Battery charge warning
This comes on each time the
ignition is switched on until
the engine is started.
Fixed lighting, with the engine run-
ning, indicates a malfunction.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Driver's seat belt not
fastened warning lamp *
When the ignition is switched
o n , t h e w a r n i n g l a m p fl a s h e s u n t i l t h e
driver fastens his seat belt.
Above a speed of approximately
10 mph (15 km/h), the warning lamp
fl a s h e s a c c o m p a n i e d b y a n a u d i b l e
signal until the driver fastens his seat
The driver must ensure that all pas-
sengers have fastened their seat belt
Airbags warning lamp
This comes on for a few sec-
onds each time the ignition is
switched on.
Flashing of this warning lamp indi-
cates a malfunction of the airbags.
They may no longer be triggered in
the event of a serious impact.
Consult a CITROËN dealer. Passenger airbag deactivated
If the passenger air bag is disarmed,
the warning lamp remains on.
SensoDrive gearbox
warning lamp
Fixed lighting of this warn-
ing lamp, with the engine running,
indicates a malfunction of the Senso-
Drive gearbox.
Emission control
system warning light
This comes on each time the
ignition is switched on until the en-
gine is started.
Fixed lighting, with the engine run-
ning, indicates an emission control
system fault.
Consult a CITROËN dealer. Diesel engine pre-heat
warning light
Wait until the warning light is
switched off before starting.
I f t h e t e m p e r a t u r e i s s u f fi c i e n t , t h e
w a r n i n g l i g h t c o m e s o n b r i e fl y , y o u
can start without waiting.
Water in diesel filter
warning light **
This comes on for a few
seconds each time the ignition is
switched on.
Fixed lighting, with the engine run-
ning, indicates a risk of damage to
the engine.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
* According to version.
Note: it may also come on if
you run out of fuel (see "Run-
ning out of fuel").
** According to country.
Dynamic stability
control system
(ASR/ESP) activation
warning lamp
This comes on for a few seconds each
time the ignition is switched on.
With the engine running and the vehi-
cle moving, it comes on if the system
is activated. Dynamic stability
control system (ASR/
ESP) fault warning lamp
This comes on for a few seconds each
time the ignition is switched on.
If this warning lamp comes on, with
the engine running, this indicates a
fault in the system.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
With the ignition key
in the accessories po-
sition or with the ignition on, press
this button to switch the audio equip-
ment on or off.
After the engine has been switched
off, the audio equipment can only op-
erate for approximately 30 minutes,
to prevent discharging of the battery.
Press the upper part
of this button several
times in succession to
increase the volume
of the audio equip-
ment or the lower part
of this button to de-
crease it.
Press this button sev-
eral times in succes-
sion to gain access
to the bass
(BASS) ,
treble (TREB) , front/rear balance
(FAD) and left/right balance (BAL)
Press this button for
more than 2 seconds,
the clock display
fl a s h e s :
An auxiliary socket
"AUX" is provided for
the connection of port-
able equipment (MP3
player, etc.).
When the parameter
is displayed, change
the setting using these
two buttons.
You exit from this mode automati-
cally after a few seconds without any
action. In order to listen to it,
connect your equip-
ment then press this
The audio equipment controls enable
you to adjust the volume and the audio
To exit from the AUX source, press
When using an MP3 player: in-
crease the volume of the radio signif-
icantly (between 30 and 60) to obtain
a satisfactory playing volume.
to adjust the hours,
press this button,
to adjust the minutes,
press this button.
You exit from this mode automati-
cally after a few seconds without any
This locks the engine control sys-
tem as soon as the ignition has been
switched off and therefore prevents
starting of the vehicle by anyone who
does not have the key.
The ignition key has an electronic
chip which has a special code. When
the ignition is switched on, the code
must be recognised for starting to be
In the event of a malfunction, your
vehicle will not start.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Changing the remote control
To change the battery, remove the
screw then unclip the housing using
a coin inserted at the ring.
Battery CR 2016/3 volts.
If the remote control does not work
after the battery has been changed,
reinitialise it.
Reinitialising the remote
Following replacement of the remote
control battery or in the event of a re-
mote control malfunction, it may be
necessary to reinitialise the system.
Switch off the ignition.
Switch the ignition on again.
Press one of the remote control
buttons immediately for a few
Switch off the ignition and remove
the key from the ignition lock.
The remote control is now working
If the malfunction persists, contact a
CITROËN dealer. Driving with the doors locked
may make access to the pas-
senger compartment by the
emergency services more
d i f fi c u l t i n a n e m e r g e n c y .
As a safety measure (with children
on board), remove the key from the
ignition when leaving the vehicle,
even for a short time.
D o n o t m a k e a n y m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e
electronic immobiliser system.
Do not discard the remote
control batteries, they con-
tain metals which are harm-
ful to the environment.
Take them to a CITROËN dealership,
or to any other approved collection
point. The high frequency remote control is
a sensitive system; do not operate it
in your pockets as there is a risk that
it may unlock the vehicle without you
being aware of this.
Avoid pressing the buttons of your
remote control out of range of your
vehicle, you risk rendering it inopera-
tive. It would then have to be reini-
This locks the engine control sys-
tem as soon as the ignition has been
switched off and therefore prevents
starting of the vehicle by anyone who
does not have the key.
The ignition key has an electronic
chip which has a special code. When
the ignition is switched on, the code
must be recognised for starting to be
In the event of a malfunction, your
vehicle will not start.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
Changing the remote control
To change the battery, remove the
screw then unclip the housing using
a coin inserted at the ring.
Battery CR 2016/3 volts.
If the remote control does not work
after the battery has been changed,
reinitialise it.
Reinitialising the remote
Following replacement of the remote
control battery or in the event of a re-
mote control malfunction, it may be
necessary to reinitialise the system.
Switch off the ignition.
Switch the ignition on again.
Press one of the remote control
buttons immediately for a few
Switch off the ignition and remove
the key from the ignition lock.
The remote control is now working
If the malfunction persists, contact a
CITROËN dealer. Driving with the doors locked
may make access to the pas-
senger compartment by the
emergency services more
d i f fi c u l t i n a n e m e r g e n c y .
As a safety measure (with children
on board), remove the key from the
ignition when leaving the vehicle,
even for a short time.
D o n o t m a k e a n y m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e
electronic immobiliser system.
Do not discard the remote
control batteries, they con-
tain metals which are harm-
ful to the environment.
Take them to a CITROËN dealership,
or to any other approved collection
point. The high frequency remote control is
a sensitive system; do not operate it
in your pockets as there is a risk that
it may unlock the vehicle without you
being aware of this.
Avoid pressing the buttons of your
remote control out of range of your
vehicle, you risk rendering it inopera-
tive. It would then have to be reini-