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Seats and storage
General recommen
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can
only provide maximum protection if the front
seats are correctly adjusted.
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the driver and the front passenger. Adjust
your seat properly so that :
- you can easily and quick ly reach all the
switches and controls in the instrument
- your body is properly supported thus reduc ing physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and airbag system can offe r
maximum protection ¢
page 147.
In the following sections, you will see exactly
how you can best adjust your seats .
There are special regulations and instructions
for installing a child seat on the front pas
senger's seat. Always fo llow the information
regarding chi ld safety provided in
¢ page 173, Child Safety .
Incorrect seating position of the driver and
all other passengers can result in serious
personal injury.
- Always keep your feet on the f loor when
the vehicle is in motion -never put your
feet on top of the instrument panel, out
of the window or on top of the seat cush
ion. Th is applies especially to the passen
gers . If your seating position is incorrect,
you increase the r isk of injury in the case
of sudden braking or an acc ident. If the
airbag inflates and the seating position
is incorrect, this could result in persona l
injury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and
front passenger to keep a distance of a t
Seat s an d sto rage 53
least 10 inches (25 cm) between them
selves and the steering wheel and/or in
strument panel. If you're s itting any
closer than th is, the airbag system can
not protect you properly. In addition, the
front seats and head restraints must be
adjusted to your body height so that they
can give you maximum protect ion.
- Always try to keep as much distance as
possible between yourself and the s teer
ing wheel o r instrument pane l.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving.
Your sea t may move unexpected ly, caus
ing sudden loss of vehicle cont rol and
personal injury . If you adjust yo ur seat
while the veh icle is moving, yo u are out
of posit ion.
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving.
We recommend that you adjus t the dr iver's
seat in the fo llowing manner:
.,. Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so
that you can easily push the peda ls to the
floor wh ile keeping your knees s lightly bent
i:::> A in Why is your seat adjustment so im
portant? on page 53.
.,. Adjust the backrest so that when you sit
w ith your back against the backrest, you can
still grasp the top of the steering wheel.
.,. For adjustable head restra ints: adjust the
head restra int so the upper edge is as even
as poss ible with the top of your head . If that
is not poss ible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position
as possible ¢
page 56. Move the head re
straint so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possib le .
-Never place any objects in the dr iver's foot-
well. An object could get into the pedal
area and interfere with pedal funct ion . In
56 Seats and storage
Th ere is a storage compartment under the
F ig. SO Cockp it : center arm rest
Adjusting th e armrest
• To ad just the angle, raise the armrest from
the start ing pos ition detent by detent.
• To bring the armrest back into its original
position, lift it above the top position and
then fold it back down .
Opening th e storage compartment
• Press the button -arrow-upward.
Please note that the driver's arm movements
may be restr icted w ith the armrest fo lded
down. Fo r th is reason, the armrest should not
be folded down when driving in city traffic.
Head restraints
Front head restraints
App lies to vehicles: with adjustable head restrain ts
Head restraints that are adjusted according
to body size, along with the seat belt, offer
effective protection.
F ig . 51 Fr ont seat: Adjusting t he head res tra int
Adjust the head restraint so the upper edge is
as even as possible with the top of your head.
If that is not possible, try to adjust the head
restraint so that it is as close to this position
as possible. Move the head restraint so th at it
is as close to the back of the head as possib le .
• To move the head restraint up or forward,
slide it until it locks into place.
• To move the head restraint down or back,
press the side button -arrow -
c::> fig. 51 and
slide the head restraint unt il it loc ks into
p lace.
Refer to
c::> page 132, Proper adjustment of
head restraints
fo r guidelines on how to ad
just the height of the front head restraints to
su it the occupant's body size.
- Dr iving w ithou t hea d rest rain ts or with
hea d restra ints tha t ar e no t properly ad
justed increases t he risk of ser ious or fa
tal neck injury dramatica lly.
- Read and heed all WARN INGS
c::> page 132, Proper adjustment of head
(D Tips
Cor rec tly adjusted hea d restr aints and
s a fety be lt s are an extreme ly effe ctive
com bination of safety features.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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"' rl
Rear head restraints
Fig. 52 Rear seats : Head restra int
Fig. 53 Rear head restra ints: re lease
If there is a passenger in the rear center seat
ing position*, slide the center head restraint*
upward at least to the next notch
Q ,&..
Adjusting the head restraints
.. To move the head restraint up, hold it at the
sides with both hands and slide it upward
until you feel it lock into place
Q .&. in Prop
er adjustment of head restraints on
page 132.
.. To move the head restraint down, press the
button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and sl ide the head
restraint downward .
Removing the head restraints
.. Fold the backrest forward Q page 65 .
.. Move the head restraint upward as far as it
can go .
.,. Press the release
Q fig. 53 with the mechan
ical key
9 page 32 and the button -arrow-
9 fig. 52. Pull the head restraint out of the
backrest at the same time
9 ,&..
Seats and storage 57
Installing the head restraints
.. Slide the posts on the head restraint down
into the guides until you feel the posts lock
into place .
.. Press the button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and slide
the head restraint all the way down. You
should not be able to pull the head restraint
out of the backrest.
So that the driver can have a better view to
the rear, the head restraints should be pushed down completely when the rear seats are not
- Only remove the rear seat head restraints
when necessary in order to install a child
seat. Install the head restra int again im
mediately once the child seat is removed.
Driving without head restraints or with
head restraints that are not properly ad
justed increases the risk of serious or fa
tal neck injury dramat ica lly.
- Read and heed all WARNINGS
¢page 132.
Seat memory
Applies to veh icles: w ith memory f unction
The memory function allows you to quickly
and easily store and recall personal seating profiles for the driver and front passenger*.
T he memory function is operated through the
master key and the memory buttons in the
driver's/front passenger's* doors.
The driver's seating profile is stored and as
s ig ned to the master key each time the vehicle
is locked. When you open the door, the seat
ing profile is automatically recalled. If two
people use one vehicle, it is recommended
that each person always uses "their own"
master key .
Two seating profiles can be stored in each of
the driver's/front passenger's* doors. Once
stored, these seat ing profiles can be recalled
at any time.
58 Seats and storage
The follow ing settings are stored:
Remote Memory button
master key
Driver Driver Front passen-ger
Seat X X X
Steering X X
Both exterior
rearview mir -
Remote control key
Ap plies to vehicles: with memory function
To assign the driver's seat settings to the re
mote control key when locking the vehicle, the
function must be switched on.
> Select: I CARI funct ion button> (Car)* sys
control button > Vehicle settings >
Seats > Driver seat > Remote control key >
I@ Tips
If you do not want another driver's set
tings to be assigned to the remote control
key, switch off the memory function using
the MMI or the
I OFF I button c:::> page 58.
Memory buttons
Applies to vehicles: with memo ry function
Fig. 54 Driver's doo r: memory function buttons
The memory buttons are located in the driv
er's/front passenger's* door .
Switching the memory function on/off
> Press the IOF FI button to switch the memory
fu nction on/off. The LED in the button illu
m inat es when the memory function is
switched off . Seating profiles are neither
stored nor recalled.
Storing a seating profile
> Press the ISET I button . When the word SET
lights up, the memory is ready to store set
> Press a memory button briefly. A tone con
firms that the settings were stored .
Accessing a seating profile
> If the driver's door is open and the ignition
is swi tched off, press the memory button.
> If the driver's door is closed or the ignition is
switched on, press and ho ld the memory
button until the seat adjustment is com
- For safety reasons, the seat setting
should only be recalled when the vehicle
is stationary- otherw ise you risk having
an accident .
- If necessary, you stop the process by
press ing the
I OF FI button or any of the
memory buttons.
· Adjusting the front passenger seat in
the MMI
Applies to vehicles: wit h memo ry fu nct io n
The driver can adjust the position of the front
passenger seat.
Adjusting the front passenger seat from
the driver's side
> Select: I CAR I function button > (Car)* sys
tem s
control button > Vehicle settings >
Seats > Front passenger seat > Adjust seat
position. .,..
128 Driving Safely
Driving Safely
General notes
Safe driving habits
Please remember -safety first!
This chapter contains important information,
tips, instructions and warnings that you need
to read and observe for your own safety, the
safety of your passengers and others . We have
summarized here what you need to know
about safety belts, airbags, child restraints as
well as child safety. Your safety is for us
ty number 1.
Always observe the information
and warnings in this section - for your own
safety as well as that of your passengers.
The information in this section applies to all
model versions of your vehicle . Some of the
features described in this sections may be
standard equipment on some models, or may
be optional equipment on others. If you are
not sure, ask your authorized Audi dealer.
- Always make sure that you follow the in
structions and heed the WARNINGS in
this Manual. It is in your interest and in
the interest of your passengers.
- Always keep the complete Owner's Liter
ature in your Audi when you lend or sell
your vehicle so that this important infor
mation will always be available to the
driver and passengers.
- Always keep the Owner's literature handy
so that you can find it easily if you have
Safety equipment
The safety features are part of the occupant
restraint system and work together to help
reduce the risk of injury in a wide variety of
accident situations.
Your safety and the safety of your passengers
should not be left to chance. Advances in
technology have made a variety of features
available to help reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
The following is a list of just a few of
the safety features in your Audi:
- sophisticated safety belts for driver and all
passenger seating positions,
- safety belt pretensioners ,
- safety belt force limiters for the front seats,
- safety belt height adjustment systems for
the front seats,
- front airbags,
- knee airbags for the front seats*
- side airbags in the front seats and outer rear
- side curtain airbags ,
- special LATCH anchorages for child re-
- head restraints for each seating position,
- adjustable steering column.
These individual safety features, can work to gether as a system to help protect you and
your passengers in a wide range of accidents .
These features cannot work as a system if
they are not always correctly adjusted and cor
rectly used.
Safety is everybody's responsibility!
Important things to do before driving
Safety is everybody 's job! Vehicle and occu
pant safety always depends on the informed and careful driver .
For your safety and the safety of your passen
before driving always:
.. Make sure that all lights and signals are op
erating correctly.
.. Make sure that the tire pressure is correct .
.. Make sure that all windows are clean and af
ford good visibility to the outside .
.. Secure all luggage and other items carefully
q page 64, q page 61 .
.. Make sure that nothing can interfere with
the pedals.
.. Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors
correctly for your height.
.. Instruct passengers to adjust the head re-
straints according to their height . .,..
132 Driving Safel y
Proper adjustment of head restraints
Applies to vehicles: with adj ustable head restraints
Correctly adjusted head restraints ore on im
portant port of your vehicle's occupant re
straint system and con help to reduce the risk of injuries in occident situations.
F ig . 149 H ead re str ain t: vi ew ed fro m the front
The head restraints must be correctly adjust
ed to achieve the best protection .
.. Adjust the head restr aint so the uppe r edge
is as even as possible with the top of your
head. If that is not possible, try to adjust
the head restraint so that it is as close to
this position as possible¢
fig. 149. Move
the head restraint so that it is as close to the
back of the head as possible.
.. If there is a passenger on the rear center
seat ing pos ition*, slide the center head re
straint* upward at least to the next notch .
Adjusting head restraints r=>
page 56.
All seats are equipped with head re
straints. Dr iv ing without head restraints or
w ith head restra ints that are not properly
adjusted increases the risk of serious or fa
tal neck injury dramat ically. To help reduce
the risk of injury:
- Always drive with the head restraints in
place and properly adjusted.
- E very person in the veh icle must have a
properly adjusted head restraint.
- Always make sure each person in the ve
hicle properly adjusts their head re
straint . Adjust the head restraint so the
upper edge is as even as possible with the top of your
head. If that is not possi
ble, try to adjust the head restraint so
that it is as close to this posit ion as pos
sible . Move the head restraint so that it
is as close to the back of the head as pos
- Never attempt to adjust head restraint while driving. If you have driven off and
must adjust the driver headrest for any
reason, first stop the vehicle safely be
fore attempting to adjust the head re
straint .
- Ch ildr en mu st always be properly re
strained in a child restraint that is appro
priate for their age and sizer=>
page 173.
Examples of improper seating positions
The occupant restraint system con only re
duce the risk of injury if vehicle occupants ore
properly seated.
Improper seating positions can cause serious
injury o r death. Safety belts can only wo rk
whe n they are properly positioned on the
body. Improper seating positions reduce the
effectiveness of safety belts and wi ll even in
crease the risk of injury and death by moving
the safety be lt to critical areas of the body.
Improper seating positions also increase the
risk of serious injury and death when an a ir
bag deploys and str ikes an occupant who is
not in the proper s eating position . A dr iver is
responsible for the safety of all veh icle occu
pants and espec ially for children. The refore :
.. Never allow anyone to assume an incorrect
seating position when the vehicle is being
used r=>LQ. .
The following bulletins list only some sample pos itions that will increase the risk of serious
injury and death. Our hope is that these exam
ples will make you more aware of seat ing po
s it ions that are dangerous.
Therefore , whenever the vehicle is
- never stand up i n the vehicle
- never stand on the seats
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Use the height adjustment to change the posi
tion of the shoulder belt of the front safety
Improperly positioned safety belts can
cause serious personal injury in an acci
- The shoulder belt should lie as close to
the center of the collar bone as possible
and should fit well on the body. Hold the
belt above the latch tongue and pull it
evenly across the chest so that it sits as
low as possible on the pelvis and there is
no pressure on the abdomen. The belt
should always fit snugly¢
fig. 157. Pull
on the belt to tighten if necessary.
- A loose-fitting safety belt can cause seri
ous injuries by shifting its position on
your body from the strong bones to more
vulnerable, soft tissue and cause serious injury.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other important information
¢ page 141.
Pregnant women must also be correctly
The best way to protect the fetus is to make
sure that expectant mothers always wear
safety belts correctly -throughout the preg
Fig. 158 Safety belt pos itio n during pr egnancy
To provide maximum protection, safety belts
must always be positioned correctly on the
wearer's body
¢ page 142.
Safety belts 143
.. Adjust the front seat and adjustable head
restraint* correctly ¢
page 53, General rec
ommendations .
.. Hold the belt by the tongue and pull it even
ly across the chest and pelvis ¢
fig. 158,
¢& .
.. Insert the tongue into the correct buckle of
your seat until you hear it latch securely
r=:;, page 141, fig. 156 .
.. Pull on the belt to make sure that it is se
curely latched in the buckle.
Improperly positioned safety belts can
cause serious personal injury in an acci
- Expectant mothers must always wear the
lap portion of the safety belt as low as
possible across the pelvis and below the
rounding of the abdomen.
-Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other important information¢ &.
in Fas
tening safety belts on page 142.
Unfastening safety belts
Unbuckle the safety belt with the red release
button only after the vehicle has stopped.
Fig. 159 Re leas ing the tong ue from the buck le
.,. Push the red release button on the buckle
r=:;, fig. 159. The belt tongue will spring out
of the buckle
r=:;, .&, .
0 ...
"' 0 ±
.,. Let the belt wind up on the retractor as you
guide the belt tongue to its stowed position.
144 Safet y belt s
Never unfasten safety belt while the vehi
cle is moving. Doing so will increase your
r isk of being injured or killed .
Adjusting safety belt height
With the aid of the safety belt height adjust
ment, the three point safety belt strap rout
ing can be fitted to the shoulder area, accord
ing to body size .
Fig. 160 Safety belt height adjustment for the front
sea ts - loop -around f ittings
The shoulder belt should lie as close to the
center of the collar bone as possible and
should fit well on the body¢
A in Safety belt
position on page 143.
,. Push
the loop-around fittings up ¢fig. 160
@ , or
"'"squeeze together the@ button, and push
the loop-around fitt ings down @.
"'" Pull the belt to make sure that the upper at
tachment is p roperly engaged.
Always read and heed a ll WARNINGS and
other important information¢
page 141 .
@ Tips
With the fron t seats, the height adjust
men t of the seat can also be used to adjus t
the posit ion of the safety be lts.
Improperly worn safety belts
Incorrectly positioned safety belts can cause
severe injuries .
Wearing safety belts improperly can cause se
rious injury or death. Safety belts can o nly
work when they are correctly positioned on
the body . Improper seating pos itions reduce
the effectiveness of safety belts and will even
i ncrease t he risk of injury and death by mov
ing the safety be lt to crit ica l areas o f the
body. Improper seating positions also in
crease the risk of serious injury and death
when an airbag deploys and strikes an occu
pant who is not in the correct seating posi
tion. A driver is respons ible for the safety of
all veh icle occupants and especially for chil
dren . Therefore:
"'" Never permit anyone to assume an incorrect
sitting position in the vehicle while traveling
¢&_ .
Improperly worn safety be lts increase the
r isk of ser ious persona l injury and death
whenever a vehicle is being used.
- Always ma ke sure that all vehicle occ u
pants are co rrectly restra ined and stay in
a correc t seating position whe never the
veh icle is being used .
- Always read and heed all WAR NINGS a nd
o ther important inform ation
¢page 141.