2014 BMW 6 SERIES COUPE coolant

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Page 9 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page  232.6Notes
At a glance
14Cockpit18iDrive26Voice activation system29Integrated Owner

Page 88 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual Displaying stored Check Control
On the Control Display:1."Vehicle info"2."Vehicle status"3.  "Check Control"4.Select the text message.
Messages after trip completion Special messages displaye

Page 206 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual Engine compartmentVehicle features and optionsThis chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are notnecessarily a

Page 211 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual CoolantVehicle features and optionsThis chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available i

Page 212 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual Adding1.Let the engine cool.2.Turn the lid of the coolant reservoir slightly
counterclockwise to allow any excess
pressure to dissipate, then open it.3.If the coolant is low, slowly add coolant up

Page 238 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual ConnectedDrive, see usersmanual for Navigation, En‐
tertainment and Communi‐
ConnectedDrive Services 
Continued driving with a flat tire  105 , 108  
Control Display  18 
Control Display,

Page 239 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual Engine coolant 207 
Engine idling when driving, coasting  181 
Engine oil  204 
Engine oil, adding  205 
Engine oil additives  205 
Engine oil change  206 
Engine oil filler neck  205 
Engine oil temp

Page 242 of 247

BMW 6 SERIES COUPE 2014 F13 Owners Manual Onboard vehicle tool kit 211 
Opening/closing via door lock  39 
Opening and closing  34 
Opening and closing, without remote control  39 
Opening and closing, with re‐ mote control  37 
Operating c