Downloaded from manuals search engine Operation Foreign
Your car is designed to operate
on unleaded fuel
of approximately
91 reseljl'ch octane number.
If you plan to' operate your car
outs ide . the Continent al limits of
U niled States or Canada, there
is .a possibility that the best fuels
in some countries are so
low in oclane rating that excessive
knocking and serious engine dam
age may result from their
use. Also,
if leaded fuels are used in vehicles
designed for unleaded fuels, it may result
in the
deactivati on of the
catalytic converter, if the vehicle
so equipped , and possibly other
related problems.
The use of leaded
in a vehicle designed for un
leaded fuel
will require different
maintenance intervals.
To obtain in
formation on the
octan~ rating and
availability of non-leaded fuels
available in the countries in which
you plan to travel , and a mainte
nan ce schedule to
be used when
operating on leaded fuel, write to
Chevrolet Motor Division, Service
Department,Detroit, Michigan
48202, (or in Canada write to
General Motors of Canada Limited,
Owner Relations Department,
Oshawa, Ontario LlJ 5Z6), giving:
• The vehicle identification num
ber (on plate on instrument
panel ahead of the steering wheel
and vis ible through the wind
shield , or from registration slip
or title)
• The country or countries in which
you plan
to travel.
It is recommended that you not
operate your car in any country not
having fuels meeting the require
ments of your car's engine
as these
may cause engine damage for which
Ch evr olet is not respon sible under
the term s of the Chevrolet New
Vehicle Warranty or Emission
Control Systems Warranty .
Downloaded from manuals search engine STARTING· AND OPERATING
Engine Exhaust Gas Caution (Carbon Monoxide)
Avoid Inhaling exhaust gases because
thay cont./n carbon mODOxlde, which by
1t'811 Is color/e.. and odor/elS. Carbon
monoxIde Is • dangerous gas fh,t can
caus. uneonsC /ousnftu and Is potentially
It at any time you .,u.pect that exhaust _
tumes ., •• nf.rlng'··the passenger com
partment , half' the -cause determined and
co".cfed a. soon as possible. II you must
drlv. under these c6ndltions, drive only
with a/l window. luliy open.
The best protection .gainst carbon mon
oxide entry Into the' C81 body Is a properly
maintained' engine exhaust system, car
body and body v.ntllallon syslem. /I Is
recommended tha' the -exhaust system
and body bo Inspecled by a compel"",
mechanic. .
• Each limo rhe vehlcl. I. ralsod lor 011
• Whn.If.r " change Is noticed in the
sound 01 IIH1 exhaul' sy~.m.
• Whene"., the ."haust system" 'under
body or TNr ot the .,ehlele is damaged.
S .. 1.0U1 Maintenance Schedule tolder
shed with your .,ehle/. for Inspec
tion procedure .
To allow proper operation ot the car's
ventli.t/on system. keep tront ventilation
Inl.t grme e/hr at .now. I."ves or other
.t .11 time,.
Do not run ,.nglne In confined areas
such as ,garage. ",.iny more than needed
to mOlfe"vehic/. In' or' out of are •. When
v.hlc/ol • • 'opped In an UNCONFINED
ar •• with the engine running tor any more
than a 'short period , adJust he.ting or
cooling sy.tem to toree outside aIr into
car .s tollow,:
1. On cars not equipped with air condi
set tan to medium or high
spefKi and upper control lever to any
poslUon oxcepl OFF.
2. ' On c." equipped with menu.' air call
dltlonlng, 8.t fIn to m.dium or high
speed. upper control lever to any pos;
: tlon except OFF, Ind lower contrOl
I.ver to Iny position except .xtrem •
. ,." COLD.
3. On cara equIpped with automatic a"
conditioning , .et control ,-.,e, to HI
except In hot wNther In .""lch cas.,
set lever In AUTO.
The Irunk lid should be closed while
driving to help prevent Inadvertently draw
Ing exhaust gases Into the car. It I. unwise
to drive .t high speed. for long dUrations
the trunk lid open. However, if for
some ,e.son the trunk must remain open
tor a period' whJle moving, or electrical
or other cabl. connections to a
trailer mu.t PlIS through the seal be
tween trunk lid and bo,dy, the following
precaut~ons shoUld be observed:
• Close all windows.
• Ad/u.t h •• tlng or cooling system to
force outside aIr Into car as described
In nem. 1, 2 and 3 abo,.e but with f.n
.al ., hIgh speod.
• On cats equipped with outside air vents
In or under Instrument panel, open
vonl. lully.
Downloaded from manuals search engine NOTE: "Riding the brake" by rest
ing your foot on the brake pedal
when not intending to brake can
cause abnormally
high brake tem
peratures, excessive lining wear and
possible damage to the brakes,
addition to wasting.gasoline.
• Brakes on th(i; ' car (except for ••.
the parking }prake) are self
adjusting, designed to eliminate
brake adjustments.
• Drum brake adjustment is made
as the brakes are
applied while car is moving
• Disc brake . adjustment is made
automatical1y with each brake
• If excess brakep~dal travel de
velops, drive alternately back-
ward and forward (several
times) and apply brakes firmly
in each direction.
• See )lour dealer if normal pedal
travel is not restored, or if there
is a rapid increase in pedal travel,
which could be a sign of other
brake trouble.
See y6ur dealer also if
ment of the parking brake is
REMINDER: The front disc
brakes have a built-in wear indica
tor that is designed to make a high
frequency squealing,
or cricket-like
warning sound when the linings are
worn to where replacement
is re
quired. The sound will occur inter
mittently or continuously when
wheels are rolling, but will
appear when the brake pedal is ap-
plied firmly. See also the various
brake checks listed in the
let maintenance schedule folder.
Headlight Beam Switch
"High" and "low" headlight
beams are controlled by the floor
button at your left foot. The
cator, located next to the speed
ometer dial, will light up when the
high beams are in use.
Downloaded from manuals search engine SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE
The time or mileage intervals on
the following pages are intended
as a guide for establishing regular
maintenance and lubrication per
iods for your car. Sustained heavy
duty or high speed operations or
operation under adverse conditions
may necessitate more frequent ser
To determine specific rec
ommendations for conditions un-
Your Chevrolet engine is de
signed to operate
only on unleaded
gasoline. Unleaded gasoline is essen
tial for proper emission control
system operation, and it will mini
mize spark plug fouling. The
use of der
which you use your car, con
sult your authorized Chevrolet
Maintenance Schedule
For owner convenience, a sepa
rate maintenance folder has been
provided with your car which con
tains a complete schedule and brief
explanation of the safety, emission
leaded gasoline can damage or
severely reduce the effectiveness of
the emission control system and re
sult in loss of warranty coverage.
Use unleaded gasoline meeting
minimum octane specifications
established by the Federal govern
In compliance with Federal
regulations, pumps dispensing such
gasoline are labeled with the word
control, lubrication and general
maintenance it requires. The main
tenance folder information
is sup
plemented by this section of the
Owner's Manual, as well as a
Warranty Information folder also
furnished with your car. Read all
three publications for a full under
standing of vehicle maintenance
UNLEADED and are equipped
with dispensing nozzles which
the filler neck of your car's gaso
line tank.
Supplementary gasoline addi
tives which contain lead and or
phosphorus should not
be used
under any circumstances. Such
additives can severely reduce the
effectiveness of your catalytic con
Downloaded from manuals search engine Front Wheel Bearings
Every 30,000 miles-clean and
repack with
a. high melting point
wheel bearing lubricant.
Use wheel
bearing lubricant GM Part No.
1051344 or equivalent. This
is a
premium high
~elting point lubri
cant. When replacement is neces
sary specify Delco parts.
Brake linings should be periodi
cally inspected for wear
by a quali
fied technician. The frequency of
this inspection depends upon
ing conditions such as traffic or
terrain, and also the driving tech
niques of individual owners .. Your
Chevrolet Dealer is best qualified
to advise you
as to how often this
inspection should be performed.
When replacement is required,
GM and Delco parts.
REMINDER: The front disc
brakes have a built-in wear indica
thatis designed to make a high
frequency , squealing
or cricket-like
sOl!l1d when the linings are
worn to where replacement is re
quired. The sound will occur inter
mittently or continuously when
wheels are rolling, but will
appear when the brake pedal is
firmly applied. Also see the brake
checks listed. in the Maintenance
Schedule folder.
Master Cylinder-Every 6 months
7,500 miles -Check fluid level
in each reservoir and maintain
14" below lowest edge-of each filler
opening with Delco Supreme No.
liar DOT-3 hydraulic brake fluid.
11." BELOW
TOP EDGE .k:::O"',
Parking Brake Pulley, Cables
and Linkage-Every 6 months or
,500 miles -Apply water resis
tant EP Chassis Lubricant which
meets GM Specification 6031M, to
parking brake cahle at cable guides
and at all operating links and levers.
How you drive , where you drive ,
and when you drive
,all have an
on how many miles you can
get from a gallon
of gasoline. The
careful attention you give your car
as far as maintenance and repairs
are concerned will .also contribute
importantly to
fuef economy.
Fuel Selection '
Your vehic1eis designed to op
erate only 011 unleaded gasoline of
at least 87 average octane
ber (Research octane plus Motor
octane divided by two). This
line should have a Research octane
· of at least 91, and a.
Motor octane number of at least
83. Onleadedgasoline
is essential
for proper emission co ntrol system
operation, and it will minimize
spark plug fouling. The use of
leaded gasoline can damage or
severely reduce the effectiveness of
the emission control system and
sult in loss of warranty coverage.
"Jackrabbit" Starts
Gasoline can be conserved (and
engine and tire life prolonged) by
avoiding unnecessarily rapid
eration away from lights and stop
. signs,
Stop-And-Start · Driving
Frequent stops and starts during
a trip really cut down on your miles
per gallon.
Plan even your short
shopping trips to take advantage of
through streets
to avoid traffic
Pace your driving like the
professional drivers to avoid
necessary stops.
Excessive Idling
An idling engine uses gasoline,
If you're faced with more than
few minutes ' wait and you're not
in traffic, it may be better to
and start again later.
Sudden Stops
Sudden stops themselves don't
waste gasoline, but energy
wasted as heat in braking, Energy
in the form of gasoline is also
needed to accelerate back to
ing speed.
A properly lubricated vehicle
means less friction between moving
parts. Consult this manual and the
maintenance schedule for the
proper lubricants to use and the
lubrication intervals.
Downloaded from manuals search engine Owner Assistance, ........••..... , ... 64 Paint Care •...............• . -. . , .... 4-1 Parkin g Brake. : .. , ........•..... ...... :. 2-8 Lights ... , .............. ; . . . . . .•• 6-3 Precautions .............. , . . . . . . . . 2-2 Polishing And Waxing ....... -........ 4-5 Positive __ Traction Differ ential: . . . . . . .. 2-27 Pow~r Brakes.. . .......... . . ....... . 2-8 Door Locks.... .... .•.. . . ........ 2-27 Seats.... .. . ..... .... ........ .... 1-3 Steering ............. '. ' . . . . . . . . .. 2-6 Windows ........... _,I I' . • • • • • • • • •• 1-3 Pressure, Tire Inflation·;~;.:' •... ,' ..•.... 5-14 PulseWiperSystem.,.:~~ ... , ........ 2-16 ,:,J.)i!J,lShing To Start .... ,,:,, " . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-2 '-';:R~.ator """~~~ I 5 7 ;~!t,~;-_ °l_:~i'~~e" 'I~s~,tio~::::: :.::-:: 5..7 --;'~'.?}~ · verhea ting ...... '-~' •......... :... 3-3 '-'. Pressure Cap ..... ;~, .............. 5-9 Radio
~f!n~::::: ::::'::::::: :::::::: ~:~~ Stereo .... : .............. ,; . . . . .. 2-26 Tape System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-26 Raising Car,With Jack. , ' .......•.... 3·1 Rear Axle Lubricant. ........... '. .... .. 5-9 Window Defogger. . . . . • . . . . • . . . .. 2-20 Reclining Seat .......... ,. .. ...... .. 2-28 Registration, V ;hicle EngineNumber .•.•... ' .......... . 6-1 Vehicle Identification Number... ... 6-1 Release; -Hood .....•..... Inside Back Cover Replacem ent, Tires and Wheels. , . . . .. 5-19
Restarting ........................ , 2~_3
Res traints ,
~~t:::::::::::::::,:::::::::::: Lap Belts .......... " l ............ . Methods Of Restraining Children .. .
Shoulder Belts .. ' .... ~ ........•... '.
Rest s, Head (See Head Restraints) Retractors , Lap Belt. . _ . ............. .
Roof Care, Vinyl. ... , ... , ......... .
Roof Lugga ge. Carrier; ,:: ......•......
R otation, Tire; ....... ; ......•...... Safety
Belts (Seat Belts) ...... _ •.....•.... Carrier. Infant. ..... _. ' ......•. , . , , , Seat, Child .......... : ..... • •..... Schedule
1-8 1-7 1-4 1-8 1-4
1-4 4'5 2-27 5-16
-4 · 1 -8
1- 8
Break·!n ..... , .. , . ... , . ... , . . 'ii Sea t Adjustment, Manual. ....... , , .. ~. }·2 Adjustment, Power.'., .. ". , ., .. " ,; ·.-3 Back Latch, Folding. Front, ..... , .. 1-3 Belt Buzz~r/Light Remind er .... , ',1. ' 1-6 Child Safety ........ , .......... d . .1-8 Head Restraints .•. ~' •...... '. , , . . .. ,1-7 Seat Belts . Child Restraint..... .. ... ....... .. 1-8
Inspection and Care.~', ....... ,., ',' 1-7 Lap ........... ,....... .... .... •• • • 1-4
R et ractors ......... ,.< .... , .. ', ",: 1 -5 Shoulder ........ , . , .............. ' 1· 5
Self-Adjusting Brakes .... '.' ...... . , ; 2-9 S ervice and Maintenance .. , , . . . . . . .. 5-1 Sh ift Linkage Maintenance. , ' ... ' ...... " 5·6 Operation (S ee Transmi ssion) Shock Absorbers, Superlift. . . . . . . . . .. 2-27 Shoulder Belts Adjustment. ...... , .. , 1-5
Side Marker Lights. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3
Signals, Tum ....................... 2-5 Solvents , Rec ommen ded Cleaning -.,. " 4-1 Spare Tire .. , , , ....... , ....... , , , .. 3-4 Jacking Instru ctio ns .. ,. , . . ' ..• ,.... 3·4
Spark Knock ( S ee Fuel
R eco mmendati ons)
Specifications .-General. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ·6-1 Speed Control (Cruise Control) .. ; . . .. 2-6 Speedometer ................. ;-~ .... 2-10 Spot Cleaning •..... .........•....... 4-3 S tain less Stee I'.Pro tection ... ', . . • ..... 4·5
Stains, Removal of. .' ... ......•. '; _ ..•. 4 ·3 Starter Safety Switch ................ 2-3 . Starting . Automatic Transmission Cars. . . . 2·3
Erner.gency .. " .... , ..... ' ,' . , ... .",. 3·1 Manual Transmis sion Ca~... .. . ... 2-3 Station Wago n .. -'" .' ... '.'o'~;-;, .. , ' .. 2·28 Concealed Luggage Space ........ ·2-33 Operatibg Seats and Tailgate . •... 2-29 Steering . Column Cont,rols ,., ... ' .. ', •...... , 2-3 Column Lock~ ........... ; . . . . ... 2-3 Gear-Lubrican t ..... ;-........ ; .. --.. 5·10 Maintenance ........ _ . . , ..... ~_ •. ; . 5·10 Power. , . , .... , , , , . , •.... , . . . . . .. 2·6 Wheel, Tilt. ......... : ... : . . . . . . .. 2-6 Stereo Radio .................. : ........ 2-26
Tape S yste m ..................... -2-26 Straps, Safety (See Seat Belts) Storage Of Items .......... " .... ,... 1·3 Superlift Shock Absorbers ..• , ...... , 2-27 Suspension Maintenance .......• , ... , S~10 Tape System, Stereo •........ i.. -' ••• ,. 2·26 Temperature ' Control, Cooling ..........••. _ . . .. 2-20
Control, Heating .•.••......•...... 2-19·