3 file, you can bring up this information using NAME (“Details”).
Because there are different methods of generating MP3 files, it is
possible that MP3 files cannot be played or information cannot be
read. You can find additional hints starting on
page 37.
Scan MP3 track (SCAN)Fig. 90 MP3: Scanning tracks on a MP3
–Press the MP3 ctrl control button in the MP3 menu.
– By rotating and pressing the control knob, select SCAN
fig.90.Pressing the control knob activates automatic track scan. Each track
on the MP3 data carrier will be played for a few seconds.
When the button is pressed again, the scanning stops and the title
currently being played will continue to play.
Because there are different methods of generating MP3 files, it is
possible that MP3 files cannot be played or information cannot be
read. You can find additional hints starting on
page 37.
Navigation (NAV) 110
Route with stopover (Route plan)
Route without stopover (Single destination mode)
In single destination mode you can drive directly to a destination
page 119.
If you enter a direct destination and start guidance, you are given
the option of up to three different routes
page 130.
Route with stopover (Route plan)
In this mode, you can choose up to three stopovers and one final
page 139.
For example, while on your way to your final destination, you could
have three stopovers, such as: the nearest gasoline station, then a
restaurant and after that a point of interest to visit
page 121.
Follow the traffic laws for the area in which you are driving. If
driving instructions run contrary to traffic laws, the traffic laws
always take precedent.
However, the system will not provide you with any information
about the meaning of traffic signs and signals!
How does the Navigation System work?
The Navigation System works with the help of satel-
lites (GPS).To determine current vehicle position, distance sensors, gyroscopes
and satellite signals are analyzed. The signals are transmitted by
GPS satellites. The acronym GPS stands for “Global Positioning
The recorded information is transferred to the navigation system
a n d t h e n c o m p a re d w i t h t h e m a p m a t e r i a l s to re d o n t h e N a v i g a t io n
DVD. In this way, guidance to your destination can be calculated
To c a l c u l a t e g u i d a n c e t o y o u r d e s t i n a t i o n , t h e n a v i g a t i o n D V D h a s t o
be inserted into the navigation drive. The drive for the Navigation
System is located behind the system display
page 35.
When the navigation DVD is inserted, the system starts automati-
cally and navigation destinations can be entered page 117.
Five differe nt languages (German, E nglish, French, Spanish, Italian)
are availabe on the navigation DVD for the audible navigation
prompts. You can change the language for the audible navigation
voice messages using the Menu language function in Setup
page 170.Tips
Snow and other objects on the GPS antenna or screening by
trees and large buildings can interfere with satellite reception and
m a ke i t m o re d i ffe re n t to d e t e rm i n e v e h i c l e l o c a t i o n . I f s e v e ra l s a t e l -
lites are turned off or disabled, this may result in interference with
GPS reception and make it more difficult to determine vehicle loca-
Navigation (NAV) 120
– Select Select city center to navigate to the center of the
selected locality, or
– Select Input street name, Special destination in city or
Destination input on map to set more detailed destina-
tion criteria.
– Select Start route guidance page 129.After you have started route guidance, you are offered up to three
page 130, f i g .1 3 6 . S e l e c t o n e o f t h e r o u t e s b y r o t a t i n g a n d
pressing the control knob. If you do not select any of the routes
s u g g e s t e d , t h e r o u t e m a r k e d i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y i m p o r t e d a f t e r a d e l a y
once the trip has started or during the trip. The delay gives you the
opportunity to change the route selection one more time. You can
find additional information on route selection starting on
page 130.
Switch from the letter speller to the number speller to enter a city
with special characters (e.g. hyphen, apostrophe or period) page 125.
Selection “Select city center”
The Navigation System calculates route guidance to the center of
the city entered.
Selection “Input street name”
B y i n p u t t i n g t h e s t r e e t i n a c i t y, y o u c a n s p e c i f y t h e d e s t i n a t i o n m o r e
After selecting the street, you can specify more detailed destination
criteria by inputting an Intersection, a House number or through
Enter destination on map
page 128.
If you would like to find a street independently of the city, select
Street after selecting the country in the destination entry menu.Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the destination entry menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
I f y o u a r e n a v i g a t i n g i n s i n g l e d e s t i n a t i o n m o d e , t h e Set as stopover
function is greyed out
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory
page 135 the selected map destina-
By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the speller display, you can confirm
the entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or,
y o u e n t e r p a r t o f a c it y a n d yo u a l re a d y r e c o g n i z e t h e d e s i re d c i t y i n
the speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by
keeping pressure on the control knob.
Entered destinations can be saved
page 135.