"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
CD Note
- Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
front of the cooling-air intake impair the
cooling effect of the coolant. This increases
the risk of the engine overheating during
high outside temperatures and heavy en-
gine load.
- The front spoiler also helps to distribute
cooling air correctly wh ile driving. If the
spo iler is damaged, the cooling effect will
be impai red and the risk of the engine over
heating will increase. See an authorized
A udi dealer or authori zed Aud i Service Fa
cility for assistance .
The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev
olutions per minute
You shou ld shift to the next lowest gear when
the eng ine speed is be low 1,500 RPM. The beg in
ning of the red zone in the tachometer indicates
the maximum permissible engine speed for all
gears once the engine has been broken in and
when it is warmed up to operating temperature.
Before reaching this zone, you should sh ift into
the next highest gear, select the D selector lever position, or remove your foot from the accelera
tor pedal.
CD Note
The needle in the tachometer @
Q page 8,
fig. 3 may only be in the red zone of the
gauge for a short t ime or the engine could be
damaged. The location where the red zone
begins va ries depend ing on the eng ine.
@) For the sake of the environment
Upshifting early helps you to save fuel and re
duce operating noise.
Fuel level
The fuel leve l ind icator only ope rates when the
i gnit io n is switched on. The
tD Qpage 15
turns on if the reserve quant ity of fuel is reac hed.
In strum ents an d ind ic a to r ligh ts
The fue l tank capacity of your vehicle is listed in
the Techni cal Data section
Q page 216.
(D Note
Neve r dr ive until the tank is comp lete ly emp
ty. The irregu la r supply of fuel that res ults
from that can cause engine misfires . Uncom
busted fuel w ill then enter the exhaust sys
tem. This can cause overheat ing and damage
to the catalyt ic converter.
Time/date display
You can switch between the quartz clock or the GPS controlled clock* depend ing on the vehicle
equipment. For mo re information, refe r to you r
MM I Operating Manual.
Outside temperature display
T he instrument cluster display shows the outside
temperature. At temperatures be low 42 °F ( +S
°C), a snowflake symbo l appears in front of the
temperature display.
If your vehicle is stationary or if you a re driving at
very low speeds, the temperature displayed may be slight ly higher than the actual temperature
o utside due to the heat radiating from the en
Do not assume the roads are free of ice based
on the outside temperature d isplay. Be aware
that there may be ice on roads even when the
outside tempe rature is a round 42 °F (+5 °C)
a nd that i ce can increase t he risk of a cc idents.
(0 Tips
You can set the units used for temperature,
speed and othe r measurements in the Info
tai nment system.
"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
Have the malfunction in the safety systems
inspected immediately. Otherwise, there is a
r isk that the systems may not activate during
a collision, which increases the risk of serious
injury or death.
(0) Brake pads
Ei] Brake pad s!
The brake pads are worn .
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the brake pads checked.
App lies to: USA models
The Ei] indicator light turns on together with the
1111 indicator light
EPC Engine control (gasoline engine)
Applies to: vehicl es with gasoline engines
If the 13:a indicator light turns on while driving,
there is an eng ine control malfunction.
Immediately drive slowly to an authorized Audi
dealer or authori zed Audi Service Facility to have
the malfunction corrected.
0 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is part of
the On Board Diagnostic system (OBD II). The
¢4 symbol turns on when the ign ition is switched
on and turns off again once the e ngine is started
and running at a steady id le speed . This indicates
that the MIL is functioning correctly.
The indicato r light turns on if there is a malfunc
tion in the engine electronics. See an autho rized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility to
have the ma lfunction corrected. For additiona l
information, see
~ page 17.
The indicator light can also turn on if the f uel fill
e r cap is not closed correct ly
i::!> page 157.
Instruments and indicator lights
!"-" , Engine speed lim itation
Applies to: vehicles with engine speed limitation
(I! Maximum engine speed XXXX RPM
The engine speed is automatically limited to the
speed displayed in the driver information system.
This protects the engine from overheat ing .
The engine speed limitation deactivates once the engine is no longer in the critical temperature
range and you have released the accelerator ped
al once .
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the
13:a in dicator
light also turns on. Make sure that the speed
does not go above the speed displayed . Dr ive to
an authorized Aud i dea le r or authorized Audi
Service Facility immed iately to have the malfunc
tion corrected.
~;. Engine oil
Ill Check oil level.
Refill engine oil as soon as possible i::!>page 162.
~ .,. Engine oil sensor
• Oil level sensor: System fault!
The sensor to check the eng ine o il level has
failed. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Aud i Serv ice Facility immediately to have
the malfunction cor rected.
i) Tank system
H Please refuel
If the indicator l ight turns on for the first time
and the message appears, there are about
1.8 -2.2 gallons ( 7.0 -8. S liters) of fuel left in the
tank .
H Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact deal
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility immed iately to have the
malfunction corrected. ..,.
"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
consumption to zero (fuel shut-off during decel
Shift efficiently
An effective way to save fuel is to upshift earlier .
Staying in a gear too long uses fuel unnecessari
ly. Press down on the accelerator pedal slowly
and avoid "kick-down".
Avoid full acceleration
You should rarely travel at the maximum vehicle
speed. High speeds cause a disproportionately
high increase in fuel consumption, emissions and
traffic noise. Slower driving saves fuel.
Reduce idling time
There are benefits to stopping the engine, for ex
ample when at railroad crossings or traffic lights
with longer red lights. Stopping the engine for
30-40 seconds already saves more fuel than the
amount of extra fuel needed to restart the en
It takes a very long time in idle to warm the en
gine up to operating temperature . Wear and
emissions are especially high in the warm-up
phase. Therefore, you should begin driving im
mediately after starting the engine. Avoid high
RPMs while doing this.
Have maintenance performed regularly
By having maintenance performed regularly on
your vehicle, you can help to reduce fuel con
sumption before you even start to drive. The maintenance condition of your vehicle not only
affects traffic safety and long-term value but al
so impacts
fuel consumption. A poorly main
tained engine can lead to fuel consumption that
is 10% higher than normal.
Also check the
oil level when refueling. The oil
depends largely on the engine load
and speed . It is normal for the oil consumption
of a new engine to reach its lowest point only af
ter a certain amount of use. Therefore, the oil
consumption can only be properly judged after
approximately 3,000 miles (5,000 km) have been
Fewer short trips
The engine and catalytic converter have to reach
their optimal
operating temperature to reduce
fuel consumption and noxious emissions effec
Just after starting, a cold engine in a mid-size car
only achieves a fuel economy of 6-8 mpg
(30-40 l/100 km). After about a half a mile, fuel
economy climbs to 12 mpg (20 l/100 km). After
about 2.5 mi
(4 km), the engine is at its proper
operating temperature and fuel economy has
reached a normal level. So you can see that you
should avoid short trips whenever possible .
outside temperature is also critical in this re
gard. Your car consumes more fuel in the winter
than in the summer.
@ Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended after
starting. If warning lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would go
unheeded. Extended idling also produces
heat, which could result in overheating or
other damage to the vehicle or other proper
(D Note
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and
in accordance with the service recommenda
tions in your Warranty & Maintenance book
let. Lack of proper maintenance as well as
improper use of the vehicle will impair the
function of the emission control system and could lead to damage.
- Do not alter or remove any component of
the Emission Control System unless ap
proved by the manufacturer.
- Do not alter or remove any device, such as
heat shields, switches, ignition wires,
valves, which are designed to protect your
vehicle's Emission Control System and other
important vehicle components .
(j) Tips
The consumption estimates as published by
(EPA) and Transport Canada may not
Under certain circumstances, (such as driving in
the mountains or towing a trailer), it may be use
ful to switch temporarily to the manual shift pro gram in order to manually adapt the gear to the
driving conditions
c::> page 71.
On inclines, activate the parking brake first and
then move the selector lever to the P position
c::> page 65. This prevents the locking mechanism
from being loaded too heavily and will make it
easier to move the selector lever out of the P po
sition .
-The vehicle can also roll when the engine is
- Unintended vehicle movement can cause se
rious injury.
- Never leave your vehicle with the engine
running while in gear. If you must leave
your vehicle when the engine is running, ac
tivate the parking brake and move the selec
tor lever to P.
- Power is still transmitted to the wheels
when the engine is running at idle. To pre
vent the vehicle from "creeping", you must
keep your foot on the brake when the en
gine is running and the selector lever is in D/
Sor R or "tiptronic" mode is selected.
- Do not press the accelerator pedal when
changing the selector lever position while
the vehicle is stationary and the engine is running .
- Never shift into R or P while driving.
- Before driving down a steep slope, reduce
your speed and shift into a lower gear with
"tiptron ic".
- Do not ride the brakes or press the brake
pedal too often or too long when driving
down a hill. Constant braking causes the
brakes to overheat and substantially re
duces braking performance, increases brak
ing distance or causes complete failure of
the brake system.
- To prevent the vehicle from rolling back
when stopping on inclines, always hold it in
place with the brake pedal or parking brake.
- Never hold the vehicle on an incline with a
slipping clutch. The clutch opens automati
cally when it becomes too hot from the
overload. An indicator lamp . illuminates
and a driver message appears
c::> page 72
when the clutch is overloaded.
- If the engine must remain running, never
have any driving position engaged when
checking under the hood. Make sure these
lector lever has securely engaged and is
locked in P with the parking brake set
c::> page 159. Otherwise, any increase in en
gine speed may set the vehicle in motion,
even with the parking brake applied.
(D Note
- When stopping on an incline, do not try to
hold the vehicle in place by pressing the ac
celerator pedal while a driving gear is se
lected. This can cause the automatic trans
mission to overheat and can damage it. Set
the parking brake or press the brake pedal
to prevent the vehicle from rolling.
- Allowing the vehicle to roll when th@ engine
is stopped while the selector lever is in the
N position will damage the automatic trans
mission, because it is not lubricated under
those circumstances
c::> page 211, Towing
with a tow truck.
- The transmission can overheat and be dam
aged under certain driving and traffic condi
tions such as frequent starts, creeping for a
long time, or stop-and-go traffic. If the.
indicator light turns on, stop the vehicle at
the next opportunity and let the transmis
sion cool down
c::> page 72.
Hill descent control
The hill descent control system assists the driver
when driving down hills.
Hill descent control is activated when the selec
tor lever is in the D or S position and you press
the brake pedal. The transmission automatically
selects a gear that is suitable for the hill. Hill de
scent control tries to maintain the speed ach- ieved at the time of braking, within physical and ..,.
Driving Emergency mode
Applies to: ve hicles w ith a utomat ic t ransm iss io ns
In the event of a system malfunction, there is an
emergency program.
If all of the selector lever positions are highligh t
ed with a light background in the instrument
cluster display, there is a system malfunction and
the S tronic transmission is running in the emer
gency program. The vehicle can still be driven in
emergency mode, but only with reduced speed
and not in all gears. In some cases, the vehicle
cannot drive in reverse.
@) Note
If the transmission runs in emergency mode,
drive to an authorized Audi dealer or author
ized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected.
Transmission malfunction
A pp lies to: ve hicles w ith a uto mat ic t ra n smi ssio ns
• Transmission overheating! Please stop vehi
The transmission is too hot and can become dam
aged. Stop and let the transmission cool with the
engine running (at idle) in the P selector lever po
sition. Then the indicator light and the message
tur n off, drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected. If the indicator light
and the driver message do not turn off, do not
continue driving . See an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facil ity for assistance.
Selector lever emergency release
App lies to : vehicles wi th automatic transm issions
If the vehicle's power supply fails, the selector
lever can be released in an emergency .
Fig. 77 Selector leve r: remov ing the cove r
Fig. 78 Selector leve r: emerge ncy release
To maneuver or tow the vehicle, the emergency
release must be used to move the selector lever
from the P position.
Using the emergency release can be complicated .
We r ecommend contacting an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as
sistance, if necessary .
A maintenance tool from the vehicle tool kit
must be used to release ¢
page 197.
.,. To prevent your vehicle from rolling uninten
tionally , set the parking brake(®) or press the
brake pedal ¢
LD,. .
.,. Insert the flat side of the maintenance tool
sideways in the slot near the shift cover and pry
off the shift cover¢
fig. 77 .
.. Pull the frame and the cover upward. You can
fold the cover up over the shifter knob . ..,_
Trailer towing
Sp eed
The higher the speed, the more d ifficult it be
comes for the driver to contro l the rig. Do not
dr ive at the maximum permissible speed. Reduce
your speed even more if load, w eather or wind
conditions are unfavorable -particularly when
going downhill.
Red uce vehicle speed
immediatel y if the trai le r
shows the s lightest sign of swaying .
Do not try
to stop the swayin g by ac cele rating.
Observe speed limits . In some areas, speeds for
vehicles towing trailers are lower than for reg ular
ve hicles.
A lways apply b rakes early . When dr iving down
hi ll, shi ft into a lower gear to use the engine
braking effect to slow the vehicle. Use of the
brakes a lone can cause them to overheat and fail.
Coolant temperature
The coolant temperatu re gauge ¢ page 8 must
be observed ca refully . If the needle moves close
to the upper end of the scale, reduce speed im
mediately and/or turn off the air conditioner .
I f t he coolan t temperature warn ing light i n the
instr ument cluster s tarts flashing ., pull off
the road, stop and let the engine
idle for about
two minutes to prevent heat bu ild-up .
Anyone not properly restrained in a moving
vehicle is at a much greater risk in an acci
dent . Never let anyone ride in your car who is
not properly wearing the restraints provided
by Audi .
Trailer towing
Important to know
Your veh icle hand les different ly when tow ing a
tra iler because of the additional weight and dif
fe rent weight d istr ibut ion . Safety, performance
and economy w ill great ly depend on how careful
ly you load you r trailer and operate your rig .
Before you actually tow your trailer, practice
turning, stopping and backing up in an area away
from traffic . Keep pract icing unt il yo u h ave be
come comp lete ly familiar w ith the way your vehi
cle-tra iler combination behaves and responds.
Backing up is difficult and requires practice .
Backing up w ith a trailer generally req uires steer
i ng action opposite to that when backing up your
vehicle without a trailer.
Maintain a greater distance between your vehicle
and the one in front of you . You will need more
room to stop. To compensate for the trailer, you
will need a larger than normal turning radius.
When passing, remember that you cannot accel erate as fast as you normally wou ld because of
the added load. Make sure you have enough room
to pass. After passing, allow p lenty of room for
your trailer before changing lanes again.
Avo id jerky starts, sharp turns or rapid lane
(D Tips
- Do not tow a trailer during the break-in peri
od of your veh icle.
- If you tow a trai ler, your Audi may requi re
more frequent maintenance due to the ex
tra load
¢ page 218.
' Parking on a slope
Do not park on a slope with a trailer. If it cannot
be avoided, do so only after doing the following:
When parking:
.,. App ly the foot bra ke .
.,. Have someone place cho cks under bot h the ve
hicle and the trailer wheels .
.,. With choc ks in place, slowly release the brakes
until the wheel chocks absorb the load.
.,. Turn the wheels towards the curb .
.,. App ly the parking brake .
.,. Move the selector lever to P .
When restarting after parking :
.,. App ly the foot brake .
.,. Start the eng ine .
.,. Move the se lector lever to D/S.
Intelligent Technology
gear or lower driving range. Do not ride the
brakes or hold the pedal down too long or
too often. This could cause the brakes to get hot and diminish braking efficiency .
- Do not "ride the brakes" by resting your foot
on the pedal when you do not intend to
brake. This may cause the brakes to over
heat, premature wear and increased stop
ping distance.
- Under certain climatic and operating condi
tions such as passing through water, driving in heavy rain or after washing the vehicle ,
the effectiveness of the brakes can be re
duced . In winter, ice can accumulate on the
brake pads, linings, discs and drums . Care
fully apply brakes for a test. Brakes will dry and ice coatings will be cleaned off after a
few careful brake applications.
- Driving for an extended period of time on
salt-covered roads without using your
brakes can also affect braking efficiency .
Clean off accumulated salt coating from
brake discs and pads with a few careful
brake applications .
- If you damage the front spoiler, or if you in
stall a different spoiler, be sure the air flow
to the front brakes is not obstructed. Other
wise the brake system could overheat reduc
ing the effectiveness of the entire brake sys
- Failure of one brake circuit will impair the
braking capability resulting in an increased
stopping distance. Avoid driving the vehicle
and have it towed to the nearest authorized
Audi dealer or qualified workshop.
- Never let the vehicle roll to a stop with the
engine shut off.
- If the brake booster is not working, the
brake pedal must be pressed considerably
harder to make up for the lack of booster
The electromechanical steering supports the
driver's steering movements .
Power steering adapts electronically based on
the vehicle speed .
Indicator lights and messages
• Steering fault! Do not drive vehicle!
If this indicator light turns on and stays on and
this message appears, the power steering may
have failed.
not continue driving . See an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as
If the indicator light turns on, the steering wheel
may be more difficult to move or more sensitive
than usual. The steering wheel may also be at an
angle when driving straight.
Drive slowly to an authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Audi Service Facility to have the mal
function corrected .
(;r, lj Steering lock: System fault! Please contact
There is a malfunction in the electronic steering
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the malfunction corrected.
Have the system malfunction corrected as
soon as possible by an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility, as this in
creases the risk of an accident .
{!) Tips
If the . or 'T j indicator light only stays on
for a short time, you may continue driving.
"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
pollutants in the exhaust gas before they are re
leased into the atmosphere.
The exclusive use of unleaded fue l is critically im
portant for the life of the catalytic converter and
proper functioning of the engine .
-The temperature of the exhaust system is
high, both when driving and after stopping
the engine.
- Never touch the exha ust ta il pipes once they
have become hot. This could result in burns.
- Do not park or operate the vehicle in areas
where the hot exhaust system may come in
contact with dry grass, brush, fuel spill or
other mater ial which can cause a fire.
- Do not apply additional undercoating or
rustproof ing on or near the exhaust mani
fold, exhaust pipes, catalytic converter or
heat shields. During dr iv ing, the substance
used for undercoating could overheat and
cause a fire.
(D Note
- Be aware that just o ne tank filling with
lead ed fue l will already ser iously degrade
the pe rformance of the catalytic co nverter .
- Do not exceed the correct eng ine o il level
c::;, page 164.
- Do not drive until the fuel tank becomes
completely empty. The engine could mis
fire. Unburned fuel could also get into the
exhaust system and th is cou ld cause the
c ata lytic converter to overheat.
- Do not turn off the ignition whi le the vehicle
i s mov ing.
- Do not continue to operate your veh icle un
der these cond it ions, as otherwise fue l can
r each the cataly tic conve rte r. This cou ld re
s ul t in ove rheating of the converter, req uir
i ng its re placement.
- To assure efficient operation of the Em is
s ion Control System:
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and
in accordance with the service recommen
dations in your Warranty
& Maintenance
Ch eck ing and Filling
-Lack of proper ma intenance as well as im
p roper use of the vehicle w ill impair the
f u nct ion o f the emission control system
and could lead to damage.
® For the sake of the environment
Even when the Emiss ion Control System is op
erating properly, the exhaust gas can have a
su lfur -like exhaust gas sme ll under some op
erating states. This depends on the sulfur
content of the fuel being used. Us ing a d iffer
ent brand of fuel may help, or f illing the tank
wi th lead-free supe r g rade gasoline.
Engine compartment
Working in the engine compartment
Special care is required if you are working in the
engine comportment
For work in th e engine compartm ent su ch as
che cking and filling fluids, there i s a ri sk of in
jury, scalding , accident s, and burn s. For thi s
reason , follow all the warnings and gene ral
s afety p re caution s prov ided in the following in·
formatio n. The engine compartment is a dan
gerous area on the vehicle.
c::;, .&. .
-- T urn the engine off.
- Sw itch the ignition off.
- Set the parking brake .
- Move the selector lever into t he P position .
- Neve r open the hood whe n there is steam o r
coo lant escaping from the engine compart
ment, because there is a risk that you could
be burned. Wait unt il no steam or coolant is
- Let the eng ine cool down.
- Keep children away from the eng ine com -
- Never sp ill fluids on a ho t engine. These flu
ids (such as the anti -freezing agent con
tained in the coolant) can ignite .
- Avoid short c ircui ts in the elect rical sys tem.
- W hen working in the engi ne comp artme nt,
remember that the radiator fan can swi tch