This light should come on, as a check to show you it
is working, when the ignition is on and the engine is
not running. If the light does not come on, have it
repaired. This light will also come on during a
malfunction in one of two ways:
Light Flashing— A mis re condition has been
detected. A mis re increases vehicle emissions
and may damage the emission control system
on your vehicle. Diagnosis
and service may be required.
Light On Steady— An emission control
system malfunction has been detected on
your vehicle. Diagnosis and service may be
If the Light Is Flashing
The following may prevent more serious damage
to your vehicle:
Reducing vehicle speed
Avoiding hard accelerations
Avoiding steep uphill grades
If you are towing a trailer, reduce the amount of
cargo being hauled as soon as it is possibleIf the light stops ashing and remains on steady,
see “If the Light Is On Steady” following.
If the light continues to ash, when it is safe to do
so, stop the vehicle. Find a safe place to park
your vehicle. Turn the key off, wait at least
10 seconds and restart the engine. If the light
remains on steady, see “If the Light Is On Steady”
following. If the light is still ashing, follow the
previous steps, and see your dealer for service
as soon as possible.
If the Light Is On Steady
You may be able to correct the emission system
malfunction by considering the following:
Did you recently put fuel into your vehicle?
If so, reinstall the fuel cap, making sure to fully
install the cap. SeeFilling the Tank on page 330.
The diagnostic system can determine if the fuel cap
has been left off or improperly installed. A loose or
missing fuel cap will allow fuel to evaporate into the
atmosphere. A few driving trips with the cap
properly installed should turn the light off.
Fuel Gage
The fuel gage shows about how much fuel is in your
tank. It works only when the ignition is on. When the
indicator moves to the edge of the low fuel warning
band, the low fuel warning light will come on and a
chime will sound. You still have a little fuel left, but
you need to get more fuel right away.Here are some things that some owners ask
about. None of these show a problem with your
fuel gage:
At the service station, the gas pump shuts off
before the gage reads full.
It takes more (or less) fuel to ll up than the
gage indicated. For example, the gage may
have indicated half full, but it took more
(or less) than half the tank’s capacity to ll it.
The gage moves up a little when you turn a
corner, speed up or make a hard stop.
The gage does not go back to empty when
you turn off the ignition.United StatesCanada