Navigation (NAV) 110
Route with stopover (Route plan)
Route without stopover (Single destination mode)
In single destination mode you can drive directly to a destination
page 119.
If you enter a direct destination and start guidance, you are given
the option of up to three different routes
page 130.
Route with stopover (Route plan)
In this mode, you can choose up to three stopovers and one final
page 139.
For example, while on your way to your final destination, you could
have three stopovers, such as: the nearest gasoline station, then a
restaurant and after that a point of interest to visit
page 121.
Follow the traffic laws for the area in which you are driving. If
driving instructions run contrary to traffic laws, the traffic laws
always take precedent.
However, the system will not provide you with any information
about the meaning of traffic signs and signals!
How does the Navigation System work?
The Navigation System works with the help of satel-
lites (GPS).To determine current vehicle position, distance sensors, gyroscopes
and satellite signals are analyzed. The signals are transmitted by
GPS satellites. The acronym GPS stands for “Global Positioning
The recorded information is transferred to the navigation system
a n d t h e n c o m p a re d w i t h t h e m a p m a t e r i a l s to re d o n t h e N a v i g a t io n
DVD. In this way, guidance to your destination can be calculated
To c a l c u l a t e g u i d a n c e t o y o u r d e s t i n a t i o n , t h e n a v i g a t i o n D V D h a s t o
be inserted into the navigation drive. The drive for the Navigation
System is located behind the system display
page 35.
When the navigation DVD is inserted, the system starts automati-
cally and navigation destinations can be entered page 117.
Five differe nt languages (German, E nglish, French, Spanish, Italian)
are availabe on the navigation DVD for the audible navigation
prompts. You can change the language for the audible navigation
voice messages using the Menu language function in Setup
page 170.Tips
Snow and other objects on the GPS antenna or screening by
trees and large buildings can interfere with satellite reception and
m a ke i t m o re d i ffe re n t to d e t e rm i n e v e h i c l e l o c a t i o n . I f s e v e ra l s a t e l -
lites are turned off or disabled, this may result in interference with
GPS reception and make it more difficult to determine vehicle loca-