2015 AUDI S6 start stop button

[x] Cancel search: start stop button

Page 11 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual M N 
0 <.J SI: ,...., \!) 1.11 ,...., 1.11 ,...., 
Door  handle 
Audi  side assist  d isplay 
Power locking  sw itches 
Memory  function  buttons  . ...  . 
Aud i side a

Page 18 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual 16  Instrum ent s and  w arn ing /indic ato r  light s 
-If  the  brake  warning/indicator  light  does 
not  go  out  after  a few  seconds  and  the 
park ing  brake  is released,  or  lights  up 

Page 41 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual M N 
0 I.J "". rl I.O 
" rl 
" rl 
Child  safety  lock  for 
the  rear  doors 
The power  child safety  lock locks  the  rear  win­
dows  and  prevent  the  rear doors  from  being 
opened  from  t

Page 76 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual 7 4  On  the  road 
column  will  continue  moving  as long  as you 
are pressing  the  switch. 
There must  be at  least  10  inc hes (25  cm)  be­
tween  you r chest  and the  center  of  the  stee

Page 77 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual M N 
0 <.J SI: ,...., \!) ..,., 
,...., ..,., ,...., 
Starting  the  engine 
"Press the  brake  pedal c::> _&.. 
"Pr ess the !START ENGINE STOPI button 
c::> fig. 77.  The  engi ne  will start. 

Page 78 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual 76  On  the  road 
compartment  is additionally  heated  by 
the  suns  rays. 
(D Note 
Do not  stop  the  engine  immediate ly  after 
hard  or  extended  driving.  Keep the  engine  r un ning  for

Page 79 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual M N 
0 I.J "". rl I.O 
" rl 
" rl 
.. Press  the !S TAR T ENGINE STOP I button.  The 
engine  will  start. 
..  Drive to  your  author ized  Audi dealer  imme­
diately  to  have  the  malfunction

Page 81 of 314

AUDI S6 2015  Owners Manual soon  as  the switch(®) is released,  or the  accel ­
erator  pedal  is depressed,  emergency  braking 
Emergency  braking should  only  be  used  in 
an  emergency,  when  the
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