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It is recommended to check the following: -cr acks or breaches of the ba ttery box (c ase)
- battery upper part cleanness
- plugs condition
It is required to strictly check the following:
-lack of plugs sulfate composite
- proceed, is necessary to their cleaning and then greasing with neutral grease;
- correct wiring plugs tightening at the battery plugs. The existence of an imperfect contact
may generate i ncidents at engine starting or a t battery charging, sparks producing risk being
possible to occur, which may cause the battery explosion;
- check the electrolyte level;
- check that a eration holes of the access plugs are not closed.
For the batteries provided with access plugs, which may be dismounted, proceed as follows:
-r emove the plugs;
- check the electrolyte level in each element;
-i f necessary, refill the level, using only distilled water, till maximum 1.5 cm above the
-check that a eration holes of the access plugs are not closed
N ever fill up with electrolyte, but only with distilled wat er.
It is important to know that: -the battery contains sulfuric acid which is a dangerous substance
- during battery chargi ng, oxygen a nd hydrogen are produc ed, so c heck t hat aera tion
holes of the access plugs are not closed The mixture of these two gases is forming a detonate gas,
which may lead to the explosion risk. 1. DANGER = ACID
The sulfuric acid solution is a very aggressive, toxic and corrosive product. This is a ttacking
the skin, the clothes and may lead to the corrosion of most of the metals. Also, it is very important, that, when you handle a battery , to consider the following precautions:
- protect the eyes by using protective glasses;
- wear anti-acid gloves and clothes.