Display 32Making entries with the spellerFig. 27 Display: Entering letters in the speller
Fig. 28 Display: Entering numbers in the speller
Entering digits, letters and characters
– Select the desired letters, numbers or characters in the
speller display using the selector arrow by rotating
the control knob.
– To confirm the entry, press the control knob after each
selection of a letter, number or character.
– Select OK to close out the entry.
Deleting numbers, letters and characters
– With the selection arrow, select DEL by rotating the
control knob.
– Press the control knob, and the last entry in the entry
field will be deleted.In some cases, such as in navigation, the selection of letters is
limited by logical exclusion.
For e xample, if you have entered part of a city in the speller display
and you already recognize the desired city in the speller display list,
you can shift directly to the city list by keeping pressure on the
control knob.
Navigation (NAV) 120
– Select Select city center to navigate to the center of the
selected locality, or
– Select Input street name, Special destination in city or
Destination input on map to set more detailed destina-
tion criteria.
– Select Start route guidance page 129.After you have started route guidance, you are offered up to three
page 130, f i g .1 3 6 . S e l e c t o n e o f t h e r o u t e s b y r o t a t i n g a n d
pressing the control knob. If you do not select any of the routes
s u g g e s t e d , t h e r o u t e m a r k e d i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y i m p o r t e d a f t e r a d e l a y
once the trip has started or during the trip. The delay gives you the
opportunity to change the route selection one more time. You can
find additional information on route selection starting on
page 130.
Switch from the letter speller to the number speller to enter a city
with special characters (e.g. hyphen, apostrophe or period) page 125.
Selection “Select city center”
The Navigation System calculates route guidance to the center of
the city entered.
Selection “Input street name”
B y i n p u t t i n g t h e s t r e e t i n a c i t y, y o u c a n s p e c i f y t h e d e s t i n a t i o n m o r e
After selecting the street, you can specify more detailed destination
criteria by inputting an Intersection, a House number or through
Enter destination on map
page 128.
If you would like to find a street independently of the city, select
Street after selecting the country in the destination entry menu.Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the destination entry menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
I f y o u a r e n a v i g a t i n g i n s i n g l e d e s t i n a t i o n m o d e , t h e Set as stopover
function is greyed out
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory
page 135 the selected map destina-
By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the speller display, you can confirm
the entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or,
y o u e n t e r p a r t o f a c it y a n d yo u a l re a d y r e c o g n i z e t h e d e s i re d c i t y i n
the speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by
keeping pressure on the control knob.
Entered destinations can be saved
page 135.
Navigation (NAV) 122Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the destination input menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
Using the Set as stopover fu n c t io n , y o u c a n a l s o s e t t h e d e s t in a t io n
from the map as a stopover
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory the selected map destination
By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the speller display, you can confirm
the entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or,
yo u e n t e r p a r t o f a c i t y a n d y o u a l re a d y re co g n i ze t h e d e s ir e d c i t y in
the speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by
keeping pressure on the control knob.
Route plans that have been entered can be saved
page 137.
Navigation (NAV)125
General operation
CAR, SETUP Selection “Input street name”
By inputting the street in a city, the destination can be specified
more precisely.
After selecting the street, you can specify more detailed destination
criteria by inputting an Intersection, a House number or through
Enter destination on map
page 128.
If you would like to find a street independently of the city, select
Street after selecting the country in the main navigation menu.
Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the main navigation menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
You can select the Set as destination function, if you have set the
route guidance with stopovers. If you are navigating without stop-
over, the Set as stopover function is greyed out
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory
page 135 t h e s e l e c t e d m a p d e s t i n a -
tion By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the s peller display, you can confirm the
entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or, you
enter par t o f a city and you a lre ady recognize the d esired city in the
speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by keeping
pressure on the control knob.Entering street/city with special charactersFig. 130 Navigation: Switch from letter to number speller– In a destination input menu page 117, fig.121, select
another Region from the list by rotating and pressing the
control knob.