Table of contents
About this Owner's Manual......
SUMIMALY: ; « ss6% : osen ss sean cs poe s
QC CCeS Skis: si esis a 6 ores os ewe
Cockpit overview.............-000005
Indicator lights overview...........0.
Display and operation............
Instrument cluster...............
Instrument cluster overview...........
Coolant temperature indicator.........
Tachometer.......... 0.0 eee eee eee
Odometer as = s eee = seen ge zee a tows e
Outside temperature display...........
Fuellevel.......... 0. cece eee eee eee
Multifunction steering wheel..........
Vehicle functions « se-0 2. ese ve eee ees
MessageS ... 0... eee eee eee
Starting and driving.............
Opening and closing.............
Central locking 2.2% ieee seven a eevee
Luggage compartment lid.............
Power windows.............0.00 0005
Garage door opener...............0..
POWER EOPE: « «cece 0 csv « o semiens 6 0 eens
Automatic power top.................
Wind deflector ecax « x came + 5 yom 2 4 ews
Power top emergency operation........
Lights and Vision.................
Exterior lighting ssivses + « ssa 3s inane 9 & sou
Interior lighting. ................000.
VISION s « s saas ss sees Fo Hees Eo ee ee
Windshield wipers..............00005
Digital compass................0000.
Sitting correctly and safely......
Correct passenger seating position......
Front seats .......... 00sec eee eee
R@ar S@atS sces s = sees ¢ ¢ cee oo ete gg oes
Steerimg' wheelies «+ eau a x conse 0 sessvas
Safety belts. ....... 0... eee eee eee
Airbag SYStEMise. x + ones + © amie 2s eee
Child safety seats... 00.2... cece eens
10 18
31 31 33 33
36 36 39
45 45
Stowing and using............... 63
Power SourceS...... 00... c eee eee 63
StOraGe « coun s 2 ween s 2 MEWS 4 a REE 5p eS 63
Luggage compartment............... 64
Roof rack... 6.66. e ee eee eee eee eee 67
Warrriiandicoleiis « 6 sis os wiwia sos 69
Climate control system............... 69
Fluids in the A/C system. ............. 72
PD EIING: escssay « & wnsunets © 8 sommes 5 ¢ see Oo 74
Generalinformation................. 74
Starting and stopping the engine....... 75
Electromechanical parking brake....... 77
Starting to drive..... 02... eee eee 78
Sporty Criving'ss < « exes xe een xe pews x ee 79
Automatic transmission.............. 79
Driver assistance................. 87
Assist systems................00. 87
Speed warning system...............- 87
Cruise control system.............0-5 87
Audi active lane assist................ 89
LAPRIMIOG enesnin « © csansiza « oxensms 9 © ecesere oe tee 91
Audi side assist 93
Audi drive select (drive settings)........ 96
Parking aid....................... 99
IMEROGUCtION ax = x eae x 2 ney 5s goes & & Hees 99
Rear parking system ........0...-00 0% 100
Parking system plus.............-.04. 100
RearvieW Camera cw + x cya so nema « gas 101
Adjusting the display and the warning
TONES 2. eee 103
ErtOr MeSSAGCSix. « = sown « = sem ee eee s 103
Intelligent Technology........... 105
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC).... 105
Brakes’: so isemwe o eames av omceme 2 2 mess 6 ase 107
Steering... ..... cece eee ee eee ee 108
All wheel drive (quattro).............. 109
Rearspoiler's « css i essa s ¢ oes se sores 109
Energy management................. 110
Infotainment system............ 111
Multi Media Interface............ Lid
Traffic safety information............. VT
INEROGUCHON sc 2 « ween + eam s 2 wane ooo Bow Lit
Table of contents
MMI On/Off knob with joystick function.. 111
MMI operation...........00--0ee eee 112
MMItOUEH: « + seers 2 » wesem 2 2 mame & ¢ gores 113
Control knob with joystick function..... 116
Letter/number speller................ 117
FReetext Search « xc « x saves © ¢ mom 2 3 ee 119
Menus and symbols............000005 120
Voice recognition system........ is
Generalinformation................. 122
OPerariing x « cencamn a 6 ceeseon © 6 eum x mere aw 123
Command overview information........ 124
GomMands « cages « x sess x x caus a 2 ce 124
Telephone...............-.-2-0055 129
INtrOAUEtION « © sens x = sees + oe ws 2 e eee 129
S@tUP cocess & ascewms vo sucnene wo meus ow nea 129
Using the Audi phone box............. 131
Using the telephone.................. 133
FaVOriteS) wes ss ese oo wie ae emer Ys ener 135
MessageS .....-. 0-00 cece eee eee 135
Listening to voicemail................ 138
Emergency call functions.............. 138
Directory.......... 0.0... eee eee 138
Settings... 140
Safety belt microphone............... 141
TrouDLESHOOLIAG veiw v wcaueee oo useseae ee mininse 141
AUCLCONNECE «isa & cows at ees ees 142
General information................. 142
Audi connect Infotainment............ 142
Using a Wi-Fi hotspot................ 144
Audi connect Infotainment services..... 144
Settings...............0. 00.00 eae 146
Troubleshooting wma « xan 9 = sere 3 2 reR 147
Navigation....................000. 149
Opening navigation.................. 149
Entering adestination................ 150
Home address.............0000 0000 155
FaVOriteS, sax ss cave 3 @ mates & § Bains 3 £ Bares 155
Directory comtactsins: os scores « 3 sme & 6 eases 155
Alternative routes)... cues cecnee renee 156
Additional settings.................. 156
MaPies = « soos = © seems « 2 saews ¥ e saree ¢ & Ras 158
Satellite map............... 02 eeeaee 161
Accessing traffic information.......... 162
Troubleshooting sass ¢ eee « + seme & + eee 164
FREUHLON: ci cvies oo uscwwe oo cawoos wo sean o comane 165
Opening the radio.............-.004- 165
RadiG TUNCEIONS waex 2 woen x 2 wee ae een 166
Radioiment « « sssoes 2 x snwons v a cnowune «0 oman 167
Presets ......... 02. 167
Additional settings................0. 168
Troubleshooting wv. ieee oewa es ood 169
Media.......................000 00 170
Introduction’s s « sus « = mae sv eae & v awe 170
INGEOS 6. cecein «5 crannies evaanna i soetiia @ «seen 170
Media drives.............0.00 000 eee 171
Bluetooth audio player............... 173
Wi-Fi audio player................04. 174
Online media and Internet radio........ 175
Multimedia connections.............. 176
Playing Medial. « s swioss a 2 saxsee a 6 amass «5 ne 178
Additional settings 181
Supported media and file formats ...... 183
Troubleshooting sieves x 2 wer 2 o aoeeve ov ence 185
Audi smartphone interface...... 187
SOtup « svi ¥ « owas 9 mes se rem » women « 187
Operating................0..0.0000. 188
Troubleshooting «ess 2s ec8 se vee ss oes 188
System settings.................. 189
Setting the date andtime............. 189
MMI-SettingS’: + eam ss wean os wom 4 e eon 189
Connection manager...............-- 190
System update.............0.- 0 eee ee 192
Sound S@ttingS wees < = seme s = eewis : eee 193
Volume:settings oie
Restarting the MMI (reset)............ 194
Software license information.......... 194
Maintenance and Care........... 195
Checking and Filling............. 195
FUC bis « sence 2 maim wo ane o 8 owOR & HHT 195
Refueling .......... 2.000 e eee ee eee 196
Emissions control system............. 199
Engine compartment................. 200
Engine oil... . kee eee eee 203
Cooling system. ..........0.--0 ee eee 206
Brak@ fluid as s aan « s aces es wees 3 2 eee 208
Electrical system. ............2.-000. 208
Battery... 00... cee cece 209
Quick access
Side assist display ..............
Door handle
Central locking switch ...........
Air vent with seat heating controls
Lever for:
—Turn signals and high beams ....
— Active lane assist .............
Multifunction steering wheel with:
— Horn Pe
— Driver's airbag ...............
— Buttons for the virtual instrument
cluster, including the driver infor-
mation system, audio/video, tele-
phone, navigation and voice rec-
ognition system
—[START ENGINE STOP] button ...
— Audi drive select ..............
—Shift paddles ................
Audi virtual cockpit (instrument
ClUStEL): = xcnu ¢ = awe ¢ 2 sees 2 5 ee
Windshield washer system lever ..
Starting the engine if there is a
malfunction ..............00 eee
Adjustable steering column ......
Cruise controllever .............
Instrument illumination .........
release « . sees vs eee ss oes
Headlight control switch ........
Power exterior mirror adjustment .
Power windows ................
Air vent including climate control
systemmcontrols ica es cece wrens a v=
Lockable glove compartment
Drives for CD, DVD, SIM/SD cards .
Front passenger's airbag ........
Rear window defogger button
Depending on equipment, buttons
—drive select ..............0004
— Electronic Stabilization Control
(ES@) s ¢ ¢ sete ss qewe to wees 2 nae
—Emergency flashers ...........
— Retractable rear spoiler ........
Depending on equipment, center
console with:
26 69
— Audi musicinterface .......... 176
— Audi phone box ............... 131
@) Infotainment system on/off button . LLL
@) Infotainment system unit ....... 111
@8 Wind deflector button .......... 33
@) Depending on equipment:
— Storage compartment
— CUP HOLMER ses x eens x eee cee 63
Power top button .............. 31
@ Parking’ brake: « + cs ss wows so sors 77
G0 Depending on equipment:
—[START ENGINE STOP] button ... 7s
— Sound button for exhaust door
@) Selector lever (S tronic).......... 79
@) Tips
Some the equipment listed here is only instal-
led in certain models or is available as an op-
Indicator lights overview
The indicator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on. They indicate functions or mal-
With some indicator lights, messages may ap-
pear and warning signals may sound. The indica-
tor lights and messages may be covered by other
displays. To show them again, select the second
tab for messages with the multifunction steering
wheel © page 12.
Some indicator lights in the display can display in
several colors.
A\ Central indicator light
If the A or indicator light turns on, check
the message in the instrument cluster.
Some indicator lights turn on briefly as a function
check when you switch the ignition on. These sys-
tems are marked with a V in the following tables. >
Quick access
If one of these indicator lights does not turn on,
there is a malfunction in that system.
The following indicator lights may be available,
depending on the vehicle equipment:
Red indicator lights
Central indicator light
> page 7,
Instrument cluster
=>page 10
Safety belt
=> page 51
Engine stop while driving
=>page 17
Engine start system
=>page 16
Transmission malfunction
=> page 85
Electromechanical parking brake
=>page 16
Electromechanical parking brake
=>page 16
Electromechanical steering Y
=> page 108
Steering lock
=>page 16
Rear spoiler
=> page 109
Brake system 4
=> page 108, > page 208
Brake system ¥
=> page 108, > page 208
Electrical system
=> page 208
Engine oil pressure
=> page 203
Cooling system
=> page 206
Yellow indicator lights
Central indicator light
>page 7
Safety systems ¥
=> page 53
Engine control
>page 17
Engine start system
=>page 16
Remote control key
=> page 76
=> page 85
Electromechanical parking brake
=>page 16
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
>page 17
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
>page 17
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) ¥
>page 17
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) ¥
>page 17
Electromechanical steering ¥
=> page 108
Steering lock
=>page 16
Rear spoiler
=> page 109
Suspension control
>page 17
Engine speed limitation
=> page 11
Tank system
=>page 197
Electrical system
=> page 208
Engine oil level (MIN)
=> page 203
Engine oil sensor
=> page 203
Instrument cluster
@) Note
— Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
front of the air intake impair the cooling ef-
fect of the coolant. This increases the risk of
the engine overheating during high outside
temperatures and heavy engine load.
— The front spoiler also helps to distribute
cooling air correctly while driving. If the
spoiler is damaged, the cooling effect will
be impaired and the risk of the engine over-
heating will increase. See an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
cility for assistance.
The tachometer @) > page 10, fig. 3 displays the
engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM).
The beginning of the red zone in the tachometer
indicates the maximum permissible engine speed
for all gears once the engine has been broken in.
Before reaching the red zone, you should shift in-
to the next higher gear, choose the "D" or "S" se-
lector lever position, or remove your foot from
the accelerator pedal.
Engine speed limitation
Applies to: vehicles with center armrest
If the Ba indicator light turns on, the engine will
be automatically limited to the RPM displayed in
the instrument cluster. This will protect the en-
gine components, for example during a cold start
or from overheating.
The engine speed limitation deactivates once the
engine is no longer in the critical temperature
range and you have released the accelerator ped-
al once.
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the By indicator
light also turns on. Make sure the engine speed
does not go above the speed displayed, for exam-
ple when downshifting. Drive to an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately to have the malfunction corrected.
CG) Note
The needle in the tachometer may only be in
the red area of the gauge for a short period of
time before there is a risk of damaging the
engine. The location where the red zone be-
gins varies depending on the engine.
Fig. 4 Instrument cluster: odometer and reset button
The trip odometer and odometer are displayed in
the status line ©) > page 10, fig. 3.
The trip odometer shows the distance driven
since it was last reset. It can be used to measure
short distances. The odometer shows the total
distance that the vehicle has been driven.
Resetting the trip odometer
> Press the reset button 0.0] on the instrument
cluster. The trip odometer will be reset to zero.
Gi) Tips
Distances are displayed in mi (miles) or km
Outside temperature
The outside temperature is displayed in the sta-
tus line ©) > page 10, fig. 3.
If your vehicle is stationary or if you are driving at
very low speeds, the temperature displayed in
the instrument cluster may be slightly higher
than the actual temperature outside due to heat
radiating from the engine.
Instrument cluster
Vehicle functions
On-board computer
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you may be
able to access the following information in this
order on the on-board computer > page 10, fig. 3
—Time and date > page 189
— Average consumption
— Short-term memory overview
— Long-term memory overview
— Energy consumers > page 15
— Driver assistance
The short-term memory collects driving informa-
tion from the time the ignition is switched on un-
til it is switched off. If you continue driving within
two hours after switching the ignition off, the
new values are included when calculating the cur-
rent trip information.
Unlike the short-term memory, the long-term
memory is not erased automatically. You can se-
lect the time period for evaluating trip informa-
tion yourself.
Energy consumers*
The Energy consumers view lists other equip-
ment that is currently affecting fuel consump-
tion. The display shows up to three equipment
items. The equipment using the most power is
listed first. If more than three items using power
are switched on, the equipment that is currently
using the most power is displayed. A chart also
shows you the current total of all other consum-
Fuel consumption
The current fuel consumption can be shown using
a bar graph. The average consumption stored in
the short-term memory is also displayed. If the
bar is green, your vehicle is saving fuel (for exam-
ple, using recuperation).
Engine oil temperature display and boost
atelte- hele
Applies to: vehicles with engine oil temperature display/boost
engine oil temperature display and boost in-
dicator are only shown in the enhanced view or in
the sport view > page 13.
Engine oil temperature indicator =
The engine has reached its operating tempera-
ture when the engine oil temperature is between
176 °F (80 °C) and 248 °F (120 °C) under normal
driving conditions. The engine oil temperature
may be higher if there is heavy engine load and
high temperatures outside. This is not a cause for
concern as long as the = => page 203 or EA
= page 203 indicator lights do not turn on.
Boost indicator
The current engine load (meaning the current
boost pressure) is indicated by a bar.
Shift light indicator
Applies to: vehicles with shift light indicator
shift light indicator informs the driver when
the rpm limit is reached.
Accessing the shift light indicator
Requirement: tiptronic mode must be activated
> page 83.
> Select the sport view > page 13. The shift light
indicator is displayed with green, yellow and
red ranges in the upper areas of the tachome-
The shift light indicator will blink red when ap-
proaching the engine speed limit. Shift to the
next highest gear at the right time.
Sy eame ENE
Applies to: vehicles with Sport displays
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the sport
displays may include the G-meter, the engine da-
ta and the tire pressure monitoring system. You
can access the sport displays in the central area
or in the additional display in the driver informa-
tion system. >
General information
A new vehicle must be broken in within the first
1,000 miles (1,500 km) so that all moving parts
work smoothly together, which helps to increase
the service life of the engine and other drive com-
Do not drive higher than two-thirds of the maxi-
mum permitted engine RPM during the first 600
miles (1,000 km) and do not use full accelera-
tion. The engine can be increased RPM gradually
during the next 300 miles (S00 km).
® Note
Your Audi is not designed for towing a trailer.
Damage caused by towing a trailer is not cov-
ered by the warranty.
Reducing the risk of vehicle damage
@) Note
When driving on poor roads, over curbs, and
on steep ramps, make sure that components
that hang below the vehicle, such as the spoil-
er and exhaust system, are not struck because
they could be damaged. This especially ap-
to vehicles with low ground clearance
and vehicles that are heavily loaded.
Driving through water
If you must drive through water, follow these in-
— Check the stability of the ground, the current,
and the water depth. If the ground is unstable,
there is a strong current, or there are waves,
the water must only reach up to the lower edge
of the body at the most.
— Drive carefully and no faster than at walking
speeds to prevent the front of the vehicle from
creating waves, because they could splash
above the lower edge of the body. Oncoming
vehicles could also create waves.
— Do not stop the vehicle while in the water.
— Drive in reverse.
— Do not turn the engine off.
After driving through water, press the brake
pedal carefully to dry the brakes so that the
full braking effect will be restored.
C) Note
Vehicle components such as the engine, drive
system, suspension, or electrical system can
be severely damaged by driving through wa-
G@) Tips
If possible, avoid driving through salt water
because it increases the risk of corrosion. Use
fresh water to clean any vehicle components
that come into contact with salt water.
aire leaden ated Neade(Talel A
The amount of fuel consumption, the environ-
mental impact, and the wear to the engine,
brakes, and tires depends mostly on your driving
style. Note the following information for efficient
and environmentally-conscious driving:
— Turn off electrical equipment that is not need-
ed, for example seat heating*.
— Anticipate upcoming traffic situations while
driving to avoid unnecessary acceleration and
— Avoid driving at high speeds.
— Avoid adding extra weight to the vehicle if pos-
sible, for example by not leaving roof racks or
bike racks installed when they are not needed.
— Make sure the tire pressure is correct.
— Have maintenance performed regularly on the
— Do not let the engine run while the vehicle
— Do not drive with winter tires during the summ-
pressed. To reduce the risk of an accident,
do not inadvertently press the accelerator
pedal and always shift into “P” when the ve-
hicle is stopped.
— If the power supply fails, you cannot set the
parking brake once it is released, or release
it if it is set. In this case, park the vehicle on
level ground and secure it by engaging the
"P” gear. Contact an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility for assis-
— If you do not begin driving immediately af-
ter releasing the brake pedal, your vehicle
may begin to roll backward. Press the brake
or set the parking brake immediately.
— The hill hold assist cannot hold the vehicle
on inclines in every scenario (for example,
on slippery or icy ground).
Sporty driving
Applies to: RS model
When driving in a sporty style, for example ona
driving track, the wear on all vehicle components
is greatly increased, especially on the engine,
transmission, tires, brakes, and suspension. This
can result in increased wear. Also note the fol-
lowing points:
— Make sure the vehicle is in good condition.
Make sure to check the brake pads, tire tread,
and tire pressure (when tires are warm).
— Beforehand, warm up the engine by driving no
higher than two-thirds of the maximum permit-
ted engine RPM. The engine oil temperature
must be brought to a minimum of 140 °F
(60 °C).
— Before stopping the vehicle, allow the engine
and brakes to cool back down to a regular oper-
ating temperature by driving normally.
If necessary, use the following functions:
— Dynamic Audi drive select mode* > page 96
— Launch Control > page 84
— Limit ESC > page 106
@) Tips
Wear caused by load does not constitute a ve-
hicle fault as defined by the terms of the war-
Automatic transmission
Your vehicle is equipped with an electronically-
controlled DSG transmission called S tronic. Two
independent clutches transfer the power be-
tween the engine and transmission. It allows the
vehicle to accelerate without a noticeable inter-
ruption in traction.
The transmission shifts up or down automatically
depending on which drive program is selected.
When a moderate driving style is used, the
transmission selects the most economical driving
mode. The transmission upshifts at a lower RPM
and downshifts at a higher RPM to improve fuel
The transmission switches to a sporty mode after
a kick-down or when the driver uses a sporty driv-
ing style characterized by quick accelerator pedal
movements, heavy acceleration, frequent
changes in speed, and traveling at the maximum
If desired, the driver can also select the gears
manually (tiptronic mode) > page 83.
a BS a $
z 5
Le oe
Fig. 85 Instrument cluster: selector lever positions
The Infotainment system display shows the cur-
rent selector lever position and the engaged