2016 AUDI S8 bolt pattern

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Page 253 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual .,.Che ck  th e tir e s idewall 
(c:::> page 2 3 6, fig. 205 ) to  deter­
min e th e des ig nated  load  r atin g 
for  a spec ific tir e. 
Wheel  bolts  and  rims 
Wheel  bolts 
Wheel  bolts  must

Page 266 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Emergency  assistance 
After  you  have  loosened  all  wheel  bolts  and raised  the  vehicle  off  the  ground,  remove  and  re­
place  the  wheel  as  follows: 
Removing  the  wheel 
.,.  Use  th