Downloaded from manuals search engine I0'ads imp0'sed by .. trlliler hauling.
Cempensatef0'r thes~ l0'wer gauge
resulting frem these heaVy
'Ib ads t0' produce gO'?d fuel ec0'n
. <,
Engine Temper~'iure. Gauge
This 0'Pti0'n~r',,'gauge indicates
c0'0'lant temperaplre which will
yary with air
teqiperature and 0'P
erating c0'nditi{>,iiS. The ignitien
switch must
be;" 0'n f0'r accurate
the P0'inter to'iim0'vebey0'nd tije
center 0'f the ljimd. Should P0'inter
m0've t0' the line at the "H" end of
the band , stop engine 0'r reduce ,
t0' penllit engine t0' cool.
Headlamp "ON"
Warning Buzzer
The eptienal headlamp reminder
buzzer provides
an audible warn
ing that the main light switch is in
one 0'f the "0'n"P0'siti0'ns ; either
pMking lights Of headlights.
The reminder ,buzzer is actuated
0'nly whenthe igniti0'n switch is
i0' '''OFF'' er "LOCK" posi
Reset th~ cl0'ck,if yeur car is S0'
'equipped, by pulling eut the kn0'b
and turning the hands cl0'ck\\fise if
slew , c0'unterclockwise if fast. This
will, if the
cl0'ck errer is five min
utes er. m0're,~utematicallyc0'm
pen sate f0'r tim.e' gain 0'r l~g, Sev
eral resettings, sev.eral daysi',apart,
maybe needed te pr0'perl y adjust
clOCk mechanism . Have yeur
l0'ck cleaned and 'eiled by a cem"
petent .cl0'ck serviceman "at least
twe years,
Cigarette Lighter
The cigarette lighter. is I0'cated
en the instrument panel face, T0'
operate, push it in, When it be
C0' heated, it aut0'matically P0'PS
eut ready fo r use,
WindshiEild Wiper and
The windshield wiping system
op(;lratesat tW0' speed s and is de
signed t0'wipe clear specific areas
of the windshield under m0'st in
, Clement "''leath
er cenditiens, The
windshielrlwipers w0'rk electri
cally and are not affected ' by en
FIlsh . the centrel levetDewn te
start the electric windshie ld wiper,
tW0'-speed electric wiper has
botli a' "lew " and a "high" speed
Pressing the centrel will send a
ameunt ef water 0'r ether
cleaning agent ent0' the windshield,
Fill the washer
jar only % full
during the winter
te allew fer eX
pansien if the temperature sh0'uld
Downloaded from manuals search engine Chevrolet "AU Transistor" Radios
To operate the radios, the igni
tion switch must be in "ON" or
"ACC" position .
Push Button AM Radio
In addition to the manual con
trols, the Push Bu.tton Radio pro
vides five push buttons with which
to automatically
select preset sta
tions. To preset, pull the push but
ton "out" as far as it will go, tune
in the desired station . manually
and then
push" the button "in."',
Repeat this ope(ation for each push ,
AM/FM Radio
In addition to providing stand'
ard AM reception, this set permits
you to receive clear
static:{ree FM:
broadcasts. Move the slide bar,
above the radio dial, to the right
left to select AM or PM reception.
other controls remain the same
as described for Push Buttonra
dios. FM broadcasts may be re
ceived as far as 25 miles from the
sending station, depending on the
power of the station and the
ing terrain .' In fringe areas , it may
be possible to retune the radio
slightly tornaintain peak reception.
If not, retune to a closer or strong
er FM station or switch to AM
Push buttons may be
set for both
AM or J;1M stations as
follows: j
• Place slide bar in AM position.
• Pull push button out as far as it
will go, tune in desired AM
tion manually and then push
button in to lock in position.
• Repeat for each remaining push
button .
-"------~~ ..... ~ " IM~ rill< ~1111----;; ,...
• Place slide bar in FM position
and repeat procedures outlined
AM band setting.
NOTE: Bands cannot be changed
if push button
is unlocked.
The radio antenna is incorpo,
rated in the windshield glass. If
necessary , adjustments for maxi
mum antenna effectiveness can be
made by your authorized Chevrolet