LoadingVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available in your car, e. g., due to
the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and
Hints Overloading the vehicle
To avoid exceeding the approved ca‐
pacity of the tires, never overload the vehicle.
Overloading can lead to overheating and in‐
creases the rate at which damage develops in‐
side the tires. This could result in a sudden
loss of tire inflation pressure.◀
No fluids in the cargo area
Make sure that fluids do not leak into the
cargo area; otherwise, the vehicle may be dam‐
Heavy and hard objects
Do not stow any heavy and hard objects
in the car's interior without securing them; oth‐
erwise, they may present a danger to occu‐
pants, e.g., during braking and evasive maneu‐
Determining the load limit1.Locate the following statement on your ve‐
hicle’s placard:▷The combined weight of occupants
and cargo should never exceed XXX kg
or YYY lbs. Otherwise, damage to thevehicle and unstable driving situations
may result.2.Determine the combined weight of the
driver and passengers that will be riding in
your vehicle.3.Subtract the combined weight of the driver
and passengers from XXX kilograms or
YYY pounds.4.The resulting figure equals the available
amount of cargo and luggage load ca‐
For example, if the YYY amount equals
1,000 lbs and there will be four 150 lbs
passengers in your vehicle, the amount of
available cargo and luggage load capacity
is 400 lbs: 1,000 lbs minus 600 lbs =
400 lbs.5.Determine the combined weight of lug‐
gage and cargo being loaded on the vehi‐
cle. That weight may not safely exceed the
available cargo and luggage load capacity
calculated in Step 4.Seite 138Driving tipsLoading138
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The maximum load is the sum of the weight of
the occupants and the cargo.
The greater the weight of the occupants, the
less cargo that can be transported.
Stowing cargo
▷Cover sharp edges and corners on the
cargo.▷Heavy cargo: do not exceed the maximum
load of the cargo area floor. The maximum
load capacity is 61 lbs / 28 kg. Stow the
cargo as far to the front as possible and
below in the cargo area.Seite 139LoadingDriving tips139
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Weights/Volume BMW i8Approved gross vehicle weightlbs/kg4,090/1,855Loadlbs/kg620/281Approved front axle loadlbs/kg1,975/896Approved rear axle loadlbs/kg2,195/996Cargo area capacitycu ft/liters4.7/154
US gal/litersFuel tank, approx.11.1/42Seite 187Technical dataReference187
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