2016 AUDI S8 rims

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Page 211 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Care  and  cleaning 
Component  S ituation  Solution 
Tex tiles, 
Stains  adhering  to  Vacuum cleaner 
Vin yl, the  surface 
A lcan tara Water-based  stains  Absorbent  cloth  and  mild  soap 

Page 238 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Wheels  and Tires 
General  information 
~check your tires  regularly  for 
damage  (punctures,  cuts,  cracks 
and  bulges).  Remove foreign  ob­
jects  from  the  tire  tread. 
~ If

Page 247 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
check  the  wheel  alignment  if have  approximately  the  same 
there  is unusual  wear.  length  of  service  life. 
-Have  the  wheels  rebalanced  if an 
For unidirectional  tires,  make

Page 253 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual .,.Che ck  th e tir e s idewall 
(c:::> page 2 3 6, fig. 205 ) to  deter­
min e th e des ig nated  load  r atin g 
for  a spec ific tir e. 
Wheel  bolts  and  rims 
Wheel  bolts 
Wheel  bolts  must

Page 254 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Snow chains not  only  improve  the  driving in win­
ter  road conditions,  but  also the  broking. 
Use of  snow  cha ins is o nly pe rm itted  with  certain 
r im/t ire combinations  due to

Page 267 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual After you  change  a tire: 
- Check the  tire  pressure  on  the  spare  immedi­
ately  after  in stallation. 
- Have the  wheel  bolt  tightening  torque 
checked  with  a torque  wrench  as  soon

Page 295 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Prewarming . . .  . . . .  . .  . . . .  . . .  . .  . .  . . . .  . .  81 
Proper  occupant  seating  positions  . .  . . .  . .  130 
Proper safety  belt  position  . . . . . . .  . .  . .  . .  .