Driver inf ormation di spl ay
You can reset the following values to zero using th e reset button:
• driving time
• average mileage
• average speed
The trip computer will not operate unless the ignition is on. When
you turn on the ignition, the function that was in use the last time
you turned the ignition off, wil l appear in the display . Briefly press
the function selector switch
@ or the reset button ® to set the
driving time
alarm=> page 40.
[ i ] Tips
All stored values w ill be lost if the veh ic le battery is disconnected. •
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer
Cruising range
The cruising range display helps you plan your trips.
The estimated cruising range in miles (kilometers) appears in the
d isplay . Th is te lls you how far you r vehicle wi ll be able to trave l with
the amount of fuel left in the tank and with the same driving style .
The disp lay counts down in 6 mile- (10 km-) s teps.
The cruising range is ca lculated based on the fuel consumption for
the last 18 miles (30 km). If you drive conservatively, the cruising
range wi ll increase .•
App lies to vehicles: with trip computer
Driving time
The driving time display reminds you when it is time to
take a break.
The length of time that you have been driving since you last rese t
the memory appears in this display. If you want to keep track of your driving
time from a given point in time, reset the memory at this
point in time by press ing the reset
butto n=> page 39, fig. 28 @ .
Sin gle -trip m emor y
If you stop driv ing for more than 2 hours , the driv ing t ime value will
be reset automatically .
Complete-trip memory
The driving time va lue remains in memory when the ignition is off.
When you resume driving, t he additio nal driving ti me is added on to
the previous value.
D riv in g time alarm
After you have been driving for two hours, the display wil l automat
ica lly switch to the driving t ime d isplay
2 :00 . The driving t ime
display wil l also flash. This driving time alarm reminds the driver to
take a break fro m driv ing.
To turn off the driving time alarm, briefly press the function selector
switch or the rese t button
~ page 39, fig . 28.
If you continue your trip or take a break o f
less than ten minutes, a
new a larm wi ll be disp layed at driving times of
4 :00 , 6 :00 etc.
However, the driving time alarm counter wi ll be reset if you take a
break of more than ten minutes. •
Applies to vehicles: with tr ip computer
Average fuel consumption
The average mileage indica tion allows you to anticipate
your refueling stops well ahead in time.
Th e average fuel economy i n MPG (1/100 km) s ince you last cleared
the memory appears in this display. You can use this disp lay to
adjust your driving technique to achieve a desired mi leage. I f you
want to determine the fuel economy for a new time period, reset the
memo ry using the reset
button => page 39, fig. 28 . After you have
reset the display, a zero will appear for the first 100 feet (30 metres) . .,_
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
Several functions in your vehicle can be set, activated and
controlled by means of
Menu s. With these menus, you can addition
ally select which information is to be shown in the DIS (Driver Infor
mation System) disp lay. This functions on ly with the ignit ion
switched on. Operation is controlled through the [Reset] button on
the windshield wiper
lever => page 41, fig. 29.
S ta rt me nu shows you the different types of d isplays:
S et
Menu off
H el p•
Navigate the menu
The menu is opened using the I Reset] button and the
rocker switch on the windshield wiper lever. Inquiries and
settings are carried out.
F ig. 31 W inds hield
w ip er le ver: R es et
butt on and rocker
sw itch
[Reset] button ®=> fig. 3 1 and rock er switch @ functions
Open th e menu
- Press the [Reset) button as often as necessary until the
menu d isplay::::>
page 41, fig. 30 appears.
S elect and set
- Press the rocker switch to move to a menu display.
Sw itch operation ( up/down) resembles the disp lay .
Enter and confirm
- Press the [Reset! button.
Using the rocker switch, you can select the menus in the display or
change settings. The values selected have a red background .
By pressing the [ Reset] button, you activate the selection you made
or confirm the va lues you set. Selected functions are identified by a
check mark. •
Types of display
The DIS (Driver Information System) start menu offers a
choice am ong 4 types of displays.
The following functions reside behind the 4 types of displays in the
menu => page 41, fig. 30 :
Selec t se tting s
• Clock => page 43
• Computer=> page 43
• Speed alarm (speed warning) => page 35
• Tire pressure warning => page 46
• Radio display (switch on/off)
• Language
• Units (changing units of measurement for distance, fuel
consumption, time zone, temperature)
Power locking system
General description The power Jocking system J ocks all the vehicle d oors and
rear lid simultaneously or allows you to unlock either just the driver's door or all the vehicle doors and rear lid
The power locking system in your vehic le incorporates the following
f unctions:
• Central locking function
• Remote contro l feature
:::::, page 56 .
• Anti -theft alarm system :::::, page 64 .
All the doors and the rear lid are locked by the central locking
system when you lock the vehicle .
Unlo cking th e vehicle
You can un lock the vehicle from outside either by using the remote
or by inserting and turning the key in the driver's door lock.
When you
unlo ck your vehicle:
• The anti-the ft alarm sys tem is deactivated briefly.
• The vehicle interior l ights illuminate for approximate ly 30
seco nds.
• All turn signal lights will flash twice when the car is unlocked.
• After unlocking the vehic le, you have 60 seconds to open a door
or the rear lid. After 60 seconds, t he vehicle automatically locks and
the anti -theft a larm system activates again .
The rear lid can be locked or unlocked either by using the remote
co ntr ol
or by insert ing and turning the key in the driver's door lock .
Unlocking the vehicle with the remote contro l wi ll only
unlock the
rear lid, t o
open it, the lid handle needs to be pressed .
Controls and equip
Op ening and clo sin g
Lo cking the vehicle
You can lock the veh icle from outside e ithe r by using the remote
or by inserting and turning the key in the drivers 's door lock.
When you
lock the ve hicle:
• All doors and the rear lid are locked .
• All tu rn signal lights will flash once when the car is locked.
• The anti -theft alarm system is activated . The horn of the anti
theft alarm sys tem wi ll sound and the anti -theft a larm sys tem read i
ness light, located in t he upper part of the driver's door panel, w ill
start to blink.
• The vehicle interior lights turn off .
Automati c locking *
The automatic locking feature locks all the vehicle doors and the rear lid when you drive faster t han 9 mph (15 km/h).
You can unlock the vehicle from the inside by :
• removing the key from the ignition switch (the vehicle wil l auto
mat ically un lock itself) or
• pressing the unlock part of the power lock switch
(l::[) or
pull ing the door handle (twice to open the door!.
If you wish, you can have an authorized Audi dea ler convert your
power doo r loc k system to au tomatic locking .
• When you lo ck your vehicle from out side , nobody -especially
c hildren - sho uld remain in side the vehi cle . Remember , when you
lock the vehicle from the out side the windows c annot be opened
from the in side .
• When you leave the vehicle , alway s remove the ignition key and
take it with you . Thi s will pre vent pa ssenger s (children , for
example ) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should the y
a ccidentally pre ss the power locking swit ch on the center con sole . .,_
To unlock rear lid only ~
- Press button © for approximately one second.
PANIC Button Push the red
butto n@) to activate the panic function. The
horn sounds and t he turn signals flash.
- P ush the
button @) again to deact ivate the panic fu nc
t io n.
R ead and fo llow all WARNIN GS=> & in "G eneral de scr iption " on
page 5 5.
[ i] Tip s
• In orde r to make sure the locking function is working, you should
always keep your eye on the vehic le to make sure it is proper ly
locked .
• Do not use the remote control if you are inside the car, otherwise
you may uninten tiona lly lo ck the vehicle, and then you would set off
the anti -t heft alarm when you try to s tart the engine or open a door.
In case this happens anyhow, push the unlock button
ft .
• Use the panic funct ion only if you are in an emergency
situation .•
Controls and equip
Op ening and closing
Resetting the remote control
The remote control must be reset if the vehicle does not
unlock .
Fig . 50 Ig ni tio n l ock
p ositi ons
- If the vehicle is locked, ope n the driver's door w ith the
mechanical key in your remote control.
- Press the u nlock button
0 on the remote co ntrol.
- Inse rt the key into the ignition lock
G) => fig. 50 and turn
it to
position @ to turn the ignition on .
- T urn the key back to posit ion
G) to turn t he ignition off
aga in.
- P ull the key out of the igniti on lock.
- Press eithe r the lock -
6 or the unlock 0 button to
co mplete t he reset seque nce .
0 Note
• Do not turn the key to position ® for resetting as this will start
the engine and may pu t the car in motion .•
irechnical data
Openin g and closing
Anti-theft alarm system
The anti-theft alarm triggers an alarm if anyone attempts
to break int o the vehicle.
The anti-theft alarm system triggers an audible alarm and turns on
t he emergency flasher if an unauthorized interference with the
vehic le is sensed by the system .
How is the anti-theft al arm sy stem swit ched on ?
The anti -theft alarm system is switched on when you lock the
dr iver's door manually using your key, o r w hen you use the remote
control. The system is activated approximate ly 30 seconds after the
vehic le is locked. T he indicator light on top of the door trim s tart
flashing rapidly for 30 seconds and then b link slowly.
How is th e anti -theft alarm system switched off ?
The anti-theft alarm system is switched off only when you use the
r emote contro l to unlock your vehicle. If you do not open a doo r
within 60 seconds after you have un locked with the remote control,
the vehicle wi ll loc k itse lf aga in automat ical ly .
If you lock just the driver's door using your key , the front
passenger 's door, the rear and the fue l filler flap remain locked.
I f you use the veh icle key to unlock the driver's door, the other
doors , the rear lid and the fuel tank flap will remain locked . The
a lar m system wil l not be deactivated u nless you insert the key in the
ignition switch within 15 seconds and turn on the ignition . If you fail
to do this, the alarm wi ll sound.
Wh en w ill t he anti th eft ala rm sys tem b e trigg ere d?
When the vehicle is locked, the ala rm system monitors and pr otects
the fo llowing parts of the vehic le:
• engine compartment
• luggage compartment •
• veh ic le incline
• ignition
• factory installed radio .
When the system is activated , the alarm will be triggered if one of
the doors, the engine hood or the rear lid are opened, or if the igni
tion is turned on or the radio removed or if the vehicle incline has
been changed .
The anti -theft alarm system wi ll also go off when you unlock the rear
lid with yo ur key and open it. The alarm is switched off again when
you c lose the rear lid .
The anti -theft alarm system wil l also go off when the battery is
You can also trigger the alarm by pressing the PANIC button on your remote c ontro l. This wil l a lert other people in case of emergency.
Press the
PANI C button again to turn off the a larm .
How i s the anti-theft alarm switched off when
trigg ere d ?
The ala rm system is switched off when you un lock the veh ic le using
the remote contro l or when the ignition is switched on . The a larm
wi ll also switch itse lf off when it co mes to the end of its cyc le .
Em ergen cy flash er
The emergency flasher wil l b link briefly when the doors, engine
hood and rear lid are properly closed .
I f the emergency flashers do not blink, check the doors, engine hood
and rear l id to make sure t hey are proper ly c losed . If you close a
door, the hood or the rear lid with the anti -theft a larm switched on,
the emergency flas hers wil l b link only after you have closed the
door or lid .
[ i J Tips
• For the anti-theft a larm system to function properly, make sure
all vehicle doors and windows are closed before leaving the vehicle.
• When you open the vehicle from the driver's door using the key,
the central locking switch will work only after you have switched on
the ignition .•
$ Tilt sensors ~
The tilt sensors trigger an alarm if they detect vehicle
Fig. 62 Driver's door,
rear bottom: tilt sensor
Switch off the tilt sensors if you are going to have your
vehicle transported.
Switch off the tilt sensors
- Press the switch~ located in the driver's door~ fig. 62.
- Lock the vehicle.
Controls and equip
Opening and closing
When you turn off the tilt sensors, the diode in the switch -IQ will illu
minate. Also, the indicator light in the door trim will illuminate for
about three seconds . After you lock the vehicle, the indicator light
in the door trim will blink quickly for about three seconds. After that,
the blinking slows down.
The next time the vehicle is locked, the tilt sensors are automatically
turned on again. •
Power windows
Fig. 63 Driver's door :
power window
The switches are located in the driver's door. The front passenger's
door has a own power window switch of its own .
To open/close If the respective switch is pushed or pulled, the
window will, respectively .
Switches for front door windows
@ operates the window in the driver 's door.
@ operates the window in the front passenger's door.
irechnical data
ffl...__C_ h_ e_c _k_ i_n ..::g a- a_n_ d_ f_ il _li_ n""" g:::a.-___________________________________________ _
Brake f luid
Checking brake fluid level
The brake fluid level c an be checked with a quick glance .
Fig. 212 Engin e
co mp artm ent: B rak e
f lu id rese rvoi r
Before you check a nything in the e ngine compartment,
alway s re ad and he ed all WARNINGS ~ & in "Working in
the engi ne com partment" on
page 273.
- Pull the rubber st rip @ up partially and lift the cover @
slightly~ fig. 212 .
- Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid reservoi r
@. The brake fluid level must be between the "MIN" and
"MAX" markings.
The brake fluid reservoir is located at the rear partition of the engine
compartment on the le ft side
~ page 275.
The fluid level may drop slightly after some time due to the auto
matic adjustment of the brake pads. This is not cause for alarm.
If the brake fluid level fal ls
considerably below the "MIN" mark, the
brake warning/indicator light (U .S . models :
BRAKE, Canadian models:
0) will come on=> page 23 and~ page 31 . Do not continue to
opera te the vehicle. The complete brake system should be thor
oughly checked by an authorized Audi dealer or qua lified workshop
and the cause corrected. If the brake fluid level is too low, the brake
warning/indicator light will illuminate . Contact an authorized Audi
dea ler
immedi atel y.•
Changing brake fluid
H ave the brake fluid changed by an experienced techni
Brake fluid absorbs mo isture from the air . If the water content in the
brake fluid is too high, corrosion in the brake system may result
after a period of time. The bo iling point of the brake fluid wil l a lso
decrease considerably and decrease braking performance.
Therefore, the brake fluid must be changed
e ver y tw o year s. Always
use new brake fluid which conforms to Federal Motor Vehic le Stan
dard "FMVSS 116 DOT
The brake fluid rese rvo ir can be difficult to reach, therefore, we
recommend that you have the brake fluid changed by your autho
Audi dealer . Your dealer has the correct tools, the right brake
fl uid and the know-how to do this for you.
• Brake fluid is po is o nou s. It m ust be stored only in the clo se d
orig inal container out of the re ach of children!
• Brake f ailure can resu lt from old o r inapp ropriat e brake fluid .
Ob serve the se precaution s:
- Use only brake fl uid that me ets SAE spe cific atio n
J 1703 and
conform s to F ederal Motor Vehicle Standard 11 6. Alway s check
with y our authorized A ud i dealer t o ma ke sure you are u sing
th e c orrect br ake fluid . The correct type of brake fluid i s al so
i ndicated on the brake flu id re ser voir .
Checking and filling 111111
& WARNING (continued )
battery to heat up very quickly , whi ch could le ad to damage or
explosion and personal injury .
• When a battery is charged , it produces hydrogen gas whi ch is
explosive and could cause personal injury .
• Always keep the battery well out of the reach of children .
• Before work is done on the electrical system , disconnect the
negative ground cable .
• Before performing any work on the electri cal system , switch off
the engine and ignition as well as any electrical equipment. The negative cable on the battery must be disconnected. If you are just
going to replace a light bulb , then it is enough to switch off the
• Before disconnecting the battery, switch off the anti -theft
alarm system! Otherwise you will set off the alarm .
• When disconnecting the battery , fir st di sconnect the negative
c able and then the positive cable .
• Before reconnecting the battery, make sure all electrical
consumers are switched off . Reconnect the positive cable first and
then the negative cable. Never interchange the cables -this could
start a fire!
• Never charge a frozen or a thawed -out battery . It could
explode! If a battery has frozen, then it must be replaced . A
discharged battery can freeze over at 32 °F (0 °Cl.
• Make sure the vent hose is always attached to the opening on
the side of the battery.
• Never use batteries which are damaged . There is the danger of
an explosion! Always replace a damaged battery.
California Proposition 65 Warning :
• I I • • I
& WARNING (continued )
• Battery posts , terminals and related accessories contain lead
and lead compounds , chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive problems . Wash hands after
0 Note
• Do not d isconnect th e ve hicle bat tery w hen t he ig ni tio n i s
switched on or when the engine is running , otherwise, you will
da mage e lec troni c c om pon ent s in the e lec trica l syste m.
• When working on the engine, protect t he battery housing from
u ltraviolet (UV) rays by not pa rking the ve hicle i n direct sun lig ht.
• If your vehicle is going to stand fo r a long period of time wit hout
being driven, pro tect the battery from "freezing", ot herwise it w ill
be damaged and wi ll then have to be replaced .•
Vehicle care