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Do not throw the remote control batteries away, they contain metals which are harmful to the environment.
Take them to an approved collection point.
Make a careful note of the number of each key. This number is coded on the label attached to the key.
If the keys are lost, a CITROËN dealer can supply you with ne w keys.
Remote control
The high frequency remote control is a sensitive system; do not o perate it while it is in your pocket as there is a possibility
that it may unlock the vehicle, without you being aware of it.
Do not repeatedly press the buttons of your remote control out of range and out of sight of your vehicle. You run the risk
of stopping it from working.
The remote control does not operate when the key is in the i gnition, even when the ignition is switched off.
Locking the vehicle
D r i v i n g w i t h t h e d o o r s l o c k e d m a y m a k e a c c e s s t o t h e p a s s e n g e r c o m p a r t m e n t b y t h e e m e r g e n c y s e r v i c e s m o r e d i f fi c u l t
in an emergency.
As a safety precaution (with children on board), remove the key fro m the ignition when you leave the vehicle, even for a
short time.
Anti-theft protection
D o n o t m a k e a n y m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e e l e c t r o n i c e n g i n e i m m o b i l i s e r s y s t e m , t h i s c o u l d c a u s e m a l f u n c t i o n s .
When purchasing a second-hand vehicle
Have the key codes memorised by a CITROËN dealer, to ensure tha t the keys in your possession are the only ones which
can start the vehicle.
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Do not throw the remote control batteries away, they contain metals which are harmful to the environment.
Take them to an approved collection point.
Make a careful note of the number of each key. This number is coded on the label attached to the key.
If the keys are lost, a CITROËN dealer can supply you with ne w keys.
Remote control
The high frequency remote control is a sensitive system; do not o perate it while it is in your pocket as there is a possibility
that it may unlock the vehicle, without you being aware of it.
Do not repeatedly press the buttons of your remote control out of range and out of sight of your vehicle. You run the risk
of stopping it from working.
The remote control does not operate when the key is in the i gnition, even when the ignition is switched off.
Locking the vehicle
D r i v i n g w i t h t h e d o o r s l o c k e d m a y m a k e a c c e s s t o t h e p a s s e n g e r c o m p a r t m e n t b y t h e e m e r g e n c y s e r v i c e s m o r e d i f fi c u l t
in an emergency.
As a safety precaution (with children on board), remove the key fro m the ignition when you leave the vehicle, even for a
short time.
Anti-theft protection
D o n o t m a k e a n y m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e e l e c t r o n i c e n g i n e i m m o b i l i s e r s y s t e m , t h i s c o u l d c a u s e m a l f u n c t i o n s .
When purchasing a second-hand vehicle
Have the key codes memorised by a CITROËN dealer, to ensure tha t the keys in your possession are the only ones which
can start the vehicle.
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A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
Matching your Bluetooth®
The system can register up to 7 Bluetooth®
compatible mobile telephones.
The telephone which has the highest
level of priority is connected automati-
It is absolutely essential that the vehicle
is parked in a safe place with the park-
ing brake applied.
1 - Press the SPEAK button.
7 - Say a 4-digit number which will be recorded as the match-
ing code. 11 - When it detects a Bluetooth
compatible mobile telephone,
the system says "Please say
the name of the telephone
after the bleep". If the system does not detect the
compatible mobile tele-
phone, the matching process stops
accompanied by an audible signal.
If you select a level of priority which
has already been allocated to an-
other telephone, the system asks
you if you wish to replace this level
of priority.
Remember this matching code as
you must enter it in the telephone
in one of the following steps of the
matching procedure.
9 - The system says "Start the matching procedure on the telephone. Con-
sult the instructions in the telephone
2 - S a y " C o n fi g u r e " .
3 - Say "Matching options".
5 - Say "Match a telephone". 8 - T h e s y s t e m c o n fi r m s t h e v a -
lidity of the number spoken,
answer "Yes". Say "No" to re-
turn to step 7.
10 - Consult your mobile tele- phone's user manual and
enter the matching code
recorded in step 7 in the
telephone. 12 - After the audible signal, allo-
cate a name to the telephone
by saying the name of your
13 - The system says "Allocate an order of priority between 1 and 7. One is
the highest level of priority".
14 - Say a number between 1 and 7 to establish the level
of priority of the mobile tele-
1 5 - T h e s y s t e m s a y s a n d c o n fi r m s t h e and the
of its priority.
4 - The system says "Do you wish to match a telephone, delete a tele-
phone or obtain the list of matched
6 - The systems says "Please say the 4 digits of a matching code". If the code is incorrect, the system
locks. To clear the code:
- check that the telephone's voice
recognition is not activated,
- with the ignition on and the audio system active, press the HANG UP
button for 2 seconds, 3 times in
succession. 16 - Answer "Yes" or say "No" to
return to step 13.
17 - The systems says "Matching complete" then emits an audible
signal and deactivates the voice