Instruments and indicator lights
§0 Adaptive Light
Applies to: vehicles with Adaptive Light
m;J Audi adaptive light : system fault
If the indicator light turns on and th is message
appears, there is a malfunction in the adaptive
light system . The head lights st ill function .
Go to an authorized dea lership to have the head
lights or the control unit for the Adaptive Light
repaired .
~D Light /rain sensor
!;I Automatic headlights /automatic wipers:
s y stem fault
If the ind icator lig ht t urns on and th is message
appears, the light/ra in sensor is no t funct ioning
correct ly.
For safety reasons the low beams are turned on
permanently with the switch in
AUTO . However,
you can continue to turn the lights on and off us
i n g the light swi tch. You can still con trol a ll func
tions th at are in dependen t of t he rain senso r
through t he w indshie ld w iper lever.
Contact your author ized Audi dealer as soo n as
possible to have the prob le m corrected.
I-: Sport differential
1,11 Sport differential : sy stem fault
There is a malfunc tion wi th t he sport differential.
Drive to yo ur authori zed Aud i dea le r i mmediately
to have the malfunct ion corrected.
1,11 Sport differential: overheating
T he t ransm iss ion tempe rature h as increased s ig
n ificant ly due to the spor ty driv in g manne r. Dr ive
in a less sporty ma nner un til the tem perature re
turns to the normal range and the indicator light
sw itches o f.
Contact your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop if the sport differentia l is
faulty or malfunctioning . The repair m ust be
performed by t rained personnel using the cor
rect oil in order to ensure safety .
¢ Q Turn signals
The indicator light blinks when you use either
turn signal.
Wheneve r yo u use the left II or the r ight B
turn s ignal, the indicator light blinks . When you
u se the emergency flashers, both indicator lights
I f one of the turn sign al light bulb s bu rn o ut, the
turn s ignal will b link twice as fast as no rma l.
Caref ully drive to yo ur authorized Aud i dea le r im
med iate ly to have the malfunction corrected. The
i ndicato r light does not indicate a ma lfunction if
a turn signal on the trailer or on the vehicle fails i n trailer towing mode.
(D Tips
Fo r more informati on on the t urn signa ls, re
fer to
¢ page 48.