Downloaded from manuals search engine 4 OPERATION N” MA. 000 : General characteristics
Weights in kg ( lb )
- Kerb weight ( with full tallk oj fuel ) . . . . . . . . . .
- Weight on
front axle ...............................................
- Weight on rear axle ................................................
- G.V.W. ( Gross Vehicle Weight, all optional
ecpiip777ei7t i77cluded )
- Maximum authorised weight on front axle ..........
- Maximum authorised weight on rear axle ............
I G.T.W. ( Gross Train
Weight )
Towing : ( Weights in kg ( lb ) cx 2000
1265 ( 2789
) 1285
( 2833 )
( 1863 ) 860
( 1896)
420 ( 926
1 425
( 937 1
1740 ( 3836
) 1760 ( 3880 )
1020 ( 2249 ) 1020 ( 2249 )
750 ( 1653 ) 750 ( 1653)
2370 ( 5225
) I i77cI77rfi77!: n Ir.oiler 2405 ( 5302 )
( i/7t/ur/i77g
rc,i/hou/ brnkes cc,eighiug 630 kg o trc7ilcr rt~ithou t brakes
( 1389 Ihs ) rc~ei$iu~ 645 kg ( 1422 Ibs)
n) Vehicles equipped with a single electric cooli,f,c /c[i7 :
Maximum trailer weight ( gradient of 1 h 10 ) .__._..,...__,_____............
- Maximum
weight for bailer without brakes _.., .__._. ,. _._..,.,_..,__.._...... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vehicles equipped with tu& electric cooling /ans :
Gross Train. Weight ( zc:ith 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer with brakes ) .....-.’
- Maximum authorised trailer weight (within limits o/ C. 7‘. W’. ) ~..~~...~.....~~~
- Maximum starting gradient ( at G. ‘f. IV, )
cx 2200
cx 2000
900 ( 1984 )
630 ( 1389 )
3040 ( 6702.)
1500 ( 3307)
1 in8 l/3
- cx 2200
900 ( 1984)
645 (,I422 )
3060 ( 6746 )
1500 ( 3307 )
1 in8 l/3
IMPORTANT NOTE : Referehces to trailers without brakes DO NOT APPLY in U.K.
Capacities :
- Fuel tank
. . .._....__........................................................................................... 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system
(including beater unit ) 16 dm2 ( 248 ) radiator 11 litres ( 19.3 pts )
20 dm2 ( 310 ) radiator 10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
- Heater unit alone :
i . . ..___.___.._.._.._..........................,..,.,..................................... Cl.6 litres ( 1.05 pt )
- Engine oil :
- After Oil Change _......_._.,_....,..,....,.......,....,................~.,.........................,
4.650 litres ( 8.2 pts )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick 1.1 litre ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( Approx ) 4 litres ( 7 pts )
- Gearbox
a) ‘11 mud ~earlmx :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL EP 80 ) _.__.__._..._..._._................................... 1 .6 litres ( 2.8 pts )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._................... 0.150 litres ( a.26 pts )
b) Ccarbos with
/orque: con7jerter :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL Fluide T ) . ..__.,_.____________....,.,....,....,,.......... 5.5 litres ( 9.7 pts )
- After Oil Change . . 2 to 3 litres ( 3 l/2 to 5.2 pts )
( according to draining time )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick (with oil
cold ) .0..150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
- Usable volume of boot
325 dm3 ( 11.48 cu. ft ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._................................................................
Downloaded from manuals search engine 10 OPERATION No MA. 000 : (;vt/c~ra/ chorac/vris/ics
Weights in kg ( lb )
- Kerb weight I wit/~ iLlI /m/k. oi !IIVI )
- Weight on the front axle .......................
........................ ........... .......................
- Weight on the rear axle ......................... ....................................................................
- Gross Vehicle Weight
....... ...........................................................................
........... 1300 ( 2866 )
870 ( 1918 )
430 ( 948 )
1790 ( 3946 )
- Maximum authorised weight on the fr-ont axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..._..._._......._._._....._..._.. 1050 ( 2315 )
- Maximum authorised weight on the rear axle
. . . . . . . . . ..~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 ( 1653 )
- Gross Train Weight (with a 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer ) . . . . . . . . .
3090 ( 6812 )
- Gross Train Weight ( with a 650 kg ( 1433 lb ) trailer without brakes ) . . . . 2440 ( 5379 )
Towing :
- Maximum weight of trailer without brakes
..... __ ......................................................... 650 ( 1433 )
- Maximum weight of trailer ( within G.T.W. limit of 3090 kg ( 6812 lb ) .....................
1500 ( 3307 )
- Maximum starting gradient ( at G.T.W. ) ..................................................... ..............
12% (1 in8 l/2)
NOTE For towing a trailer heavier than 900 kg ( 1984 lb ). ‘t . 1 1s necessary to fit a second lo-blade electric
cooling fan.
IMPORTANT NOTE : References to trailers without brakes DO NOT APPLY in U.K.
Capacities :
- Fuel tank .__._.___..._....__..__...,.._.,.....__________.___.___.___.__.__.__._...................,..... : ._.___.____._. 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system f
itfcltrrlivg hcatcr rirlil ) :
- Manual or torque converter gearbox .._..._..__._._,.._..._._.. _..._._._......._......._._._...... 10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
- Optional torque converter t air-conditioning unit .._...............................
12.5 litres ( 22 pts )
- Heater unit alone _. _..._._._..,_ _..._.........,....._._._....__.___......... ._. _._._._._....._., .,,._......._. 0.6 litres ( 1.05 pts )
- Engine oil :
- after draining
_..,.._._._....___..._.__....................._._._..._..._....._..._._._................... 4.650 litres (8.2 pts )
- difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick 1.1 litres ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( approx ) _....,_._.__.._._.........,..._..._._.___._......._._._._._._._..................... 4 litres ( 7 pts )
- Gearbox :
_ Overall cspacity ( TOTAL EP 80 ) . . . . . .._.... .._._._..._._._....._._._..._..._... 1.600 litres ( 2.8 pts )
- Difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
h) Torque con7~c~rter grarbos :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL FLUIDE T ) _._._._._.,_...._........_.._.................... 5.5 litres ( 9.7 pts )
- After draining _._,_,_,_.,._.._......_._._._._._._..._..._._._._..._._..__._..._._..................... 2 to 3 litres ( 3.5 to 5.3 pts )
according to draining time
- Difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick (r!,ith
the oil cold) _._,...... 0.150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
-Usable volume of boot .~...............,.........,,............................................. . . 325 dm3 ( 11.48 cu.ft )
Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATION No MA. 390-O : Checkin
P the hydraulic componm~s on the ucbicle Op. MA. 390-O 3
f Mama sleeting wbi&s I
6. Checking the safety valve :
Remove safety v&e fixing screw ( 1 ).
Remove from safety valve :
supply pipe for front suspension (2 ),
- supply pipe for rem suspension (3):
Plug openings of safety valve ( pIugs E J.
Tighten pressure regulator bleed screw
start engine.
Disconnect rubher overflow return pipe and
watch aperture ~a>> of safety valve.
- I/ Iherr is a slight c7moa,,t 0, sHymge thr
sa/cty ~dve is s in good ordrv n.
-If thrr~ is a discharge of fluid the sniw
dw must be rqlacrd..
f ) Slacken pressure regulator bleed screw-
Conned overflow return pipe to safety valve.
Secure safety valve ( screw (( 1 a) 1.
7. Checking the safety valve slidevolve :
a) Remove plug from rem suspension outlet on
safety v&e at G b >a.
b ) Disconnect contact breaker lead on coil and
turn engine using stmter : fluid should start
to run through the opening a d N when pressure
1lLl +o 130 bars ( 1585 to 1885 psi )
c) Slacken pressure regulator bleed screw.
Connect contact breaker lead.
d ) Plug safety valve opening u b )) (plug E ).
8. Checking the hydraulic brake contml :
m ) Tighten pressure regulator bleed screw.
b) Start up engine.
When cut-out takes place wait a fen: seconds
for the pressure to stobilize.
Stop engine%
Watch pressure gauge and note the pressure
drop in the next 3
minutes. If pressure drop
exceeds 10 bors*( 145 psi ) repeat the test.
If the re< is the same. the broke control
valve is defective : change it.
Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATION No MA. 450-00 : Ch nrnclcrislics ortd sp~~c-i~l (c~c~trlrc>s 01 the hokiug S SI~IN Op. MA. 450.00 5
A brake pressure limiter is fitted to the rear braking system on Estate vehicles.
Its object is to vary the maximum
pressure in the rear braking system as a function of the load imposed on the rear suspension and the pressure in
the front braking system. It is secured horizontally on the front subframe, behind the safety valve.
L 45-6
Rear brakes Air-chamber
Front brakes
Rear brakes Air-chamber
A A --
7 Front brakes OPERATION
* I
f Vchtclcs - ‘I/]‘,?(, i
The brake pressure limiter consists mainly of a
slide-valve, the positions of which allow or do not
allow the supply of fluid under pressure from the
brake valve to the rear brakes.
The ends of this slide-valve are submitted to the
action of two forces
- Force F
exerted by the fluid under pressure in
the rear suspension.
= Force R
exerted by spring ( 1 ) and increased by the
value of force Fl
exerted by the front brake fluid
pressure during braking action.
a) \‘~~I~i~-/~~s irt Ilte t( lorl r /tr,.silioti f t/o /trc~.s.surc’ )
Under the only force R,that of the spring. slide-valve
is in the position indicated in figure 1. The fluid
cannot pass from the brake valve to the rear brakes,
( and vice-versa ).
F exerted by the rear suspension pressure
is greater than Force R
exerted by the sprinq.
The slide-valve is in the position indicated by
Figure 2. which allows flow of fluid from brake
valve to rear brakes ( and vice-versa ).
c ) Vvhiclc il2 ntotior/. rr,ith 111~’ broke pednl ncl~~fit~~c/ :
Fluid from the front brakes exerts a Force Fl
which is added to Force R exerted by the spring.
When these two forces are smaller than force F,
slide-valve is in position shown in Figure 2.
The rear brakes are supplied.
When these two forces are greater than Force
slide-valve is in the position shown on Figure 1.
The rear brakes are not supplied.
+ R -b F is true, when the pressure
in the front brakes + 28 bars ( 406 psi ) becomes
greater than the’pressure in the rear suspension.
When F
increases, Fl increases. Consequently,
maximum pressure in the rear brakes increases.
In order to avoid a sudden cut-out of the supply
to the rear brakes, a ball-valve slows the flow
of liquid from the front brakes. The action of this
valve is increased by the fact that an air-bubble
trapped in its chamber, secured at the rear of the
front subframe upper.crossmember on the L.H. side,
has to be compressed. Once the slide-valve has
started moving, the supply of fluid is not slowed
down, and it then flows through the by-pass channel.
Downloaded from manuals search engine FIG. 1
Supply to brake valve Rear suspension
Rear brak
. .
One-way valve
I units
Feed to brake valve F Rear suspension /
One-way valve II Rear brake
Rl Fl
units The brake pressure limiter consists mainly of a
slide-valve, the position of which allows or does
not allow supply of fluid under pressure from the
brake valve to the rear brakes.
one end of the slide-valve is constantly subjected
to the pressure of the rear suspension fluid ( which
varies according to the load )
- the other end of the slide-valve is subjected to
force Rl,
increased during braking action by force Fl
exerted by the fluid under pressure from the
rear brakes
Vvhirlc, irl the n IOU N positiolt (,,o /)rc,.ssurc, )
.Under the action of force Rl alone, the slide-
valve is in the position shown on Fig. 1.
The fluid cannot flow from the brake valve to
the rear brakes.
On the other hand, the one-way valve allows fluid
to flow from the rear brakes to the brake-valve.
Force F
exerted by the rear suspension fluid under
pressure is qreater than force Rl
produced by the
spring. The slide-valve is in the position shown
on Fig. 2 which allows fluid to flow from the brake
valve to the rear brakes and vice-versa.
Fluid flowing from the rear brakes, exerts a
force Fl
which is added to force Rl produced
by the spring.
H~prc 6
CNt’Out 11
At the start of the brake pedal movement, force Fl
being still very small, we have Fl t Rl < F. The
slide-valve allows liquid to flow to the rear brakes.
Aitcr t( CIIIW~~ H
Force Fl
having increased, and being added to
Force Rl,
we have Fl + Rl> F. The slide-valve
interrupts the flow of fluid to the rear brakes.
The (( easing )) of the braking at the rear is then
allowed to proceed via the one-way valve.
+ Rl> F is true when the rear brake
pressure + 28 bars
( 406 psi ) becomes greater
than the rear suspension pressure. If F
increases, Fl
Increases as well until cut-out occurs.
Consequently, maximum pressure in the rear
brakes increases.
Downloaded from manuals search engine Op. MA. 453-O 1
NOTE : To avoid emulsifying the fluid
and the
consequent formation of air-pocket in the system,
the circuit should not be under pressure when this
operation is carried out.
1. Release pressure in circuits :
a) Raise front of vehicle (wheels free 1.
b) Slacken pressure regulator bleed screw ( 1 ).
Remove front wheels.
c ) Place CI transparent tube over each bleed
screw (2 ) with its oiher end in CI clean
d) Hold r/on,,,
brake pdnl ar,d loose,, blvcrl
*cr(Iws (2). 2. Bleeding :
(I 1 Start engin’e (idling speed 1 and maintain brake
pedal fully depressed.
b) Tighten pressure regulator bleed screw and
allow fluid to flow until bleed tubes ore
free of air bubbles.
Then tighten bleed screws (2 ).
c) Release broke pedal and remove bleed tubes.
Check the bleed screws for .leaks by depres-
sing brake pedal to fullest extent.
Stop engine.
Fit rubber protectors over the bleed screws.
d 1 Replace front wheels and lower vehicle to
the ground.
3. Release pressure in circuits
a) Set monuol height control to lou posi/iou.
b 1 Slacken pressure regulator bleed screw ( 1 )
c) Wait until vehicle has reoched.its lowest
Raise rear of vehicles (wheels free )
Remove lower rear wheel panels and rear
d 1 Set manual height control to
hifih positior,
e ) Place Q transparent tube over each bleed
screw with its other end in (I cl&n container.
f ) Open bleed screws (3 ) and depress broke
pedal to fullest extent. 4. Bleeding :
(I) Tighten regulator bleed screw ( 1 1.
Slur/ w?@nr, holding broke pedal depressed.
b) Allow fluid to flow until no bubbles appear
in tube.
Then tighten the bleed screws.
Release brake pedal.
c ) Remove tubes. Check the bleed screws for
leaks by depressing the bloke pedal to
fullest extent. I
Fit rubber protectors.
Stop engine.
5. Refit rear wheels and detachable panels.
Lower vehicle to ground.
Downloaded from manuals search engine 2 OPERATION N” MA. 453-O : (./ ‘cc ,,,g md ndjaslisg I/w hsdrmlir hrnkr rev/m/
This bleeding must be carried out with no
pressure in the system
in order to avoid any emul-
sifying of the liquid. and consequently the possible
formation of air bubbles in the system.
1. Release pressure in the system :
a 1 Raise front of vehicle ( wheels free ).
b ) Slacken release screw (3 ) on $ressure requlo-
tor. Remove the front wheels.
c 1 Place on each bleed screw ( 4 1 a transparent
tube wi!h its other end in a clean container
d ) ,Mnir,lnh, brnk L p&d /u//y d<~pwss,~d. and
slacken bleed screws (4 ).
e) Remove air chamber ( 1). Place a transparent
tube on the end of pipe (2 ).
Bleed the br.kes :
a) S/or/ ~v,gir,c,. C id/ivg spevd I md vrnialni,r
hrnk L firdnl. tullr d,~pwss<~d
b) Tighten release screw on pressure regulator.
and let fluid flow until there are no more air
bubbles in the bleed tubes.
Then tighten the bleed screws.
c) Release broke pedo1, and remove bleed tubes.
d) I:;/ nir rhnmhrr ( I ) nltcr hnr~htg /dorm i/
Ibrouph I, i/h Nmp IPSS ?,I nir.
e ) Check bleed screws and air chamber ( 1) are
properly sealed
by fully depressing brake pedal.
Stop engine. Place rubber protective caps over
bleed screws.
f 1 Fit front wheels and lower vehicle to the ground
Bleed the rear brakes :
a 1 Raise rear of vehicle ( wheels free ).
Remove removable panels and rear wheels.
b) Place manual height control lever in c high
posi~im H ( Release screw on pressure regula-
tor tightened 1.
c) Place on each bleed screw ( 5) a transparent
tube with its other end in a clean container.
Slacken bleed screws (5).
d) nlfliuiniv broke pcdfll ~yrrlly depwssvd. ar,d s/or,
vspiuv C idiivg sprcd ).
e) Let fluid flow until it is free of air bubbles.
Then tighten bleed screws.
Release brake pedal.
f ) Remove bleed tubes.
Check bleed screws are propeily sealed by
fully depressing broke pedal.
Fit rubber protective cops.
Stop engine.
4. Fit rear wheels and removable panels
Lower vehicle to the ground.
Downloaded from manuals search engine TABLE OF FUSES
Supply to
eater unit relay Fuse
Circuits protected
Rating Colour
16 Amps Mauve Heater unit
S toplamps
Accessory terminal
Glove box lightinq
Positive terminal
of battery u + )) 16 Amps Red
E Direction indicators
Ignition Windscreen wipers and washers
switch Horns
Heater relay windinq
Window-winder relay winding
Rheostat -speedometer lighting
Warning lamp panel ( Battery
meter ( Thermal voltmeter-- Brake pad wear warning
lamp - Fuel gauge - Oil pressure warning lamp -
Hydraulic fluid pressure warning lamp-Water temp.
warning lamp )
16 Amps Green Interior lamp
Boot lamp
Hazard warning lamps
E Voltage regulator
Iqnition Reversing lamps
Rear window heating element
Handbrake warning lamp
Window winder relay 16 Amps White R.H. Switch 0 R.H. window winder
L.H. Switch- L.H. window winder
Switch 10 Amps Yellow Ashtray lighting
Cigar lighting
Heater controls lighting
Instrument panel lighting Clock
E Battery meter
Sidelamp warning
L.H. sidelamps, front and rear 1 amp
Switch 10 Amps Blue R.H. sidelamps, front and rear
Number-plate lamp CIRCUIT DIAGRAM