0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Door handle
Audi side assist d isplay
Power locking sw itches
Memory function buttons . ... .
Aud i side assist button .. .. .. .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
Control lever for :
- T urn signal and high beam
- Audi act ive lane assist . .. .. .
@ Mu ltifunction steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Driver information system but-
tons ... .... ........ ... .. .
- Audio/video , telephone, navi
gation and voice recognition
- Steering wheel heating . ... .
- Shift padd les (automatic
transmission) ..... ... .. .. .
® Instrument cluster ..... .. .. .
@ H ead-up Display ....... .. .. .
@ Windshie ld washer system
lever .. .. ............. .... .
@ Buttons for :
- MMI display
- Reset bu tton for tr ip odome-
te r .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
@ Starting the eng ine if there is a
malfunction .............. . .
~ Knee ai rbag ........... .. .. .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de
pending on equipment:
- mecha nical .......... .. .. .
- electrical .... .. ...... .. .. .
@ Leve r for:
- Cru ise control system . .. .. .
- Adaptive cruise contro l .. .. .
@ Button for sw itch ing the Head
up Disp lay on/off, adjusting the
h eight .. ............. .. .. .
@ Instrument illum ination ... .. .
@ Eng ine hood re lease ....... . . 96
45 93
149 24
111 11
2 7
16 2
In strument s and control s 9
@ Data Link Connector for On
Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Light sw itch ... .. . .. .... ... .
@ B uttons for :
- All-weather lights
- Night vision assistant .... .. .
- Rear fog lights .. .. .. ..... .
@ Rear lid switc h ............. .
~ Power exte rior m irror adjust- 29
103 43
ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
@ Power w indows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
@ MMI display
@ Emergency flashe rs . . . . . . . . . . 44
@ Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . 60
@) Front passenger's airbag . . . . . 149
@ Valet parking feature . . . . . . . . 40
@ Drives (MMI)
@ Buttons/Indicator ligh ts fo r
- Start-Stop-System . . . . . . . . . 79
- Parking system . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
- P ASSENG ER AIR BAG OF F . . . . 1S8
- Rear w indow powe r sun shade 47
- Electron ic Stabilization Con-
t rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19S
@ Climate controls, depending on
vehicle equipment:
- Three-zone cl imate control . . 68
- F our-zone automat ic climate
cont rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
@ Storage compartment or ash-
t ray wit h cigarette lighter . . . . . S8, 58
@ I S T ART ENGINE STOPI button 74
@ MM I controls
@ 12-volt socket, (upho lder 59, 59
@ E lectromechanical parking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
@ Selector lever (a utomatic trans-
mission) 107
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment or fea tures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be opt ional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always ask your
16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
-If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the
park ing brake is released, or lights up
wh ile you are driving, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low .
If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed
immediately at low speed to the nearest
authori zed Aud i dealer o r qualified repa ir
f acili ty and have the brake system in
- Always keep in m ind that after several
brake applicat ions, yo u will need greater
pressure on the brake peda l to stop your
vehicle. Do not re ly on strained brakes to
respond with maxim um stopp ing power
in critical situations. You must allow for
increased brak ing distances . The extra
distance used up by fad ing brakes could
lead to an acc ident.
PARK/( ®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator light . (USA models)/ .
(Canada models) turns on, the park ing brake
was set .
• (U SA models) • (Canada models ) Cau
tion: Vehicle pa rked too steep
If the indicator light blinks and the message
appears, there is not eno ugh braking power to
keep the vehicle from ro lling . The brakes have
overheated. The vehicle could ro ll away even
on a small incline.
P res s brake pedal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking bra ke, press t he b ra ke
pedal and press the button~ or start d riving
with start ing assist at the same time
c::> page 78.
Plea se release parking brake
To release the parking brake ma nually, press
the brake pedal and press the button~ at the
same time . T he parking brake on ly re leases
automatically if the dr iver's safety be lt is fas
Ill Parking brak e!
If the Ill ind icator light tu rns o n and this
message appears , the re is a parking b rake
malfunction . Drive to your au thorized A udi
dealer or qualif ied workshop immediately to
have the malfunction corrected .
-L Engine cooling system malfunction
A malfunction in th e engine cooling system
must be repaired as soon as possible.
• Swit ch off engin e and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, the coolant temperature is too
high o r the coolant leve l is too low.
.. Pull
off the road .
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tu rn
off the engi ne .
.,. Check coolant level
c::> page 228 .
.. Add coo lant if necessary c::> page 229 .
.,. Con tinue dr iv ing on ly afte r the engine coo l
ant warning/indicator light goes out .
.. Contact your authorized A udi dealer for as-
sistance if necessary.
If the engine coo lant level is correct, then the
radiator fan may be the ca use of the malfunc
tion .
• Coolant temperature too high! Plea se let
engin e run with vehicl e st ationary
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, let the engine run at id le for a
f ew m inutes to cool down.
- If your vehicle should break down for
mechanical or other reaso ns, park at a
safe distance from mov ing traffic, turn
off the eng ine and turn on the hazard
warn ing lights
c::> page 44, Emergency
flasher .
-Never open the hood if you see or hear
steam or coo lant escaping from the en
g in e compartment -you r isk being scald
ed. Wait unt il you can no lo nger see or
hear steam o r coolant escap ing .
0 I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Child safety lock for
the rear doors
The power child safety lock locks the rear win
dows and prevent the rear doors from being
opened from the inside .
Fig. 30 Sectio n fr om driv er' s door : child sa fety lock
b uttons
• To activate the child safety lock for the left/
right rear door, press the left/right button
in the driver's door¢ fig. 30. The light in the
button w ill turn on.
• To deactivate the child safety lock for the
left/right rear door , press the left/right but
ton [!] in the driver's door. The light in the
button turns off.
The following features are switched off:
- The interior door handles in the rear doors,
- The power windows in the rear doors .
In order to activate the ch ild safety lock on
the left and the right side , press the two safe
ty buttons
[!l in succession .
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows.
Fig . 31 Sectio n of t he dr iv er 's d oor: Control s
Opening and closing 39
All power window switches are prov ided with
a two-po sition function :
Opening the windows
• Press the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired posi
• Press the switch briefly to the
second stop
to automatically open the window.
Closing the windows
• Pull the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired posi
• Pull the switch briefly to the
second stop to
automatically close the window.
Power window switches
@ Driver's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear door
@ Right rear door
-When you leave your vehicle -even if on
ly briefly -always take the ignition key
with you . This applies particularly when
children remain in the vehicle. Otherwise
the children could start the engine or op
erate electrical equipment (e .g . power
windows). The power windows are func
tional until the driver's door or passeng
er's door has been opened.
- Be careful when clos ing the w indows .
Check to see that no one is in the way, or
serious injury could result!
- When locking the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle must be unoccupied since the
windows can no longer be opened in an
(D Tips
After the ignition has been switched off,
the windows can still be opened or closed
for about 10 minu tes. The power windows
are not switched off until the driver's door
or passenger's door has been opened.
7 4 On the road
column will continue moving as long as you
are pressing the switch.
There must be at least 10 inc hes (25 cm) be
tween you r chest and the center of the steer
ing whee l.
If you cannot sit more than 10 in
ches (25 cm) from the steering whee l, see if
adaptive equipment is available to help you reach the pedals and increase the distance
from the steer ing wheel.
F or detai led information on how to adjust the
driver's seat, see
<::> page 53 .
In vehicles with the memory f unction* , the
steering column settings are stored together
with the seat position.
Improper use of steering wheel adjust
ment and improper seating position can
cause se rious personal injury.
- Adjust the steer ing whee l column on ly
when the vehicle is not moving to pre
vent loss of veh icle control.
- Adjust the driver's seat or steering wheel
so that the re is a min imum of 10 inches
(25 cm) between your chest and the
steering wheel ¢
page 12 7, fig. 144. If
you can not maintain this min imum dis
tan ce, the airbag system cannot protect
yo u properly.
- If phys ica l limi tations prevent you from
sitting 10 in ches (25 cm) o r more from
the steering wheel, check with yo ur au
tho rized Aud i dealer to see if adaptive
equipment is availab le .
- If the steering wheel is aligned with you r
face, the supp lemental drive r's airbag
cannot provide as much protect ion in an
acc ident. A lways make sure that the
steering wheel is aligned with your
- Always hold the steering wheel with your
hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock posi
t ions to reduce the risk of pe rsonal injury
if the d river 's airbag deploys.
- Never hold the steering whee l at the 12
o'clock posit ion or w ith your hands i nside the steering wheel rim or on the steering
wheel hub. Hold
ing the steer ing wheel
the wrong way can cause serious injuries
to the hands, arms and head if the driv
er 's airbag deploys.
Easy entry feature
Applies to vehicles: with electrically adjustable steering
The easy entry feature makes it easier to en
ter and exit the vehicle by automatically ad
justing the steering wheel.
.. Select in the MM I: ICARI function button>
(Car )* sys tem s control b utton > V ehicle set
ting s
> Seats > D rive r's seat > Easy entry >
On .
When the easy ent ry feature is turned on, the
steering wheel moves up to the park position
when you switch
off the ignition. After you en
ter the veh icle, the steering wheel moves to
the stored position as soon as you sw itch on
the ignit ion.
Starting and stopping
the engine
Starting the engine
This button switches on the ignition and
starts the engine.
Fig . 77 Center console: S TART ENGINE S TOP butto n
Switching the ign ition on /off
.. To switch the ign ition on/off, press the
I STAR T ENGINE ST OPI button . Do not press
the brake pedal while doing this . Diesel
veh icles are preheated while the ignit ion is
sw itched on .
0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
,...., ..,., ,....,
Starting the engine
"'Press the brake pedal c::> _&..
"'Pr ess the !START ENGINE STOPI button
c::> fig. 77. The engi ne will start.
"' It is possible that there will be a slight delay
when starting the engine for diesel vehicles
in colder temperatures. Therefore, you must
hold the brake pedal down until the engine
starts. The indicator lamp
Ii illuminates
when the engine is preheated.
If the engine should not start immedi ately,
the starting process is automatically stopped
after a short time . Repeat starting procedure.
Note the information on c::> page 79, Start
- Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces -danger of asphyxiation .
- Never turn off the engine until the vehi
cle has come to a complete stop.
- The brake booster and power steering
only work when the engine is running.
the engine is off, you have to use more
force when steering or braking. Because
you cannot steer and brake as you usual
ly would, this could lead to crashes and
serious injuries.
-Avoid high engine rpm, full throttle and
heavy engine loads until the engine has
reached operating temperature - other
wise you risk engine damage.
- The engine cannot be started by pushing
or towing the vehicle.
(D Tips
-After a cold engine is started, there may
be a brief period of increased noise be
cause oil pressure must first build up in
the hydraulic valve adjusters. This is nor mal and not a cause for concern.
- If you leave the vehicle with the ignition
switched on, the ignition will switch off
On the road 75
after a certain period of time. Please
note that electrical equipment such as
exterior lights will switch off as well
when that happens.
Stopping the engine
"'Bring your vehicle to a complete stop.
"' Move the selector lever to the P or N posi
tion .
"'Press the
c::> page 7 4, fig. 77.
Steering lock
The steer ing locks when you turn the engine
off using the
and open the driver's door. The locked steer ing helps prevent vehicle theft.
Emergency off
If necessary, the engine can be switched off
with the selector lever in the R or D/S posi
tion. The engine stops if you press the
I START ENGINE STOPI button at speeds below
6 mph (10 km/h).
-Never turn off the engine until the vehi
cle has come to a complete stop.
- The brake booster and power steering
only work when the engine is running. If
the engine is off, you have to use more
force when steering or braking. Because
you cannot steer and brake as you usual
ly would, this could lead to crashes and
serious injuries.
- For safety reasons, you should always
park your vehicle with the selector lever
in P. Otherwise, the vehicle could inad
vertently roll away.
- After the engine has been switched off,
the radiator fan can continue to run for
up to 10 minutes -even with the ignition
switched off.
It can also switch on again
after some time if the coolant tempera
ture rises as the result of a heat buildup
or if the engine is hot and the engine .,..
76 On the road
compartment is additionally heated by
the sun's rays.
(D Note
Do not stop the engine immediate ly after
hard or extended driving. Keep the engine r un ning for approximately two minutes to
prevent excessive heat build -up.
Driver message in the instrument
cluster display
Turn off ignition before leaving car
This message appears and a warning tone
sounds if you open the dr iver 's door when the
i gnit ion is switched on .
Press brake pedal to start engine
This message appears if you press the
I START ENGINE STOP! button to start the en
gine and do not depress the brake peda l. The
engine can on ly be started if the brake pedal
is depressed.
Ill Is key in the vehicle?
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, the remote control key was re
moved from the vehicle while the engine was
running . If the ignition key is not in the vehi
cle you will not be ab le to switch on the igni
tion or restart the engine after it has been
switched off. You w ill also not be able to lock
the vehicle from the outside .
Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll away.
Doors do not lock if lever is not in P.
This message appears for sa fe ty reasons
a long with an audib le warning tone if the P
selector lever position is not engaged when
stopping the engine with the
I STAR T ENGIN E ST OP ! button . Select the P se
lector lever position . Otherwise the vehicle
could roll and it can not be locked .
II Key is not recognized. Hold back of key
against marked area . See owner's manual.
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction
¢ page 76.
Turn off ignition before leaving car. Battery
is discharging
T h is message appears if the driver's door is
opened while the ignition is switched on. Al
ways switch off the ignit ion if you are leav ing
the vehicle . See also ¢
page 80.
Shift to P and turn off ignition before leav
ing car, otherwise vehicle can roll away
This message appears if the driver's door is
opened wh ile the ignition is switched on and
the selec tor lever is not in the P position. Shift
the selec tor lever into the P position and
swi tch off the ignition when you exit the vehi
cle. Otherwise the vehicle could roll . See also
¢ page 80.
Starting the engine if there is a
It may not be possible to start the engine un
der cer tain circums tances, for example if the
ba ttery in the vehicle key is drained, if in ter
ference hos affected the key or if there is a
system malfunction .
Fig. 78 Center co nsol e/master key: star ting the eng ine
i f the re is a mal funct ion
Requirement: The message Key not recog
nized. Hold back of key against marked area.
See owner's manual.
must appear and the in
dicator light
II must sw itch on .
.,. Hold the master key vertically in the loca
tion indicated
f >l) ¢ fig . 78 .
.,. Press the brake pedal ¢ A in Starting the
engine on page
75 .
0 I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
.. Press the !S TAR T ENGINE STOP I button. The
engine will start.
.. Drive to your author ized Audi dealer imme
diately to have the malfunction corrected .
@ Tips
You can view the message again by press ing the
parking brake
The electromechanical parking brake replaces
the hand brake.
Fig. 79 Center console: Park ing brake
.. Pull on the switch<®> c:;, fig . 79 to apply the
parking brake. The indicator lights in the
switch and. (USA models)/ . (Cana -
da models) in the instrument cluster illumi
nate .
.. With the ignit ion sw itched on, step on the
brake pedal or the accelerator pedal and
press the sw itch<®> at the same time to re
lease the parking brake. The indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models) . (Can
ada models) in the instrument cluster go
out .
Your vehicle is equipped with an electrome
chanica l parking brake. The parking brake is
designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling unintentionally and replaces the hand brake .
In addition to the norma l functions of a tradi
tional hand brake, the electromechanical parking brake provides various convenience
and safety functions.
On the road 77
When starting from rest
- The integral start ing assist helps you when
driving by automatically re leasing the park
ing brake c>
page 78, Starting from rest.
-When start ing on inclines, the starting as
sist p revents the vehicle from unintentiona l
ly rolling back. The braking force of the
parking brake is not re leased until sufficient
driving force has been built up at the
Emergency brake function
An emergency brake ensures that the vehicle
can be slowed down even if the
normal brakes
c:;, page 78, Emergency braking.
Do not press the accelerator pedal inadver
tently if the veh icle is stationary but the
engine is running and a gear is selected .
Otherwise th e vehicle w ill start to move
immediately and could result in a crash.
@ Tips
- If the parking brake is applied with the
ignition switched
off, the indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models)/ •
(Canada models) in the instrument clus
t er w ill go out after a certain period of
- Occasional noises when the parking
brake is applied and released are normal
and are not a cause fo r concern.
- When the vehicle is pa rked, the parking
brake goes through a self-test cycle at
regu lar intervals. Any associated noises
are normal.
.. Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
.. Pull the switch(®) to set the parking brake.
.. Move the selector lever to P .
.. Tu rn the engine offc>
.,. When on inclines or decl ines, turn the steer
ing wheel so that your veh icle wi ll roll into
the curb if it begins to move. ""
soon as the switch(®) is released, or the accel
erator pedal is depressed, emergency braking
Emergency braking should only be used in
an emergency, when the normal foot brake
has failed or the brake pedal is obstructed .
Using the parking brake to perform emer
gency braking will slow your vehicle down
as if you had made a full brake applicat ion.
The laws of physics cannot be suspended
even with ESC and its associated compo
nents (ABS, ASR, EDL). In corners and
when road or weather conditions are bad
a full brake application can cause the vehi-
cle to skid or the rear end to break away -
r isking an accident.
Appl ies to vehicles : wit h Start-Stop-System
The Start-Stop-System can help increase fuel
economy and reduce CO
2 emissions.
I n the Start-Stop-mode, the engine shuts off
automatically when the vehicle is stopped,
such as at a traffic light. The ignit io n remains
sw itched on dur ing th is stop phase. The en
gine will be automatically restarted when
The last Start-Stop-System setting (on/off us
ing the button
l --1 but
ton turns on when the Start-Stop-System is
switched off manually.
Basic requirements for the Start-Stop
- The driver's door is closed .
- The driver' seat belt is latched.
- The hood is closed.
- T he veh icle must have been driven faster
~ than 2.5 mph (4 km/h) since the last stop.
~ -A tra iler is not hitched to the veh icle.
rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
On the road 79
-Never let the vehicle roll with the engine
sw itched off . You could lose control over
the vehicle. This can lead to a collision
and serious injuries.
- The brake booster and the steering sup
port do not work while the engine is
sw itched off. More force is required to
stop and to steer the vehicle.
- To reduce the risk of injuries, make sure
that the Start-Stop-System is turned off
when working in the eng ine compart
ment ¢
page 81.
(D Note
Always switch off the Sta rt-Stop-System
when driving through water¢
page 81.
Starting/stopping the engine
Applies to vehicles: w ith Start -Stop-System
Fig. 80 Instrument cluste r: engine sw itched off (stop
p hase)
.,. Slow the vehicl e to a stop using the brake
and keep pressing the brake pedal. The en
gine will switch off. The
tlJ indicator light
appears in the information line in the instru
ment cluster display.
.. When you take your foot off the brake ped
al, the engine restarts. The indicator light
turns off.
Additional information
The eng ine will switch off in the P, D, N and S
positions as well as in manual mode. In the P
position, the engine will also remain off if you
take your foot off the brake pedal. The engine
starts aga in when you select another selector ..,_