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Driving style
Driving fast around curves,
heavy acceleration and hard
braking increase tire wear.
Rotating tires for more even
For all four tires on your vehicle
to have the same service life,
we recommend that the front
and rear tires are rotated ac
cording to the tire manufactur
er's suggested tire rotation in
tervals. Please remember the
-Tire rotation intervals may dif fer from the vehicle service intervals outlined in your Warranty
& Maintenance booklet .
-The longer one tire is used in one location on the vehicle,
the more it wears at certain points; therefore, we recom
mend that you follow the tire
manufacturer's suggested tire
rotation intervals.
-Vehicles with front-wheel drive experience more tread
wear on the front wheels com
pared to all-wheel drive (quat
-Please rotate ti res as shown
¢ fig. 203.
Tires and wheels 259
-Extra care must be taken when rotating direction-specific
tires ¢ page
Wheel balancing
The wheels on new vehicles are
balanced. However, various sit
uations during everyday driving
can cause them to become un balanced, resulting in vibra
tions you can usually feel
through the steering wheel.
Unbalanced wheels must be re
balanced to avoid excessive
wear on steering, suspension
and tires. A wheel must also be rebalanced when a new tire is
Incorrect wheel alignment
Incorrect wheel alignment can
cause excessive tire wear, impairing the safety of the vehi
cle. If tires show excessive
wear, have the wheel alignment checked by an authorized Audi
dealer or qualified workshop.
All-wheel drive
Vehicles with quattro must al
ways have tires of the same size, construction and tread
type . For details see
¢ page
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What do I do now? Emergency warning
App lies to vehicles: with emerge ncy warning triangle
The warning triangle is located on the inside
of the trunk lid .
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Fig. 207 Trunk lid: Warn ing triang le
.,. To open the cover, turn the locking mecha
nism and pull the cover downward .
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.,. Remove the warning triangle from its hold
er .
The rear lid is only designed to hold the warn
ing triangle offered by the original accessories
program. If you would like to retrofit your ve
hicle with a warning triangle, please contact
your authori zed Audi dealer.
Vehicle tool kit
Vehicle tool kit and jack
The vehicle tool kit is located in the luggage
compartment under the cargo floor cover.
Fig. 208 Luggag e compa rtm en t: ca rgo floo r cov er
fol ded upwa rd /spa re tir e
What do I do now? 273
Fig . 209 Tru nk l id: Ve hicle too l kit
.,. Fold the floor to the seatback with the help
of the handle .
.,. Turn the handwheel counter-clockwise
q fig. 208 and remove the spare tire to
reach the vehicle tool kit.
T he onboard tool kit includes:
- Hooks to remove the whee l covers*
- Plastic hook to remove wheel bolt covers*
- Wheel bolt wrench
-Alignment pin for changing wheels
- Screwdriver with reversible blade
- Tow ing eye
Before storing the jack, make sure it is wound
back down as far as it will go.
Im proper use of the vehicle jack can cause
serious personal injuries .
- Never use the screw driver hex head to
tighten w heel bolts, since the bolts can
not attain the necessary tightening tor
que if you use the hex head, potentially
causing an accident .
- The factory-supplied jack is intended on
ly for your vehicle model. Under no cir
cumstances should it be used to lift
heavy vehicles or other loads; yo u risk in
juring yo urself.
- Never start the engine when the vehicle
is raised, which could cause an accident.
- Support the vehicle securely with appro
pria te stands if wor k is to be performed
underneath the vehicle ; otherwise, there
is a potential risk for injury. ..,.
M N <( I.J -
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Taking the wheel off/installing the spare
Follow these instructions step-by-step for
changing the wheel.
Fig. 216 Changing a wheel: using the screwdriver han
dle (with the blade removed} to turn the bo lts
F ig . 2 17 Changing a wheel: alignment pin ins ide the
top hole
After you have loosened a ll wheel bolts and
ra ised the veh icle off the ground, remove and
replace the wheel as follows:
R emoving the wheel
.. Use the hex agon al so ck et in th e screw driv
e r handle
to comp letely remove the top
most wheel bo lt and set it aside on a
s u rface ¢fig. 216.
.. Screw the threaded end of the alignm ent
pin from the tool k it hand -tight into the
empty bolt hole
¢fig. 217.
.. Then remove the other wheel bo lts as de
scribed above .
.. Take off the wheel leav ing the alignment pin
in the bolt hole
¢ (D.
Putting on the spar e wheel
.. Lift the spare wheel and carefully slide it
over the alignment pin to guide it in place
What do I d o now ? 2 79
.. Use the hexagonal socket in the screwdriver
handle to screw in and tighten all wheel
.. Remove the alignment pin and insert and
tighten the remaining wheel bolt slightly like the rest.
.. Turn the jack handle counter-clockwise to
lower the veh icle until the jack is fully re
leased .
.. Use the wheel bo lt wrench to tighten all
wheel bo lts f irm ly
¢page 277. Tighten
crosswise, from one bolt to the (ap
proximately) opposite one, to keep the
wheel centered.
(D Note
When removing or installing the whee l,
the rim could hit the brake rotor and dam
age the rotor. Work carefu lly and have a
second person help you.
@ Tips
Neve r use the hexagonal socket in the han
dle of the screwdriver to loosen or tighten
the w heel bo lts.
- Pull the reversible blade from the screw
dr iver before you use the hexagonal
socket in the hand le to turn the wheel
- When mount ing tires w ith
unidi rectional
tread design
make sure the tread pat
tern is po inted the right way
~page 280.
-The wheel bo lts shou ld be clean and easy
to turn. Check for dirt and corrosion on
the mating surfaces of both the wheel
and the hub. Remove all d irt from these
surfaces before remounting the whee l.