Page 33 of 194
General operation
Selection arrow
The selected element has a
white background and is shown
larger in the entry ring.
The symbol to the left of the
cursor with the white fill is
Cursor movement in entry field
Switch between caps/no caps
Confirms an entry
Switches from number to letter
entry.Entry cursorEntry fieldLarge image of the selected
Selecting a suggestion from the
Switches from letter to number
Reference to list elements
which match the current entries
in the entry field, showing num-
ber of list elementsSorted list of entries
Page 34 of 194
Display 32Making entries with the spellerFig. 27 Display: Entering letters in the speller
Fig. 28 Display: Entering numbers in the speller
Entering digits, letters and characters
– Select the desired letters, numbers or characters in the
speller display using the selector arrow by rotating
the control knob.
– To confirm the entry, press the control knob after each
selection of a letter, number or character.
– Select OK to close out the entry.
Deleting numbers, letters and characters
– With the selection arrow, select DEL by rotating the
control knob.
– Press the control knob, and the last entry in the entry
field will be deleted.In some cases, such as in navigation, the selection of letters is
limited by logical exclusion.
For e xample, if you have entered part of a city in the speller display
and you already recognize the desired city in the speller display list,
you can shift directly to the city list by keeping pressure on the
control knob.
Page 35 of 194
General operation
Control wheelOperation
The “controlwheel” shown in the display, together
with the “controlknob”, allows easy operation of the
basic functions when playing the CD, radio and MP3.Fig. 29 Display: Control wheel (example shows MP3 operation)– Press the corresponding function button, e.g. .
– Press the control button with the Source function.
–Select MP3.
– Press the control button with the MP3 ctrl function.– Rotate the control knob to select a function on the
control wheel fig.29.
– Confirm your selection by pressing the control knob.
The control wheel is divided into different segments. The func-
tion of the segment depends on the current menu.
Yo u c a n f i n d t h e d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e d i f f e r e n t c o n t r o l w h e e l f u n c t i o n s
during radio operation starting on
page 62, during CD operation
starting on
page 80 and during MP3 operation starting on
page 85.
Page 36 of 194
Drives 34DrivesIntroductionSystem drives
The navigation DVD, audio CDs or MP3 CDs compatible
with the equipment can be loaded into the DVD navi-
gation drive.–Press the button page 12, f i g .4 t o o p e n o r c l o s e t h e
display. The drives are located behind the display
fig.30.The following drives are integrated in the Navigation System.
DVD navigation drive
page 35
Two MP3 card readers for SD or MMC memory cards
page 40
An MP3 CD is a CD ROM on which MP3 files are stored.
Fig. 30 Display open:
DVD drive and MP3
card reader
Page 37 of 194
General operation
Applies to vehicles: with CD changerCD changerFor technical reasons there are two different CD changers which are
not available for all models.
Audi cd changer* in glove compartment
CD changer with cartridge* in trunk
Th e differences in operation of the external CD changer are limited
to the different procedure when loading the CDs into the changer.
The CD changers are available as factory equipment.DVD navigation driveGeneralThe DVD navigation drive
page 36, fig.33 can read and play the
n a v i g a t i o n DV D, a u d i o CD s (C D- A ) a n d M P 3 C Ds c o m p a t i b l e w it h t h e
An a ud i o C D (C D- A ) i n s e r t e d i n t h e d ri v e is p l a ye d u s in g t h e C D f un c -
page 78. An MP3 CD ins er ted in the drive is played using the
MP3 function
page 83.
Important tips for handling the different data carriers can be found
starting on
page 48.
Navigation DVDs can be purchased from an Audi dealer. The dealer
can also provide you with information about navigation DVD
Fig. 31 Audi cd
changer in glove
compartmentFig. 32 CD changer
with cartridge in trunk
Page 38 of 194
Drives 36Loading navigation DVD– Press the button to open the display.
– Hold the navigation DVD by the hole in the center and the
outer edge page 51, fig.52.– G ui de t h e n a vi g a t i o n DV D s t ra i g h t ( l a be l s i de u p) i n to t h e
drive . The navigation DVD is pulled in automatically.
Before in ser ting the n avigation DVD, check to make sure the re is n o
DVD/CD already in the drive. If there is a DVD/CD in the drive, push
the Eject button and remove the DVD/CD
page 37.
The navigation DVD should never be forced into the drive. The navi-
gation DVD is pulled in automatically.
If you are shown the message Please check navigation DVD in the
display, you cannot use the Navigation function. Possible reasons
are described starting on
page 51.
If you are shown the message Navigation is being initialized in the
display, navigation is in the start phase. As soon as this message
disappears and a navigation menu is displayed, you can use the
navigation feature.
To ensure problem-free operation, you should use only a clean,
unscratched and undamaged navigation DVD. You can find addi-
tional hints starting on
page 48.
Fig. 33 Display open:
DVD navigation driveFig. 34 Display open:
Inserting navigation
DVD into the drive
Page 39 of 194
General operation
Ejecting navigation DVD– Press the button to open the display.
– W h e n t h e d i sp l a y i s f ul l y o pe n , pr e ss t h e E j e c t bu t to n .
The navigation DVD will be ejected.
NoteAlways keep the navigation DVD in a suitable jewel case (e.g. CD
case) to protect it from dirt, dust particles, scratches and other
damage. You can find additional hints starting on
page 48.
MP3 playerGeneral
The MP3 player recognizes MP3 music files on different
data carriers.MP3 music are normally subject to copyright law in accordance with
the applicable international and national regulations. Without the
p r i o r c o n s e n t o f t h e c o p y r i g h t h o l d e r, d u p l i c a t i o n s m a y n o t b e m a d e
in some countries, not even for personal use.
Please find out about and follow applicable copyright regulations.
As long as you yourself hold these rights, for example, to your own
compositions and recordings or they were granted by the benefi-
ciary, these restrictions naturally do not apply.Storage medium “MP3 CD”
C D s w i t h s t o r e d M P 3 f i l e s c a n b e p l a y e d o n t h e i n t e g r a l
MP3 player.Only MP3 compositions which were stored on a CD in accordance
with the ISO9660 file system (single session and multisession) can
be played. MP3 CDs with a capacity of 650 and 700 MB can be used.
The maximum length for the file names is 8+3 characters.
The maximum number per medium is limited to 400 files.
MPEG-1 layer 3 format is supported by the MP3 player. Fixed bit
rates of 32-320 kbits/s are supported.
Fig. 35 Display open:
Ejecting navigation
Page 40 of 194
Drives 38For compressing MP3 files we recommend a bit rate of at least 160
In the case of MP3 files with a variable bit rate, there may be a
discrepancy between play time displayed and the real time.
If various types of information (artist, album, track name, and so on)
a re to b e d i s p l a y e d , a n I D 3 t a g m us t b e a t t a che d to t h e M P 3 fi l e . Th e
MP3 player supports Versions 1 and 2 of ID3 tags. The display of
artist and track name is limited to a total of 64 characters maximum.
The Navigation System recognizes playlists and can play MP3 files
in the sequence established there. The structure of the playlists
must conform to m3u format. The file names must have the exten-
sion “.m3u”.
Because of the diversity of CD-R/CD-RW blanks and their different
storage capacities, function may be limited with individual storage
Loading CD
M P3 C Ds a n d a u d i o C D s c a n a ls o b e p la y e d i n t h e DV D
navigation drive.
Fig. 36 Display open:
DVD navigation driveFig. 37 Display open:
Inserting CD into the