2 Table of contents Vehicle literature .. .. .. .. .. ... .
About this Owner's Manual ...
Controls and equipment .. ... .
Ins truments and controls .. . .
General illus tration .... ... .. .. ... .
Instruments and warning /
indicator lights ........ .. .. .. . .
Ins truments . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
War ning/ indi cator lights ... .. ... .. .
Driver information d isplay .. . .
Introduct ion . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Trip computer .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Gearshift Indicator ........ .. .. ... .
Efficiency program ........ .. .. .. . .
Service interval d isp lay .. .. .. .. .. . .
On -Board Diagnostic system (OBD) .. .
Opening and closing .... .. .. . .
Power locking system .. ... .. .. .. . .
R ear lid .. .. ................ ... . .
1 0
P owe r windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
P anorami c til ting s unroof .. .. .. .. . .
Va let p arki ng ............ .. .. .. . .
Clear vision .............. .. ... .
Lig hts . .. .... ........... .. .. .. . .
I n ter ior lights .. . ...... ... .. .. ... .
V1s 1on ...... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Wi per and washer system . ... .... . .
Dig ita l compass .......... .. .. ... .
Seats and storage ... .. .. .. ... .
General recommendat ions ... ... .. .
Front seats ................ .. ... .
H ead restraints .......... .. .. ... .
Seat memory . .. ...... .... ... .. . .
As htray .. .. ................ ... . .
C igar ette lighte r .... ...... .. .. .. . .
S to rage .... ... .......... .. .. .. . .
Ro of r ack .. ............. ....... .
L uggage compartmen t .. .. .. .. .. . .
4 3
5 9
6 1
Warm and cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
C lima te controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
On the road ... ... .. ..... .... . .
Stee ring . ..... .. .. ... ..... ... .. .
Ig nit ion loc k ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .
Convenience key .. ............. .. .
Driver messages .. ............. .. .
E lectromechanical pa rking brake ... .
Speed warning system .. .. ... ... .. .
Cru ise cont ro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Transm1ss1on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Manua l transm iss ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
T iptronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
S troni c® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Audi adaptive cruise control
and braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . .
I n troduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Genera l informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Audi adaptive cruise contro l . . . . . . . .
A udi braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Audi side assist .... ..... ... .. .
Lane change ass istant
Audi drive select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Driving settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Park as sist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Pa rking system ... ... .. ..... ... .. . 112
Pa rking system (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Parking system (rea r, with rear view
camera) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Homelink ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Universa l remote control........ ... 119
Safety first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Driving Safely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Proper occ upant seating positions . . . 125
Drive r and passenge r side foo twe ll . . . 129
Pedal a rea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Stow ing luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Re po rting Sa fety Defects . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
L ight switch
Control lever for :
- T urn signal and high beam
@ Multi-function steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Audio/video, telephone, navi
gation and vo ice recogni tion
- Rocker switches for tiptroni c
opera tion or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 92
® ISET lbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
@ Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . . . 10
@ Reset button for trip odometer 12
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer 49
- Trip computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
@ Ignition lock ............. . .
(8) Adjustable s teer ing column
@ Control lever for :
- Cruise contro l ......... ... .
- Adaptive cruise control .. .. .
@ Ins trumen t lighting .... .. .. .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. .. ........... .. .
@ Data L ink Connector for On
B oard Diag nostics (OBD II) . .. .
@ Sw itch for unlock ing the trunk
lid .. .. .. ...... ..... ...... .
@ Adjuste r control fo r outside m ir-
r ors .. .. .. .. ........... .. .
@ Power window switches ... .. .
@ Rad io-Display1l or MMI-Display
4 6
l) T he image in t he d is pl ay will app ea r e it h er in mu lt ipl e
c o lor s or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. T he m ulti co lo r im age w ill b e used i n this
O w ner's M anual becau se bo th mu lt i co lo r and sin gle
c o lor ver sio ns are almos t identic al.
In strument s and control s 9
@) Depending on options:
- Rad io system
- CD changer
Emergency flasher
G love compartment (lockab le)
Front passenger's airbag .....
Depend ing o n options, sw itches
- Audi drive se lect .......... .
- Electronic Stabili zation Con-
trol . ... .. .. .. . .. ... .... .
- Rear window sun shade .. .. . 185
@ Deluxe automat
ic cl imate con-
trol ...... .. .... .......... .
@) Depending on options, selecto r
lever or shift lever for 67
- Manual transmission . . . . . . . 82
- Automatic transmission . . . . . 82
@ Ashtray with ciga rette lighter 58, 59
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI contro l console or
- Aud i drive select . . . . . . . . . . . 109
- Electronic Stab ilizat ion Con-
trol button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
- Power switch for rear window sun shade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
@ I STA RT ENGI NE STOPI button 74
@) Electromec hanical pa rking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment o r feat ures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equ ipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always as k your author
ized Aud i dea ler if you have a question
about your vehicle.
- Operat ion of the Multi Med ia Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
40 Opening and clo sing
The trunk escape handle is to be used only
in an emergency .
(D Tips
The emergency re lease leve r shou ld never
be used as a h andle for closing the lug
gage compartment lid.
Power windows
The driver can operate the window regulator
for the driver's door with the left switch and the window regulator for the passenger 's
door with the right switch .
Fig. 30 Dr iver 's doo r: con trols
The power window sw itches have a tw o-posi
tion function :
Opening the windows
• Press the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the w indow reaches t he des ired pos i
t io n.
• Press the sw itch br ie fly to the
s e cond stop
to automa tically open the window .
Closing the windows
• Pull the switch to the first stop and hold it
unt il the w indow rea ches t he des ired pos i
t ion.
• Pu ll the switch brief ly to the
second stop to
automatica lly close the window .
--W hen you leave your ve hicle -even if on-
ly br iefly- always remove t he ignition
key . Th is app lies pa rticularly when chil
d ren remai n in the vehicle. Otherwise t he
chi ldren could sta rt the eng ine o r ope r
a te ele ctric al eq uipment (e.g . power w in
dows). The power w indows are function
a l until the dr iver's door or passenger's
door has been opened .
- Pay close attention w hen closing the win
dows to p revent pinching of hands o r
- W hen locking the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle must be u noccupied since t he
windows can no longer be opened in an
emergency .
(D Tips
-When you open the doors, the windows
automatically lowe r abo ut 10 mm.
- After the ignition has been switched off,
the windows can st ill be opene d or
closed for about 10 mi nutes. The win
dow regu lators are not sw itched until
the driver's or passenger's door is
Convenience opening/closing
The windows and the panoramic tilting sun
roof can be opened and closed with the me
chanical key or the emergency key .
Fig. 3 1 Key turns fo r openin g and clos ing
Convenience opening feature
"' 0 0 6 .. a,
• Use the emergency key or pull the mechani-
cal key o ut o f the maste r key ~
page 34 . ....
.. Insert the key into the lock of the driver's
.. Turn the key to position ~
fig. 31 @ until a ll
the windows have reached the desired posi
tion and the panoramic tilting sunroof is tilt
ed .
Con venie nce clo sing f eature
.. Use the emergency key or pull the mechani
ca l key out of the master key¢
page 34.
.,. Turn the key in the lock of the driver's door
to the lock position ® until the windows
and the panoram ic tilting sunroof are closed
~A .
When the panoramic tilting sunroof is tilted/
closed , the electric sun shade* is also opened/
closed .
-Never close the windows and thepanor
amic t ilting sunroof inatten tively and
without checking -there is r is k of injury .
- You must always watch when the win
dows are being ra ised so that no one can
be trapped. If you release the key, the
closing action is immediately canceled.
- Always read and heed WARNING
¢ &. in
General description on page
32 .
Correcting window regulator
After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the
one-touch up and down feature must be acti
vated again.
.. Pull and hold t he power w indow switch un
ti l the window is completely closed .
.. Re lease the switch and pull the switch again
for one second.
Openin g an d clos ing 41
Panoramic tilting
=r.;-;-1= _..::__:J_
B ([j' G
o .. o
Fig. 32 Section of hea dline r: sw it c h for su nroof
.,. To ti lt the sunroof, press the switch briefly .
.. To close the sunroof, pull the switch briefly.
.,. To set an intermediate position, press/pull
the switch unt il the roof reaches the desired
After the ignition is switched off, you can still
operate the sunroof for about 10 minutes. As
soon as the driver's o r passenger's doo r is
opened, the switch is inoperative.
Sun blind
The sun blind can be opened and closed man
ually in any posit ion.
Pay careful attention when closing the
sunroof -otherw ise serio us in jury could re
sult! For this reason, always remove the ig
nition key when leaving the vehicle .
(D Note
Always close your sun roof when leav ing
your vehicle . Sudden rain can cause dam
age to the interior equipment of your vehi
cle, particu larly the electronic equipment.
(D Tips
-In format ion on convenience opening/
¢ page 40 .
48 Clear vision
-If swallowed and person is conscious,
rinse mouth with water for at least 15
minutes. Do not induce vomiting unless
instructed to do so by medical professio
nal. Get medical attention immediately.
d) Note
Liquid electrolyte leaking from broken mir
ror glass will damage any plastic surfaces
it comes in contact with. Clean up spilled
electrolyte immediately with clean water
and a sponge.
@ Tips
- Switching off the dimming function of
the inside rear view mirror also deacti
vates the automatic dimming function of
the exterior mirrors.
-Automatic dimming for the mirror only
operates properly if the sun shade* for
the rear window is not in use or the light
striking the inside mirror is not hindered
by other objects.
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not
dim when the interior lighting is turned
on or the reverse gear is selected.
Sun visors
Fig. 42 Drive r's side : su n v isor
The sun visors for the driver and passenger
can be pulled out of their brackets in the cen
ter of the vehicle and turned towards the
Ci) c::> fig. 42.
The mirror light switches on when the cover
over the vanity mirror @opens .
Sun shade
Applies to vehicles: with sun shade
The rear window is equipped with a sun
Fig. 43 W ith MM I: Bu tton for rear window sun s hade
Fig. 44 Withou t MMI : Bu tton for rea r win dow s un
.. To extend/ret ract the sun shade, press the
~ button c::> fig. 43 or c::> fig. 44 .
You can adjust the settings for the rear sun
shade so the shade retracts automatically
when you select the reverse gear. To do this,
select the
I CAR I function button > Windows >
Rear blind> automatic> on or I CAR I function
> Car Systems control button > Vehi
cle settings> Automatic rear blind > On .
current setting is automatically stored and as
signed to the remote key. The sun shade is ex
tended again as soon as the vehicle is travel ing forward at a speed greater than 9 mph
(1 S km/h) if the ignition has not been switch
ed off in the meantime.
= When lowering or raising the sunshade,
make sure there is nothing in its way and
that it has a free path to travel. This could
cause personal injury.
@ Tips
-Pressing the button~ several times
consecutively can trigger the overload protection. The sun shade can only be ex
tended/retracted again after a brief wa it
i ng per iod.
- The rear window sun shade only func
tions when the veh icle inter ior is warmer
than 14°F (-10°C).
Wiper and washer system
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fi g. 45 Windshield wiper lever
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
spond ing position:
@ -Windshie ld w iper
CD -Interval mode. To extend/shorten the
wiper intervals, move the switch @to the
l eft/right. I n veh icles with a rain sensor* the
wipers turn on in the ra in once the vehicle
speed exceeds approximate ly 2 mph (4 km/h).
The highe r the sensitivity of the rain sensor* is
set (switch @to the right), the earlier the
windshie ld w ipers react to moistu re on the
windshie ld. In some models, you can switch
rain sensor mode
off and switch intermittent
mode on in the MMI*. Select:
ICAR I funct ion
> Car Systems contro l button > Driver
as sis t > Rain s en sor .
In inte rmittent mode '
you can adjust the interval time using the @
sw itch.
@ -Slow wip ing
® -Fast wiping
Clear vi sion 49
@ -Single wipe
® -C lean the w indshie ld. To elim ina te wate r
drople ts, the windsh ield w iper pe rform s one
afterw ipe operation after severa l se conds
whi le dr iving. You can sw itch this f unction
by moving the leve r to positio n® within 10
seconds of the afterwipe operat ion . The after
wipe function is reactivated the next t ime the
ignition is switched on .
Cleaning the headlights* . The headlight wash
er system * operates only when the headlights
are o n. If you move the lever to position @,
the headlights are washed in intervals.
- The rain senso r is only intended to assist
the dr iver. The d river is st ill responsib le
for manually switc hing the wipers on ac
cording to the vi sibility cond itions.
- The windsh ield may not b e treated with
wate r-repell ing windsh ield coating
agen ts. Un fa vo rable cond iti ons, s uch as
we tnes s, d arkn ess, low sun, can result in
increased g lare. Wiper blade c hatter is
a lso possib le .
- P rope rly f unct io ni ng win dsh ield wipe r
b lades are re quired for a clear view and
safe driving
~ page 50, Replacing
windshield wiper blades.
(D Note
- I n the case of frost, check whethe r the
w indshield wiper blades are frozen to
the winds hield. Switchi ng on the wind
shield wipers can damage the wiper
- Pr ior to using a car wash, the windshield
w iper system must be sw itched
off ( lever
in posit ion @). T his he lps to prevent un
intentional switching on and damage to
t he windsh ield wiper system.
@ Tips
- The windshiel d w ipers are switched off
when the ig nition is tu rned off. Act ivate
t he windsh ield wipers after the ignition
cannot fall out into the footwells. In case
of sudden braking you would not be able
to brake or accelerate.
- Any articles of clothing that you have
hung up must not interfere with the driv
er's v iew. The coat hooks are designed
only for lightweight clothing. Never hang any clothing w ith hard, pointed or heavy
objects in the pockets on the coat hooks.
During sudden braking or in an accident -
especially if the airbag is deployed -
these objects cou ld injure any passen
gers inside the vehicle .
- To reduce the r isk of personal injury in an
accident or sudden stop, always keep the
glove compartment closed while driving.
- Read and fo llow all WARN INGS
~ page 161, Important safety instruc
tions on the side airbag system.
- Hang clothes in such a way that they do
not impair the driver's vision .
- T he coat hooks must only be used for
lightweight clothing. Do not leave any
heavy or sharp edged objects in the pock
ets which may interfere with the side cur
tain airbag deployment and can cause personal injury in a crash.
- Do not use coat hangers for hanging clothing on the coat hooks as this can in
terfere with proper deployment of the
side curtain airbags in an accident.
- Do not hang heavy objects on the coat
hooks, as they could cause personal in
jury in a sudde n stop.
- Always keep the compartment above the
rearview mirror closed while driving to
reduce the risk of injury in the event of
sudden braking maneuvers or a col lision.
(D Note
Objects located on the rear shelf that rub
aga inst the rear w indow cou ld damage the
heating wires for t he rear w indow defog
S ea ts a nd s to rage 61
@ Tips
-A vent slot is located between the shelf
and the rear w indow . Do not block the
vent with any items you may place on the
rear window she lf.
- Do not place bu lky items on the rear win
dow shelf as they could restrict or block
the driver's vision in the rear view m irror.
Roof rack
Description and mounting location s
Additional cargo can be carried with a roof
luggage rack.
F ig . 63 Roof rack attachmen t po ints
.,. Always read and follow the i nstructions pro
vided by the roof rack manufacturer when
installing the roof rack system.
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the
roof, you must observe the fo llowing:
- Yo ur vehicle has aerodynam ic rai n gutters
mo lded into the roof. This is why conven
tional roof luggage racks cannot be used.
We recommend using roof racks from the
Audi orig inal accessories program.
- On ly use roof racks approved for your vehi
cle. These approved roof racks are the bas is
for a complete roof rack system. Addit ional
attachments or carrier systems are needed
to transport luggage and sports equipment.
We recommend using roof racks from the
Audi orig inal accessories program .
- When installing the roof rack, make sure it
is only mounted on the designated locations
on the roof
Q fig . 63 . ..,.
66 Seat s a nd s tor ag e
- The ski sack is intended only for the
transportation of skis and other light ob
jects . To reduce the risk of serious per
sonal injury, never transport heavy or
pointed objects in the ski sack.
- When brak ing rapidly or during an acci
dent, the load could be displaced and
ca use injury to occupants.
- Sharp edges on the load must be covered
for protect ion. Always fasten the belt
t ightly around the sack and its contents
¢ fig. 70.
-For safety reasons, do not transport
more than two pairs of skis in the ski
sack .
- You must sec ure the ski sac k with the
st rap after loading.
- Make su re a ll objects that you are t rans
porting in the pass-through are secured.
Otherwise they cou ld slide around during
sudden braking maneuvers and cause in
(D Tips
- Never stow the sk i sack away when it is
still wet or damp (for examp le, snow
melting from skis). Allow it to dry com
plete ly before stowing it away.
- When transporting skis or snowboards, tighten the securing strap between the bindings.
- Position skis in the ski sack wit h the
pointed ends facing the front and ski
po les with the pointed ends facing the
- You can lock or un lock the pass-through
u sing the mechanical key. This prevents
any access to the luggage compartment
from the vehicle interior .
Parcel shelf
The parcel shelf behind the rear seatback can
be used to car ry light items of cloth ing .
No heavy or hard objects should be p laced
on the parcel shelf. They are a hazard to
the veh icle occupants during s udden brak
i ng . The is a risk of injury .
(D Note
Please make sure that the heating w ires
for the rear window defogger are not dam
age by abrasive objects .
(D Tips
To ensure problem-free ven tilation , the
vent ilation slots between the rear window
and the pa rcel she lf must not be covered .