Table of contents
Table of contents
Vehicle literature ........ .
About this Owner's Manual ..................... .
Controls and
equipment .. ... ... ........ . .
Inst rumen ts and cont rols ..... .
Genera l ill ustration ............. .
Instruments and
warning/indica tor ligh ts ....... .
Instruments ................... .
Warning/indica tor lights ........ .
Driver informa tio n d isplay ..... .
Introduction ................... .
On-Board Diagnostic system
Auto-Check Control ....... ..... .
Speed warn ing system ... .. .... .
Trip computer ..... ...... ..... . .
Menu display .................. .
T ire pressure monitoring system ..
Opening and c losing .......... .
Keys .......................... .
Power lock ing system .......... .
1 1
1 2
1 2
1 9
2 4
2 4
Keyless entry remote contro l . . . . . 56 Doors, power
locks ......... ... .
Rear lid . ......... ............ .
Child safety lock in the rear doo rs
Anti -theft a larm system ........ .
Power w indows .............. .
Slid ing /tilting power sunroof . .. .
C lear v is ion ............ .... .. . .
Lights .............. ....... ... .
Inter ior lights ......... ........ .
V is ion .... .. .. ... ... .... ... ... .
Wiper and washer system ...... .
M irrors .. .. ............ ....• .. .
Digital compass ............ ... .
Seats and storage ......... ... .
Genera l recommenda tions ..... .
Adjust ing the front seats manually
Adjust ing the fro nt powe r se ats .
Lumbar support ............... .
Extending/ shortening the driver's
seat cush ion .................. .
Driver's seat memory ..•..... •..
Center armrest ........ ..... ... .
Rear seats ................. ... .
Head rest rain ts ..... ... .... ... .
Luggage compartment ........ .
Roof rack ins tallation .......... .
Cupho lder .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. .
Asht rays .... ....... ..... ..... .
Cigarette l igh ter /socke t ..... ... .
Storage ......... .......... ... .
War m and cold ............... .
Climate controls .............. .
Electrically heated front seats .. .
Electrically heated rear seats .. . . 58
On t
he road ............. ..... . .
61 Steer ing ..................... · ·
63 Ignition lock and ignition switch
64 Sta rting and stopping the eng ine
65 Parking brake ..... .. .......... .
67 acoustic park assist ........... . .
72 Cru ise control ................ •.
Tra nsmissi on .................. .
81 Manual transmission .. ... ..... . .
84 tiptronic® (6-speed automatic
85 transmission) .... ............. .
90 multi tronic™ .... ... ..... ...... .
H omeLin k® .... ......... ....... .
95 Universal radio frequency remote
95 con trol ... ... ... ... ...... ... .. .
10 5
1 16
1 19
Safety first ................ .
Driving Safe ly .... ............. .
General notes .......... ....... .
Proper occupant seating pos it ions
Peda l area ... ... .... ..... ... .. .
Stow ing luggage ............. . .
Report ing safety defects ....... .
Safety belts ..... ... ... .. .. .... .
General notes ................ . .
Why safety be lts? ....... ....... . 1
1 36
1 40
1 42
1 42
1 49
1 57
1 6 5
1 66
1 72
1 7 3
1 75
1 7 6
17 6
17 7
Instruments and controls
General illustration
G) Power window switches ........................ .
0 Door handle
G) Power locking switch .......................... .
© Adjuster control fo r outside mirrors ...... .... .... .
© Light switch .. ...... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... .
© Air o utlets ........ ... .. .... .... ... .... .... .... .
0 Turn s igna l and high beam .. .... .... ......... .. .
© Instrument c luster .. ... .... .... .... ... .. .... ... .
G) Switches for
- Windshield wiper/washer . ...... .... .... ... ... .
- Trip computer ...... .... .... ... .... .... .... . .
@ Steering lock/ignition/starter switch (in the steering
whee l column) . ...... ... .... .... .... ... .... ... .
Electron ic Stab ilization Prog ram (ESP) switc h ...... .
Emergency flasher ....... .... .... .... .... .... .. .
Storage compartment for sma ll objects
Sound System
G love compartment ( lockab le) ... .. .... .... .... .. .
Front passenger's airbag .... .... .... .... ..... .. .
Cl imate controls .. ..... .... .... ...... .... ... .. .
Rear window defogger switc h .... .... .... .... ... .
Switch for seat heating ......................... .
Ashtray .. ....... .... ............. ...... .... .. .
Gear shift lever or selector lever (automatic transmis
s ion)
- Manual transmission .. ...... ....... ...... ... .
- 6-speed automa tic transm ission .. ...... .... ... .
I .
® -mu t1tronic ................................ .
236 79
1 4 3
14 9
Controls and equip
ment • I I • • I
Instrum ents and controls
Cupho lder
Park ing brake lever ............................ .
Electrical socket ............................... .
Storage compartment
Memory buttons (driver's seat) .. ...... .... ... ... .
Re lease lever for t he e ngine hood ...... .... ... ... .
Data Link Connector fo r On Board D iagnostic (OBD Ill
Cruise control .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .. .
Steering wheel with:
- Horn
D. ' . b - nversa1r ag . ................ .... ......... .
@ Adjustab le steering co lumn .. ...... .... .... .... . .
@ Recessed she lf for vehic le literature .............. .
272 27
123 •
Clear vision
Adjusting th e outside mirrors
- Turn the adjus ting knob
to=> page 91, fig. 93 © (drive r's
side ou tside mirror)
to @ (front passenger's outside
m irror).
- Press the knob in the appropriate direction to move the
m irror surface so t hat you have a good view to the rear.
Folding both outside mirrors *
- Turn t he kn ob
to @ .
The mirror surfaces are heated whenever you sw itch on the rear
window defogger regardless of the outside temperature .
You are we ll- advised to fold the outside mirro rs in when maneu
vering in t ight spaces or when leaving the car parked close to other
vehic les.
A uto matic tilt -d own of passen ger side outsid e mirr or*
With the knob turned to posi tion ®=> page 91, fig. 93, the mirror on
the front passenger door will tilt downward s lightly when you move
the selector lever into
R ( R everse) . This feature provides a better
view of the curb when you are backing into a parking space.
T he mirror wil l go back to its original position when you shift out of
Reverse, or when y ou turn the control k nob back
to © or@ .
Memo ry setting for the outsid e mirrors *
On veh ic les w it h the memory function *, w hen you store a seat posi
tion in the memory, the position of the outside mirrors is a lso stored
in the
memory => page 100.
0 Note
• Curved mirror surfaces (co nvex o r spher ical*) i ncrease you r fie ld
of view . Remember that vehic les or other objects wil l appear smaller
and fa rther away than w he n seen in a fla t mi rro r. If yo u use t his mirror to estimate distances of following vehic
les when changing
lanes, you cou ld esti mate incorrec tly a nd cause an acc ident .
• I f the mirror housing is moved unintentional ly (for example,
while parking y our vehicle), t hen you must first fo ld the mirror e lec
trically. Do not readjust the mirror housing manually . You cou ld
damage the m otor which controls t he m irror.
[ i ] Tips
If there shou ld be a malfunction in t he electrical syste m, you can
sti ll ad just the outside mirrors by pressing the edge of the mirror .•
Ap plies to vehicles : wit h au tomat ica lly a djus tin g outs ide mirro rs
Automatic dimming for the outside mirrors
The outside mirro rs d im at t he same t ime as the ins ide mirror. W hen
the ignition is switched on, the mirrors automatical ly dim
depending on the amount of flight striking the mir ro rs (such as
headlights shinin g into the veh ic le from the rear).
When you switch on the in terior light , or when you move the
selector lever into
R (Reverse), the d imm ing function stops and the
mirrors return to their original condition (not darkened).
[ i ] Tips
The automat ic dimming feature on the mirrors wil l not operate
pro per ly if the ligh t shining on the m irrors is blocked by other
objects .•
___ S_ e_a _t_ s _ a_n_ d
__ s _t _o _r_a ..: g=-- e ________________________________________________ _
Never adjust the lumbar support while the vehicle is moving. If you
adjust your seat while the vehicle is moving, you will be out of
position. Always adjust the lumbar support when the vehicle is
not moving .•
App lies to vehic les: w ith Recaro power seats
Extending / shortening the driver's
seat cushion
The driver's seat cushion can be extended to optimally
support the thighs for driving.
Extending the seat cushion
Fig . 101 Adjustable
seat cushion
- Reach under the front edge of the seat cushion.
- Pull up and hold the seat cushion extension, then slide it
forward to the desired position .
Shortening the seat cushion
-Reach under the front edge of the seat cushion.
- Pull up and hold the seat cushion extension, then slide it
backward to the desired position.
Never adjust the seat cushion while the vehicle is moving . If you
adjust your seat while the vehicle is moving, you will be out of
position . Always adjust the seat cushion when the vehicle is not
moving. •
Driver's seat memory
Applies to vehicles: wi th dri ver's seat memory
Des cription
The memory buttons in the driver's door allow you to
store and recall different driver seat and outside mirror
Fig . 102 Driver 's door :
memory buttons
________________________________________________ S_ e_ a
_ t_
s _a_ n_d _ s_t _o _ r_ a_ g~ e __ ffllll
Memory buttons
On each memory button (On each memory button G) ,@ , G) and ©
=> page 100, fig. 102 , you can sto re a sea t and outside mirror posi
tion . Up to 4 different drivers can store their
settings .=> page 100,
fig. 102 , you can sto re a seat and outside mirro r position . Up to 4
d iffer ent driv ers can stor e their s ettings .
ST OP b utton
Press the STOP button to switch off the seat memory.
The word
OFF next to the STOP button wi ll illuminate. The 4 different
sea t adjust ments remain stored in th e memory . When the s eat
memory is switched off, then you can only adjust the seat and
outsid e mirrors in th e usual way .
It is recommended to use the STOP feature if your vehicle is going
to be used by another driver temporarily .
[ i ] Ti ps
• The vehicle must be turned on to p rogram the memory button
settings .
• You can recall a seat posi tion using either the memory bu ttons
or using the remote contro l
=> page 102.
• Seat position settings cannot be re ca lled if the s eat back is folded
forward. •
Applies t o vehi cle s: w ith po wer seats and driver's seat memory
Storing a seat position
Before you can store your seat position, the S TOP button
must be engaged (down) .
-Adjust the driver 's seat => page 97 .
Adjust both outside mirrors=> page 91.
Controls and equip
-Press the MEMO button and hold it down. A t th e same time,
press one of the memory buttons for at least one seco nd.
-Re lease the buttons . The seat and outside mirror pos i-
t ions are now stored on that memory button.
Each time to assign a sea t position to a key , you ca ncel the seat posi
t ion, wh ich had be en assigned to that key befor e.
Whenever you store a new pos it ion on a memory button, the former
position is erased. W e recommend you assign m emory buttons
starting with button 1.
When you
l ock your vehicle using the remote control, the las t seat
and mirror position wil l be stored.
When you
unl ock your vehic le the next t ime, the mirrors and the
seat wi ll adjust automat ica lly to the last pos ition stor ed in your k ey .
This wil l not erase the seat posi tion a lready stored on memory
buttons (1) th rough (4).
App lies to veh ic les: w ith power seats and d river 's se at memory
Recalling a seat position
You can recall a seat position using either the memory
buttons or using the remote control in your key.
Usin g th e memory buttons
-Driver's door open -press the desired memo ry button.
-Driver's door c losed -press and hold the respective
memory button unt il the seat and the m irrors move into
t h eir store posi tion .
U sing th e remote control
-Un lock the vehicle using the remote contro l. Then open
the driver's door w ithin ten minutes . .,._
___ S_ e
_ a_t_s _ a_n_ d
__ s _t _o _r_a ...::g==---- e ________________________________________________ _
If you do not open the door within ten minutes after unlocking it,
then you have to use the memory button to recall a seat position.
In an emergency, the recall operation can be stopped by pressing
the STOP button or by briefly pressing any given store button . •
App lies to vehicles: with power seats and driver's seat memory
Assigning the keys
Each remote key can be assigned to a memory button.
After you have stored your seat adjustments on a memory
button~ page 101 you can assign the remote key to the
memory button
Assigning a seat position to a key
- Press the memory button of the seat position you wish to
assign to your key.
- Hold down the memory button and within
ten seconds
press the unlock button on your remote control key.
- Release both buttons after
two seconds . Now that seat
position has been assigned to that remote key.
Canceling a seat position assigned to a key
-Hold the MEMO button depressed and within ten seconds,
press the unlock button on the remote control key.
- Release the
MEMO button after two seconds.
Each time to assign a seat position to a key, you cancel the seat posi
tion, which had been assigned to that key before. We recommend you assign
memory buttons (1) and (2) to the two
remote control keys you received with your vehicle. You can obtain
additional remote control keys from your authorized Audi dealer. •
Center armrest
The front center armrest can be adjusted to several posi
tions and contains a storage bin.
Adjusting the armrest
Fig. 103 Between the
front seats: armrest
folded down
- Press button @ down ~ fig. 103 and push armrest
- Then lift the armrest slowly until it is in a comfortable
Opening the storage bin
- Pull the release button ® upward.
__________________________________________________ A_ i_ r _b _a-' g=- s_ y=-- s_t _e _m ______ lfflll
Child restraints on the front seat - some
important things to know
- Be sure to read the important information and head the
WARNINGS for important details about children and
Airbags=> page 210.
Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag
System, make certain that all children, especially those 12 years and
younger, always ride in the back seat properly restrained for their
age and size . The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat
a potentially dangerous place for a child to ride. The front seat is not
the safest place for a child in a forward -facing child safety seat. It
can be a very dangerous place for an infant or a child in a rearward
facing seat.
The Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle has been certified to comply with the Requirements of United States Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standard 208 as applicable at the time your vehicle
was manufactured.
The Standard requires the front airbag on the passenger side to be
turned off ("suppressed") if a child up to about one year of age
restrained in one of the rear-facing or forward-facing infant
restraints listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with
which the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle was certified has been installed on the front passenger seat. For a listing of the child
restraints that were used to certify compliance with the US Safety
Standard ::::, page 212.
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light in the instrument panel tells you
when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been
turned off by the electronic control unit.
Each time you turn on the ignition, the
light will come on for a few seconds and:
• will stay on if the front passenger seat is not occupied,
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Vehicle operation
• will stay on if there is a small child or child restraint on the front
passenger seat,
• will go off if the front passenger seat is occupied by an adult as
registered by the weight-sensing
mat ::::, page 198, "Monitoring the
Advanced Airbag System" .
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on when the control unit
detects a total weight on the front passenger seat that requires the
front airbag to be turned off.
If the total weight on the front passenger seat is more than that of
a typical 1 year-old child but less than the weight of a small adult,
the front airbag on the passenger side can deploy (the
light does not come on). If the PASSENGER AIR BAG
light does not come on, the front airbag on the passenger side
has not been turned off by the electronic control unit and can
deploy if the control unit senses an impact that meets the condi
tions stored in its memory.
For example, the airbag may deploy if:
• a small child that is heavier than a typical 1 year-old child is on
the front passenger seat (regardless of whether the child is in one
of the child safety seats
listed ::::, page 212), or
• a child who has outgrown child restraints is on the front
passenger seat.
If the front passenger airbag is turned off, the
light comes on in the instrument cluster and stays on.
The front airbag on the passenger side may
not deploy (the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not illuminate and stay lit) even
if a small adult or teenager, or a passenger who is not sitting upright
with their back against a non-reclined backrest with their feet on the
vehicle floor in front of the seat is on the front passenger seat
=> page 168, "Proper seating position for the driver".
If the front passenger airbag deploys, the Federal Standard requires
the airbag to meet the "low risk" deployment criteria to reduce the risk of injury through interaction with the airbag . "Low risk" deploy
ment occurs in those crashes that take place at lower decelerations _,,.
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ C_ h_ e_c _k_ i_n ~g _ a_n_ d_ f_ il _li_ n~ g~--------------------------------------------
For example, a charging current of 4.5 amps would be used on a
battery rated at 45 Ah. Rated capacity of the battery in your vehicle
is listed on the battery housing .
The battery caps should
not be opened when charging a battery.
Charging a battery can be dangerous.
• Always follow the operating instructions provided by the
battery charger manufacturer when charging your battery.
• Never charge a frozen battery . It may explode because of gas
trapped in the ice. Allow a frozen battery to thaw out first.
• Do not reuse batteries which were frozen. The battery housing
may have cracked and weakened when the battery froze.
• Charge the battery in a well ventilated area. Keep away from
open flame or electrical spark. Do not smoke. Hydrogen gas gener
ated by the battery is explosive.
• To reduce the danger of explosion, never connect or disconnect
charger cables while the charger is operating.
• Fast charging a battery is dangerous and should only be
attempted by a competent technician with the proper equipment.
• Battery acid that may spill during charging should be washed
off with a solution of warm water and baking soda to neutralize
the acid.
0 Note
Never use a fast charger as a booster to start the engine . This will
seriously damage sensitive electronic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc ., as well as the battery charger. •
Disconnecting and connecting the battery
When the battery is disconnected some features on the
vehicle will become inoperative and you must reset them
when the battery is reconnected.
When you disconnect the vehicle battery note the following:
• some data stored in the driver information system is erased,
• the clock stops,
• the factory installed radio locks up,
• the engine management system and the one-touch-up and one
touch -down functions of the power windows no longer work .
After you reconnect the battery, you must reset the following
features :
Inoperative because the
battery was discon
one-touch-up and one-touch
down feature on the power
engine management
seat memory*
radio station coding
Removing battery
To reset after the battery is
reconnected, see:
=> page 14
=> page 67
=> page 135
=> page 100
Sound System Operating Instruc -
tions booklet .
Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
read and heed all WARNINGS :::> & in "Working in
the engine compartment" on page
273. ~