2008 AUDI S8 air conditioning

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Page 65 of 404

AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual •  The driver  can  lower  or  raise  the  power  side  blinds * in  the  side 
windows  by  using  switches 
© and @ . • 
Switches  in  the  drivers  door 
The driver  can  operate  all  window

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual ___ w_ a_ rm __  a_ n_ d_ c_ o_ ld __________________________________________________  _ 
This overview  will  help  you  to  familiarize  yourself  with  the 
air  conditioning  controls.

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold -
Turning  on  and  off  [ ON/OFF] 
Turning  th e  air conditioning  on 
- Press [ON/OF F], or 
- Press [AUTO]. 
Turning  th e air  conditioning  off 
- Press [ ON/OF

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual ___ w_ a_ rm __  a_ n_ d_ c_ o_ ld __________________________________________________  _ 
drivers s ide  can be sw it c hed to  the  passengers  side,  and v ice versa. 
In  the  case  of  vehic les

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold -
[ i J Tip s 
If the  climate  control  system  is operating  in  cool ing  mode,  air  flows 
primarily  from  the  outlets  in  the  center  conso

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold -
Rear  climate  controls 
Ap plies  to vehic les: with  rear  a ir co ndition ing 
This overview  is to assist you in familiarizing  yourself  with  

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual ___ w_ a_ r_ m __  a_n_ d_ c_ o_ld  ________________________________________________  _ 
0 Note 
To avoid  damage  to  the  heating  elements  in the seats, do  not  kneel 
on  the  seats  or  place

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AUDI S8 2008  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold -
the  outside  air  drops,  fresh  air  is supplied  to  the vehicle  interior 
again . 
In the  event  that  the  windows  fog  up  during  automatic  air  recircula
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