Depending on the equipment, the vehicle tool kit
may be located under the spare tire under an ad
d itional cover or in the too l box. The position of
the vehicle jack* may vary.
Improper use of the vehicle jack can cause se
r ious personal injuries.
- Never use the screw driver hex head to
t ighten wheel bolts, since the bolts cannot
attain the necessary tighten ing torque if you
use the hex head, potentia lly causing an ac
c ident.
- The factory-supplied jack is intended on ly
for your vehicle model. Under no circum
stances should it be used to lift heavy
vehicles or other loads; yo u risk injuring
yo urself.
- Never start the engine whe n the vehicle is
raise d, which could ca use a n accident.
- Support the veh icle secure ly with appropr i
a te stands if wor k is to be perfo rmed u nder
neath the veh icle; otherwise, the re is a po
tential risk for in jury.
- Never use the jack s upplied with your Audi
on another vehicle, particularly o n a heav ier
one. The jack is only suitab le for use on the
vehicle it came wit h.
@ Tips
The vehicle j ack* in your vehicle is mainte
nance -free.
Em ergen cy a ssis tanc e
Space-saving spare tire (compact spare
Applies to: vehicles with space-saving spare tire
The spare tire/wheel is located in the luggage
compartment under the cargo floor cover . It is
intended for short-term use only.
Fig . 21 4 Spare tire
Ta king out the spare tir e
... Lift the cargo floor by the p lastic handle
q fig. 214.
.,. Hook the handle into the luggage compartment
weather strip.
.,. Turn the large screw
r:=;, fig . 214 cou nter-clock
w ise.
.,. Take ou t the spare tire.
.,. Always s to re the vehicle too l kit, the jac k* and
the rep laced tire i n the luggage compartment
r:::;, page 135.
.,. Unhook the cargo floor before closing the rear
Using the spare tire (compact spare tire )
The compact spare tire is on ly intended for emer
gencies until you can reach a repair shop . Rep lace
it as quick ly as poss ible with a standard wheel
and tire.
T here are some restr ictions on the use of the
compact spare tire. The compact spa re tire has
been designed specifically for your type of vehi
cle . It must not be swapped with a compact
spare tire from another type of vehicle.
Snow chains
For technical reasons, the use of snow chains on
the compact spare tire is
not permitted. .,..
Emergency assistance
After changing a wheel
A wheel change is not complete without the do
ing the following .
• Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack* and
the replaced tire in the luggage compartment
<=>page 135.
• Check the tire pressure on the spare wheel im
mediate ly after mounting it.
• As soon as possible, have the
tightening tor
on all wheel bolts checked with a torque
wrench. The correct tightening torque is 90 ft
lb (120 Nm).
• Have the flat tire
replaced as soon as possible.
@ Tips
- If you notice that the whee l bolts are cor
roded and difficu lt to turn while changing a
tire, they should be replaced before you
check the tightening torque .
- Drive at reduced speed until you have the
tightening torques checked.
- After changing a wheel, the tire pressure in
a ll four tires must be checked/corrected and
the tire pressure mon itor ing indicator must
be stored in the MMI
c> page 255.
Decorative wheel covers
App lies to: vehicles with decorative wheel covers
The decorative wheel covers must be removed
first to access the wheel bolts .
Fig. 216 Chan gin g a w heel : Removing the whee l cover
• Insert the hook (provided with the ve hicle tool
kit) in the hole in the wheel hub cover.
• Pull off the
decorative wheel cover c> fig. 216.
Wheels with wheel bolt caps
Applies to: vehicles with wheel bo lts with caps
The caps must be removed first from the wheel
bolts before the bolts can be unscrewed .
Fig. 217 Changing a wheel: removing the wheel bo lt caps
• Push the plastic clip (provided with the vehicle
tool kit) over the whee l bolt cap until the inner
retainers on the clip align with the edge of the
• Remove the cap with the
plastic clip (vehicle
tool kit)
<=> fig. 217 .
• Place the caps over the wheel bolts and push
them back on .
The caps are to protect and keep the wheel bolts
Loosening and tightening the wheel bolts
The wheel bolts must be loosened before raising
the vehicle.
Fig. 218 Chang ing a wheel: loosening the wheel bo lts
After you change a tire:
- Check the tire pressure on the spare immedi
ately after in stallation.
- Have the wheel bolt tightening torque
checked with a torque wrench as soon as pos
s ible by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified servi ce stat ion .
- With steel and alloy wheel rims, the wheel
bolts are correctly tightened at a torque of 90
ft lb (120 Nm).
- If you notice that the wheel bolt s are corroded
and difficult to turn while changing a tire,
they should be replaced before you check the
tightening torque .
- Replace the flat tire with a new one and have
it installed on you r vehicle as soon as possi
ble. Remount the wheel cover .
Until then, drive with extra care and at reduced
- If you are going to equ ip your vehi cle w it h
t ir es o r rims which differ f rom those which
we re factory installed, then be s ure to read
the info rmat io n ¢
page 243.
- Always ma ke sure the damaged whee l or
even a flat tire and the jack and tool kit a re
prope rly secured in the luggage com part
me nt and are not loose in t he passenger
compar tment.
- In an accident o r sudden maneuver they
cou ld fly forward, inju ring anyone in the ve
- Always store damaged whee l, jac k and too ls
sec urely in the luggage co mpartment . Oth
erwise, in an accide nt or sudd en man euver
they could fly fo rw ar d, ca usin g injury to p as
sengers i n the vehicle .
Emergency assistance