ETY RRST---------------------------------------------------
• Objects between you and the
airbag can increase the risk of in
jury in an accident by interfering
with the way the airbag unfolds or
by being pushed into you as the
airbag inflates.
• Never hold things in your hands
or on your lap when the vehicle is
in use.
• Never place or attach accesso
ries or other objects (such as cup
holders, telephone brackets or
even large and bulky objects) on
the doors, over or near the area
marked ,. Airbag" on the steering
wheel, instrument panel, seat
backrests or between those areas
and yourself. These objects could
cause injury in a crash especially
when the airbags inflate.
32 �,
WARNING continued
• Never transport items on or in
the area of the front passenger
seat. Objects could move into the
area of the front alrbags during
braking or other sudden maneuver
and become dangerous projectiles
that can cause serious personal in
jury if the airbags inflate.
• Never recline the front passen
ger's seat to transport objects.
Items can also move into the area
of the side airbags or the front air
bag during braking or sudden ma
neuver. Objects near the airbags
can become projectiles and cause
injury particularly when the seat is
reclined. Child
restraints on the front seat -
important things to know
All children, especially 12 years old and
younger should always ride in the back seat
properly restrained for their age and size.
The ai rbag on the passenger side makes the
front seat a potentially dangerous place for
a child to ride. The front seat is not the saf
est place for a child in a forward-facing child
seat. It is a very dangerous place for an in
fant or a larger child in a rearward-facing
• Never install rear-facing child
seats or infant carriers on the front
passenger seat. A child will be se
riously injured and can be killed
when the passenger airbag in
ICLE CARE----------------------------------------------------
• For safety reasons, tires should be re
placed in pairs and not individually. The tires
with the deepest tread should always be
mounted on the front wheels.
It is essential to the safe operation
of your vehicle that you use only
rims and tires that have the same
designation. sizes and types as
those with which your vehicle was
originally equipped.
Using tires and/or wheal rims dif
ferent from those which originally
came with your vehicle can reduce
the clearance between the wheels
and the vehicle body. The tires
could then rub against the vehicle
body damaging the tire or the ve
hicle body. or both. and seriously
effect your safety as well as the
safe operation of your vehicle.
256 •
Ve hicles with quattro ® must always
have tires of the same size, construction
and tread type. For details see page 207.
• Never mount used tires if you are not
sure of their previous history.
• Whenever replacing a tubeless tire, al
ways install a new valve stem. Tire repair
should only be performed by a specialist.
• In the interest of maximum safety and
best all-around vehicle handling, always buy
replacement radial tires that have the same
specifications with regard to tire size, de
sign, load carrying capacity, speed rating,
tread pattern, tread depth, etc. This also ap
plies to Audi recommended alternate re
placement tires. Tire
Never mix tires of different design
such as steel belted radials with
radial bias belted or bias ply tires
etc. Mixing tire types will adverse
ly affect road holding and can lead
to loss of vehicle control and per
sonal injury.
A knowledge of tire designations makes it
easier to choose the correct tires. Radial ply
tires have the following designations:
e.g. 225 /55 R 17 97 H
225 lire width in mm
55 Heig ht/width ratio in %
R lire construction: Radial
17 Rim diameter in inches
97 Load rating code
H Speed rating code letter
Winter tires
The tires for your vehicle were selected for
optimal performance under a variety of driv
ing conditions.
If your Audi is equipped with high perfor
mance tires (identified by code letter V, W
or Z on the tire flank) and you drive frequent
ly on ice or sno w, you should consider the
installation of all season or winter tires. Let
your authorized Audi Dealer advise and as
sist you.
For winter driving, the driveability of your
vehicle can be improved by installing radial
winter tires (M+S) with or without studs1l.
The all season tires with which your ve
hicle may have been equipped at the factory
are perform ance tires advertised by the tire
manufacturer as suitable for all weather use
or with special mud and snow (M+S) capa
Winter tires, sometimes also called snow
tires, are designed for maximum traction in
mud and snow.
,, Check with your local Motor Vehicle Bu
reau for possible restrictions.
260 When
installing winter tires, please
note the following:
• Only radial ply winter tires may be
installed. Ask your authorized Audi Dealer
for the recommended tire size.
• Winter tires must be mounted on all four
• Because of the special design character
istics of radial ply M+S tires, they must be
inflated 3 psi above the cold tire inflation
pressures required for the regular radial ply
tires. However, never exceed the maximum
tire inflation pressure listed on the tire side
• Winter tires will not do their job if the
tread depth is less than 5/32 of an inch
(4 mm). �
• Tires with badly wom treads
and studs are very dangerous.
Make sure they are replaced imme
• Never mix tires of different de
sign such as steel belted radials
with radial bias belted or bias ply
tires, etc. Mixing tire types will ad
versely affect road holding and
can lead to loss of vehicle control
and personal inlury.
Spare wheel
Yo ur vehicle is equip ped with a spare wheel
(deflated full size spare tire) and an accom
panying compressor.
The deflated full size spare tire and com
pressor are located beneath the floor of the
luggage compartment. The spare wheel is
held down by a knurled bolt.
On vehicle' s equipped with a childr en's
bench seat, the seat must be folded back to
allow the spare wheel to be removed -see
page 94.
"Changine a wheel" and "Inflating the de
flated full size spare tire" -see page 267.
266 The
following points must be ob
served when the deflated full size
spare tire is used:
• The deflated full size spare tire is
only designed for brief, temporary
use. Therefore, replace it with a nor
mal wheel as soon as poss ible.
• Never drive at speeds over 50 mph
(80 km/h). Avoid jackrabbit starts, hard bra
king and aggressive turns!
• Do not take the vehicle to automatic car
washes when the deflated full size spare
tire is installed.
• The deflated full size spare tire was de
veloped especially for your vehicle model. It
must not be used on other models. Simi
larly, do not use spare wheels from other ve
hicle models on your car. •
For engineering reasons, snow chains
must not be used on the deflated full size
spare tire.
If the vehicle must be driven with snow
chains, and one of its rear tires is flat, you
will first need to install the collapsible rear ti
re on the front axle. This is because for engi
neering reaons snow chains can only be in
stalled on special winter tires*1) and only
on rear wheels.
After you've installed the spare tire on the
front axle, install the snow chain on the
wheel you've removed from the front axle.
and then install this wheel on the rear axle
in place of the wheel whose tire is flat. As
soon as possible, correct the tire pressure
to the proper setting.
• Never install normal or winter tires on the
deflated full size spare tire rim.
• Never drive the vehicle with more than
one deflated full size spare tire installed.
11 Not available at the time of printing.
The deflated full size spare tire cannot be
repaired or mounted using conventional
shop equipment. This work always has to
be performed by the man ufacturer of the
collapsible tire.
• All the air must be let out of the tire after
use before stowing it in the storage area
prov ided for it in the vehicle. Once all the air
is out, the tire will return to its original form.
To let the air out of the tire, either use a
sharp object to press down on the metal pin
in the valve, or use the valve-remo ving tool
on the back side of the dust cap to unscrew
the valve stem. Changing
a wheel
You or your passengers could be
injured while changing a wheel if
you do not follow safety precau
• If you have a flat tire, move a
safe distance off the road. Turn off
the engine, turn the emergency
flasher on and use other warning
devices to alert other motorists.
• Passengers must not rema in in
the vehicle when it is jacked up.
This includes children as well as
• Make sure that passengers wait
in a safe place away from the ve
hicle and well away from the road
way and traffic.
• Before you change a wheel, be
sure the ground is level and firm.
If necessary, use a sturdy board
under the jack. DO-IT-YOURSELF
�� WARN ING continued
• After installing the spare wheel,
make sure that you remount the
flat tire/Wheel in its storage area
properly and tighten the plastic
knurled screw securely.
• To help prevent the vehicle from
moving suddenly and possibly
slipping off the jack, always fully
set the parking brake and block
the wheel diagonally opposite the
wheel being changed. When one
front wheel is lifted off the
ground, placing the automatic
transmission in P (Park) will not
prevent vehicle movement.
OURSELF SERVICE----------------------
Inflating the deflated full size
spare tire
• Remove the dust cap from the valve (1 l
by unscrewing it.
• Take the pressure compressor hose out
of the case, and screw the coupling nut se
curely onto the valve.
• Insert the compressor· connector in to
the socket located on the side of the lug
gage compartment or inset it ino the ciga
rette lighter socket -see page 181.
272 •
Turn on the compressor. The required tire
pressure wil be reached within a few min
utes. Use a pressure gauge to check the tire
pressure. Never operate the compressor
for longer than 5 minutes.
Yo u'll find adhesive labels on the deflated
full size spare tire containing i nstn .1ctions for
using the tire as well as information on the
specified tire pressure.
Step S
• Un screw the pressure hose from the val
ve and screw the dust cap back on.
• To lower the vehicle, turn the handle
counter-clockwise until the jack is fully re
leased. Remove jack.
• Then go crosswise from one bolt to
another tightening them firmly.
• If necessary, press the hubcap back onto
the hub of the spare wheel. Step
• Slip the plastic cover over the wheel con
taining the flat tire. Then stow this wheel in
the luggage comopartment and secure it so
that it does not shift.
• Carefully observe the points on
page 288 when using the deflated
full size spare tire.
• The hex socket in the screwdriver can be
used to make it easier to handle the wheel
bolts. To do this, pull out the revers ible bla-
de. ·
Never use this plastic tool to loosen
or tighten the wheel bolts.
After you change a tire:
• Deactivating the jack moda -see
page 268.
• Use a torque wrench to check the
wheel bolt tightening torque as
soon as possible. With alloy wheels
and a deflated full size spare tire, the
torque should be 88.5 ft-lb (120
Be sure to check the tire pressure
as quickly as possible after you
install a wheal that is fitted with
new tires.
If you notice while changing a tire
that the wheal bolts are corroded
and difficult to turn, then they
should be replaced before you
check the tightening torque.
Until then, drive with extra care and
at reduced speeds. m
• If you are going to equip your ve
hicle with tires or rims which dif
fer from those which were factory
installed, then be sure to read the
information on page 257.
• Always store damaged wheel,
jack and tools securely in luggage
compartment. DO-IT-YO
Remember that the deflated full size
spare tire is for temporary use only!
Capacities ...• ••.•. .......• o o 287
Care of
-e xterior . 212
-i nterior . . 217
Cargo net . .
earphone . . •
• . . • • 190
Catalytic converter •
. . . • • o 197
CB radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 189
CD changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Central locking system .. ... . 0 • • 59
- Rear lid . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . 63
Changing a wheel . . . . . . . .. o • • 267
Changing engine oil . . . . . . . . • 236
Checking engine oil level . . . . . . . 235
Child restra int anc horages . . . . . . . 53
Child safety ... ........... .. ... 44
Child safety lock for rear doors . . . 62
Child seat bench . . . . 92
Child seats
- Booster seats . . . . . . • • • • • . . 48
-C onvertible seats .. • .. o •• 47
- Infant seats . . . . .
. .. ... .. . 45
-O lder children . . . • . . . . . . . . 49 Chime
Ciga rette lighter
Cleaning 57,
113, 14 9
18 1
- Engine compartment ..... . 219
Glass ............. ... .. . .
- Inside of vehicle . . . . 217
- Leather upholstery . . . . . . . 217
-O utside of vehicle .... . • .. 212
- Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
-W indows· . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 215
Cleaning and protection . . . . . . . . 212
Clima te controls . . . . . . . . .... o • 16 2
Clock .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .
Coat hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . •
Com partment for Service
Literature Wallet ......... .... 18 3 .,)
Convenient entry function . . . . . . 1 01
Convertible locking retractor .... . 51
Convertible seats......... . ... 47
Coolant temperature gauge . . . . . 118
Cooling system . . . . . . . .
- Expansion tank 0 • • • • • • • • • 239
Cruise control . . . . 15
Cup holder . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . 182
Curb weight . . . . . . . . _. . . . ... 289 ALP
Dashboard ...... •••• .••.• .... 8
Data . . . . . . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • 286
Date display . . . . . .
• .. 0 • 117
Daytime running lights .
Deflated full size spare tire ..... 266
Defrosting windows . . . . . . . • . . . 151
Difficult operating conditions . . . . 262
Digital clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Doors ....................... 0. 59
Driver information system . . . . . . 130
-C alling up the menu ....... . 131
- Display types . . . . . . . . . • . • 133
- Entering settings . . . . • . • . . . 134
- Menu display . . . . . . . • • • . . . 131
- Navigation display ..... _ . . . . 130
Driving economically . . . . 19
Dri ving in foreign countries . . . . . 292
Driving on slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Driving under difficult conditions
Driving with Four-Wheel Drive . . 207
Dupl icate key ....... .... ....... 57