running in ...............................................................(current page)ignition switch ........................................................(current page)engine immobiliser (switch) ...................................(current page)driving ....................................................................(current page)starting ...................................................................(current page)
ENG_UD5481_1Rodage / Contacteur de démarrage (U90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_2
Rodage - Contacteur de démarrage
Petrol version
For the first 600 miles (1,000 km), do not exceed 78 mph (130 km/h) in the highest gear, or 3,000 to 3,500 rpm.
After 600 miles (1,000 km), you may use your vehicle normally. However, it is only after 1,800 miles (3,000 km) have been covered that you may rea- sonably expect full performance.
Service intervals: refer to the Mainte- nance Service Booklet for your vehicle.
Diesel version
For the first 900 miles (1,500 km), do not exceed 2,500 rpm. After complet- ing this mileage you may drive faster, although you may only expect top p e r f o r m a n c e a f t e r a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3,600 miles (6,000 km).
During the running in period, do not ac- celerate hard while the engine is still cold and do not let the engine over-rev.
Service intervals: refer to the Mainte- nance Service Booklet for your vehicle.
Stop and steering lock
position St
To lock: remove the key and turn the steering wheel until the steering column locks.
To unlock: turn the key and the steering wheel slightly.
Accessories position A
When the ignition is switched off, any accessories (radio, etc.) will continue to function.
Ignition on position M
The ignition is switched on:
petrol version: the engine may be started.
diesel version: the engine is pre- heating.
Start position D
If the engine fails to start at the first attempt, the key must be turned back before the starter can be activated again.
Release the key as soon as the engine starts.
driving ...................................................(up to the end of the DU)catalytic converter.................................(up to the end of the DU)catalytic converter.................................(up to the end of the DU)special features of petrol vehicles ........(up to the end of the DU)
ENG_UD5483_1Particularités des versions essence (U90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_2
Particularités des versions essence
The following operating conditions:
– driving for long periods when the low
fuel level warning light is lit up,
– using leaded petrol,
– using oil or fuel additives which are
not approved by the manufacturer.
Or operating faults such as:
– faulty ignition, running out of fuel or
spark plug disconnected resulting in engine misfiring and hesitation when driving,
– loss of power,
may cause the catalytic converter to overheat, reducing its efficiency which may irreparably damage it and cause heat damage to the vehicle.
If you notice any of the above operat- ing faults, have the necessary repairs carried out as soon as possible by your approved dealer.
These faults may be avoided by regularly taking your vehicle to your approved dealer at the intervals specified in your Maintenance Service Booklet.
Starting problems
To avoid damaging the catalytic con- verter, do not keep trying to start the engine (using the start button, or by pushing or towing the vehicle) without having identified and corrected the starting fault.
If the fault cannot be identified, do not continue to try and start the engine, but contact an approved dealer.
Do not park the vehicle or
run the engine in locations where combustible sub- stances or materials such as grass or leaves can come into contact with a hot exhaust system.
maintenance:mechanical ......................................(up to the end of the DU)brake fluid ..............................................................(current page)levels ....................................................(up to the end of the DU)tanks and reservoirsbrake fluid ........................................................(current page)
ENG_UD5592_1Niveaux / Filtres (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_4
JauneNoirNoir texte
Niveaux : Liquide de freins
Brake fluid level
This should be checked frequently, and immediately if you notice even the slightest loss in braking efficiency. Level
It is normal for the level to drop as the linings become worn, but it should never drop below the MIN warning line.
If you wish to check the disc and drum wear yourself, you should obtain the document explaining the checking pro- cedure from the approved dealer net-work or from the manufacturer’s web site.
Topping up
After any operation on the hydraulic cir- cuit, a specialist must replace the fluid.
Only use fluids approved by the Technical Department and which have been taken from a sealed container.
Replacement interval: refer to the Maintenance Service Booklet for your vehicle.
engine coolant .......................................................(current page)tanks and reservoirscoolant .............................................................(current page)
JauneNoirNoir texte
ENG_UD5592_1Niveaux / Filtres (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_4
Liquide de refroidissement moteur
The level when cold must be between the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM marks
indicated on the tank 2.
Top this level up when cold before it reaches the MIN mark.
The engine may be hot during operations in close proximity. In addition, the engine cooling fan may come on at any moment.
Risk of burns.
Checking intervals
Check the coolant level regularly (very severe damage is likely to be caused to the engine if it runs out of coolant).
If the level needs to be topped up, only use products approved by our Technical Department which ensure:
– protection against freezing;
– anti-corrosion protection of the cool
- ing system.
Replacement intervals
Refer to the Maintenance Service Booklet for your vehicle.
Consult your approved Dealer at
once if you notice an abnormal or repeated drop in any of the fluid levels.
LEVELS (continued)
power-assisted steering.........................................(current page)power-assisted steering.........................................(current page)filterair filter .............................................................(current page)windscreen washer ................................................(current page)power-assisted steering pump...............................(current page)tanks and reservoirs:windscreen washer ..........................................(current page)
ENG_UD5592_1Niveaux / Filtres (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_4
The filter elements (air filter, diesel filter, etc.) should be replaced during the maintenance operations carried out on your vehicle.
Replacement intervals for filter el- ements: refer to the Maintenance Service Booklet for your vehicle.
Pompe d’assistance de directionRéservoir lave-vitresFiltres
LEVELS (continued)
Power-assisted steering
Service interval: refer to the Mainte- nance Service Booklet for your vehicle.Level: the correct level when cold should be visible between the Minimum and Maximum levels on the tank 3.For topping up or refilling with oil, use products approved by the Technical Department.
Consult your approved Dealer at once if you notice an abnormal or repeated drop in any of the fluid levels.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Refilling: through the cap 4.
This reservoir also supplies the head- light washers and the rear screen washer (if the vehicle is equipped with them).
Liquid: water + special windscreen washer fluid (antifreeze product in winter).
Jets: to adjust the angle of the jets pivot the little ball using a pin.