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General system operation21
General operation
Multi-function steering wheelApplies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheelGeneral
The multi-function steering wheel enables quick and
easy operation of selected systems on the Navigation
System.To minimize driver distraction when operating the Navigation
System and its components, buttons for controlling basic audio
functions are placed on the multi-function steering wheel. However,
this applies only if your vehicle equipment was installed at the
Depending on the multi-function steering wheel in your vehicle, you
can use audio functions.
You use the buttons to operate the function that is active at the time.
For example, if you are listening to the radio, you can select the
last/next station from the station list using the or button on
the multi-function steering wheel with audio controls*.
The volume can be adjusted in each active function.
Of course, you can continue to use the audio functions from the
Navigation System.
If systems have not been installed in the vehicle, the button on the
multi-function steering wheel* assigned to that system is
Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel with audio operationMulti-function steering wheel with audio operationYou can perform the following functions with this
multi-function steering wheel:
Press the
Select the previous
station on the radio
station list
CD or MP3
Select the previous
track for the audio
source you are listen-
ing to.
Pres s and h old
the button
CD or MP3
Fig. 16 Multi-function
steering wheel with
audio operation
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Navigation (NAV) 130
– Select Start route guidance page 129, fig.135, the
route is calculated and the map display is shown auto-
– Select one of the routes suggested in the single destina-
tion mode page 130 on the map display by rotating
and pressing the control knob.
– In the route plan map display, confirm the route
suggested page 132 by rotating and pressing the
control knob.After calculating route guidance, the Navigation System switches
a ut o ma t i c a l ly to ma p d i s p l a y m o d e . The ro u t e g u id a n c e i s s h o w n in
simplified form in the instrument cluster display
page 113. You
are additionally receive navigation voice prompts page 112.
When you have entered a final destination
page 119 and started
route guidance, you are offered up to three different routes to reach
your destination
page 119.
When you have entered a route plan and started route guidance,
you are shown the route with the different stopovers and various
information in the overview
page 132.
Entered destinations can be saved
page 135 and
page 137.
Route criteria
page 141 can be changed at anytime during guid-
ance, and the route will be recalculated.
If you do not complete route guidance you started, this route guid-
a n c e wi l l b e c o n t i n u e d t he n e x t t i m e t h e v e h i c l e i s s t a r t e d . Th is a l s o
applies to destinations entered which cannot be reached because of
local conditions (e.g. lake or tourist attraction). If you would like to
terminate this route guidance, select Cancel route guidance
page 132
Calculated destinations can also be changed in the map display by
moving the crosshairs
page 149
Single destination information before route guidanceFig. 136 Navigation: Example of map display after route has been calculatedWhen you have entered the destination data page 117
and the road network allows, you are offered up to three
different routes to choose from.
– Select one of the optional routes by rotating the control
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Navigation (NAV) 132Route plan information before starting Route guidanceFig. 137 Navigation: Example of route plan map overview– Press the control knob to start the route guidance
desired with the stopovers you set.If you are navigating with stopovers, no alternate routes are calcu-
lated. The calculated route shown matches the route criteria
page 141.
The following information can be found on the map display before
starting the route.
Route guidance includes sections of freeway
Estimated freeway kilometers
Route includes sections of road subject to tolls or sticker
showing the length of the sections
Route includes sections with a ferryRoute includes seasonally closed roads
Route includes roads closed at certain times of day
Estimated distance to destination
Estimated time of arrival at destination
Starting point highlighted
Highlighted stopover 1 on the map
Highlighted stopover 2 on the map
Highlighted stopover 3 on the map
Final destination highlighted on map
Changing/Interrupting route guidance– Press the function button or press the
– Select Stop route guidance.
– Change the information if necessary.
– Select Start route guidance.When route guidance is cancelled, the data and settings that have
already been entered are saved. This allows you, for example, to
change the route criteria
page 141 and to recalculate the route.
If you do not complete route guidance you started, this route guid-
ance will be contin ued the ne xt time the ve hicle is star ted . This also
applies to destinations entered which cannot be reached because of
local conditions (e.g. lake or tourist attraction). If you would like to
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