X5 xDrive35i
X5 xDrive50i
X5 xDrive35d
X6 xDrive 35i
X6 xDrive 50i
X5 M
X6 MOwner's Manual for Vehicle
Congratulations, and thank you for choosing a BMW.
Thorough familiarity with your vehicle will provide you with
enhanced control and security when you drive it. We therefore
have this request:
Please take the time to read this Owner's Manual and familiarize
yourself with the information that we have compiled for you
before starting off in your new vehicle. It contains important data
and instructions intended to assist you in gaining maximum use
and satisfaction from your BMW's unique range of technical fea-
tures. The manual also contains information on maintenance
designed to enhance operating safety and contribute to main-
taining the value of your BMW throughout an extended service
This manual is supplemented by a Service and Warranty Informa-
tion Booklet for US models or a Warranty and Service Guide
Booklet for Canadian models.
We wish you an enjoyable driving experience.
BMW Group
At a glance
Driving tips
The fastest way to find information on a partic-
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
Using this Owner's Manual
7Reporting safety defects
At a glance
21Letters and numbers
22Voice activation system
26Opening and closing
54Transporting children safely
76Controls Overview
88Technology for comfort, convenience
and safety
124Practical interior accessories
Driving tips
138Things to remember when driving
148Navigation system
149Destination entry
158Destination guidance
165What to do if …
168On/off and tone
174Satellite radio
179CD/DVD player and CD/DVD changer
187Music collection
192External devices
196DVD system in rear
226BMW Assist
239Wheels and tires
251Under the hood
262Replacing components
273Giving and receiving assistance
280Technical data
285Short commands of voice activation
292Everything from A - Z
At a glance
Driving tips
The individual vehicle
When purchasing your BMW, you have decided
in favor of a model with individualized equip-
ment and features. This Owner's Manual
describes the entire array of options and equip-
ment available with a specific BMW model.
Please bear in mind that the manual may con-
tain information on accessories and equipment
that you have not specified for your own vehicle.
Sections describing options and special equip-
ment are marked by asterisks
* to assist you in
identifying possible differences between the
descriptions in this manual and your own vehi-
cle's equipment.
If equipment in your BMW is not described in
this Owner's Manual, please refer to the accom-
panying Supplementary Owner's Manuals.
Editorial notice
BMW pursues a policy of continuous, ongoing
development that is conceived to ensure that
our vehicles continue to embody the highest
quality and safety standards combined with
advanced, state-of-the-art technology. For this
reason, it is possible that the features described
in this Owner's Manual could differ from those
on your vehicle.
For your own safety
Maintenance and repairs
Advanced technology, e.g. the use of
modern materials and high-performance
electronics, requires specially adapted mainte-
nance and repair methods. Therefore, have cor-
responding work on your BMW performed only
by your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center or
a workshop that works according to BMW
repair procedures with correspondingly trained
personnel. If this work is not carried out prop-
erly, there is a danger of subsequent damage
and related safety hazards.<
Parts and accessories
For your own safety, use genuine parts
and accessories approved by BMW.
When you purchase accessories tested and
approved by BMW and Genuine BMW Parts,
you simultaneously acquire the assurance that
they have been thoroughly tested by BMW to
ensure optimum performance when installed
on your vehicle.
BMW warrants these parts to be free from
defects in material and workmanship.
BMW will not accept any liability for damage
resulting from installation of parts and accesso-
ries not approved by BMW.
BMW cannot test every product made by other
manufacturers to verify if it can be used on a
BMW safely and without risk to either the vehi-
cle, its operation or its occupants.
Genuine BMW Parts, BMW Accessories and
other products approved by BMW, together
with professional advice on using these items,
are available from all BMW Sports Activity Vehi-
cle Centers.
Installation and operation of non-BMW
approved accessories such as alarms, radios,
amplifiers, radar detectors, wheels, suspension
components, brake dust shields, telephones,
including operation of any mobile phone from
within the vehicle without using an externally
mounted antenna, or transceiver equipment, for
instance, CBs, walkie-talkie, ham radio or simi-
lar accessories, may cause extensive damage
to the vehicle, compromise its safety, interfere
with the vehicle's electrical system or affect the
validity of the BMW Limited Warranty. Refer to
your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center for
additional information.<
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of
the emission control devices and sys-
tems may be performed by any automotive
repair establishment or individual using any cer-
tified automotive part.<
Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Keys/remote control
Each remote control contains a battery which is
automatically charged in the ignition lock while
driving. Drive a longer distance with each
remote control at least twice a year to keep the
battery charged. For Comfort Access
*, the
remote control contains a replaceable battery,
refer to page37.
Depending on which remote control is detected
by the vehicle during unlocking, different set-
tings are called up and carried out in the vehicle,
refer to Personal Profile, page26.
Information on the required maintenance is also
stored in the remote control, refer to Service
data in remote control, page256.
Integrated key
Press button1 to unlock the key.
The integrated key fits the following locks:
>Driver's door, refer to page29
>Floor panel flap in cargo area, refer to
New remote controls
To obtain additional or replace lost keys, new
remote controls with an integrated key are
available at your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle
Personal Profile
The concept
You can set a number of functions of your BMW
individually according to your preferences. Per-
sonal Profile ensures that most of these set-
tings are stored for the remote control currently
in use without you having to do anything. When
the vehicle is unlocked, the corresponding
remote control is detected and the settings
stored for it are called up and carried out.
This means that you will always find your BMW
set to your own personal settings even if
another person with his/her own remote control
and settings has used the vehicle since the last
time you drove it. The individual settings are
stored for a maximum of four remote controls,
for two with Comfort Access
Personal Profile settings
Details on the settings are provided on the
specified pages.
>Behavior of the central locking system
when unlocking vehicle, refer to page28
>Automatic locking of the vehicle, refer to
At a glance
Driving tips
Opening the computer via iDrive
1."Vehicle Info"
2."Onboard info" or "Trip computer"
Displays on the "Onboard info":
>Cruising range
>Distance from destination
>Estimated time of arrival if:
>Entering a distance manually in the com-
puter, see below.
>A destination was entered in the naviga-
tion system
*, refer to page149.
Displays on the "Trip computer":
>Departure time
>Trip duration
>Trip distance
Both displays show:>The average speed and
>The average fuel consumption.
Resetting the fuel consumption and
You can reset the values for the average speed
and average fuel consumption:
1.Select the respective menu item and press
the controller.
2.To confirm your selection, press the con-
troller again.
Resetting the trip computer
You can reset all values:
1."Vehicle Info"
2."Trip computer"
Service requirements
The remaining driving distance and the date for
the next maintenance are displayed briefly with
the ignition switched on.
To determine the extent of maintenance
required, you can also display the remaining
distance or the service date individually in the
instrument panel.
At a glance
Driving tips
Displaying service requirements
1Knob for selecting display
2Service requirements
3Engine oil
4Legally mandated inspections
5Front brake pads6Rear brake pads
7Brake fluid
The sequence of the displayed maintenance
items can vary. First the data for the next main-
tenance are displayed.
More information
Detailed information on service
More information on the scope of service
required can be displayed on the Control Dis-
1."Vehicle Info"
2."Vehicle status"
3."Service required"Required maintenance procedures and legally
mandated inspections are displayed.
You can request more detailed information on
every entry:
Select the entry and press the controller.
To exit from the menu:
Move the controller to the left.
No service is currently required.
The deadline for service or a legally man-
dated inspection is approaching. Please
arrange a service appointment.
The service deadline has already passed.
Controls Overview
Entering deadlines for legally
mandated inspections*
Make sure the date on the Control Display is set
correctly, refer to page85; otherwise, the effec-
tiveness of CBS Condition Based Service is not
1."Vehicle Info"
2."Vehicle status"
3."Service required"
4."§ Vehicle inspection"
5.Open the menu for entering the deadline.
7.Create the settings.
8.Press the controller to apply the setting.
The year is highlighted.
9.Turn the controller to make the adjustment.
10.Press the controller to apply the setting.
The date entry is stored.
To exit from the menu:
Move the controller to the left.
More information on the BMW Maintenance
System can be found on page256.
Automatic Service Notification*
Data regarding the maintenance status or
legally mandated inspections of the vehicle are
automatically transmitted to your BMW Sports
Activity Vehicle Center prior to a service due
You can check when your BMW Sports Activity
Vehicle Center was notified.
1."Vehicle Info"
2."Vehicle status"
4."Last Service Request"
Check Control
The concept
The Check Control monitors functions in the
vehicle and issues a message if there is a mal-
function in the monitored systems. This kind of
Check Control message consists of indicator
and warning lamps in the instrument panel and,
if necessary, an acoustic signal and text mes-
sages at the top of the Control Display.
Technology for comfort, convenience and safety
104 possible, and inflate them to the proper pres-
sure. Driving on a significantly underinflated tire
causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire
failure. Underinflation also reduces fuel effi-
ciency and tire tread life, and may affect the
vehicle's handling and stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute
for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver's
responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure,
even if underinflation has not reached the level
to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire
pressure telltale.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when
the system is not operating properly. The
TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with
the low tire pressure telltale. When the system
detects a malfunction, the telltale will flash for
approximately one minute and then remain con-
tinuously illuminated. This sequence will con-
tinue upon subsequent vehicle startups as long
as the malfunction exists. When the malfunc-
tion indicator is illuminated, the system may not
be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as
intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a
variety of reasons, including the installation of
replacement or alternate tires or wheels on the
vehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioning
properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction
telltale after replacing one or more tires or
wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the
replacement or alternate tires and wheels allow
the TPMS to continue to function properly.
Lane departure warning*
The concept
On roads with lane markings, this system warns
you at speeds exceeding approx. 40 mph/
65 km/h when the vehicle is about to leave the
The steering wheel begins vibrating lightly.
The system does not issue a warning if the turn
signal is set before leaving the lane.
Switching on/off
Press button 1 on the steering wheel.
>On: lane markings 2 light up.
>Off: lane markings 2 go out.
The system can issue warnings at speeds
exceeding approx. 40 mph/65 km/h.
The state is stored for the remote control cur-
rently in use.
1The system is activated.
2Arrows: at least one lane marking was
detected and warnings can be issued.
Issuing a warning
If the vehicle begins leaving the lane and a lane
marking has been detected, the steering wheel
begins vibrating.
If the turn signal is set before the lane is
changed, a warning is not issued.
Canceling a warning
The warning is canceled:
>Automatically after approx. 3 seconds.
>After the vehicle returns to its lane.
>During heavy brake application.