-Inspection or oil change due: If your vehicle is
due for an inspection or o il change or both, a
message appears br iefly in the instrument clus
ter display when sw itching the ignition on or
off :
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
change and inspection duel.
Checking service intervals
The remaining distance or time to the next oil
change or to the next inspection can be viewed in
the MMI. Select the
ICARI function button > Car
control button > Servicing & checks >
Service intervals .
In new vehicles or after resetting the display , the
display can be viewed after approximately
310 miles (500 km) .
Resetting the service interval display
Your authorized Audi dealer will reset the corre
sponding service schedule after performing the
appropriate service on your veh icle . You also have
the possibility to reset the oil change schedule
after having performed an oil change according
to Audi specificat ions. Select the
ICARI funct ion
> Car systems control button > Servicing
& checks > Service intervals > Reset oil change
@) Note
- Only reset the oil change display when you
have completed an oil change.
- If you disconnect the battery terminals, no
calculations can be made for the service in
terval display during this time and no serv
ice remi nder w ill appear. Remember that
observing the proper service interva ls is v i
tally important to extending the life of your
vehicle, particularly the engine, and main
taining its value. Even if the mi leage driven
is low, the max imum period of one year
from one service to the next must not be ex
ceeded .
(!') Tips
-The information in the Serv ice Reminder re
mains stored even when the vehicle battery
~ i s disconnected .
Instruments and indicator lights
Head-up Display
Applies to: vehicles with Head-up Display
Fig. 14 Exampl e: ind ic a to rs in the Head-up Display
Fig. 15 Instrume nt panel: knob fo r th e He ad- up D isplay
The Head-up Display projects certain warnings or
selected information from the assistance sys
tems* or navigation* on the windshield . The dis
play appears wit hi n the driver's field of vision.
Switching on/off
.,. Press the knob~ to switch the Head-up Dis-
play on/off
c:> fig. 15 .
Adjusting the height
The height of the display can be adjusted to the
individual driver.
.,. Make sure you are sea ted correctly
i::>page 130 .
.,. Turn the knob~ to adjust the display .
Settings in the MMI
.,. Select: !CAR ! function button > (Car)* systems
control button > Driver Assist > Head-up Dis
> Head-up Display content or Display
Night vision assistant
Night vision assistant
with pedestrian and wild animal marking
Applies to: vehicles with night visio n ass istant
Night vision assistant with pedestrian and wild
animal detection assists you in darkness by using
an infrared camera to monitor the area in front of
your veh icle , w ith in the limits of the system .
can display objects up to app roximately
1000 feet (300 meters) away. The hea t image
detected by the camera is shown in the instr u
ment cluster display. Warm areas appea r lighter
and cold areas appear darker.
Pedestrian and wild animal detection
Applies to: vehicles with night vision assistant
Fi g. 117 D is play: ye ll ow pede strian mark ing
Fi g. 118 D is p lay : symbo l w hen infrared ima ge is not vi sible
W ith in the limits of the system, n igh t vis io n as
sistant can detect pedestrians and wild animals
that are w ithin the detection range between ap
proximate ly 32 feet (10 meters) and 295 feet
(90 meters) in front of the vehicle. When it is
dark outside and the headlights are sw it ched on,
Night visi on assis tant
detected pedestrians and w ild animals a re
marked in ye llow ¢
fig. 117 with in the limits of
the system
¢ page 110 . Wild anima l detect ion is
not act ive in bu ilt-up areas. The system only de
tects large wi ld animals such as deer .
(!_) Tips
-If another display such as navigation rep la
ces the image from the night vision assis
tant, the~,, symbol appears in the tab
fig . 118. You can call up n ight v is ion as
sistant using the buttons on the m ultifunc
tion steering wheel¢
page 24 .
Pedestr ian and wild animal warning
Applies to: vehicles with nigh t vision assistant
Fi g. 119 In strument cl uste r: @ pedes trian w arnin g, @
w ild a nima l warn ing
F ig . 1 20 In strum en t cluste r: @ ped estr ian wa rnin g/ @
w ild an ima l warn ing w hen the n ig ht v is ion ass istant image
i s not se lected in the instr um ent cl uste r d isp lay
Instrument cluster display /Head-up Display*
If pedestrians o r wild animals are detected in an
area in front of your vehicle th at is considered
critical, the system will attempt to draw your at-
tention to this by :
Consumer information
Warranty coverages
Y our Audi is co vered b y the foll owing war ran
tie s:
- New Vehicle Limited Warranty
- Limited Warranty Against Corrosion Perfora-
- Emissions Control System Warranty
- Emissions Performance Warranty
- California Emissions Control Warranty (USA
vehicles only)
- California Emissions Performance Warranty
(USA vehicles only)
Detailed information regard ing your warranties
can be found in yo ur
W arranty & M ainten ance
bookl et.
Operating your vehicle
outside the U.S.A. or
Government reg ulations in the Un ited States and
Canada require that automobiles meet specific
emission regulations and safety standards.
Therefore, vehicles built for the U .S.A. and Cana
da differ from vehicles sold in other countries.
I f you p lan to take your vehicle outside the conti
nenta l limits of the United States or Canada,
there is the poss ibility that:
- u nleaded fue ls for vehicles with cata lytic con
verter may not be available;
- fuel may have a considerably lower octane rat
i ng . Imprope r fuel may ca use engine damage;
- service may be inadequate due to lack of p roper
service facilities, tools or testing eq uipment;
- r eplacement parts may not be readily ava ilable.
- Navigation systems for veh icles built for the
U .S .A . and Canada will not necessa rily work in
E urope, and may not wo rk in other countries
outside No rth Ame rica.
Con sumer inf ormation
(D Note
Audi cannot be respons ible for mechanical
damage that could resu lt from inadequate
fuel, service or parts ava ilability.
Audi Service Repair
Manuals and Literature
Audi Official Factory Service Manuals and L itera
ture are published as soon as poss ible after mod
el introduction. Service ma nuals and literature
are avai lab le to order from the Audi Tec hni cal Lit
erature Ordering Center at :
www.audi .t e chlit eratur e.com
Your vehicle has been designed to he lp keep
maintenance requirements to a min imum. How
ever, a certain amount of regular maintenance is
still necessary to assure your veh icle's safety,
economy and reliab ility . For detailed vehicle
maintenance consult your Wa rranty
& Mainte
nance book let .
Und er diff icult op erating condition s, for exam
ple at extremely low outside temperatures, in
very dusty regions, when towing a trai le r very fre
quently, etc., some service work shou ld be per
fo rmed between the in terv als specified. This ap
plies particularly to:
- oil changes , and
- cleaning or replacing the a ir filter .
(® For the sake of the environment
By regularly maintain ing your vehicle, you
help make sure that emiss ion standards are
maintai ned, thus min imizing adverse effects
on the environment .
Important considerations for you and your
The increasing use of electronics, sophisticated
fuel injection and emission control systems, and
the generally increas ing technica l complexity of ""'