1976 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO air condition

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine STARTING· AND OPERATING 
Engine Exhaust  Gas Caution  (Carbon  Monoxide) 
Avoid Inhaling exhaust gases because 
thay cont./n carbon mODOxlde,

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine INSTRUMENT PANEL AND CONTROLS 
1. Fuel Gauge 2. Warning Lighls 3. Speedometer 4. Hi Beam  Indicator 5. Odometer 
6. Clo

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine blecan be located  and corrected  . 
. Driying the car  with  low oil pillS 
sure can:cause · serious  engine 

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine If the light  comes oQ: 
• The :parking brake control is not 
relea sed  or, ,,: 
• The  service  brake system is 
partially  inoper

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine NAL INSTRUMENTS AND GAUGES 
j:;".,nn,mv Gauge 
The.optional  fuel economy  gauge 
is a co~stant reminder  to help  pro­
mote  g~od driving

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine vides ventilation  . coillfort , made 
by the additionaf air veilt 
provisions  in the  rear 1:>ody lock 
pillar.  Another  feature

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine Heater 
The defrosting and 
systenl assists  in provid, 
ing good  visibility  through desig­
nated areas of  the  windshield  unde

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine • For most  satisfactory  heater op­
eration and air circulation , oper­
ate fan  on low  or medium  speeds 
for  normal  operation  and hi
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