M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 23
Go to an authorized dea lership to have the
headlights or the contro l unit for the Adaptive
Light repaired.
fi.D Light/rain sensor
El Automatic headl ights/automatic wipers:
system fault
If the indicator light t urns on and this mes
sage appears, the light/rain sensor is not
functioning correctly .
F or safety reasons the low beams are turned
on permanent ly with the switch in
However, you can continue to turn the lights
on and off using the light switch. You can still
control all funct ions that are independent of
the rain sensor through the windsh ield wiper
lever .
Contact your author iz ed Audi dealer as soon
as possible to have the problem corrected.
I-: Sport differential
App lies to vehicles: with sport different ia l
IIJ Sport differential: system fault
There is a malfunct ion with the sport differen
Drive to your authorized Audi dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
IIJ Sport differential : overheating
The transmission temperature has increased
sig nificantly due to the sporty dr iv ing manner .
Dri ve i n a less sporty manner until the tem
perature returns to the normal range and the
indicator light switches of .
Contact your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualif ied workshop if the sport differential
is faulty or ma lfunctioning. The repa ir
must be performed by trained personnel
using the correct oil in order to ensure
safety .
¢ Q Turn signals
The indicator light blinks when you use either
turn signal .
Whenever you use the left . or the right 1B
turn s ignal, the indicator light blinks. When
you use the emergency flashers, both indica
tor lights flash .
If one of the turn signa l light bulbs burn out,
the turn signal will blink twice as fast as nor
mal. Carefully dr ive to your authorized Audi
dealer immed iately to have the malfunction
corrected. The ind icator light does not indi
cate a malfunction if a turn signal on the trail
er or on the vehicle fails in trailer towing
(D Tips
For more information on the turn signals,
refer to
q page 46.
CRUISE/' (-) Cruise control
The warning/indicator light Ill (USA models)/
l'I (Canada mode ls) illuminates when the
cruise control is activated
q page 84.
84 On the road
You can set any threshold between 20 mph
(30 km/h) and 150 mph (240 km/h). Settings
can each be adjusted in increments of 6 mph
(10 km/h).
Cruise control
Switching on
Ap plies to vehicles: with c ruise con tro l
The cruise control system makes it possible to
drive at a constant speed starting at 20 mph
(30 km/h).
Fig. 87 Con tro l lever w it h set bu tton
Fig. 88 Display : Selected speed
• Pull the lever to position (D c:> fig. 87 to
switch the system on.
• Drive at the speed you wish to set.
• Press button @to set that speed.
The stored speed and the indicator light
II (US models) ;ii (Canadian models) ap
pear in the instrument cluster display
cc> fig. 88. The display may vary, depending on
the type of d isplay in your vehicle .
This information is also shown briefly in the
Head-up Display*.
The speed is kept constant v ia an engine out
put adjustment or active brake intervention .
--Always pay attent ion to traffic even when
the cruise control is switched on. You are always responsible for your speed and
the distance between your vehicle and
other vehicles.
- For safety reasons, the cruise contro l
should not be used in the city, in stop
and-go traffic, on twisting roads and
when road conditions are poor (such as
ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and hydro
p lan ing) -risk of accident .
- Turn off the cruise control temporarily
when entering turn lanes, highway exit
lanes or in constr uction zones .
- Please note that inadve rtently "resting"
your foot on the accelerator pedal causes the cruise control not to brake. This is
because the cruise control is overridden
by the driver's acceleration.
- If a brake system malfunction such as
overheating occurs when the cruise con
trol system is switched on, the braking
function in the system may be sw itched
off. The other cruise control functions re
main active as long as the indicator light
II (US models)/ ... (Canadian models)
is on.
(D Tips
The brake lights illuminate as soon as the
brakes decelerate automatically .
Changing speed
Applies to vehicles: with cruise control
• To increase/decrease the speed in incre
ments, tap the lever in the
0 10 direction
c:> page 84, fig. 87
• To increase/decrease the speed quick ly, hold
the lever in the
010 d irect ion until the de
sired speed is displayed .
You can also press the accelerator pedal down
to increase your speed, e.g . if you want to
pass someone. The speed you saved earlier
will resume as soon as you release the acceler- ator pedal. ..,.
196 Intellig ent technolog y
distance detected to the veh icle a head is too
smal l.
Anti -slip regulation (ASR )
ASR reduces engine power when the drive
wheels begin to spin and adapts the force to
the road condit ions. This makes it eas ier to
start, accelerate and drive up hills.
Electronic differential lock (EDL )
The ED L brakes wheels that are spinn ing and
transfers the d rive power to the other wheels.
This f unct ion is not availab le at h igher speeds.
In extreme cases, EDL automat ically switches
off to help keep the brake on the braked whee l
from overheating. EDL w ill switch on aga in au
tomatically when conditions have returned to norma l.
St eering recommendat ion
The ESC helps to stabilize the vehicle by
cha nging the steering to rque.
In vehicles with dynam ic steering*, ESC also
helps to stabilize the steering in critical s itua
tions .
Select ive w heel to rque control
Selective wheel torque control is used when
driving on curves . The front wheel on the in
side of the curve or both wheels on the inside
of the curve are braked selectively as needed.
This a llows more prec ise driving in curves. The
applicable system may not activate when d riv
ing i n wet or snowy conditions.
- T he ESC and its integrated systems can
not overcome the limits posed by natural physical laws
. This is especially impor
tant on slippery or wet roads. If the sys tems beg in acting to stabilize your vehi
cle, you should immediately change your
speed to match the road and traffic con
d itions . Do not let the increased safety
p rovided by these systems tempt you to
take risks. Do ing so will increase the ri sk
of a loss of veh icle cont ro l, collision and
serio us personal inj uries.
- Always adapt your speed to road, traffic
and weather conditions . The risk of los
ing control of the vehicle increases when
driving too fast , especially through
curves and on slippery or wet roads, and
when dr iv ing too close to vehicles up
ahead . The ESC and its integrated sys
tems cannot a lways prevent collisions -
there is still a risk of acc idents!
- Always accelerate with special care on
even, smooth su rfaces such as those that
are wet or covered with ice and snow .
The drive wheels can spin even w ith
these assistance systems that c annot al
ways he lp to red uce the risk of loss of ve
h icle control.
(D Tips
- ABS and ASR only wo rk correctly when
all four wheels are equipped wi th iden ti
cal tires. D ifferen t tire sizes can lead to a
reduction in engine power.
- Yo u may hear noises when the systems
descr ibed are workin g.
-If the ind icator light DJ or Ea (USA
mode ls)/ lCO j
page 19,
<=>page 19.
"' rl
-Always dispose of used engine oil proper
ly. Do not dump it on garden soil, wood
ed areas, into open streams or down
sewage drains.
- Recycle used engine oil by taking it to a
used engine oil collection facility in your
area, or contact a service station.
Engine cooling system
The engine coolant performs two functions: it
keeps the engine from overheating and it pro
tects the engine from freezing in the winter.
The cooling system is sealed and generally re
quires little attention .
The cooling system has been filled at the fac
tory with a permanent coolant which does not
need to be changed . The coolant consists of a
mixture of specially conditioned water and the
manufacturer 's glycol-based coolant addi-
tive G13 antifreeze with anticorrosion addi
tives (50% for USA models; 60% for Canadian
models) . This mixture both assures the neces
sary frost protection and protects metal com
ponents in the engine's cooling system from
corrosion and scaling.
It also raises the boil
ing point of the coolant.
Do not reduce the concentration of the cool
ant in the summer by adding plain water.
proportion of coolant additive must be at
least 50% but not more than 60%
to main
tain antifreeze protection and cooling efficien
cy .
If the coolant frost protection is too low,
the coolant could freeze and damage the vehi
cle heating and engine cooling system.
For year -round driving, antifreeze is added at
the factory for temperatures down to:
- -31°F(-35°C)USA
- -40 °F ( - 40 °C) Canada.
If you must add coolant, use a mixture of wa
ter and coolant additive. Mixing the coolant
additive with distill ed water is recommended .
Checking and filling 231
Before you check anything in the engine
compartment, always read and heed all
in Working in the engine
compartment on page 225.
(D Note
- Before winter sets in, have the coolant
checked to see if the coolant additive in
your vehicle is sufficient to meet the cli
mate conditions. This is especially impor
tant if you live in a region where the win
ter is extremely cold. If necessary, in
crease the proportion of coolant additive
to 60%.
- When adding coolant additive to your
cooling system, remember:
- We recommend using only coolant ad
ditive G12++ or G13 (check the label)
for your vehicle. This coolant additive is
available at authorized Audi dealers.
Other types of antifreeze can signifi
cantly reduce corrosion protection. The
resulting corrosion can cause a loss of
coolant and serious engine damage.
- Do not add any type of radiator leak seal
ant to your vehicle's engine coolant.
Adding radiator repair fluid may adverse
ly affect the function and performance of
your cooling system and could result in
damage not covered by your New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
Checking the engine coolant level
The engine coolant level can be checked with
a quick glance.
Fig. 196 Engine compa rtment: cove r on t he coola nt
expansion tank