Message is on Cause Solution - action Observations
Airbags Fixed Fault in the airbags or
pretensioners. Consult a CITROËN
Service Fixed Problem in one of the systems
w h i c h d o e s n o t h a v e a s p e c i fi c
message. Stop the vehicle and
contact a CITROËN
dealer. To identify the
p r o b l e m , c o n t a c t a
CITROËN dealer.
Engine oil pressure Fixed Engine oil pressure too low or
fault in the engine lubrication
system. Stop the vehicle and
contact a CITROËN
Engine oil level Fixed Engine oil level too low. Stop the vehicle and
check the level using
the dipstick. If there is a lack of
o i l , t o p u p t h e l e v e l .
Low fuel warning Fixed The fuel level is low. Refuel as soon as
Fuel system Fixed Fuel system fault. Consult a CITROËN
not closed correctly Fixed
One of the doors or the tailgate
is not closed correctly. Close the door or the
tailgate. The opening
concerned is
indicated on the
CHECKING LEVELS Brake fluid level To avoid any risk of scalding, unscrew
the cap by two turns to allow the pres-
sure to drop. When the pressure has
dropped, remove the cap and top up
the level.
Oil level
The reading will only be correct
if the vehicle is on level ground
and the engine has been off for
more than 15 minutes.
The check is carried out either when
the ignition is switched on using the oil
level indicator on the instrument panel,
or using the dipstick. T h e b r a k e fl u i d l e v e l s h o u l d b e
between the "MAX" and "MIN"
If it is not, check the brake pad
C h a n g i n g t h e b r a k e fl u i d
Refer to the servicing booklet for details
of the interval for this operation.
Coolant level
The coolant level must be
measured when the engine is
cold and should be between
the "LOW" and "FULL" marks.
When the engine is warm, the tempera-
ture of the coolant is regulated by the fan.
This can operate with the ignition off.
O n v e h i c l e s w h i c h a r e fi t t e d w i t h a
p a r t i c l e e m i s s i o n fi l t e r , t h e f a n m a y
operate after the vehicle has been
s w i t c h e d o f f , e v e n i f t h e e n g i n e i s
In addition, as the cooling system is
pressurised, wait at least one hour after
switching off the engine before carrying
out any work.
Screenwash and headlamp wash * fluid
C h e c k t h e fl u i d l e v e l r e g u l a r l y ,
using the gauge.
* According to country.
Changing the engine oil
Refer to the servicing booklet for details
of the interval for this operation.
In order to maintain the reliability of the
engine and emission control system,
the use of additives in the engine oil is
O i l s p e c i fi c a t i o n
The oil must correspond to your en-
gine and conform to the manufacturer's
recommendations. F l u i d s p e c i fi c a t i o n
T h e b r a k e fl u i d m u s t c o n f o r m t o t h e
manufacturer's recommendations and
f u l fi l t h e D O T 4 s t a n d a r d s .
C h a n g i n g t h e c o o l a n t fl u i d
Refer to the servicing booklet for details
of the interval for this operation.
F l u i d s p e c i fi c a t i o n
The coolant must conform to the manu-
facturer's recommendations.
F l u i d s p e c i fi c a t i o n
T h i s fl u i d m u s t c o n f o r m t o t h e m a n u f a c -
turer's recommendations for optimum
Power steering fluid level
C h e c k t h e fl u i d l e v e l w i t h t h e e n g i n e a t
C h e c k t h a t t h e p o w e r s t e e r i n g fl u i d
level is always between the "MAX" and
"MIN" marks and top up if necessary.
F l u i d s p e c i fi c a t i o n
T h i s fl u i d m u s t c o n f o r m t o t h e m a n u f a c -
turer's recommendations.
Check all of these levels regularly and
top them up if necessary, unless other-
wise indicated.
I f a l e v e l d r o p s s i g n i fi c a n t l y , h a v e t h e
corresponding system checked by a
CITROËN dealer.
When working under the bonnet, take
care as certain areas of the engine may
be extremely hot (risk of burns).
Diesel additive level (Diesel with particle emission filter)
The minimum level of this additive is indicat-
ed by lighting of the service warning lamp,
accompanied by an audible signal and a
message on the multifunction screen.
Topping up
This additive must be topped up by a
CITROËN dealer without delay.
Used products
Check the electrolyte level
regularly. If necessary, top up
the level with distilled water.
Check that the terminals are
clean and correctly tightened,
particularly in summer and
When carrying out work on the battery,
refer to the "Practical information" sec-
tion for details of the precautions to be
taken before disconnecting the battery
and following its reconnection.
Air filter and passenger compartment filter
Refer to the servicing booklet
for details of the replacement
intervals for these compo-
Depending on the environ-
ment (dusty atmosphere...) and the use
of the vehicle (city driving...), replace
them twice as often if necessary (refer
to the "Engines" paragraph).
A c l o g g e d p a s s e n g e r c o m p a r t m e n t fi l -
ter may have an adverse effect on the
performance of the air conditioning sys-
tem and generate undesirable odours.
Oil filter
R e p l a c e t h e o i l fi l t e r e a c h t i m e
the engine oil is changed.
Refer to the servicing booklet
for details of the replacement
interval for this component.
Particle emission filter (Diesel)
M a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e p a r t i c l e e m i s s i o n fi l -
ter must be carried out by a CITROËN
Following prolonged operation of
the vehicle at very low speed or at
idle, you may, exceptionally, notice
the emission of water vapour at the
exhaust on acceleration. This does
not have any adverse effect on the
performance of the vehicle or on the
Avoid any prolonged contact of
u s e d o i l o r fl u i d s w i t h t h e s k i n .
M o s t o f t h e s e fl u i d s a r e h a r m f u l t o
health or indeed very corrosive.
D o n o t d i s c a r d u s e d o i l o r fl u i d s
into sewers or onto the ground.
Empty used oil into the contain-
ers provided for this purpose in the
CITROËN network (France) or take
them to an authorised waste disposal
D o n o t d i s c a r d t h e o i l fi l t e r t h r o u g h
public channels, deposit it in the con-
tainers dedicated to this use in the
CITROËN network (France) or take them
to an authorised waste disposal site.
Unless otherwise indicated, check
these components in accordance with
the servicing booklet and in relation to
your engine.
Otherwise, have them checked by a
CITROËN dealer.
Diesel additive level (Diesel with particle emission filter)
The minimum level of this additive is indicat-
ed by lighting of the service warning lamp,
accompanied by an audible signal and a
message on the multifunction screen.
Topping up
This additive must be topped up by a
CITROËN dealer without delay.
Used products
Check the electrolyte level
regularly. If necessary, top up
the level with distilled water.
Check that the terminals are
clean and correctly tightened,
particularly in summer and
When carrying out work on the battery,
refer to the "Practical information" sec-
tion for details of the precautions to be
taken before disconnecting the battery
and following its reconnection.
Air filter and passenger compartment filter
Refer to the servicing booklet
for details of the replacement
intervals for these compo-
Depending on the environ-
ment (dusty atmosphere...) and the use
of the vehicle (city driving...), replace
them twice as often if necessary (refer
to the "Engines" paragraph).
A c l o g g e d p a s s e n g e r c o m p a r t m e n t fi l -
ter may have an adverse effect on the
performance of the air conditioning sys-
tem and generate undesirable odours.
Oil filter
R e p l a c e t h e o i l fi l t e r e a c h t i m e
the engine oil is changed.
Refer to the servicing booklet
for details of the replacement
interval for this component.
Particle emission filter (Diesel)
M a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e p a r t i c l e e m i s s i o n fi l -
ter must be carried out by a CITROËN
Following prolonged operation of
the vehicle at very low speed or at
idle, you may, exceptionally, notice
the emission of water vapour at the
exhaust on acceleration. This does
not have any adverse effect on the
performance of the vehicle or on the
Avoid any prolonged contact of
u s e d o i l o r fl u i d s w i t h t h e s k i n .
M o s t o f t h e s e fl u i d s a r e h a r m f u l t o
health or indeed very corrosive.
D o n o t d i s c a r d u s e d o i l o r fl u i d s
into sewers or onto the ground.
Empty used oil into the contain-
ers provided for this purpose in the
CITROËN network (France) or take
them to an authorised waste disposal
D o n o t d i s c a r d t h e o i l fi l t e r t h r o u g h
public channels, deposit it in the con-
tainers dedicated to this use in the
CITROËN network (France) or take them
to an authorised waste disposal site.
Unless otherwise indicated, check
these components in accordance with
the servicing booklet and in relation to
your engine.
Otherwise, have them checked by a
CITROËN dealer.