2 Table of contents Vehicle literature .. .. .. .. .. ... .
About this Owner's Manual . . . 6
Controls and equipment .. ... .
Ins truments and controls .. . .
General illus tration .... ... .. .. ... .
Instruments and warning /
indicator lights ........ .. .. .. . .
Ins truments . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
War ning/ indi cator lights ... .. ... .. .
Driver information d isplay .. . .
Introduct ion . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Trip computer .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Efficiency program ........ .. .. ... .
Service interval d isp lay .... .. .. .. . .
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD) . . .
Opening and closing .... .. ... .
Power locking system ..... .. .. .. . .
Rear lid .. .. ... .... .... .. .. .. .. . .
P owe r windows ........... ... .. . .
Valet par king . ........ ... .. .. ... .
Power top .............. ... .. . .
Automatic powe r top ....... ..... . .
W ind deflecto r ........... .. .. ... .
P owe r top emergency oper ation
Clear vision .. .......... .. .. .. . .
Li ghts . .. .. ............. ....... .
I n ter ior lights . ......... .. .. .. .. . .
V 1s1on ..... ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
W iper an d washer system . ... .. ... .
Dig ita l compass ....... ... .. .. ... .
Seats and storage ... .. .. ... .. .
General recommen dat ions ... .. ... .
Front seats . ............. .. .. .. . .
H ead restraints .......... .. .. ... .
Seat memory . ........ ... .... .. . .
Ashtray .. .. ................ ... . .
C igarette lighte r .... .... .. .. .. .. . .
St orage .. .. ............. .. .. .. . .
L uggage compartmen t ...... .. ... . 8
1 3
4 2
4 6
5 2
5 7
6 1
Warm and cold ... .. ..... .... . .
Climate co ntrols . ... ... ..... ... .. .
On the road ... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Stee ring . ..... .. ... .. ..... .... . .
Ign it io n lock ..... .. .... .... ... .. .
Convenience key .. ... .......... .. .
Driver messages ................. .
E lectromechanical parking brake . .. .
Speed warning sys tem .. .. ... ... .. .
Cru ise cont ro l .. .. ............... .
Transm ission .. ..... ......... . .
mult it ron ic ® , S tronic ®, tiptronic .... .
Audi adaptive cruise control
and braking guard .......... . .
In troduc tion ... .. ... .. .. ... ..... .
Genera l informa tion ......... .. .. .
A udi adaptive cruise cont rol ..... .. .
A udi braking gua rd ..... .... ... .. .
Messages ..... .. .. ... ..... ... .. .
Audi side assist ............ .. .
Lane change ass istant
Audi drive select ........... .. .
D riving set tings .. ... .. ..... .... . .
Park assist ... .. ............... .
Parking sys tem ... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Pa rking system (rea r) . .. ..... ... .. .
Pa rking system (rear, with rear view
camera) .. .... .. .. ........... .. .
Homelink ® .... ... .. ..... .... . .
U niversa l remote contro l ..... ... .. .
Safety fir st .... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Driving Safely .... .. ..... .... . .
Genera l notes .. .. ............. .. .
Proper occupant seating positions .. .
Driver and passenger s ide footwe ll .. .
Pedal a rea ..... .. .. ........ ... .. .
Stow ing luggage .... .. .. ... ..... .
Repo rting Safety Defe cts ...... .. .. .
Active rollove r pro te ction sy st em . .. .
9 4
10 0
1 0 7
11 0
1 2 7
94 Audi adaptive cruise control and braking guard
Audi adaptive cruise
control and braking
App lies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise co ntrol
The adaptive cruise control system assists the
driver by regulat ing vehicle speed and helping
to maintain a set distance to the vehicle
ahead, within the limits of the system .
If the
system detects a moving vehicle up ahead,
adaptive cruise control can brake and then ac
celerate your vehicle. This he lps to make driv
ing more comfortable on long highway
The braking guard system can warn you about
an impending collision and initiate braking
page 100.
Adaptive cruise control and braking guard
have technical limitations that you must
know, so please read this section carefully, un
derstand how the system works and use them
properly at all times.
General information
General information
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise co ntrol
Fig. 103 Fro nt of the vehicle: Position of radar senso r
The area that contains the radar sensor
fig . 103 must never be cove red by stickers
or other objects or obstructed with dirt, in
sects, snow or i ce that will interfere with the
adaptive cruise control system and braking
guard. For information on cleaning, refer to
page 198. The same applies for any modifi
cations made in the front area . T
he function of the adaptive cruise cont rol
system and braking guard is limited under
some condit ions:
- Objects can only be detected when they are
within sensor range
¢fig . 106 .
-The system has a limited ability to detect
objects that are a short d istance ahead, off
to the side of your vehicle or moving into
your lane.
- Some kinds of vehicles are hard to detect;
for examp le motorcycles, vehicles with high
ground clearance or overhanging loads may
be detected when it is too late or they may
not be detected at all.
- When driving through curves¢
page 95.
-Stat ionary objects ¢ page 95.
Always pay attention to traffic when adap-
tive cruise contro l is switched on and brak
ing guard is active. As the driver, you are
still respons ible for starting and for main
tain ing speed and distance to other ob
jects. Braking guard is used to assist you.
The driver must always take action to avoid
a col lision. The driver is always responsible
for braking at the correct time.
- Im proper use of adaptive cruise con trol
can cause collisions, other accidents and
serio us personal injury.
- Never let the comfor t and convenience
that adaptive cruise control and braking
guard offer distract you from the need to
be alert to traffic conditions and the
need to remain in full control of your ve
h icle at a ll times,
- Always remember that the adaptive
cru ise contro l and brak ing guard have
lim its -they will not s low the vehicle
down or maintain the set distance when
you drive towards an obstacle or some
thing on or near the road that is not
mov ing, such as vehicles stopped in a
traffic jam, a stalled or disabled vehicle.
If registered by the radar sensor, vehicles
or obsta cles that are not moving can
trigger a co llision warning and if
100 Audi adaptive cruise control and braking guard
Audi braking guard
Descript ion
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
Fig. 113 Instrument cluste r: approach warn ing
Braking guard uses a radar sensor. It also
functions within the limits of the system
when adaptive cruise control is switched off .
What can Audi braking guard do?
When detected in time, the system can assess
situations when a vehicle ahead brakes sud
denly or if your own vehicle is traveling at a
high speed and approaching a vehicle up
ahead that is moving more slowly . Braking
guard does not react if it cannot detect the
The system advises you of various situations :
- The
distance warning is given if you are too
close to the vehicle ahead for a long time. If
the vehicle ahead brakes sharply, you will
not be able to avoid a collision. The indicator
I in the display comes on .
- The
approach warning is given when a de
tected vehicle up ahead in your lane is mov ing much more slowly than you are or if it
brakes sharply . When th is warning is given,
it may only be possib le to avoid a collision
by swerving or braking sharply . The indicator
l ight
I and indicato r in the display will warn
you about the danger
¢ fig. 113 . You will al
so hear an acoustic signal.
I f you do not react fast enoug h or do not react
at all to the situat ion , Braking guard will in-
ll This is not available in some co un tri es .
tervene by braking and the message braking
guard intervention
wi ll appear.
- If a coll is ion is imminent, the system wi ll
fi rst provide an
acute warning by briefly and
sharply applying the brakes.
- If you do not react to the acute warning,
braking guard can brake within the lim its of
the system. This reduces the vehicle speed
in the event of a collision .
- At speeds under 20 mph (30 km/h), the sys
tem can initiate a comp lete deceleration
short ly before a co llision .
- If the braking guard senses that you are not
brak ing hard enough when a co llision is im
minent, it can increase the braking force.
Which functions can be controlled?
You can switch braking guard and the dis
tance/approach warning on or off in the radio
or MMI
¢ page 101, Settings in the radio/
-Lack of attention can cause collisions, oth
er accidents and serious personal injuries.
The braking guard is an assist system and
cannot prevent a collision by itself. The
driver must always intervene. The dr iver is
always responsible for braking at the cor
rect time .
- Always pay close attent ion to traffic,
even when the braking guard is switched
on. Be ready to intervene and be ready to
take complete control whenever necessa
ry. Always keep the safe and legal dis
tance between your vehicle and vehicles
up ahead.
- Braking guard works within limits and
will not respond outside the system lim
its, for examp le when approaching a
stopped vehicle or stationary obstacle (end of a traffic jam or vehicle that has
broken down in t raffic).
Audi side assist Lane change assistant
Applies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig . 114 Sensor dete ction ra n ge
Fig . 115 Disp la y on th e e xterio r mirro r
Side assist he lps you mon itor your blind spot
and traffic behind you r veh icle. W ith in the
limits of the system, it warns you about
vehicles that are coming closer or tha t are
traveling w ith you within sensor ra nge
c::, fig . 114 : if a lane change is class ified as crit
ical, the display @ in the exterior mirror
c::> fig. 115 turns on.
The display in the left exterior mirror provides
assistance when making a lane change to t he
l eft, while the display in the right exter ior mir
r or p rov ides assistance when making a lane
change to t he right .
Information stage
As long as you do not activate the turn signal,
side assist
informs you about vehicles that are
detected and class ified as crit ical. The display
i n the respec tive mirro r turns o n, but is d im .
Aud i side assist 103
The display remains d im intentionally in the
information stage so that your view toward
the front is not disturbed .
Warning st age
If you activate the turn signal, s ide assist
warns you about veh icles that are detected
and classified as critical. The display in the re
spective mirror blinks brightly . If this hap
pens, check traff ic by glanc ing in the rearview
mirror and over your shoulder¢
A in General
information on page 104 .
@ Tips
-You can adjust the brightness of the dis
play @¢
page 105 .
-Please refer to the instructions fo r tow
ing a trailer located in¢
page 104.
104 Audi side assist
General information
App lies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig. 116 Driving sit u at ions
F ig . 11 7 Rea r of th e ve hicle: positio n of t he se nso rs
Side assis t fu nctions at speeds above app rox i
ma tely 19 mph (30 km/h).
(D V ehicles that are approaching
In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itical for a lane change
even if it is still
somewhat far away. The fas ter a vehicle ap
p ro aches, the sooner the disp lay in the exteri
or m irror will t urn on.
@ Vehicles traveling with you
Vehicles traveling w ith you are indicated in the
exterior m irror if they are classified as cr it ical
for a lane change. All vehicles detec ted by
side assis t are in dicated by the time they en
ter your "blind spot", at the latest.
@ Vehicles left behind
If you s low ly pass a ve hicl e tha t sid e ass ist has
dete cted (t he difference in s peed between the
vehicle and you r vehicle is less than 9 mph
(15 km/h), the display in the exter ior mirror
turns on as soon as the vehicle enters your
blind spot.
The display wi ll not t urn on if you quickly pass
a vehicle that s ide assist has detected (the dif
ference in speed between the ve hicle and your
vehicle is greater than 9 mph (15 km/h).
Functional lim itations
T he radar senso rs are designed to detect the
left and right adjacent lanes whe n the road
l anes a re the normal width. In certain situa
t ions, the d isp lay in the exterior mirror may
turn on
even though there is no ve hicle locat
ed in the area that is cr itical for a la ne cha nge.
Fo r example:
- if the lanes are narrow or if your are driving
on th e edge of your lane. If this is the case,
the system may have detected the vehicle in
another la ne that is
not adjacent to you r
cur rent lane .
- if you a re driving throug h a c urve . Side assist
may react to a vehicle that is one lane ove r
from the ad jacent lane .
- if side assist reacts to other objects (such as
high or d isp laced gua rd rails) .
- In poor weather conditions. The side assist
fu nctions are limited .
Do not
cover the radar sensors c::> fig. 117 with
stickers, depos its, bicycle wheels or other ob
jects, because this will affect the funct ion. Do
not use s ide ass ist when towing a trailer . For
i nforma tion on cleaning, refe r to
c::> page 198 .
-Always pay a ttention t o traffic and to th e
ar ea arou nd your vehi cle. Side a ssist c an
no t repl ace a driver 's atte ntion. The driv
er a lone is always res ponsible fo r lane
cha nges a nd similar driving maneuvers.
-Improper reliance on the side assist sys
tem can cause collisions and serious
personal injury:
- Never rely only on side assist when
changing lanes.
- Always check rear view mirrors to make
sure that it is safe to change lanes.
- Side assist cannot detect all vehicles un
der all conditions- danger of accident!
- Please note that side assist indicates
there are approaching vehicles, or
vehicles in your blind spot, only after
your vehicle has reached a driving speed
of at least 19 mph (30 km/h).
- In certain situations, the system may not
function or its function may be limited.
For example:
- if vehicles are approaching or being left
behind very quickly. The display may
not turn on in time.
- in poor weather conditions such as
heavy rain, snow or heavy mist .
- on very wide lanes, in tight curves or if
there is a rise in the road surface .
Vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are outside
of the sensor range.
(D Note
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody. This can affect the system .
Have your authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Audi Service Facility check their
(D Tips
- If the window glass in the driver's door
or front passenger's door has been tint
ed, the display in the exterior mirror may be misinterpreted.
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
~page 272.
Audi side assist 105
Activating and deactivating
Applies to vehicles : wi th Aud i side ass ist
Fig. 118 Driver 's doo r: Side assis t button
.,. Press the button c> .&. in General informa
tion on page 104
to switch the system on/
off . The LED in the button turns on when
side assist is switched on.
Adjusting the display brightness
App lies to vehicles: wit h Audi side ass ist
The signal brightness can be set in the radio
orMMI* .
.,. Select: I CAR I function button > Audi side as
.,. Select: I CAR ! function button > Car sys
control button > Driver assist > Audi
side assist .
The display brightness adjusts automatically
to the brightness of the surroundings, both in
the information and in the warning stage . In
very dark or very bright surroundings, the dis play is already set to the minimum or maxi
mum level by the automatic adjustment. In
such cases, you may notice no change when
adjusting the brightness, or the change may
only be noticeable once the surroundings
Adjust the brightness to a level where the dis
play in the information stage will not disrupt
your view forward. If you change the bright
ness, the display in the exterior mirror will
briefly show the brightness level in the infor
mation stage. The brightness of the warning
stage is linked to the brightness in the infor
mation stage and is adjusted along with the
information stage adjustment.
Intelligent technology Notice about data
recorded by vehicle
control modules
Your vehicle is not equipped with an Event Da
ta Recorder (EDR), installed by some manu
facturers for the express purpose of capturing
data for retrieval after an accident or crash
event. EDR's are sometimes called "crash re
Some state laws restrict the retr ieval or down
loading of data stored by EDR's that were in
stalled in a vehicle for the express purpose of
retrieving data after an accident or crash
event without the owner's consent.
Although your vehicle is not equipped with an
EDR, it is equipped with a number of electron
ic control modules for various vehicle systems
such as, for examp le, engine function, emis
sion control, as well as for the airbags and
safety belts.
These electronic control modules also record
vehicle-related data during norma l vehicle op
eration for diagnostic and repair purposes.
The recording capacity of the electronic con
trol modules is limited to data (no sound is re
corded) and only a small amount of data is ac
tually recorded over a very limited period of
time and stored when a system fault or other
condition is sensed by a control unit. Some of
the data then stored may relate to vehicle
speed, direction, braking as we ll as restraint
system use and performance in the event of a
crash or other condition. Stored data can only be read and downloaded with special equip
Electronic Stabilization
Control (ESC)
ESC helps to improve road holding and vehicle
dynamics to help reduce the probability of
skidding and loss of veh icle control. It works
only when the engine is running. ESC detects
Intelligent technology 179
certain difficult driving situations, including
when the vehicle is beginning to spin (yaw)
out of control and helps you to get the veh icle
back under control by se lectively braking the
wheels, and/or reducing engine power and
providing steering ass istance to help hold the
vehicle on the driver's intended course. The in
dicator light
JjJ in the instrument cluster
blinks when ESC is taking action to help you
control the vehicle.
ESC has limitations .
It is important to remem
ber that ESC cannot overcome the laws of
It will not always be able to help out
under all conditions you may come up against.
For example, ESC may not always be able to
help you master situations where there is a
sudden change in the coefficient of friction of
the road surface. When there is a section of dry road that is suddenly covered with water,
slush or snow, ESC cannot perform the same
way it would on the dry surface. If the vehicle
hydroplanes (rides on a cushion of water in
stead of the road surface), ESC will not be
able to help you steer the vehicle because con
tact with the pavement has been interrupted
and the vehicle cannot be braked or steered .
During fast cornering, particularly on winding
roads, ESC cannot always deal as effectively
with difficult driving situations than at lower
speeds. When towing a trailer, ESC is not able
to help you regain control as it would if you
were not tow ing a trailer.
A lways adjust your speed and driving style to
road, traffic and weather conditions. ESC can
not override the vehicle's physical limits, in
crease the available traction, or keep a vehicle
on the road if road departure is a result of
driver inattention. Instead, ESC improves the
poss ibility of keeping the vehicle under con
trol and on the road dur ing extreme maneu
vers by using the driver's steering inputs to
help keep the vehicle going in the intended di
rection. If you are traveling at a speed that
causes you to run off the road before ESC can
provide any assistance, you may not experi
ence the benefits of ESC.