0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
Audi adaptive cru ise control and brakin g guar d 91
stopped vehicle or stationary obstacle
(end of a traff ic jam or veh icle that has
broken down in traffic).
- Always remember that the radar sensor
for the braking guard works only within
defined detection and range limits that
may prevent the proper detection of oth
er vehicles .
- The radar sensor's function and range
can be reduced by rain, snow and heavy
spray . Moving vehicles up ahead may not
be promptly detected or may not be de
tected at al l.
- Reflective surfaces in cl ud ing crash barr i
ers or tunnel ent rances may impair the
function of the radar sensor.
(D Tips
- You can ca ncel the braking w ith increas
i ng force that is initiated by the system
by b raking yo urself, by accelerating no
ticeab ly or by swerving.
- Bra king guard error messages
¢ page 91.
-Keep in m ind that braking guard can
brake unexpectedly . Always secure any
c ar go or objec ts that you are transpor t
i ng to reduce the risk of damage or in
ju ry.
Settings in the MMI
App lies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise co ntrol
... Se lect: I CAR I function button > (Car )* sy s
control button > Dri ve r assi st > Audi
bra king guard .
System -
Switch braking g uard On and Off .
When you sw itch the ignition on, the message
Audi b raking guard off appears if the system
is switched off.
Early w arning -The d istance and approach
warn ings in the disp lay can be switched
On /
Off .
@ Tips
- Your settings are automatica lly stored
and ass igned to the remote control key being used at the time the settings are
-If you res trict the ESC, the braking gua rd
also sw itches itself off¢
page 195 .
-Swi tch braking guard off when you a re
loading the vehicle onto a veh icle carrier,
t rain, ship or other type of transporta
tion . This can prevent undesired warn
ings from the braking guard system.
App lies to vehicles: wi th Audi ada ptive c ruise con tro l
Braking gu ard : off
T his dr iver message appears if the system is
turned off via the infotainment . Otherwise , if
the system is turned off, the information ap
pears every time shortly after the start of the
T he driver message a lso appears if the system
is not ava ilable d ue to a malfunction or if the
ESC is not switched on¢
page 195 . If this is
the case, the system w ill not provide warnings
about a poss ible collision.
B ra king guard : ac tiv ated
This dr iver message appears if sharp b rake
pressure was applied due to an acu te warning.
ACC: Unavailable!
ACC and Audi braking guard: not a vailable
The system cannot detect mov ing vehicles up
ahead correctly and is switched off . The sen
sors have been displ aced or are not working
proper ly. The Audi pre sense functions may a l
so be affected . Drive to your authorized Aud i
dealer or author ized Audi serv ice facility im
med iate ly to have the malfunction cor rected .
ACC: currently unavailable. No senso r vis ion
ACC and b rak ing guide: cu rrentl y una vaila
ble . No sensor vis ion
T h is mess age appears if the senso r view is ob
structed, for examp le by leaves, snow, heavy
spray or dirt. Clean the sensors
i=:> page 84,
rg .85 . ~
114 Parking system s
Parking systems
General information
A ppl ies to vehicles: with parkin g system plus/rear view
camera/peripheral cameras
Depending on your vehicle's equ ipment, vari
ous parking a ids wi ll help you when pa rk ing
and maneuvering.
p ar king sy st e m plu s assists you when
pa rking by audib ly and visually indicat ing ob
jects detected
in front of and behind the vehi
~ page 115.
The rear view ca m era shows the area behind
the vehicle in the Infotainment d isp lay. This
d isplay assists you when you are c ross o r par
allel parking
q page 116. In addit ion, you are
assisted by the functions from the parking
system plus
~ page 115 .
The peripher al cam era s ass ist you with park
ing and maneuvering. You are aided by var ious
cameras depending on the vehicle equipment leve l
¢page 119. In addition, you are assist
ed by the functions from the parking system
plus ¢ page 115.
- Always look for traff ic and check the area
around your vehicle by looking at it di
rectly as well . The parking system cannot
rep lace the d river's attent ion. The dr iver
is always respons ible for safety during
p arki ng and for all other maneuvers.
- Please note that some surfaces, such as
clothing, a re not detected by the system.
- Senso rs and cameras have blind spots in
wh ich peop le and objects ca nnot be de
te cted. Be especially cau tious of children
and animals.
- T he sensors can be displaced by impacts
or damage to the radia to r grille, bumpe r,
wheel housing and the unde rbody. The
par king systems may become impaired
as a resu lt . Have your authorized Audi
dealer or qualified workshop check their
function. -
Make s ure the sensors are not covered by
stickers, deposits or any other obstruc
tions as it may impair the sensor func
tion . For information on cleaning, refer
~ page 209.
(D Note
- Some objects are not detected by the system under certain c ircumstances:
- Obje cts su ch as ba rrie r chains, trailer
draw bars, vertical po les or fences
- Objects above t he senso rs such as wall
- Objects w ith specific surfaces or struc
tures su ch as chain link fences or pow
der snow.
- If you conti nue d riving closer to a low- ly
ing object, it may disappea r from the
sensor range. Note th at yo u w ill no lon
ger be warned abo ut this obstacle.
(j) Tips
- T he system may provide a wa rni ng even
t ho ugh the re are no obs ta cl es in the cov
erage a rea in some situa tions, such as:
- certain road surfaces or for long grass.
- externa l ultrasonic sources e.g. from
clean ing vehicles.
- heavy rain, snow or thick vehicle ex
ha ust.
- We recommend that you practice park
ing in a traff ic-free location or park ing
lot to become familiar w ith the system.
When doing this, there should be good light and weather cond itions .
- You can change the volume and pitch of
the s ignals as we ll as the disp lay
¢page 124.
- Please refer to the instructions for tow
ing a t railer
¢ page 125.
- What appears in the infotainment dis
play is somewhat time-delayed.
116 Parking systems
the next to last segment is disp layed . Obsta
cles in the collision area, including those out
side of the vehicle 's path, are shown in red. Do
not continue driving farther forward or in re
q .&. in General information on
page 114, q(f) in General information on
page 114 .
Rear view camera
Applies to vehicles: with parking system plus with rear
view camera
Fig. 123 Illustration: Cross parking
F ig. 124 Illustrat ion: paralle l parking
In addition to parking system p lus
q page 115, this parking system also has a
rear view camera .
You can use
cross parking for examp le, to
park in a parking space or in a garage
q fig. 123. You can use parallel parking if you
wou ld like to park on the side of the road
r::;, fig . 124.
General information
Applies to vehicles: with parking system plus with rear
view camera
F ig. 12S Area covered (D a nd area not covered @by
the rear v iew camera
Fig. 1 26 Rear lid: Locat ion of t he rear view camera
T he rea r view camera is located above the rear
license p late bracket . Make s ure that the lens
for the parking system
q fig. 126 is not cov
ered by deposits or any other obstruct ions be
cause this can affect the function of the park
ing system . For informat ion on cleaning, refer
q page 209.
The rear view camera coverage area includes
(D q fig. 125. Only this area is shown in the
Infotainment display . Objects that are outside
of this area @are not displayed.
The accuracy of the orientation lines and the
blue surfaces is reduced if the adapt ive air
suspension* is faulty, if the vehicle is lifted or if the
Dynamic mode is activated r::;, page 100 .
-Always read a nd follow the applicable
warn ings
r::;, .&. i n Ge neral information on
p age 114.
- If the position and the installation angle
of the rear view camer a was changed, for ~
0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
example, after a collision, do not contin
ue to use the system for safety reasons.
Have it checked by your authorized Audi
dealership or authorized repa ir facility .
- Only use the rear v iew camera to assist
you if it shows a good, clear picture. For
example, the image may be affected by
the sun shin ing into the lens, dirt on the
lens or if there is a system fau lt.
- Use the rear view camera only if the lug
gage compartment lid is comp letely
closed. Ma ke su re any objects you may
h ave mounted on the luggage compart
ment lid do not block the rear view cam
- The camera lens en la rges and dis torts
the field of vision. The ob ject appears
both a ltered and inaccurate on the
screen .
- In certain s ituations, peop le or objects in
the display appear closer or f urther
- objects that do not touch the ground,
such as the bumper of a parked vehicle ,
a trailer hitch o r the rear of a truck. Do
not use the help lines in this case.
- If driven from a leve l surface onto a n
incline, or a downward slope.
- If driven towa rd protruding objects .
- If the ve hicle is carrying too much load
in the rear.
({D Note
- Always read and follow the applicable
¢ (Din General information on
page 114 .
-The orange colored orientat ion lines in
the Infotainment disp lay show the vehi
cle path depending on the steering
whee l ang le. The front of the vehicle
front sw ings out more than t he rear of
the veh icle. Maint ain p lenty of distan ce
so that your ou ts ide mirror or a corner of
you r vehicle does not collide with any ob
stacles .
Parking sys tem s 117
Switching on/off
App lies to vehicles: wit h parking system plus w ith rear
v iew camera
Switching on
.. Shift in to reverse or
.. press the
PwA bu tton in the center console
¢ page 115, fig . 121 . A short confirmation
tone sounds and the LED in the button turns
on .
Swi tching between the re ar view camera
and optical displa y
.,. Press the Graphi c control button®
¢ page 118, fig. 12 7 to see the optical d is
play .
.. Press the
Rearview control b utton to see the
rear view camera image.
Switching off
.,. Dr ive forward faster than 6 mph (10 km/h),
.. Press the
P111A button, or
.,. Switch the ignit ion off.
(D Tips
The visual d isplay in the left part of the
display should help you detec t the critical
vehicle areas .
118 Parking systems
Cross parking
Applies to vehicles: with park ing system p lus w it h rear
view ca mera
This view may be used when parking in a ga
rage or in a parking space.
F ig. 127 Infotainment: aim ing at a parking space
Fig. 128 Infotainment : aligning the ve hicle
... Turn the Infotainment on and shift into re
verse gear.
... The orange colored orientation lines
show the direction of travel of the vehicle.
Turn the steering wheel until the orange ori
entat ion lines appear in the parking space
¢ fig. 12 7. Use the markings @to help you
est imate the distance from an obstacle.
Each marking represents about 3 ft (1 m).
The blue area represents an extens ion of the
vehicle's out line by approximately 16 ft
(5 m) to the rear.
... While driving in reverse gear, adjust the
steering wheel angle to fit the parking space
with the aid of the orange orientation lines
¢ & in General information on page 116,
¢ @ in General information on page 117 .
@ marks the rear bumper . Stop the vehicle
when the red orientation line@ borders an
Parallel parking
Applies to vehicles : wit h parking system pl us with rear
v iew camera
This view may be used when parallel parking
along the side of a street.
Fig . 129 Infotainment : blue surface aligned in the
par king space
Fig. 130 Infotainme nt: contact of the blue curved lin e
w ith the curb
Parking on the right is described here. It is
identical when parking on the left.
If there is an obstacle next to the parking
space (such as a wall), refer to information for
"Parking next to obstacles"¢
page 119.
"'Activate the turn signal.
"'P osit ion your veh icle next to a parked vehi
cle in front of the desired parking space. The
distance to this vehicle should be approxi
mate ly 3 ft (lm) .
... Turn the Infotainment on and shift into re
verse gear. The parking system is turned on
and the
cross parking indicator is displayed.
"' Press the control button on the Infota in
ment unit (!) ¢
fig. 129 . The parallel park
indicator is displayed.
"' Back up and align your vehicle so the blue
area @borders on the rear end of the vehi-
cle behind you or on the parking space line ..,.
122 Park in g s ystems
orientation line * borders an object q .&. in
General information on page 120 .
Applies to vehicles: with parking system plus and rear
F ig. 138 Infotainment: rear mode
This view assists you for example, in using the
full maneuvering range behind the veh icle.
The area beh ind the veh icle is d isplayed. The
vehicle surroundings are shown in the left
area of the display. You can switch between
optical d isplay and camera image*
¢page 121 .
.,. Select the @symbol with the control knob.
You can choose between three different views in this mode.
.,. To cross park, parallel park, or position the
vehicle in front of a tra iler, p ress the ® con
t ro l button on the un it repeatedly until the
symbol for the des ired mode is se lected.
Cross parking
Applies to vehicles: w ith park ing system plus and rear
This view may be used when parking in a ga
rage or in a parking space.
F ig . 1 39 Infotainment: aiming at a pa rki ng space
Fig . 14 0 Infotainment: aligning the vehicle
Requirement: cross parking is se lected
Q page 122 .
.,. The orange colored orientation lines@
show the direction of travel of the vehicle.
T urn the steering wheel until the orange ori
entation lines appear in the parking space
¢ fig. 139 . Use the mark ings @to he lp you
estimate the distance from an obstacle.
Each marking represents about 3 ft (1 m).
The b lue area represents an extension of the
veh icle's outline by approximate ly 16 ft
(5 m) to the rear .
.,. Wh ile d riving in reverse gear, adjust the
steer ing whee l ang le to fit t he parking space
w ith the aid of the orange or ientat ion lines
¢ .&. in General information on page 120,
¢ (Din General information on page 120.
® marks the rear bumper. Stop the vehicle
when the red orientation line© borders an
¢ .&. in General information on
page 116.
0 I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Parallel parking
Applies to vehicles: with parking system plus and rear
This view may be used when parallel parking
along the side of a street.
Fig. 1 41 Infotainment: blue su rfaces aligned in the
parking space
F ig. 1 42 Infota inmen t: contact of the blue curved line
with th e curb
Park ing on the right is described he re. It is
ident ica l when parking on the left.
I f there is an obstacle next to the park ing
space (such as a wall), refer to information for
"Parking next to obstacles"
c::> page 123.
• Activate the turn s ignal.
• Position your vehicle next to a parked vehi
cle in front of the desired parking space . T he
distance to th is vehicle should be approxi
mately 3 ft (1 m).
• Turn the Infotainment on and shift into re
verse gear. The parking system is turned on
and the
cross parking indicator is displayed.
• Press the
CD c::> page 118 , fig . 129 control
button on the Infotainmen t unit repeatedly
unt il the
parallel parking view is displayed.
• Backup and align your vehicle so the blue
area @borders on the rear end of the vehi
cle or on the pa rking space line
c::> .&, in Gen-
P arking systems 123
era/ information on page 120 , c::>(D in Gen
eral information on page 120.
The b lue area
represents an extens ion of the vehicle 's o ut
line by approximately 16 ft (5 m) to the rear.
The long side of the blue area should be on
the curb . The entire blue area must fit into
the park ing space .
• With the vehicle stopped, turn the stee ring
wheel to the right as fa r as it will go.
• Back i nto the parking space unt il the blue
c::> page 118 , fig. 130 to uches the cu rb
c::> .&. in General information on page 120,
c::>(D in General information on page 120.
Stop the vehicle .
• With the vehicle stopped, turn the steering
wheel to the left as far as it will go.
• Continue to back into the parking space un
til the veh icle is pa rked parallel to the curb
c::> &. in General information on page 120,
c::> (D in General information on page 120.
@ mar ks the rear bumper. Stop the vehicle ,
a t the la test, when the red orien tat ion line
@ borders an object . Keep an eye on the
front of your ve hicle while doing this.
Parking next to obstacles
When there is an obs tacle (su ch as a wall)
next to the parking space, c hoose a spa ce wi th
more spa ce on the s ides . Posit io n the long
side of the blue area so that there is su fficient
space from the curb. The area must not be on
the curb. You will also need to start turning
the steering wheel much earlier . There should
be a sufficient amount of space between the
cu rb and the blue curve, and the blue curve
c::> page 118, fig . 130 must not touch the curb .
(D Tips
The left or right orientation lines and sur
faces will be disp layed, depending on the
turn s ignal being used .
124 Park in g s yste m s
Trailer view
Applies to vehicles: with par king system p lus and tra iler
This view assists you in positioning the vehicle
in front of a trailer.
F ig. 1 43 Infotainment: rear mode
Requirement: the trailer mode is selected
c:;,page 122.
.. Now you can pos ition your vehicle in front of
the trailer
c:;, A in General information on
page 120,
c:;, (D in General information on
page 120.
The orange colored orientation
line denotes the expected path toward the
trailer hitch . Use the b lue lines to he lp you
est imate the d istance to the t railer hi tch.
Setting the mode
A ppl ies to vehicles: with park ing system wit h peripheral
.. Se lect : I CAR I func tion button> (Car )* sys
t e m s
control button > Dri ver as sis t > Park
ing aid > Ch ange to front /re ar > Aut o
Manua l.
A uto -
Th is view behind the vehicle ( Rea r
mode) is d isplayed automatically when you
shift into reverse. This view in front of the ve
h icle
( Fron t mode) is d isp layed automatically
when you sh ift into the fo rward gears .
Manual -This view behind t he vehicle (Rear
mode) is a lways d is p layed when you turn on
the system .
Adjusting the display
and the warning tones
Applies to vehicles: wit h parking system plus/ rea r vi ew
came ra/ peri pheral cameras
The display and warning tones can be adjust
ed in the Infotainment.
.. Select: !CARI function button > ( Car )* sys
tem s
control button > Drive r a ssist > Par k
in g a id .
Di splay
On * -
optical display is shown for the parking
system p lus, rear view camera image is shown
for parking system plus with rear view cam
Off -when the parking system is switched on,
only audible signals are given .
Warning tones
Fr ont volume -
Volume for the front area
Rear volume -Volume for the rear area
Front frequency -Frequency for the front area
Rear frequen cy -Frequency for the rear area
Mu sic v olum e wh ile parkin g -When the park
ing system is turned on, the volume of the au
dio/video sou rce is lowered.
The newly adjusted value is briefly heard from
the signal generator .
@ Tips
-The warn ing tones can also be adjusted
directly from the visual display o r the
camera image. S imply press the
Settin gs
contro l button .
- Changed settings are act ivated when the
park ing system is switched on again.
- The settings are automatica lly stored
and assigned to the remote control key
that is in use .