speed limiter
Yo ur Audi may be factory equipped with
tires which are rated for a maximum speed
of 130 mph (21 0 km/h). This is less than the
maximum speed of your vehicle. To reduce
the risk of sudden tire failure and loss of
control should the vehicle be operated at ex
cessive speeds, your Audi also has an elec
tronic speed limiterwhi ch prevents your ve
hicle from going faster than the tire speed
rating. See page 257.
If the vehicle approaches the tire speed rat
ing, the engine control unit will shut off the
fuel injectors and you will notice an instant
Joss of engine power and drop in road
speed. The engine performance will return
to normal as soon as the speed has dropped
below approximately 125 mph (200 km/h).
If the vehicle road speed signal to
the engine control unit should fail,
the Malfunction Indicator Lamp will
come on.
If this occurs, see your authorized Audi
Dealer and have the cause located and cor
rected. �W
Always observe the posted speed
limits and adjust your speed to suit
preva iling road, traffic and
weather conditions. Never drive
your vehicle faster than the maxi
mum speed rating of the tires
installed. CONT
Cancelling speed limit
Press the test button for at least 1 second
when the yehicle is moving at a speed
above 3 miles (5 km/h). The display will
show the warning symbol crossed through
to confirm that the speed limit has been
Speed warning 2
When the ignition is switc hed off, the driver
can store a permanent speed limit
warning in the unit. The
warning is shown in the display as de
scribed. The warning symbol only goes out
once the road speed has fallen below the
stored value again.
We recommend to store this speed limit
v:' arning if you wish to be reminded of a par
ticular speed limit in addition to speed limit
warning 1. (For instance when driving in
countries with general speed limits or if a
particular speed should not be exceeded
when winter tires are fitted, etc.)
Selecting speed limit
• Press the test button briefly with the
ignition switched off. The mileage re
corder display will then light up.
• Press the test button again and hold for
at least 2 seconds. The speed limit currently
set appears in the disp lay.
• To change the speed limit, press the top
or bottom of the function selector switch for
the trip computer (see arrow illustration).
The speed limit displayed will then increase
or decrease by 6 miles (1 0 km/h ) at a time. CONT
• A few seconds after the button is re
leased, the display lighting goes out again.
Cancelling speed limit
P _ress the .test button briefly with the igni
tion sw1tched off; the display will light
up. Press the test button again for at least
2 seconds: the display will show the .speed
limit currently set. Now press and hold the
"R eset" button for the trip computer until
the crossed-out warning symbol appears.
first 1,000 miles (1 500 km)
and afterwards
Break-in period
During the first few hours of driving, the en
gine's internal friction is higher than later
when all the moving parts have been broken
in. How well this break-in process is done
depends to a considerable extent on the
way the vehicle is driven during the first
1, 000 miles (1 500 kilometres").
For the first 600 miles
(1 000 kilometres):
As a rule of thumb:
• Do not use full throttle.
• Do not drive faster than 3/4 of top
speed shown on the speedometer.
• Avoid high engine speeds.
• If possible, avoid towing a trailer. �
• New tires tend to be slippery
and must also be "broken-ln." Be
sure to remember this during the
first 300 miles (500 kilometres).
Brake gently. Avoid following
closely behind other vehicles or
other situations that might require
sudden, hard braking.
• New brake pads don't have the
best stopp ing power and must be
.. brok en-in" during the initial 100
to 150 miles (150 to 200 kilo
metres) of normal city driving. You
can compensate for this by press
ing the brake pedal more firmly.
This also applies later when new
pads are installed.
From 600 to 1,000 miles
(1 000 to 1 500 kilometres):
Speeds can gradually be increased to maxi
mum permissible road or engine speed. VE
During and after break-in
• Do not rev the engine up to high speeds
when it is cold. This applies whether the
transmission is in N (Neutral) or in gear. dib Do not drive with unnece ssarily C!1'5 high engine speeds -upshifting
early saves fuel, reduces noise and
protects the environmeht -see also
page 195.
After the break-in period
Do not exceed maximum engine
speed under any circumstances. Up
shift into the next higher gear before reach
ing the red area at the end of the tachome
ter scale -see page 117.
Excessive engine speeds are automatically
Operate your vehicle economically and
• Do not drive if you are tired.
Make frequent rest stops, at least after ev
ery two hours of driving.
• Always adapt vehicle speed to
traffic, weather and road condi
Remember that especially on smooth, slip
pery roads, vehicle handling and braking de
pend a great deal on tire adhesion. On wet
roads, the front wheels can hydroplane es
pecially at higher speeds. If this happens,
you will then, no longer be able to steer or
brake properly.
• Always observe the posted speed
limits and use common sense. Your
good judgment can mean the differ
ence between arriving safely at your
destination and having an accident.
Additional information regarding safety can
be found in the individual chapters of this
manual. minimize
Va rious factors influence fuel consumption:
engine wear, brakes and tires, environmen
tal impact.
This chapter addresses some of these
Yo ur personal sty!e of driving
wi II determine the economy of your vehicle,
as well as exhaust and noise levels.
«i? Do not let your vehicle stand and
, warm
When the engine is idling, it takes a very
long time to warm up. Moreover, during
warm-up, both engine wear and exhaust
gas emissions are very high. Therefore, be
ready to drive off immediately after starting
the engine and avoid high engine speeds.
«i? Avoid full throttle.
Accelerating gently reduces fuel consump
tion, engine wear, and does not disturb the
environment. <£'
Avoid driving at high speed.
Fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and
engine noise increase disproportionately at
high speeds. If you drive at approximately
three quarters of top speed, fuel consump
tion will be reduced by one half. Never drive
faster than the posted speed limit and
weather conditions permitting.
r.:Cib Drive as smoothly as possible
W5 and keep a lookout ahead.
Unn ecessary accelerating and braking in
crease fuel consumption and disturb the en
r.:Cib Switch off your engine if you are
W5 caught in a traffic jam. This
saves fuel and reduces emissions.
HICLE OPERATION------------------------
The external conditions
in which you drive also affect your fuel con
The following conditions increase fuel con
• Heavy traffic, especially in large cities
with many traffic lights.
• Stop-and-go driving, especially short dis
tances so that the engine never warms up
as it should.
• Driving in heavy, slow moving traffic in
low gear so that the engine speed is rela
tively high when compared to the distance
� Plan your trips ahaad of time. Or
� ganizs your trips to include sev
sral errands and to avoid heavy traf
fi c.
Of course, there are some conditions that
will affect fuel consumption that you can't
For example, fuel consumption increases in
the winter or under difficult conditions (bad
roads, towing a trailer, etc.).
19 6 The
technical requirements
for optimum fuel consumption and eco
nomy were ''built" intoyourvehicle. Special
attention was paid to the environment. To
reta in and make use of these characteris
tics, please note the following points:
riJ Use only unleaded gasoline.
Leaded gasoline causes damage to the cat
alytic converter and other components of
the emission system.
t:Gh Have your vehicle serviced by an
� Audi Dealar at the specified in
tervals -see page 228 and your
Main tenance booklet.
Having your vehicle regularly serviced by an
Audi Dealer helps ensure that it runs prop
erly and economical ly, that it does not dis
turb the environment, and that it has a long
service life. t:Gh
your tire pressure once a
W month.
Low tire pressure increases fuel consump
tion and tire wear, and impair s vehicle han
Underinflation and overloading of
tires can lead to tire failure. Sud
den failur e on the road could cause
a serious or fata l accident. See
page 253 for inflation informa
� Do not carry unnecessary items
in the luggage compartment.
Particularly in city traffic where you must
often accelerate, weight influences fuel
Driving on slopes
• If you find that you cannot climb a grade,
never try to turn. Back down the hill in re
verse gear. If you don't. the vehicle may
tip or roll over!
• To reduce the danger of rolling the ve
hicle, drive the vehicle as close as possible
to the "fall line" (direction of maximum
slope) -not at an angle to the fall line.
If it feels like the vehicle is about to
roll over when you are trav eling at
an angle to the fall line, turn into the
fall line immediately.
• Never park your vehicle on extreme
uphill or down hill slopes.
Deep snow
• You should promptly install wheels
equipped with winter or all-season tires
when you expect winter road conditions -
see page 260.
• Install snow chains before attempting to
drive through deep, unplowed snow - see
page 261.
200 Driving
through water
• Always make certain that the ride level
system is in the highest level before cross
ing streams and similar water obstacles.
• You should always determine how deep
the water is before you drive through it.
• When crossing through water, travel only
at a walking speed. If possible, do not
stop and do not shut off the engine.
• Avo id driving through salt water
(beaches, for example).
After you have traveled through wa
ter, mud or slush, your brakes may
be slow to respond due to wet brake
rotors and pads. To get back the full
braking effectiveness, apply the
brakes cautiously to dry them out
The brakes must be dry before you
can get full brake performance. Sand,
quicksand and similar unsta
ble soils
Cross sandy or other unstable terrain briskly
and, if possible, do not stop.
with your quattro ®
The All Wheel Drive system has no operat
ing controls that require attention.
The engine power is distributed automati
cally to all four wheels for optimum effi
ciency in all situations and road conditions.
The All Wheel Drive concept is perfectly
matched to the engine power of your
Audi all road. This combination gives the ve
hicle excep tional handling and performance
capabilities, both on normal roads and in ex
treme conditions of ice and snow.
However, it is vital to observe the following
safety notes:
Always adjust your driving to road
and traffic conditions. Do not let
the extra safety afforded by All
Wheel Drive tempt you into taking
extra risks.
Although the All Wheel Drive is
very effective, always remember
that braking capacity is limited by
tire traction. You should therefore
not drive at excessive speeds on
icy or slippery road surfaces. ftl
WARNING continued
On wet road surfaces, be careful
not to drive too fast because the
front wheels could begin to slide
on top of the water (hydroplaning).
If this should occur, you will have
no warning from a sudden in
crease in engine speed as with a
front-wheel drive vehicle. Always
drive at speeds which are suitable
to the road conditions.
Replacing wheels I tires
All four wheels must always have the same
rol ling radius. Different tires on the front and
rear wheels may impair vehicle control and
will damage the All Wheel Drive because of
the constantly different wheel speeds. The
proper function of the system is not af
fected by unevenly worn tires.
For more information, see page 255. VEH
Using winter tires
When driving in the winter, your vehicle
with All Wheel Drive has an advantage,
even with regular tires.
You should promptly install wheels
equipped with winter or all-season tires to
better handling and braking characteristics.
See also "Winter tires", page 260.
• Do not wash the vehicle in direct sun
• If the vehicle is rinsed with a hose, do not
direct the water into the lock cylinders -
otherwise they may freeze up in the winter.
• Do not wash, wax or dry the ve
hicle with the engine running.
• Do not clean the underside of
chassis, fenders, wheel covers,
etc. without protecting your
hands and arms. You may cut your
self on sharp-edged metal parts.
• Moisture and ice on brakes may
affect braking efficiency. Test the
brakes carefully after each vehicle
214 Washing
your vehicle with a power
If you use a power washer, please note the
• Always follow the operating instructions
for the power washer -especially for pres
sure and spraying distance.
• Make sure that the jet on the spray hose
produces a "fan shape" spray. Do not use
a jet which sprays the water out in a direct
stream or one that has a rota ting jet.
• Water temperature should not exceed
140 °F (60 °C).
Never wash tires with a jet that
sprays the water out in a direct
stream. This could invisibly dam
age and weaken the tires, even if
they are sprayed from a relatively
long distance for a vary short
amount of time. Damaged and
weakened tires can fail and cause
accidents and personal injury. Headli
Do not clean your headlights with a dry
towel or sponge. They must be cleaned
with a moistened towel.
Never use a sponge designed for removing
dried-on insects, a kitchen scrubber or any
other similar product since the lens surface
can be damaged by scrat ching and scour
When using high-pressure washing equip
ment or steam-cl eaning units, never spray
the vehicle with the nozzle close the vehicle
surface and never aim the spray at the same
point for a relatively long period of time.
Polishing Please refer to the imp ortant information on
page 212.
Polish your vehicle only if the paint has lost
its shine and the gloss cannot be brought
back with wax. If the polish used doesn't
contain preservative compounds, the paint
must be waxed afterwards.
Do not treat matte- pain�ed and plas
tic parts with polish or wax.