A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
AUDIO: selection of Audio-video
(FM, CD, music server, ...) or
Navigation (map) display.
VOL: adjustment of audio-video
OPEN: tilts the screen and permits access to the CD/DVD. A second press closes the screen. SCALE: changing the scale of the
E N T : c o n fi r m s t h e c h o i c e o f t h e
item selected on the screen.
F o r c e r t a i n o p e r a t i o n s , c o n fi r m a -
tion is given by contact with the
touch screen.
Scrolling the map displayed or
selection of an item.
For safety reasons, the driver
must only carry out operations
which require prolonged atten-
tion with the vehicle stationary.
Changing the audio-video source
(FM, CD, music server, ...).
Mute on/off.
Next or previous selection for:
- a radio station,
- an audio track (CD),
- a chapter (DVD).
M o v e a fi n g e r o v e r t h e s c r e e n t o o p e r a t e
the system.
Use the buttons offered on the screen.
POWER: audio system on/off
Setting the audio volume.
A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
MODE: Audio-video menu for:
- radio,
- audio, MP3 or WMA CD,
- music server,
- DVD.
MENU: Navigation-guidance menu
for selecting:
- a destination,
- a point of interest (POI),
- an advanced search by POI,
one of the 20 previous destinations,
- an address stored in the address book,
- the return home,
- certain navigation settings,
- a route demonstration. NAVI: display of the current location
on the
map .
Settings menu for:
- switching off the display,
- selecting the sound setting,
- selecting the picture quality,
- selecting the language, the time zone or the units,
- selecting the size of the DVD picture,
- selecting the guidance voice, the screen colour schemes or
display of the audio-video icon,
- setting certain equipment avail- able in your vehicle. INFO:
Information menu for the
consultation or setting of certain
parameters of your vehicle.
A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
CD player
Your Audio-Telematic system allows
you to listen to audio CDs (CDDA, CD-
Text, CD-R/RW) or MP3 and WMA CDs.
Playing an audio CD Switching off the engine or removing
the CD during recording will result in the
tracks being faulty.
The operation of the navigation system
may slow down during recording.
The recording speed may be slower
than 4x due to the processing load on
the equipment or the condition of the
audio CD.
If jumps or other errors occur, return to
the beginning of the track and start the
recording again.
Even if there is no gap between the
tracks on the CD, a brief silence be-
tween tracks is stored on the hard disk. What is the Gracenote CDDB?
Your Audio equipment may allow you
to listen to music which is usually pro-
tected by copyright in accordance with
current national and international stan-
dards. Please consult these standards
and comply with them.
Recording onto the music server
When the audio CD is
inserted in the player,
playing of the tracks is
automatic and they can
be recorded onto the
hard disk.
Simultaneous access to the music rec-
ognition service "Gracenote CDDB" on
the hard disk permits display of the title
The tracks of audio CDs (not
MP3/WMA) can be recorded
onto the hard disk at approximately
4x speed (e.g.: 60 minutes converted
to 15 minutes) and stored on the music
The sounds recorded may be altered
by the noise present and the quality of
the sound may differ from the original.
The tracks recorded on the music server
cannot be reproduced on another me-
dium (CD-R/RW, HDD, etc...).
Previously recorded tracks cannot be
recorded again from the same CD. The title information for the
track currently being played
can be obtained from the
"Gracenote CDDB" database
stored on the hard disk.
The Gracenote company uses this
standard to identify the music and the
associated information such as:
- the title of the album,
- the name of the artist,
- the title of the tracks,
- the genre, ...
For further details, consult the site:
The Gracenote CDDB database incor-
porated in this equipment cannot guar-
antee the content of the data 100 %.
You can update this database using a
DVD sold separately.
A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
General notes on the Music Server
What is the music server?
Your Audio-Telematic system allows
you to copy audio CDs onto a music
server, up to 2,500 songs on a 10 Gb
hard disk.
The tracks on audio CDs (not MP3 or
WMA) can be recorded onto the hard
disk at approximately 4x speed and
stored on the music server.
Refer to the "Recording a CD" section.
The music server then allows you to
manage groups and lists of tracks. "Original" group, number 01: "Original Playlist" l
"My Best" group, number 02:
"New Group" group for the user,
numbers 03 to 99: "My Favorites" list:
"My Frequency" list:
"User Playlist" list:
This is the location of
the original playlist cre-
ated automatically (not manual) when a
track of an audio CD is recorded.
It is not possible to change its name or
delete it.
You can record up to 9999 playlists in
this group.
This is the location of the
playlists, etc... created
automatically from the information read
on the music server.
It is not possible to change its name or
delete it.
The groups "My Favorites" and "My
Frequency" are stored here.
This is the location of
the user's playlists.
You can record up to 9999 playlists in
this group.
The group can be created, renamed or
deleted. These are original play
lists created automatical-
ly (not manual) when an
audio CD is recorded.
The lists and the artists can be renamed
or deleted. The genres can also be set.
This is the location of a
playlist of tracks selected
by the user from the original list.
If you delete a track from the original
list, it will be deleted from the user list.
The list and the artist can be renamed
or deleted.
It is possible to add tracks or change
their order.
This is the location of
the playlists used most
frequently from the original list.
It is not possible to add tracks or change
their order. This is the location for
storing your favourite
They can be deleted from the list and
the order in which they are played can
be changed.
A U D I O a n d T E L E M A T I C S
General notes on MP3/WMA CDs
Playing an MP3/WMA CD When the MP3/WMA CD is
inserted in the player, play-
ing of the tracks is automatic.
The tracks cannot be recorded
onto the music server.
You can play CDs with up to 8 levels,
2 5 5 f o l d e r s a n d 4 0 0 fi l e s m a x i m u m .
Your Audio equipment may allow you
to listen to music which is usually pro-
tected by copyright in accordance with
current national and international stan-
dards. Please consult these standards
and comply with them.
A c c e p t a n c e o f t h e fi l e s
Some blank CDs may not be played
by your equipment (quality, recording
When you burn a CD-R or CD-RW,
select the ISO 9660 level 1.2 or Joliet
burning standard.
To obtain the best acoustic quality pos-
sible, select the lowest burning speed.
The MPEG1 and MPEG2 standards
are accepted.
Transmission speeds between 32 and
320 kbits/s and scans between 16 kHz
and 48 kHz are accepted.
To display the title information (the
name of the artist, the title of the album,
etc...), the information contained in the
ID3 Tags or the WMA Tags must be in-
c l u d e d i n t h e M P 3 / W M A fi l e s b u r n e d
onto the disc.
W h a t i s t h e M P 3 / W M A fi l e f o r m a t ?
MP3 is the abbreviation of MPEG-1
Audio Layer 3 and MPG is the abbrevia-
tion of Motion Pictures Experts Group, a
digital video data compression standard
used on media such as video CDs.
The MP3 compression reduces the
number of bytes in a song by eliminating
the long sound waves in the range of fre-
quencies which are imperceptible to the
human ear, so producing high quality au-
d i o fi l e s w i t h a l o w v o l u m e o f d a t a .
This compression divides the size of
the content of a conventional audio CD
by approximately 10, which means that
the content of 10 audio CDs can be
recorded onto a single CD-R or CD-RW.
WMA is the abbreviation of Windows
Media Audio, another audio data com-
pression standard offered by Microsoft.
It can be used to create and save audio
fi l e s a t a c o m p r e s s i o n r a t e h i g h e r t h a n
that of the MP3 format.
Windows Media and Microsoft Corpo-
ration are trademarks registered in the
United States and/or other countries.