2015 DODGE DART USB port

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Page 53 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide 5. Volume Knob/Audio Mute Button
6. Uconnect®8.4 Radio pg. 62
7. Tune/Scroll Knob/Browse/Enter Button
8. Media Hub: Audio Jack, USB Port, and CD Slot (located inside front console) pg. 69

Page 56 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide Store Radio Presets
When you are receiving a station that you wish to commit to pushbutton memory, push and
hold the button (1–5) you wish to lock onto this station for three seconds.
Yo u m a y a d

Page 58 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide Audio Jack Operation
The Audio Jack allows a portable device,
such as an MP3 player or an iPod®to be
plugged into the center console and utilize
the vehicle’s audio system, using a 3.5 mm
stereo au

Page 59 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide disabled. This process is needed to ensure the full use of your MP3/WMA Player
features and only happens the first time it is connected. After the first time, the reading
process of your iPod®will ta

Page 67 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide Remote CD/Disc Player — If Equipped
The CD/Disc Player is located inside the
center console.
With the printed side facing the rear of the
car, insert the disc into the disc slot inside
the center co

Page 72 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide Selecting The Source
The MP3 Player/USB, CD, Audio Jack, or
Bluetooth®source is accessed by pressing
the “Player” button on the touchscreeen to
enter the Player main screen, then press the

Page 73 of 164

DODGE DART 2015 PF / 1.G User Guide •Toroutetheaudiocableoutofthecenterconsole,usetheaccesscutoutontheright
side of the console.
When connecting your MP3 Player device
for the first time, the system may take
several minutes to r

Page 152 of 164

•Uconnect®200 pg. 52
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