2010.5 Citroen C CROSSER DAG spare wheel

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Page 126 of 217

Citroen C CROSSER DAG 2010.5 1.G Owners Manual IX
P R A C T I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N
  Fixing the "space-saver" spare  
� �I�f�  �y�o�u�r�  �v�e�h�i�c�l�e�  �i�s�  �fi� �t�t�e�d�  �w�i�t�h�  �a�l�l�o�y�  
wheels, it is normal

Page 127 of 217

Citroen C CROSSER DAG 2010.5 1.G Owners Manual IX
P R A C T I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N
            Access to the spare wheel in the 5 seat configuration 
 The  pressed    
  � �s�p�a�r�e� �w�h�e�e�l� �i�s� �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d� 

Page 154 of 217

Citroen C CROSSER DAG 2010.5 1.G Owners Manual X
T E C H N I C A L   D A T A
A.     Manufacturers plate.    
�  �T�h�e�  �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�  �I�d�e�n�t�i�fi� �c�a�t�i�o�n�  �N�u�m�b�e�r�  (VIN)  is  indicated  on  a  plate  on  the  