Support the car on stands horizontally, Fig. I using
the three stands 6602-T, in order to facilitate the
removal of the power unit assembly and to reposition
it more easily on the stands.
Depressurize the hydraulic system.
Drain the brake accumulator.
Set the height control to the “low” position
- the battery,
- the bonnet,
- the front wheel,
- the spare wheel
- the protection plate located under the spare wheel,
Drain the cooling circuit via the drain hose of the
Take off the crankcase drain plug (I 1, Fig. II.
Remove the drive-shafts:
(Refer to Op @ MA.372. l/l)
Uncouple: hoses (6) and (71, Fig. IV (protecting the
alternator from water entry at “a”).
Disconnect the engine cooling fan thermal switch.
Remove the engine heat sink.
Extract, Fig. Ill:
- the screws that secure horn (2) support, passing
through the wheelarch,
- the wheelarch lining. Disconnect:
- wiring harnesses (3) from the battery positive lead,
Fig. Ill,
- the ground cable from the gearbox,
- the wiring harness from the reversing lamp switch.
Remove, Fig. Ill:
- the pressure regulator accumulator,
- pipe (4) between pressure regulator and brake accu-
Vehicle with air conditioning option:
- the belt protective cover,
- the air conditioning compressor drive belt
- the air intake casing position accelerator cable,
- the high pressure pump rubber suction pipe,
- the high pressure pump outlet pipe (5) and its attach-
ment, Fig. Ill.
Disconnect: Fig. V
- the throttle spindle switch (IO),
- knock sensor (14).
Uncouple: Fig. V
- pressure sensor pipe(91,
- supplementary air pipe (I I),
- cylinderhead cover pipe (I 21,
- breather pipe (8).
Remove suction pipe (I 3) situated between the flow-
meter and the turbocharger or between the flowme-
ter and the inlet manifold.
Raise and support the front of the vehicle on stands
Depressurize the hydraulic circuit.
Set the height control lever to the (( low )) position
Remove, Fig. I :
- the wheel,
- the suspension cylinder pivot retaining pin (I 1,
- the anti-roll bar link rod nut (2).
Uncouple ball-joint (3) from the anti-roll bar link rod
using puller 6320-T. Fig. II.
Screw up the tool nut in the ball-joint stem. Fit the
tool cross piece and pin.
Extract, Fig. Ill,
- the nut from upper ball-joint (4).
Disconnect the upper ball-joint.
If the vehicle is fitted with the ABS, the removal of
the upper ball-joint nut requires pushing back the
- the pin, C
- the nut lock,
- the drive-shaft nut.
Fig. IV
- nut (51,
Fig. V
- the spindle with extractor 6303-T.
Remark: An adjustment shim may be found between
the arm and the front face of the subframe. REFITTING
The LH wheel arm is different from the RH one. Boss
u a )a should be directed towards the rear of the
vehicle when the wheel arm has been fitted.
Reinstall, Fig. V :
- the arm fitted with its thrust cups (7)
frhe thinner cup facing rearwardsl,
- the adjustment shim (6) found on dismantling, facing
Engage the spindle ; place a new NYLSTOP nut.
Tighten to 12.5 mdaN
Recouple the upper ball-joint.
Tighten the new NYLSTOP nut to 7 mdaN
Reconnect the anti-roll bar link rod (wipe the ball-joint
fixing but do nor use solventl.
Tighten the new NYLSTOP nut to 4.7 mdaN
Refit the suspension cylinder pivot and pin.
Vehicles equipped with the ABS:
Fit the drive-shaft nut (with the faces and threads
Tighten to 37.5 mdaN.
- the nut lock,
- the pin,
- the road wheel
Support the front of the vehicle on stands 6602-T.
Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Set the height control lever to the (( low )) position.
- the road wheel,
- the brake pad wear warning lamp harness holding
- the lower ball-joint nut.
Uncouple the lower ball-joint from the arm using puller
3312-T or 6323-T, Fig. I
Take off:
- the plastic trim cover,
- nut (I 1, Fig. II,
- spindle (2) with the help of inertia extractor
1671-T and adaptor 6306-T, Fig. Ill.
Mark adjustment shims (3) and (4) location, Fig. IV.
Remove the wheel arm. REFITTING
Note: the RH and LH arms are not alike.
If the wheel arm has been removed following an
impact, it will be necessary to readjust the caster
Place the expander of tool 6312-T in the wheel arm,
with screw A pointing rearwards, Fig V.
Bring tubes (5) and (6) into contact, Fig. V. In order
to do so:
Fig. VI :
- Grip the arm in a vice,
- Tighten the expandable element by means of
spanner B from tool 6312-T.
The reservoir is located in the left hand rear section of the engine compartment. Its breather, situated on the filler
cap, is connected to a filter-capsule placed in the LH wheelarch.
Level indicator: Fig. I
A: maximum mark
B: minimum mark.
Key to reservoir diagram: Fig. I and II
1 - Overflow return from front and rear suspension cylinders.
2 - Overflow return from security valve and front rear height correctors
3 - Reservoir breather with filter in wheelarch.
4 - Hydraulic control block return pipe (ABS).
5 - Operational and overflow return pipes from compensator-brake control valve.
6 - Operational return pipe from pressure regulator and front and rear height correctors.
7 - Suction line for HP pump.
8 - Baffle deflector.
9 - Filter for overflow and operational return pipes.
10 - Fluid level indicator float.
11 - Filter on HP pump suction line.
Security valve: Fig. I
Calibration pressures for slide valve return spring:
- Pressure for isolation (no supply to suspension at A and D) :
- Pressure for supply to suspension (delivery at A and D) : 110 bars min.
130 bars min.
Key to diagram:
A : Feed to front height corrector.
B : Feed to steering rack and control unit.
C : H.P. inlet
D : Feed to rear height corrector.
E : Leakage return.
(1) : Adjusting shims for the calibration of slide valve return spring.
Shim thickness
(2) : Slide valve.
(3) : Fault detector (mechanically operated through shifting of slide-valve (2) 1.
Brake accumulator: Fig. II
-Capacity: . . . . . . . .._.._..~..._~._............_..........._.....
- Calibration pressure: 0.9 mm
0.4 litres
62 f 32 bars
F : HP inlet.
G : Centrifugal regulator, security valve
H: Brake control valve.
Support the front of the vehicle on stands 6602-T.
Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
Set the height control to the “low” position.
Remove: Fig. I:
- the road wheel,
- the pin and nut lock,
- the nut (35 mm A/F). Retain the wheel hub using
tool 6310-T, Fig. I.
Fig. II,
- suspension cylinder swivel ball maintaining pin (I 1,
- anti-roll bar link-rod nut (2).
Uncouple spherical ball (3) from the anti-roll bar link-
rod by means of puller 6320-T, Fig. Ill: (Screw up
the tool nut to the ball-joint stem and fit the tool “U”
part and spindle).
Disconnect the brake pad wear warning lamp electri-
cal harness.
Take off the brake disc cooling plate securing screws. Extract the nut of the swivel lower ball pin.
Uncouple the swivel lower ball pin with extractor
3312-T or 6323-T (Avoid damaging the ball joint
protection rubber).
Removing the LH drive-shaft assembly:
Push the LH drive shaft (5) aside with a chisel (6),
bearing against the heads of the gearbox flange
screws, Fig. V.
Important : If a few hammer strokes are not enough
to push aside drive shaft (51, the circlip is probably
blocked inside the sun gear. In that case, undo
clamp (4) and remove the transmission without its
drive-shaft, (retrieve the rollerl.
Turn the steering through full lock to the left.
Leave the swivel hanging.
Liberate the LH transmission from the hub and remove
Removing the RH drive-shaft assembly:
Slacken the drive-shaft bearing support nuts (71,
Fig. VI.
Swing through a half turn tie rods (81, so as to release
the bearing outer track.
Withdraw drive shaft (9) from the sun gear. (Remove
the shaft, the o’ring seal, bush, and dust seal).
Turn the steering to full right lock; leave the swivel
Disengage the RH transmission from the wheel hub
and remove it.
2 MA
Colour Colour
E --Pi- Function ”
5 z 2 iz az?i”; cg Function
,%“~o” -0
2% z 2:
om 02’ 2%
Es p 2 f
“v)Z”” i53 s 22
S2r”~S 0% zi ‘i’ F
125M 1JM Earth 106-201 211
III 5 3 Bl 1 J Mv + lgnttron 40
On Harness 3 J 2 v L/H Front Srde Lamp 201
2 V Mv
G + lgnrtion Swatch 38
Main Beam 212 3V B Tachometer 66
4G V Dipped Beam
G 213
5 V BI L/H Drrectron lndrcator 107
III 6 6 B 1 J Mv + lgnrtron Swatch - Heater 20
l35B 1G 2J G + lgnrtron Switch - Heater 27
Drpped Beam 214
2J G Marn Beam 215
H 4
D 3 v R/H Side Lamp 202
4 J M 5J R
Earth Heater Eart; 24
11 I-203 216
5 V BI 6 J BI Heater Earth 31
R/H Direction lndrcator 112
I408 1 Heated Rear Screen IV 1 0 J 1 BI
162 Main Beam 215
2 2 Heated Rear Screen 2 J V
163 Dipped Beam 213
3 s Boot Lighting 3 G
188 Rear Fog Lamp Swatch
4 Side Lamps 4G N
217 + Directron Indicator Swatch 108
5 5
Rear No Plate Lamps 219
B 5 G BI L/H Drrection lndrcator I 109
R 6 2
Stop Lamps 6 G M Earth
147 I105
E 7G R Side Lamps
7 3 L/H DIrectron lndrcator 109 211
8 L? R/H Drrectron Indicator 8G B
110 R/H Directron lndrcator 110
9 t” Reversing Lamps 33 9 J N + Direct Lrghtrng 201
0 Rear Fog Lamps 208 0 BI N + Drrect Lrghting 201
IllOM 1 IV24M 1 + Battery lgnttron Switch 138
2J G Marn Beam 216 2 + Battery lgnrtron Swatch 27
3 3 + Battery lgnttion Switch 5
4 * 4 + Battery - lgnitron Swatch 38
56 R Side Lamps 211 .
B 6 IV31N 1 Heated Rear Screen
7M V Hand Brake 90 I.
8 N + Ignition Switch 79 IV46J 1 J R Windscreen Wiper Fast Speed 133
9V N + Direct 68 2 J Mv Wrndsc Wtper t lgnrt Swatch 138
0 V BI Tachometer 65 3 G Mv Windscreen Washer Pump
B 138
4 J BI Wrndscreen Wiper Slow Speed 134
II288 1 Side Lamp 204 5G v Windscreen Wiper Parkrng 136
2 B G Hazard Warning Switch 111 .6 G J Windscreen Wiper Timer 135
3B N + Drrect 110 .
B 4 B BI L/H Direction Indicator 111
IV 5 7 B 1 G Mv Windscreen Washer Pump 138
5 6 Mv + lgnitron Switch 111
2 G M Earth 6-80 138
6B J + Drrection Indicator Unit 107
3J G Earth
7 0 160
R/H Direction Indicator 112
G 4 M Cooling Fan Relay 6 a M Earth 113
5G B Horn 159
6 BI Cooling Fan 7
ll32B 1 V Cigar Lrghter Lighting 203 7V J
H 2 + lgnitron Cooling Fan Relay 6
II43M 1 J V13J 1
Earth 94
2 J 2 B V Horn
Earth 93
B 159
MB 3 B M
3 J Earth + Horn
92 159
II538 1 V J Rear View Mtrror De-lcrng V 2 4 BI 1 BI
158 Rear Window Motor
2v B Heated Rear Screen Switch 2J V
162 Height Corrector Earth 141
H H 3 V Mv + Ignition Switch 3J N + Drrect height Corrector 144
4J B + lgnrtron herght Corrector 139
(Heated Rear Screen) 162
lll12M 1 J Earth 204 189 V32N IN + Battery Junction Box 2
H J N + Crgar Lighter 90 G N + Battery Junctron Box 2
Ill 2 6 M 1 G N + Stop Lamp Switch 147 V45J 1 J R Wrndscreen Wrper Fast Speed 133
2 G M Earth 90 2 J BI Windscreen Wiper Slow Speed 134
D 3 G B Windscreen Wrper Parking 136
H 4V R + Glove Box Lrghting 187 4J N + lgnitron Windscreen Wiper 137
5 G Stop Lamp Switch 147 5 J Earth Windscreen Wiper 134
6 V Hand Brake Swatch 90
V54J IJ R Starter Solenord 5
III 3 2 N 1 V R + Direct Radro 191 2 G Bi Reversrng Lamps 33
H 2 ( + lgnrtion Swrtchl G 3 G + lgnrtron Swatch After Fl 34
4G R + lgnrtron Swatch Rev Switch 33
lll44B 1 lgnttron Swatch + C iF3) 138 -
2 lgnrtron Switch + C tF2) 27 V 6 3 R 1 BI N Rear Wrndow Motor 128
3 Starter Swatch 5
H 2G R t Direct After F7 179
4 lgnrtion Switch -t C lgnrtron 38 3J M + Dtrect Rear Crgar Lrgther 139
No. Description Location
54 ABS Control Unit G
57 Fuel Calculator Unit A
60 Air Conditioning Control Unit A
76 Window Winder Unit F
80 Speed Regulating Unit E 81
Heater Control Unit A
84 Water Level Unit L
87 Water Temperature Unit B
89 Door Locking Warning Unit A
90 Door Lock Control Unit A 91
Remote Control door Lock Unit C
92 Interior Lighting Timer A
93 Bulb Failure Indicator Unit (Salopn) H
93 Bulb Failure Indicator Unit (Safari) J 110
Heater Plug Control Unit
,. K 127
Side lamp Audible Warning D 141
Ignition ECU K 142
Injection ECU E 151
Water temperature Flasher unit B 658
Blower Speed Control Unit E 731
Fuel Injection electronic Relay M 733
Air Cond. Engine Fan Relay K 734
Injector relay M 735
Main Beam Relay D
739 Height Control relay B 743
Air Horn Compressor Relay K 745
Blower Motor Fast Speed Relay A 750
Fog Lamp Relay
6 756
ABS Electra-Valve Relay L 757
ABS Protection Relay L 772
Blower Fan Motor 2nd Speed Relay K 773
Engine Cooling Fan lnverter Relay K 775
Starter Motor Safety Relay (Auto G/Box) B 778
Fuel Heater/Starter Motor Relay (with diode) K
779 Fuel Heater Oil pressure Relay (with diode) K 781
Main fuel Heater Relay K RI
Engine Cooling Fan Relay B R2
Front Window Winder Relay 6 R3
Rear Window Winder Relay B R4
Heated Rear Screen Relay 6 I
Windscreen Wiper Timer Relay
C Direction Indicator Unit B