• The driver can lower or raise the power side blinds * in the side
windows by using switches
© and @ . •
Switches in the driver's door
The driver can operate all windows.
If the respective switch is pus hed or pulled the window will
open or c lose. The power window switches have a
two-po si
tion fun ction :
Opening th e windows
- Pu sh the switch to the first stop and hold it the re until the
window has lowered to t he desired pos ition.
- Push the sw itch briefly to the
s e cond stop : the wi ndow
will aut omatical ly open a ll the way .
Closing th e windows
- Pull the switch up to the first stop and hold it t here until
the window has risen to the desired position.
- Pu ll the switch quick ly to the
se cond position: the
window will automatica lly close all the
way => & in
"Contro ls" on
page 62.
A cti vating /dea ctivating r ear windows
- Pus h the switch © => page 62, fig . 48 t o th e depressed
pos it ion to a ctivate the rear windows - the light i n the
sw itch wi ll go out .
- Brie fly press the switch © to
deactivate the rear
windows -the swi tch will return t o th e safety posi tion
and the
l ig ht ~ w ill illuminate.
Controls and equip
Openin g and clo sing
Switching th e pow er t o th e re ar wind ows on or
off on v ehi cle s with pow er child s afe ty lo ck
- Press the left 00 button=> page 62, fig. 49 to swit ch off
the power window in the le ft door only. The LED in the
button illum inates .
- Press the right
00 button to switch off the power window
in t he
right door only. The LED in the button illum inates.
- Press the
00 button again to switch the power back on .
The LED in the button will go off.
By pressing the sa fet y swi tc h ® => page 62, fig. 48, the function of
some sw itches in the rear can be turned off . When
the ~ symbol in
the safety switch illuminates, the following functions are switched
• The power windows in the rear doors.
• The buttons for t he interior lights.
• The buttons for the power sun b linds* in side windows .
• The button for the power sun bl ind* in the rear w indow.
• I n vehic les with rear climate contro l* the PASSIVE mode is acti
vated . In this mode the rear air conditioning can be operated only
from contro ls in the driver's
area => page 125 .
This feature has been provided for the safety of smal l ch ildren rid ing
in the rear of the vehic le.
On vehicles wit h the
powe r child saf ety lo ck* => page 62, fig. 49
these features can likewise be switched off . Both
CI) buttons ®
must be pressed.
• If
only the left CI) button is pressed, then only the re ar left door
power window is switched off and the door is locked.
• If
only th e right CI) button is pressed, then only the rear right
power window is switched off and the door is locked.
___ w_ a_ rm __ a_ n_ d_ c_ o_ ld __________________________________________________ _
This overview will help you to familiarize yourself with the
air conditioning controls.
Fi g. 1 29 Air cond it io ning co ntrol e lements
The left display indicates the temperature selected for the driver's
side, the right display indicates the temperature selected for the
passenger 's side.
The settings you make are shown in the MMI disp lay for a few
seconds when
MMI is turned on.
Each function is turned on or off by briefly pressing the corre
sponding button . The indicator light in the button illuminates when
the function is active. But- Fun
II Page
ton (s )
ION/OFF) Turning on and off ~ page 117
Automatic mode ~ page 117
Contro l Temperature selection ~ page 717
Q) Heated seats* ~ page 118
8 @ Ventilated sea ts* => page 118
00 Air distribution => page 120
~ Defrost ~ page 120
=> page 723
00 Fan => page 120
~ Manual recirculation ~ page 721
@@ Heated rear window ~ page 124
!SETUP) Basic settings => page 126
[ i ] Tip s
• Residual h eat : With the ignition turned off, you can activate the
residual heat function by pressing the
I ON/OFF ) button. The
residual heat from the coo lant can be used to heat the vehicle inte
rior. The residua l heat function is turned off automatically after 30
• Synchroniz ing clim ate control: By press ing and ho lding the
control knob on the driver's side, the temperature setting on the
driver's side can be switched to the passenger's side , and vice versa.
In the case of vehicles with rear air conditioning*, the selected
t emperature setting is also app lied to the o uter rear seats. The new
temperature is shown in the display. •
Warm and cold -
Turning on and off [ ON/OFF]
Turning th e air conditioning on
- Press [ON/OF F], or
- Press [AUTO].
Turning th e air conditioning off
- Press [ ON/OF F] to tu rn the air conditioner off and block
outside air f rom entering the vehicle .
The air conditioner turns back on if you press one of the control
buttons or the contro l knob .
[ i] Tip s
Resi du al h eat: With the ignition turned off, you can activate the
residual heat funct ion by press ing the [ ON/OFF] button. The
residual heat from the coo lant can be used to heat the vehic le inte
rior . The residua l heat function is turned off automat ical ly after 30
minutes. •
Automatic mode [AU TO]
The aut omatic mode is the standar d setting for all
Turning on AUTO
- Select temperature between 60 °F
(+ 16 °C) and 84 °F
(+28 °C).
- Press
[AUTO]~ page 116, fig. 129.
Automatic operation ensures constant temperatures in the interior
and dehumidifies the air inside the vehicle . Air temperature, vo lume
and distr ibut ion are contro lled automat ical ly to reach or main tain
Controls and equip
the desired interior temperature as quickly as possib le. F luctuations
in exterior temperature and the effects of temperature from the
position of the sun are compensated for automatica lly.
This operating mode works only in the adjustable temperature range, from 60 °F
!+ 16 °Cl to 84 °F ( +28 °Cl. If a temperature below
60 ° F (+ 16 °C) is selected,
LO appears in the disp lay. At temperatures
above 84 °F (+28 °C),
HI is displayed . At both extreme settings,
climate control runs continuous ly at maximum cooling or heating
power . There is no temperature regulation .•
Setting the temperature
Separate temperatures can be selected for the driver's
and fr ont passenger's side.
I . 6S rF.
.· I
Fig . 13 0 MMI di spl ay:
Sett ing t he temp era
t ur e
- Rot ate the cont ro l knob to the left to reduce the temper
ature, or to the right t o increase t he tempera ture .
[ i ] Tips
• When you press the control knob for choos ing the temperature,
the temperature you choose wi ll a lso appear in the MMI display
~ fig. 130 .
• Synchronizi ng clim ate con trol: By pressing and ho lding the
control knob on the driver's side, t he temperature setting on the
___ w_ a_ rm __ a_ n_ d_ c_ o_ ld __________________________________________________ _
driver's s ide can be sw it c hed to the passenger's side, and v ice versa.
In the case of vehic les with rear air conditioning *, the selected
temperature setting is also applied to the outer rear sea ts. The new
temperature is shown in the display .•
Ap plie s to veh ic les: w ith e le ct ric a lly he ated seat s
Heated seats ~
The seat cushion and the seat back of the front seats can
be heated electrically.
F ig . 13 1 M MI disp lay:
H eated s eats
- Press the Heated seats G2) button.
- Adjust the desired temperat ure w ith the climate control
knob =:> fig. 131 .
In position O the heating for the seats is turned off . The range of
adjustment is between 1 and 6 .
0 Note
To avoid damage to the heating elements in the seats , do not kneel
on the seats or place h eavy loads on a small area of th e se at .•
App lies to veh ic les : wit h venti lated seats
Ventilated seats [~ I
The seat cushion and the seat back for the front seats can
be ventilated .
Fig. 132 MM I d isplay :
Ve nti lated sea ts
- Press the Ventilated se ats [~ ] button.
- Adjust the des ired ventilation w ith the control knob
=:> fig . 131.
In position O the seat ven tilation is turned off . T he range of adjus t
ment is from 1 to 6 . •
Warm and cold -
[ i J Tip s
If the climate control system is operating in cool ing mode, air flows
primarily from the outlets in the center console and in the door
pillars . To achieve adequate cooling, you should never close the
out lets completely. •
Using climate controls economically
Using the climate controls prudently can help save fuel.
When you use t he a ir conditioner, engine power is reduced
and fuel consumption increases. To save fuel, you should
use the a ir co nditioner only when necessary. Also please
note the follow ing po ints:
- If you want to save fuel, activate ECON.
If you are going to drive with the windows open, use ECON.
W For the s ake of the environm ent
By reducing the amount of fuel you use, you also reduce the amount
of pollutants emitted into the air. •
Applies to v ehicl es: with so lar slidi ng /tilt ing sunr oof
Solar blower fan /solar roof
With sufficient sunlight, the blower fan continues to
operate with solar energy to bring in fresh air after the
ignition has been switched off.
T he fan motor is operated by solar energy through the solar roof
after the igni tion is turned off. P lease make certa in that
vents ©
and© are open to achieve optimal ventilation ~ page 122, fig. 137 .
Controls a nd eq uip
The ventilation operates only with the sunroof c losed or in the tilted
If the vehicle was switched off in the recirculation mode, the air
conditioning automatica lly switches to fresh air operation .
Solar operation is not activated at low outside temperatures .•
Windshield defogging/defrosting
Ap plie s to v ehic le s : with windsh ield defogg er/defr oste r
Windshield defogger /defroster ®
The win dshield defogger rem oves humidity from the
F ig. 138 Win dsh ield
d efogger sw itc h
- Press the@ button to turn the w indshield defogger on
off ~ fig. 138 .
The w indshield defogger works only when the engine is running .
The indicator light in the button illuminates when the windshield defogger is turned on .
With a cold engine at outside temperatures below 41 °F (+5 °C) and in !AU TO
l operation , the windshield defogger turns on automati
cally . Depending on outside temperature, the windshie ld is heated .._
Vehicle care I I irechnical data
Warm and cold -
Rear climate controls
Ap plies to vehic les: with rear a ir co ndition ing
This overview is to assist you in familiarizing yourself with
the air conditioning controls .
Fig . 140 Air co ndi
t io ning contr ols
The left side of the display shows the temperature selected for the
rear passenger on the left, the right side shows the temperature
selected for the rear passenger on the right . If the air conditioning
settings are changed, this appears briefly in the corresponding area
of the display.
Functions are turned on and off by to uching the buttons . The LED in
the switch illuminates when the function is turned on .
By pressing the
sa fet y swi tc h ® in the driver's door ~ page 63 the
climate controls in the rear are deactiva ted. The message
appears in the display. In this mode the rear climate control can only
be operated by the driver through the contro ls in the front compar t
I ON /OFF] Tu rni ng o n and off
The air conditioning can be turned on and off by pressing the
I ON /OFF] button. With the ignit ion Off, the residual heat function
can be activated by pressing the button . The residual heat from the
Contro ls a nd eq uip
coolant can be used to heat the vehicle interior. The residual heat
f unction is turned off au tomatica lly after 30 minu tes .
Se tting th e te mp era tu re
Temperature can be adjus ted over a range from 64 °F (+ 18 °C) to 80
°F (+26 °C)
(!) A ir di st ribu tion
You can adjust the air circulation so that air flows from specific
• In the @setting, al l the air flows from the v ents in the center
conso le and the outlets in the door pillars.
• In the
-Or setting, air flows from the outlets under the front seats.
• In
the~ setting, air flows from ou tlets in the center console and
the door pil lars as we ll as from the outlets under the front seats .
To regulate air distribution automatical ly, swi tch to !AUTO].
~ H ea ted se ats*
In posit ion O the heating for the seats is turned off. The range of
adjustment is from 1 to 6 .
The seats can be pre -heated for about 10 minutes us ing the heating.
However , the heating is turned off if the seat sensors do not detect
the weight of an occupant during this period .
[ty) Ventil ate d seats*
The seat cushion and the seat back surfaces of the fron t seats can
be ventilated. In position
O the seat ventilation is turned off. The
range of adjustment is from 1 to 6 .
I Autom ati c o pera tion
Air tempe rature, volume of air and air dis tribu tion are automatically
regulated to achieve or maintain the desired temperatures as
quickly as possible .
Vehicle care I I irechnical data
___ w_ a_ r_ m __ a_n_ d_ c_ o_ld ________________________________________________ _
0 Note
To avoid damage to the heating elements in the seats, do not kneel
on the seats or place heavy loads on a small area of the seat. •
Basic settings [SETUP]
The basic settings for the climate control are performed in
the[SETUP] menu.
Fig . 141 MMI display:
Setup climate control
The basic settings for the air conditioning can only be made
with MMI turned on.
- Press the !SETUP] button in the controls to access the
- Select the desired function using the control knob (driver
or passenger) in the air conditioning controls.
The following functions can be selected:
=> page 126
• Automatic recirculation => page 126
• Synchronization => page 127
• Center air vent=> page 127
• Rear seat operation* => page 127
• Solar operation* => page 127•
The ECON mode helps to save fuel.
The air conditioning is turned off in ECON mode. "ECON" means
"Economy". By switching off the air conditioning (compressor), you
save fuel.
Please note that vehicle interior temperature cannot be lower than
the outside temperature in the ECON mode. The air is not cooled or
If the vehicle interior becomes too hot or if the windows fog up,
ECON mode should be turned off. As soon as the
(AUTO ] button in
the air conditioning controls is pressed, the system automatically leaves the ECON mode, and the air conditioning compressor is
tu rned on again. •
Automatic recirculation mode
An air quality sensor detects increased concentrations of pollutants in the outside air and automatically switches
to recirculation mode.
We recommend that you always keep automatic air recirculation ON
to prevent polluted outside air from entering the vehicle interior.
If the
air quality sensor located in the air conditioning system
detects polluted outside air, the sensor decides whether the air
pollution can be reduced by the factory-installed pollutant filter or
whether it is necessary to switch to air recirculation . W ith heavy
concentrations of pollutants, the air conditioning system is
switched automatically to recirculation mode and the supply of
outside air is blocked. As soon as the concentration of pollutants in
Warm and cold -
the outside air drops, fresh air is supplied to the vehicle interior
again .
In the event that the windows fog up during automatic air recircula
tion, you must press
the® button immediately.
Under certa in operat ing cond it ions, automatic a ir rec ircu lation is
switched off automatically . With outside temperatures below about
-8 °C and in the ECON mode, automatic air rec ircula tion is limited to
15 seconds. •
One climate control setting for all seats.
With synchronization active, the driver's or the passenger's settings
are adopted for the other seats . Al l the other set tings that were
made are transferred to the other seats. This includes all the c limate
control settings right down to the heated seats .
a d ifferent setting is selected at a "synchron ized seat", synchroni
zation is cancelled.
Center air vent
The temperature of the air leaving the center vents can be
changed to differ from the temperature setting.
Controls and equip ment
Fig. 14 2 MMI di spla y:
Ce nter a ir ve nt
The air flow coming from the center vents can be adjusted to be
colder or warmer t han the selected set temperatu re.
In this way you have the opportunity to have the a ir flow from the
center vents a litt le warmer or coo ler, depending on the time of year .
A litt le cooler in the summer and a little warmer in the winter. •
Applies to vehic les : with rear air condition in g
Rear seat operation
The rear climate con trols can be o perated fr om the
driver's area.
With active rear seat operation, the driver or the passenger can
operate the rear climate control system from
his/her contro ls. •
Ap plies to vehicles : w ith so lar roof
Solar operation
Depending on the solar irradiation in the vehicle, the fan
will run using solar power to keep fresh air circulating
inside the vehicle, even af ter you switch off the ignition.
- Switch the solar operation to on .
After you switch off the ignition, the fan is operated using solar
power from the solar roof. Make sure outlets
G) and © are open for
ventilation => page 722, fig. 137.
The vent ilation works on ly if t he sunroof is closed or t ilted up.
If you turn off the engine whi le the air rec irculation is on, the air
conditioning automatically switches to fresh air mode.
Solar operation is not activated at low outside temperatures .•