Downloaded from manuals search engine . . "
More frequent vehicle mainte
is required when using your
to pull a trailer. Change. the:
• Automatic transmission fluid
and filter each 15,000 miles,
(see Trai/ering brochure foraddi
tional information).
.• Rear axle fluid each 15,000
• Engine oil each 90 days or 3,000
miles , whichever occurs first,
• Positive crankcase ventilation
valve each
12 months or 15,000
miles, whichever occurs first.
• See index for important informa
tion on belts, cooling system care
and automatic brake
Break·in Schec;!ule
In addition to the new car break-in
instructions in this manual, it
recommended that your new car
be operated for 500 miles before
trailer towing.
If it is necessary to
tow during this period, avoid speeds
50 MPH and full throttle
starts. The same precautions should
be observed whenever a new
gine , transmission or axle is in
stalled in your car.
Downloaded from manuals search engine release the controlputton at the
e,ndof the turn signallever.
'. ~
• Remove your fool from the ac
celerator pedal and desired speed
will automatically
be maintained . /.
• To change autoIllfltic speed set
ting , press
con.tllol button until
it bottom s and
hold until desired
speed is attain!id.
Before releasi~g control button,
hesitate at
th!'!igartially depresse\l
position, th~I},:,remove your foot
from the
ac~,~lerator. If control
is IIW t fully depressed,
whenchangi#g speed setting, the
will resume your previously
To disengage system, lightly de
press brake
, ,.,
The .horn on your Chevrolet
is actuated by firmly pressing on
the pad in the center of the steering
' As a good motorist, use of the
horn should
be kept at a minimum .
However , acquaint yourself
as soon
as possible with this function of
your car, should it ever become
necessary to give a warning to a
pedestrian or another , motorist.
NOTE: For operation of hazard
flasher, see page .3-1, iii section 3,
"In Case of Emergency."
Downloaded from manuals search engine Gas Cap-The fuel tank filler cap
has a
"Screw-on ratcheting type"
feature for proper gas tank sealing.
To remove:
• Rotate ~ap counterclockwise to
the inside of the filler neck.
This will allow any residual
sure t!J escape.
• To iQstall, reverse this procedure
and . tighten cap securely until a
"ratcheting", . clicking sound is
heard indicating proper cap to
filler neck sealing.
NOTE: If this cap requires a re
placement , only a cap with these
same features should
be used. Fail
ure to use the correct cap can result
in a serious malfunction of the
tem. Correct replacement caps may
be obtained from your authorized
Chevrolet dealer.
Engine Oil and Filter
• Use only SE engine oil.
• Change oil each 6 months or
7,500 miles, whichever occurs
first ,
except under the following
-driving in dusty conditions
-trailer pulling '
-extensive idling
-short-trip operation at freez-
ternperatures( engine not
thoroughly warmed-up).
'Under these conditions, change oil
each 3 month s
or 3,000 miles,
whichever occurs first.
• Operation in dust stOmlS may
require an immediate oil change.
• Replace the oil filter at the first
oil change, and every second oil
change thereafter. AC oil filters
provide excellent engine pro
See your Chevrolet dealer for ad
vice on the frequency of' oil and
filter changes under unusual driving
The above recommendations
ply to the first change as well as
subsequent oil changes. The oil
change interval for your Chevrolet
is based on the use of SE
oils and quality oil filters. Oil
change intervals longer than those
above will seriously reduce
engine life and may affect
let obligation undetthe provisions
of the New Vehicle Warranty.
NOTE: Non-detergent and other
low quality oils are
sgecifically not
recommended .
Only the use of SE
engine oils and proper oil and filter
change intervals assure you of
tinued proper lubrication of your
Chevrolet engine.
Downloaded from manuals search engine A high quality SE oil was in
stalled in
your engine at the factory.
It is not necessary to change this
factory-irtstalled oil prior to the
recommended normal chartge pe
riod . However , check the oil level
more frequently during the break
in period since higher oil consump
tion is normal until the piston rings
becom e sea ted.
Recommended Viscosity
To help assure good cold and hot
starting, as well as maximum en
gine life, fuel economy and oil
economy , select the proper oil vis
cosity for
the temperature range
anticipated from the following
I I I I 20W 20 lOW 30 lOW 10 7(lV, 10 JOW 50
JOW 5w 30 lOW 30 lOW 40
sw 20 5W 30
F --;fO , ? ,2,0 ,4,0 ~O 8,0 , 1~
NOTE: SAE 5W-30 oils· are rec ommended for all seasons in vehicles normally operated in Canada. SAE 5W-20oi ls are nol recommended fur su stained high-speed driving. SAE 30 oi ls may be used at tempera tures above 4O"F. (4"C.)
Checking Engine Oil Level
The engine oil should be main
at proper level. The best
to check it is as the last step in
a fuel stop. This will allow the oil
accumulation in
the engine to drain
back in the crankcase.
To check the
level, remove the oil gauge rod (dip
stick), wipe it clean and reinsert it
firmly for an accurate reading. The
oil gauge rod is marked
and "ADD." The oil level should be
maintained in the safety margin,
neither going above the
line nor below the "ADD" line.
Re sea t the gauge firmly after taking
the reading.
Downloaded from manuals search engine TRANSMISSION ITEMS
Automatic Transmission
Fluid Level
Use automatic transmission
fluids identified with the mark
DEXRON®-II available from your
Chevrolet dealer
or local service
Check the fluid level
at each en
gine oil change period.
Automatic transmissions are
quently overfill¢
is checked when the fluid is
cold and the dipsick indicates fluid
should be added. However, the low
reading may
be normal since the
fluid level will rise as the fluid tem
perature increases. A level change
of over
% inch will occur as fluid
temperature rises from
60° F. to
180° F. (16° C. to 82° C.)
Overfilling can cause foaming
and loss of fluid through the vent.
(650 -8S"F.) (18" _29°C.) COOL HOT
NOTE, DO NOT OVERFill. It takes only one pint to raise level from ADD to FULL with a hot transmission.
Slippage and transmission failure
can result.
Fluid level too low can cause
slipping, particularly when the
transmission is cold or the car is
on a hill.
Check the transmission fluid
level with the
engine running, the
shift lever
in Park, and the car
Remove the dipstick and touch
the transmission
end of the dipstick
NOTE: lithe vehicle has recently
been operated for an extended
period at high speed or in city
in hot weather or the vehi
cle is being used to pull a trailer,
an accurate fluid level cannot be
determined until the fluid has
cooled down-usually apout 30
minutes after the vehicle has been
cautiously to find out if the fluid is
cool, warm or hot.
Wipe it clean and re-insert until
cap seats. Remove dipstick and
note reading.
• If the fluid feels cool, about room
(65° F. to 85° F.)
or (18° C. to 29° C.), the level
be 1;8 to % inch below
"ADD" mark The dipstick
has two dimples below the
"ADD" mark to show this range.
"'j' S' ~ c· "
Downloaded from manuals search engine Front suspension
Every 6 months or 7,500 miles
Lubricat~ fittings with water re
sistant EP Chassis Lubricant which
GM Specification6031M.
NOTE: , Ball joints should not be
lubricated unless their temperature
+10° F (- 12 °C), or higher.
During cold weather, they should
be allowed to
warm up as necessary
before being
Steering Linkage
Every six months or 7,500 miles,
lubri cate fittings with water
ant EP Chassis Lubricant which
meets GM Specification
Power Steering System
Check the fluid level in the pump
reservoir at each oil change period.
Add GM
Power Steering Fluid
(or Automatic Transmission Fluid
DEXRON"-II) as necessary to
bririg level into proper range on
filler cap indicator depending upon
fluid temperature.
If at operating temperature (ap
proximately 150°F, 66°C-hot to
the touch), fluid should be between
"HOT" and "COLD" marks. If at
room temperature (approximately
70°F, 22°C), fluid should be be
tween "ADD " and "COLD " marks.
Fluid does not require periodic
\::::j. __ "ADD"
Downloaded from manuals search engine SPECIFICATIONS
VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Car.....;.Stamped on vehicle identification number plate ottached to left top of instrument panel. Body-Stamped on plate attached to upper right corner of cowl panel. Engine-Stamped on boss on block. 8~Cylinder-On right front side of block.
DIMENSIONS Overall Length Coupes and Sedans .....•..•. ........... 222.9" 228.6" 79.5" 121.5" 125.0"
Station Wagons, ........................ . Width ................. , ............... . Wheelbase, All IExc. Station Wagon) ......... . Station Wagon '0 .' ••••• '.' •••••••••••••••• Overall Height Coupe .............. ; •• ' .•.•.• ' ••••..•.• 53.7/1 54.5" 57.4" 58.1 "
Sedan ....................•.•. ,,' ...•.. 3-SeatStation Wagon ................. v •• 2-Seat Station Wagon ................... .
Coupes and Sedans ..... . Station Wagon ........ .
U.S. Measure
26 gal. 22 gal.
U. S .. Imperial Measure' Measure
350 V-B... .. . . . .. . . .. 4 qt. 3% qt. 400, and 454 V-B .. . . .. 4 qt. 3 V. qt.
Imperial Measure
21.75 gal. IB.25 gal.
U. S. Imperial Measure Measure
5 qt.· 4% qt.
5 qt. 4 V. qt.
COOLING SYSTEM 350 V-8 400 V·8 454 V·8
U.S. Measure 18 qt. 18 qt. 23.0 qt." Imperial Measure 15 qt. 15 qt. 19.25 qt."
Thermostat ALL ..........•...•••..••• 1950
Radiator Pressure Cap ••....••.•••.••••. 15 lb. ·With Air Conditioning-add 2 q·ts. U.S. Measure
SYSTEMS Refrigerant---:-R-12 ..........•.......... 3 lb., 12 oz. Compressor Oil (525 Vis.) All Systems ............... '. . . . . .. 11 oz.
TRANSMISSIONS IMPERIAL U.S. MEASURE MEASURE Turbo Hydramatic 350... 10.0 qt~ 825 qts. 400..... 11.0 qls. 9.25 qls.
BATTERY RATING Reserve Enaine Volts Watts· Capacity·· 350·V8 and 12 3200 100 min. 400·V8 454-V8 and 12 4000 125 min. H.D; . Cranking power at 0 F • *-Minutes before battery drops to 1O~ volts with a continuous 25 amp. drain.
TIRE INFORMATION Wheel Nut Torque .... _ ..... _ ............ 100ft.lbs. Complete tire information will be found on pages 5-14 through 5-20.
TURN SIGNAL FLASHER, Type ••••••••••••••••••\
•••••••••••••• Capacity Impala and Caprice ..•••.•.•••••..••.... 3-lamp (LL) Bel Air ..........••.....•.•••••.••.... 2-lamp (LL) Hazard Warning Flasher, All .....•.•...... 6-lamp
Downloaded from manuals search engine Converter, Catalylic .............. .5-22, 5-23 Cooling System Care ............................ 5·7 Coolant "Recommendation ....... ;. 5-7 Overheating Caution. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-4 Courtesy Lights ............ ." ..... , 6-2.317 Cowl Air Inlets ...... , ...... , ...... . Cruise Control ............. -. . . . . . .. 2-6 Dealer. Assistance ........... -;. ...... 6-4 Defogger, Rear Window ......... , . .. 2-20 Defroster, Defogger, Windshield ...... 2-19 Dimensions, Vehicle ......• -', ........ ' 6-1 Dimmer Switch, Headlarnp : ........ ' 2-9 Directional Signals .. , . , ...... , . . . . .. 2-5 Door Locks... ....... ............ .. 1·2 Power Doo r Locks .... , •...••...... 2-27 prive Belts, Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-4 Driver ' Sj;at Adju stment; .......... , ,..... 1-2 ," D~titfy Conditions. Operating Unqer. .. 5-2 ~ Economy Gauge, Fuel...... .. ..... .. 2~14 Electric Clock ................ , .. , .. 2~15 Electrical System Battery ....................... 5·13. 6-1 Bulbs ........................... 6-3 Fuses ... " ...................... 6-3 Generator Indicator Light ..•...... 2~12 Emergency, In Case Of, . ' . , .. ~ . . . . .. 3~ 1
Brake Warnin~ Light ............. ' 2~12 Generator Indicator Not Charging.. 2-12 Hazard Warning Flasher ........... 3-1 Jacking To Change Wheels......... 3·4 Jump Starting with Auxiliary Battery 3-2
Overheated Radiator ............ ,. 3-4 Pushing To Start ................ ' 3-2 Spare Tire .... , . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . .. 3-4
Towing .. , ...............•.... , ., 3-1
Cooling. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .... 5-7 Exhaust Gas Caution, ........•... , 2-1 Flooded , Starting Procedure. .•• . . .. 2-3 Overheating .. , .. , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-4 Serial Number.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 6-1 Specificati ons ......... , ....... , , .. 6-2
Starting .................. ....... 2·3 Temperature Light.. , ........ -. .. ,. 2-12
Engine Oil Capacity .... ' .... , .... , ....•••. ',," 6-1 Change Interval .......• ' .. , • . . . .. 5-2 Dip Stick........ ........ ........ 5-2 Filter .......... .-. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 5-2
Pressure Indicator .•.......••.... , 2-11 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-3 Ethylene Glycol Coolant... . . . . . . . . .. 5·7 Exhaust Gas caution.... .... ...... .. 2 .. 1
Driving With Trunk Open. ........ 2-1 Exhau st System Checks ........ ,' .. 2-1 Parked With Engine Running. , .... 2-1 Pulling A Trailer. .............. " 2_1 Exterior Finish and Trim Care. . . . . .. 4-5
Fabric Care.. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... 4-1 Fan Belt ............................. 5-4 Ventilating .•... , ................ , 2-19 Filter, Oil. .... " ................ , . .. 5-2 Finish Care Exterior .......... , . , .. , 4-5 First Few Hundred Miles of Driving .. , ........... ' .... ; . . . . . .. ii
Flammable Cleaning Solvents. . . . . . .. 4-2 Flashers Hazard Warning .... ~. ............ 3-1 Turn Signal. ..... ' ......... , . . . .. 2-5 Flooded. Engin e, Starting. . . . . • . • . . .. 2-3 Floor Controls. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 2·8
Fluid Capacities ........... ·......... 6.1 Fluid Levels
Battery ..... , ......... Inside Back Cover
Brake Master Cylinder., ..... , .... 5-11 Engine Oil .............. , ........ 5·2 Power Steering .. , ......... '" . . .. 5.10 Radiator .................. ,. ,-... , 5-7 Rear Axle ................... '.... 5-9 Transmission ....... , . , ........... , 5-5
Fluid Recommendations
........................... 5.11 Power Steering, .......... '. -..... ~'. 5-11 Rad.iat~r, : ......... ....... ,.,."., 5-7 TranslOlsslon ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5·5 Windshield Washer .. , ., ....... ;--.-, 2-15 Fogging, With Air Conditioner ..... " 2-21 Folding Seat Back Latches ... ........ 1·2 Foreign Countries , Operation In .... ,. 1-12 Four Way Hazard Flasher. , . , , ... , ,. 3-1
Front Suspen sion. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 5-10 Front Wheel Bearings ... :: ......... ,. 5·11 Fue l (See Gasoline) Fuel Economy Gauge ..... , ... , ,. . .. 2-14 Fumes, Engine Exhaust., ....•..... , .• 2-1 Fuses Cbart ........................... 6-3 Location.... . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Gas Station Information .,. Inside Back Cover Gasoline, Capacities ..... : , , . . . . . . .. 6-1 Do Not Use For Cleaning .. , . , . , ., 4-2 FlUer Cap Location .... Inside Back Cover
Fumes ........................... 2·1 Gauge ........... ,..... .......... 2·11 Low·Lead............ ...... ...... s· Recommendations, .... ,...... .... 5-1 Gauge, FueL .... ,........ .. ........ 2-11 Gearshift Lever... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2·4 Generator Indicator Light ........... 2·12