34 Openin g and clo sing
- Applies to vehicles with power side door
closer *:
- When closing a door, make sure noth
i ng can interfere w ith the doo r. T his
could cause ser ious perso nal inj ury.
- You ca n stop the door from clos ing at
any time by pulling on the inside or
out side door handle.
(0 Tips
- In the event of a c rash wi th airbag de
ployment a ll locked doo rs will be auto
m atically unlo cked to g ive access to the
vehicle occ upants from the outside.
- If the power loc king system should ma l
func tion, you can lo ck the dr iver's door
u sing the mechanical key
I:!> pdge 3 7.
- If the power locking system should fai l,
you can st ill open the f ue l t ank flap in a n
emergency ¢
page 218.
-You are well advised no t to keep valua
bles inside an unattended vehicle, visib le
or not . Even a properly locked vehicle
ca nnot provide the sec urity of a safe.
- If the LED in the up per edge of the driv
er's door panel comes on fo r abo ut
seconds after t he vehicle is locked, there
i s a ma lfunction in the power locking or
the anti-theft warning system. Have the
malfunction corrected by an author ized
A udi dealersh ip or qua lified repa ir fac ili
ty .
Setting power locking
The driver con determine the functions for
power locking in the MMI.
.,. Se lect : I CAR ! funct ion button > (Car )* sy s
control button > Vehicle sett ings >
Central locking .
Unlock doors -You can decide if All doors or
only the
Dr iver should unlock. The rear lid al
so unlocks when
All is selected . If you select
Driver in a vehicle with a convenience key*,
only the door whose handle you pull will un l ock. If you se
Dri ver, a ll the doors and rear lid
will unlock if you press them button on the re
mote control maste r key twice.
Loc k exterior trunk handle -If you se lect On ,
the rear lid handle is locked . In this case the
rear lid can be opened with the b utton
cs on
the master key or with the
cs button in the
driver's door . In veh icles with a convenience
key* , you can still open the rear lid using the
handle if an authorized master key is near the
proxim ity sensor .
Fold mir rors * -If you select On , the exterior
rearview mirrors fold in automatically when
you press the
~ button on the remote control
master key or touch the sensor* in the ha ndle.
Tone when locking -When you select On, a
confirmation tone sounds when you lock the
vehicle .
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with
, the remote control
F ig . 20 Remote co ntrol : funct io n buttons
N 0
q Cl
Eithe r the driver's door on ly or the ent ire vehi
cle w ill unlock when the unlock button m
(@ )
is p ressed once, depending on the settings in
the MMI
I:!> page 34.
" Press button CD( @) to unlock the veh icle
¢fig. 20.
.,. Press button ~ (@ ) to lock the vehicle I:!> .&.
in General description on page 33 .
.,. Press bu tto n cs( @) briefly to unlock the
re ar lid .
.,. Push the red
I PANIC ! button (@ ) to activate
the panic function . The horn sounds and the
turn signa ls flash. Push the red
ton again to deactivate the pan ic function . .,.
154 Airbag system
-Never remove the front passenger or
driver seat from the vehicle.
- Never remove the upholstery from the
front passenger seat.
- Never disassemble or remove parts from
the seat or disconnect wires from it.
- Never carry sharp objects in your pockets
or put them on the seat. The capacitive
passenger detection mat in the front
passenger seat will not function properly
if it is punctured .
- Never carry things on your lap or carry objects on the front passenger seat.
Such objects can influence the capaci
tance registered by the capacitive pas
senger detection system, so that incor
rect information is provided to the airbag
control unit.
- Never store items under the front pas
senger seat. Parts of the Advanced Air
bag System under the passenger seat
could be damaged, preventing them and
the airbag system from working proper
- Never place seat covers or replacement upholstery that have not been specifical
ly approved by Audi on the front seats.
- Seat covers can prevent the Advanced Airbag System from recognizing child re
straints or occupants on the front pas
senger seat and prevent the side airbag
in the seat backrest from deploying prop
- If a seat heater has been retrofitted or
otherwise added to the front passenger
seat, never install any child restraint sys
tem on this seat .
- Never use cushions, pillows, blankets, or similar items on the front passenger
seat. The additional layers prevent the
capacitive passenger detection system
from accurately measuring the capaci
tance of the child safety seat and/or the
person on the seat and thus keep the Ad
vanced Airbag System from working properly.
- Never place or use any electrical device
(such as a laptop, CD player, electronic games device
, power inverter or seat
heater for child seats) on the front pas
senger seat if the device is connected to
the 12-volt socket or the cigarette light
er socket . Such devices can influence the
capacitance registered by the capacitive passenger detection system, so that in
correct information is provided to the air
bag control unit.
- If you must use a child restraint on the
front passenger seat and the child re
straint manufacturer's instructions re
quire the use of a towel, foam cushion or
something else to properly position the
child restraint, make certain that the
on and stays on whenever the child re
straint is installed on the front passen
ger seat.
- If the
does not come on and stay on, immedi
ately install child restraint in a rear seat
ing position and have the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer.
If the front passenger seat gets wet, dry it
- If liquid soaks into the front passenger
seat, this can keep the airbag system
from working properly and may, for in
stance, deactivate the passenger frontal
airbag. If this happens, the
light will come on and stay
on together with the airbag indicator light
fl in the instrument cluster .
- If liquid is pooled on the seat, but has
not soaked in, this may also keep the air
bag system from working properly and
cause the passenger frontal airbag to be
enabled (turned on), even though there is a properly installed child restraint sys
tem on the seat . Wet towels or other wet
things on the seat cushion can have the
same effect. If the front passenger fron
tal airbag is turned on, the
light light will go out.
184 Child Safety
-Always be especially careful if you must
install a rearward facing child safety seat
on the front passenger seat in exception
al circumstances.
- Make sure that the
light comes on and stays on all the
time whenever the ignition is switched
- If the
does not come on and stay on, immedi
ately install the rear-facing child safety
seat in a rear seating position and have
the airbag system inspected by your Audi dealer.
Activating the convertible locking retractor
Use the convertible locking retractor to se
cure a child restraint.
Always heed the child safety seat manufactur
er's instructions when installing a child re
straint in your vehicle. To activate the conver
tible locking retractor:
"" Place the child restraint on a seat, prefera
bly on the rear seat.
""Slowly pull the belt
all the way out.
""Route it around or through the child re
straint belt path¢,&. .
"" Push the child safety se at down with you r
full weight to get the safety belt really tight.
"" Insert the belt tongue into the buckle for
that seating position.
""Guide the safety belt back into the retractor
until the belt lies flat and snug on the child
safety seat.
""You should hear a "clicking" noise as the
belt winds back into the inertia reel. Test the
convertible locking retractor by pulling on
the belt. You should no longer be able to
pull the belt out of the retracto r. The con
vertible locking retractor is now activated.
"" Make sure that the red release button is fac
ing away from the child restraint so that it
can be unbuckled quickly .
""Pull on the belt to make sure the safety belt
is properly tight and fastened so that the seat cannot move forward or sideways more
than one inch (2.5 cm).
Using the wrong child restraint or an im
properly installed child restraint can cause
serious personal injury or death in a crash.
- Always make sure that the safety belt re-
tractor is locked when installing a child
safety seat. An unlocked safety belt re
tractor cannot hold the child safety seat
in place during normal driving or in a
- Always buckle the child safety seat firmly
in place even if a child is not sitting in it.
A loose child safety seat can fly around
during a sudden stop or in a crash.
- Always make sure the seat backrest to
which the child restraint is installed is in
an upright position and securely latched
into place and cannot fold forward. Oth
erwise, the seatback with the child safety
seat attached to it could fly forward in
the event of an accident or other emer
gency situation.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS
whenever using a child restrained in ave
hicle is being used
¢ page 171. Special
precautions apply when installing a child
safety seat on the front passenger seat
¢ page 147, Child restraints on the front
seat -some important things to know.
Deactivating the convertible locking
The convertible locking retractor for child re
straints will be deactivated automatically when the belt is wound all the way back into
the retractor.
"" Press the red button on the safety belt buck
le. The belt tongue will pop out of the buck
""Guide the safety belt all the way back into
its stowed position .
Always let the safety belt retract completely
into its stowed position. The safety belt can