Warm and cold
Warm and cold
Climate control system
The climate control system warms, cools and re-
moves humidity from the air in the vehicle interi-
or. It functions most effectively when the win-
dows are closed. If there is a build-up of heat in-
side the vehicle, ventilation can help to speed up
the cooling process.
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter removes pollutants such as
dust and pollen from the air.
Poor visibility can lead to accidents.
— For safer driving, keep all windows free of
ice, snow and fog.
— Become familiar as quickly as possible with
the correct use and function of the climate
control system, especially with the defrost-
ing and defogging function.
— When the temperature is below freezing,
only use the windshield washer system after
windshield has been warmed by the cli-
mate control system. The washer fluid could
freeze on the windshield and impair visibili-
@) Note
— If you suspect that the climate control sys-
tem is damaged, switch the system off to
prevent further damage and have it checked
by an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility.
— Repairs to the Audi climate control system
require special technical knowledge and
special tools. Have it inspected by an au-
thorized Audi dealership or a qualified elec-
tronics store.
@) For the sake of the environment
Reducing the amount of fuel used also re-
duces the amount of pollutants that enter the
iG) Tips
—To prevent interference with the heating
and cooling output and to prevent the win-
dows from fogging over, the air intake in
front of the windshield must be free of ice,
snow, or leaves.
— Condensation from the cooling system can
drip and form a puddle of water under the
vehicle. This is normal and does not mean
there is a leak.
— The energy management system may tem-
porarily switch off certain functions, such as
the seat heating* or rear window defogger.
These systems are available again as soon as
the energy supply has been restored.
— Certain climate control settings are auto-
matically stored and assigned to the vehicle
key that is in use.
— The flows through the vents under the rear
window. Make sure the openings are not
covered when placing clothing on the lug-
gage compartment cover.
ColOmmumber's « o esisne xe cunccis w o sccweme x a sesame 262
COMING NOME sic: e esivs x 6 mies ao see a» Hers 38
Commands (voice recognition system) ..... 123
COMPArtiMenitSies « x eews 5 e caw 5 o ewe ov eR 63
Compass inthe Mitr: ¢ cess se cams st ews § 43
Compliance........ 6.0... c cece eee ee eee 260
Conference call...................2000. 134
CONNECE. ee eee ee 142
Data Privacy ss ¢ ¢ #2eu ss wenn so eae 5 3 res 256
TiifotainmentQex. 6 2 sesso so semis so sons oo on 142
Infotainment services............00005 144
Connection MaMager’s wise a © swiss x 6 cima as 190
refer to Media..............0000- 170, 178
Connection settingS............... 0. ee 190
Consumer information.................. 257
Reducing........-. cece eee ee eee eee 74
Consumption (U!D) . aiccas seo ssaeie ao winzaoe e « aie 15)
COMPACTS seisse sc a aac aw esauius a x auoRTNE © a AnaKiK® 138
Additional directory.............-..00. 191
Importing/exporting.............ee eee 139
Memoryicapacityscis «+ sssss 6 & cavsves v 6 socewss 140
Searching........... 26 eee eee eee 139
Showing détails: s css sv sees vv heen seve 139
Storingias:destinationien « wivsuis « wevem ao ow 155
Gontrol bUttONS wie 2 wee 2 wes oe ewe 2 oon 13
Control buttons (operating the MMI)...... 112
Control knob with joystick function........ 116
Convenience key..........0--0 eee eee eee 19
Indicatorlight » meu < » mews 2 ewooy 5 won a 5 76
Unlocking and locking...............005 21
Convenience opening and closing
Setting. ........ 0.00... 27
WINGOWS's « cmos § 5 aaeae aE aROw § mee 4 YES 27.
EGOlING MOE: « x sass 5 & mens Fa ee xe 70
Cooling system
Adding coolants ese. = enve se seen ye oes 207
Checking the coolant level............. 207
Coolant........ 20... c ee eee eee eee eee 206
temperature indicator........... 10
Crank (power top emergency operation)..... 34
Crosshairs... 0.2.0... 00. c cece eee eee ee 151
Cruise control system .............22-008- 87
Cup holders. ... 2... cc cece eee eee ee eee 63
Current fuel consumption................ 15
Data Privacy............... 0.00.0 0.00. 256
Date... . cece eee cee 189
Date display.............. 0... e eee eee 189
Daytime running light................00. 36
Declaration of compliance............... 260
Defrosting (Windows) ........0 000s seen uues ZL
DEF (instrument cluster) . « cen. se eee cs eas 10
Deluxe automatic climate control
refer to Climate control system (automatic) . 70
Determining correct load limit........... 227
Digital COMPASS « xa se esau 2 eases a Rew as 43
Digital Rights Management.............. 170
Dimensions ............ 000 cece eee eee 262
Dimming the rearview mirror............. 40
referto Contacts cs ss cees sb ews sf eee 138
Cl@aNiNG es = « sewe s eee se eee ss ewe ees 238
DispOSdlees ¢ = sees » meen < ¥ eee s Fee ee 257
DISTANCE CHIVEN « sav ¢ @ secon oF RaeR 4B aa 8 15
Mechanically unlocking and locking....... 23
Driver information system................ 12
Energy CONSUMENS wai so wes oo eer oe EW 1S
On-board computer...............00--- 15
SWItCHING VIEWS: « sawe ¢ x mecns 2 3 Sees gb 13
referto Media.......0..eceeeeeee 170,178
DrivGiSGlects « « wear 2 x eews 4 s Queen ao eee ea: 96
Driving through water.............ee eee 74
Driving time... 1.6... cece eee is
Driving tips
Driving through water..............0005 74
Efficient. Giving « «cosa 2 a sais vw anne a 6 wos 74
Driving tracks. sxcos 2 ¢ awn 2 2 seen ooo eis © 2 oe 79
Dust filter
refer to Pollutant filter..............00. 69
DVD drive (media drives)................ 171
Dynamic volume
refer to System volume............00-5 193
EP railisas ss x vocasne a a cantons w senstene © © veowene a ot eas 136
Economicalroute ss snus ¢ seasons a ¢ ween eo sree 156