Page 121 of 194
Navigation (NAV) 116
– Press the function button page 16. The main
navigation menu page 115, fig.120, the route plan
page 139, fig.146 or the previously active navigation
function menu appears in the display.
– Press the appro priate control button page 17 to get to
the submenu through page 115, fig.120.
The following submenus are available in navigation
Control button
page 115,
fig. 120
Navigation submenus
Previous destinations
To p c a t e g o r i e s
Load from directory
Store in directory
Load route
Store route
Delete route
Route with stopover/
Route without stopover
Route list
Route criteria
Avoid route from here
Map side menu
Location data (street or city where appli-
Latitude/longitude of current location
Receivable satellites
Data for final destination and where
all stopovers
Time of arrival
Page 122 of 194
Navigation (NAV)117
General operation
CAR, SETUP The following submenus are available in navigation
Setup function:
Main navigation menuEntering a navigation destination
Destinations can be easily entered in various ways.Fig. 121 Navigation: Destination entry menu (main menu)First determined whether you would like to navigate to a final desti-
nation with or without stopovers
page 139. After you have
decided on the type of guidance (with/without stopovers), you can
enter a destination over different routes. Entering destination data
in the entry menu
fig.121 is handled in the same way in single
destination and route planning mode.
Navigation submenus
Press the
function button in
the NAV function page 151
Map scheme (day/night)
Map type
Map contents
Voice information
Delete previous destinations
Turn list
Highway info
Intersection map
Auto intersection zoom
Version information
Demo mode
Set position/direction
Page 123 of 194
Navigation (NAV) 118
Follow the traffic laws for the area in which you are driving. If
driving instructions run contrary to traffic laws, the traffic laws
always take precedent.
A function may not be selected (“greyed-out”) if it is not available
according to the restrictions you have set, or if not permitted by
local circumstances.
Region selectionFig. 122 Navigation: Destination entry menu (main menu)
Fig. 123 Navigation: Region selection
Entering destina-
page 118, “Region selection”
Street within a
page 123, “Destination input street”
page 125, “Entering street/city with spe-
cial characters”
Special destination
page 126, “Special destination input”
Telephone number
for a special destina-
page 126, “Special destination input”
Map (coordinates)
page 128, “Destination input on map”
To p d e s t i n a t i o n
page 133, “ Top destination”
Previous destina-
page 134, “Previous destinations”
Top categories
page 134, “ Top categories”
page 136, “Load from directory”
Load route
page 137, “Load route”
Page 124 of 194
Navigation (NAV)119
General operation
– Press the function button page 16.
– Press the control button with the Route function.
–Select Route without stopover to switch to single desti-
nation mode page 119 page 139. The destination
entry menu page 117, fig.121 appears, or
–Select Route with stopover to switch to route plan
page 121 and then select Destin.. The destination
entry menu page 117, fig.121 appears.
–Select Region page 118, fig.122.
–Select another Region from the list page 118, fig.123
by rotating and pressing the control knob.When selecting a country, destination data (street, city and catego-
ries) that was previously stored in the destination entry menu is
Entering single destination (Route without stopover)Fig. 124 Navigation: Entering the destination using the speller–Press the function button page 16.
– If necessary,Press the control button with the Route fu n c -
tion and confirm the Route without stopover function to
s w i t ch to si n g l e d e st i n at i o n m o de page 139. Th e de s t i -
nation input menu page 117, fig.121 appears.
– Select ggf. Region page 118.
– Select City and enter the name using the speller,
fig.124 or
– In the speller display, select LIST fig.124 and select
the city from the list.
Page 125 of 194
Navigation (NAV) 120
– Select Select city center to navigate to the center of the
selected locality, or
– Select Input street name, Special destination in city or
Destination input on map to set more detailed destina-
tion criteria.
– Select Start route guidance page 129.After you have started route guidance, you are offered up to three
page 130, f i g .1 3 6 . S e l e c t o n e o f t h e r o u t e s b y r o t a t i n g a n d
pressing the control knob. If you do not select any of the routes
s u g g e s t e d , t h e r o u t e m a r k e d i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y i m p o r t e d a f t e r a d e l a y
once the trip has started or during the trip. The delay gives you the
opportunity to change the route selection one more time. You can
find additional information on route selection starting on
page 130.
Switch from the letter speller to the number speller to enter a city
with special characters (e.g. hyphen, apostrophe or period) page 125.
Selection “Select city center”
The Navigation System calculates route guidance to the center of
the city entered.
Selection “Input street name”
B y i n p u t t i n g t h e s t r e e t i n a c i t y, y o u c a n s p e c i f y t h e d e s t i n a t i o n m o r e
After selecting the street, you can specify more detailed destination
criteria by inputting an Intersection, a House number or through
Enter destination on map
page 128.
If you would like to find a street independently of the city, select
Street after selecting the country in the destination entry menu.Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the destination entry menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
I f y o u a r e n a v i g a t i n g i n s i n g l e d e s t i n a t i o n m o d e , t h e Set as stopover
function is greyed out
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory
page 135 the selected map destina-
By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the speller display, you can confirm
the entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or,
y o u e n t e r p a r t o f a c it y a n d yo u a l re a d y r e c o g n i z e t h e d e s i re d c i t y i n
the speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by
keeping pressure on the control knob.
Entered destinations can be saved
page 135.
Page 126 of 194
Navigation (NAV)121
General operation
Entering Route plan (Route with stopover)
Up to three stopovers and a final destination can be set
in the Route plan.Fig. 125 Navigation: Route plan– Press the function button page 16.
– Press the control button with the Route function and
confirm the Route with stopovers function to switch to
Route plan fig.125.
–Select Destin. to enter the final destination.
–Select Region as applicable page 118.
–Select City and enter the city using the speller, or
– In the speller display, select LIST and select the city from
the list.– Select Select city center to navigate to the center of the
selected locality, or
– Select Input street name, Special destination in city or
Destination input on map to set more detailed destina-
tion criteria.
– Enter stopovers by means of Add stopover 1, Add
stopover 2 or Add stopover 3.
– Select Start route guidance page 129.
After you have started route guidance, the calculated route plan
with all the various information is initially shown as an overview on
the map. Confirm route guidance by pressing the control knob. You
can find additional information about the route plan starting on page 132.
Switch from the letter speller to the number speller to enter a city
with special characters (e.g. hyphen, apostrophe or period) page 125.
Selection “Select city center”
The Navigation System calculates route guidance to the center of
the city entered.
Selection “Input street name”
B y i n p u t t i n g t h e s t r e e t i n a c i t y, y o u c a n s p e c i f y t h e d e s t i n a t i o n m o r e
After selecting the street, you can set more detailed destination
criteria by entering an Intersection or a Street number
page 128.
Page 127 of 194
Navigation (NAV) 122Selection “Special destination in city”
By selecting a special destination in the specified city, tourist attrac-
tions or public facilities (e.g. hospital, movie theater,) can be
selected directly as a destination.
If you would like to find a particular special destination indepen-
dently of the city, select Special destination after selecting the
country in the destination input menu
page 126.
Selection “Destination input on map”
You can find destinations for a specified city from the map display.
If the map is being displayed to select a destination, the crosshairs
are in the center of the city in question. By moving the crosshairs
horizontally and vertically, you can set a new destination
page 149.
If additional detailed information is available for the selected point
on the map, you can display it using the Detail info function.
Using the Set as stopover fu n c t io n , y o u c a n a l s o s e t t h e d e s t in a t io n
from the map as a stopover
page 139.
Yo u c a n a l s o Save to directory the selected map destination
By inputting a street, you can predetermine the map location in
greater detail.
If you have entered a city in the speller display, you can confirm
the entry for this city by pressing and holding the control knob. Or,
yo u e n t e r p a r t o f a c i t y a n d y o u a l re a d y re co g n i ze t h e d e s ir e d c i t y in
the speller display list, you can shift directly to the city list by
keeping pressure on the control knob.
Route plans that have been entered can be saved
page 137.
Page 128 of 194
Navigation (NAV)123
General operation
Destination input street
Wi thi n a se le cted reg ion, a stre et c an b e select ed e ve n
without specifying a city.Fig. 126 Navigation: Entering a street as destination using the spellerFig. 127 Navigation: Set more detailed street information
– In a destination input menu page 117, fig.121, select
another Region page 118 from the list by rotating and
pressing the control knob or confirm the region already
being shown. This deletes all existing entries in the desti-
nation input menu page 117, fig.121.
– Select Street page 117, fig.121 and enter the street
name using the speller, or
– In the speller display, select LIST fig.126 and select
the street from the list.
– Select a location from the following list.
– Select End entry fig.127.
– Geben Sie ggf. Enter stopovers for route guidance with
stopovers page 139.