1996 BMW 8 SERIES Drive Away Protection Syst

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 9
System Components
Key with Transponder
Four keys are initially supplied with each vehicle.
Each  key  contains  a  wireless  electronic  chip
(transponder chip). The function of the transpon-

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 10
Ring Antenna
The  Ring  Antenna  is  an  inductive  coil  installed  around  the  lock  cylinder  which  provides
power for the transponder in the key and the communication link (antenna) betwe

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 11
EWS II Control Module
The  EWS II  Control  Module  is  linked  to  the  BC,  GM,  DME,  Trans  Range  switch  and  the
starter for drive away protection operation. The module incorporates an i

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 12
The  DME  is  redesigned  to  incorporate  the  new  ISN  code.  As  of  production  1/95  all  DME
control modules will contain the unique ISN number and will not interchange with previous

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 13
Principle of Operation
The starting sequence involves communication between all the components of the system.
Any  break-down  in  the  communication  process  will  result  in  a  no  start  c

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 14
• If the transponder accepts the password as correct the transponder releases the 
changing code (7) to the transmitter/receiver module which converts this AM signal to 
digital (8) and sends

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 15
Replacement Procedures
Up  to  6  additional  keys  may  be  ordered  as  replacement  keys.  The  EWS  II  control  module
is codeable for only 10 keys (4 delivered with vehicle and 6 rep

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BMW 8 SERIES 1996 E31 Drive Away Protection Syst 16
EWS III (3.2)
The 1997 Model Year E38is equipped with EWS III (3.2) drive away protection. E39vehi-
cles produced 3/97and later are also equipped with EWS III (3.2).
Purpose of the System
The m
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