Navigation (NAV) 114When the turn-off is immediately ahead, the arrow points in the
direction in which you should turn. In addition, the name of the
street is shown under the arrow. A bar graph
page 113, f i g .1 1 7 o n
the right in the display takes you precisely to the turn-off point.
If it is necessary to make a lane change before the turn off, you are
warned in plenty of time about this lane change before the turn-off
arrow by a second arrow
page 111, fig.114.
With active guidance, you can switch to the trip computer display*
by pressing the trip computer reset button*. Pushing the trip
c o mp ut e r re s e t b ut to n * a g a in r e t ur n s y o u to g u i d a n c e . Yo u c a n fin d
detailed information about the trip computer* in the Owner's
Applies to vehicles: with color instrument cluster display:Visual presentation in the instrument cluster display
Change of direction arrowBar graph (countdown): bars decreasing in size indi-
cate how the distance to the immediate turn-off
point is decreasing; the bar graph is not shown until
a change of direction arrow is displayed.If there is another side street before the turn-off
point which is n ot pa r t of current guidan ce , this side
street is represented by a side-street symbol in the
instrument cluster display.
Short description
Fig. 118 Instrument
cluster display:
Example of route guid-
ance presentationFig. 119 Instrument
cluster display:
Example of route guid-
ance presentation
(turn off)
Navigation (NAV)115
General operation
CAR, SETUP A s s o o n as y o u h a v e e n t e r e d a r o u t e i n t o t h e N a v i g a t i o n S y s t e m a n d
begun navigating, guidance to your destination will also be
displayed in the instrument cluster display.
When the turn-off is immediately ahead, the arrow points in the
direction in which you should turn. In addition, the name of the
s t r e e t i s s h o w n u n d e r t h e a r r o w. A b a r g r a p h
page 114, fig.119 on
the right in the display takes you precisely to the turn-off point.If it is necessary to make a lane change before the turn off, you are
warned in plenty of time about this lane change before the turn-off
arrow by a second arrow
page 111, fig.114.
With active guidance, you can switch to the trip computer display*
by pressing the trip computer reset button*. Pushing the trip
c o mp ut e r re s e t b ut to n * a g a in r e t ur n s y o u to g u i d a n c e . Yo u c a n fin d
detailed information about the trip computer* in the Owner's
Manual.Selecting navigation function
The navigation functions can be selected with the
function button.Fig. 120 Display: Main navigation menu
Short descriptionDistance remaining to next turn pointEstimated time of arrival at destination or current
stopoverDirectional arrowLocation-dependent display of freeway, highway
and street names
An arrow before the display identifies the name of
the street onto which you should turn.Total kilometers to destination or current stopoverChange of direction arrowBar graph (countdown): bars decreasing in size indi-
cate how the distance to the immediate turn-off
point is decreasing; the bar graph is not shown until
a change of direction arrow is displayed.If there is another side street before the turn-off
point which is not part of current guidance, this side
street is represented by a side-street symbol in the
instrument cluster display.