Navigation (NAV) 154Map type
Four different types of maps can be selected.Fig. 166 Setup Navigation: Map type overview– Press the function button page 16 in the navi-
gation menu.
– Select the desired map display under Map type
page 151, fig.162.When you select Destination, Location or Overview, the map is
shown in two dimensions. If you select Location 3D, the map is
shown in three dimensions.
The following settings are possible:Destination
The map display is oriented to the destination, meaning that the
map always shows the current single destination or final destina-
tion for a current route plan. The destination is marked with a desti-
nation flag.
W h e n y o u s e l e c t t h i s t y p e o f m a p , t h e North
page 153 orientation
is set automatically to make it easier to orient yourself.
Current position
The current vehicle location is displayed. The orientation of the map
matches the settings in Setup for navigation page 153.
When you select this type of map, the entire remaining route is
shown automatically in the best scale
fig.166. To make the map
display easier to read, it is automatically oriented to North
page 153.
Position 3D
The current vehicle location is displayed in a perspective view.
W h e n y o u s e l e c t t h i s t y p e o f m a p , t h e Tra v e l
page 153 orientation
is set automatically to make the map display easier to read.