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Spare parts kit
Carrying a basic set of spare parts can prevent a rninorbreak-
down from turning into a major repair annoyance. The list be-
low is a good place to start.
Spare parts kit
- basic
Polyribbed drive
BMW engine oil: one or two quarts
BMW engine coolant:
1 gallon of premixed 50150 BMW
anti-freeze and water
Fuse assortment:
7.5A. IOA, 1 5A, 20A, 30A. 50A
Radiator hoses: upper and lower
Spare parts
kit - additional contents
Exterior lighting bulbs: headlight, bralte light, turn signal,
and taillight
* Wiper blades or blade inserts
Brake fluid: new, unopened bottle, DOT
4 specification
Main relay for DME system
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--- -
Table b. Inspection I Service (continued)
Warm engine Dealer service
required recommended
Check windshield
washer fluid level and
antifreeze protection.
Add washer fluid as necessary.
Replace ventilation
microfilter. (Note:
reduce replacement intervals in dusty
operation conditions)
Reset Service interval Indicator
Tools Required
eck aim of washer jets and adjust if
covers, obvious damage or attachment o
s or accessories.
Road test
Check braking performance, steering,
heating and air conditioner operation.
Check manual transmission and clutch
operation or automatic transmission
operation. New
Checic battery state of charge
Check operation of:
parking iights, back-up lights.
license plate lights, interior lights,
glove box
illumination, engine compartment light,
trunk light, turn signals, emergency
flashers, stop iights.
Check operation of horn and headlight
dimmer switch
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. .- -
- --
- - -. - -- Lubrication ~~stern
- Remove pressure gauge and reinstall pressure switch with
new sealing washer.
Tightening torque
Oil pressure switch to oil filter housing 27 Nm (20 ft-lb)
If testing shows low oil pressure, one or more of the following
conditions may be indicated:
Worn or faulty oil pump or faulty pump pressure relief valve
Worn or damaged engine bearings
Severe engine wear
Any of these conditions indicate the need for major repairs.
Oil pressure warning system, testing
4 When the ignition is turned on, the oil pressure warning light
comes on. When the engine is started and the oil pressure
rises slightly, the oil pressure switch (arrow) contact opens
and the warning light goes out. Make sure the oil level is cor-
rect before making tests.
- Turn ignition switch on.
- Warning light on instrument panel must light up
- Remove connector from oil pressure switch.
Warning light on instrument panel must go out.
If the light does not go out, the wiring to the switch is most
likely grounded somewhere between the switch terminaland
the warning light See
ELE Electrical Wiring Diagrams for
electrical schematics.
- If warning light does not light when ignition is on, remove con-
nector from oil pressure switch and use a jumper wire to
ground connector terminal to a clean metal surface. The oil
pressure warning light should come on.
If there are two wires to the oil pressure switch, ground the
brown/green wire that carries the signal to the warning light.
- If the warning light comes on, check the switch as described
in the next step. If the warning light does not come on, the
wiring to the instrument cluster or to the light itself is faulty.
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120-1 2
ignition System
Crankshaft speed sensor, replacing (M52, M52 TU and
M54 engines)
4 Crankshaft speed sensor for 6-cylinder engine is mounted in
the left rear side of the cylinder block below the starter (ar-
row). The sensor reads a toothed pulse wheel mounted to
the end of the crankshaft.
- if the Engine Control Module (ECM) does not receive a signal
from the crankshaft speed sensor during cranking, the en-
gine will not start.
- If the OBD II svstem misfire detection ~rotocol detects a cat- - - ~~
alysr oarnagin; faLlt oJe to a ma I-nclion in crandshafi speeo
sensor components. Ine Check Engine
lignr (Malfuncrion In-
dicator Light or MIL) will be illuminated.
If the crankshaft speed sensor pulse wheel is damaged, the
engine will have to be disassembled down to the crankshaft
reolace the wheel.
- Make certain ignition has been turned off.
- Raise car and support in a safe manner.
Make sure the car is stable and well supported at all times.
Use a professional automotive lift orjacltstands designed for
the ouroose.
A floor iaclc is not adequate support.
- Remove under engine splash guard
4 Working underneath starter:
Cut off wire tie securing crankshaft speed sensor harness
connector (arrow) to sensor.
* Disconnect harness connector.
4 Remove sensor mounting fastener (arrow) and remove sen-
sor from cylinder block.
- Installation is reverse of removal, noting the following:
Use a new O-ring when installing sensor.
Be sure wiring is routed in same orientation.
Secure sensor using new wire ties.
Use scan tool to read out and clear ECM fault memory.
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Battery, Starter, ~lternatorl
Alternator 1997 - 98 5281 1997 540i
/-- -----,
F15 / 7.5A/ :
&.. .... , 30 1 Xi0015
Hol in run 61 E (D+) Alternator
and stsrt
1 .--------,charge , . I , indicator I xGoli i
I <"9,7,a,T
Alternator, basic
On 1997-1 998 6-cylinderand 1997 V-8 models, the charging
system indicator light is supplied voltage
(+) to one side of the
light bulb, and the other side of the bulb is connected to the
voltage regulator.
With the engine off and the key in the run position, voltage
from the ignition switch flows through the regulator to ground,
completing the circuit and illuminating the charge indicator
When the vehicle is started and the alternator begins to pro-
duce voltage, the output of the diode trio increases and the
light is turned off.
Alternator with multi-function control
Alternator with multi-function control
The multi-function controlled alternator is used on:
* 1999-2002 6-cylinder models
* 1998-2002 V-8 models
4 On cars with multi-function control alternator, the charge in-
dicator lamp is activated by means of an electronic switch in-
tegrated in the alternator controller. This switch receives its
voltage supply from terminal
15 on the 3-pin connector at the
rear of the alternator. The controller measures internally the
voltage difference between terminal 30 and terminal
15 and
signals the DME ECM to turn the charge indicator lamp on.
The controller features integrated fault detection. The battery
charge indicator lamp will come on in the event of:
* Failure of belt drive
No charge due to an
electrical/electronic fault
Interruption in excitation circuit
Over-voltage due to a defective controller output stage Fault or break in charge line
No charge due to alternator fault
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Battery, Starter, Alternator
- Installation is reverse of removal, noting the following:
Replace alternator rubber sealing O-ring.
* Fill and bleed cooling system as described in 170 Radiator
and Cooling System.
Tightening torques
Fan clutch to coolant pump
BMW special tool 11 5 040 30 Nm (22 ft-lb)
BMW special tool 11 5 040 40 Nm (29 ft-lb)
Terminal 30 (Bc) wire to alternator (ME) 13 Nm (10 ft-lb)
Starter troubleshooting
Typical starter wiring terminal identification is shown. Large
wire at terminal
30 (not shown in photo) is direct battery volt-
age. Smaller wire at terminal
50 operates starter solenoid via
ignition switch.
If starter turns engine slowly when ignition is in start position:
Check battery state of charge.
Inspect starter wires, terminals, and ground
for good contact. In particular, make sure ground connec-
tions between battery, body and
englne are completely
clean and tight.
If no faults are found, starter may be faulty and should be
- If starter fails to operate, check EWS (drive-away protection
system). Try another ignition key.
If no faults can be found,
have the EWS system checked using
BMW scan tool equip-
Checkclutch pedal operated
starter lock-out switch or gear
position switch (automatic).
* A factory-installed drive-away protection system, also re-
ferred to as
EWS, is used on E39 cars. This system pre-
vents operation of the starter if a specially coded ignition
key is not used.
On cars with automatic transmission, the transmission
gear position switch signals
EWS to prevent the engine
from starting in gear positions other than PARK or NEU-
On cars with manual transmissions, a starter immobiliza-
tion switch
at the clutch pedal is used to prevent the starter
from operating unless the clutch pedal is pushed fully to
the floor.
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Fuel Injection
With ignition off, remove main relay (K6300) (arrow) in
- With ignition on and relay installed, check for battery voltage
on terminal
2 (87).
4 Check for voltage at terminal 8 (30) on relay socket.
If battery voltage is present, relay has energized and is
functioning correctly.
Gmund from 6L (hot ~4th k~y key in Ern
2I '1
on position)
Fuel pump RdiWt Rd from Battery and other system components SOZI~O~~I~Y
If battery voltage is not present and all earlier tests are OK,
relay is faulty and should be replaced.
battery voltage is present continue testing.
If battery voltage is not present, check fuse 109 (80-amp
fusible link) under passenger seat carpet. See ELE Elec-
trical Wiring Diagrams.
- Reinstall relay and turn ignition on. Gain access to back side
of relay socket and check for ground on terminal
4 (85).
If ground is present continue testing.
If ground is not present, signal from ECM is missing. Check
If no faults are found during testing but power is not reaching
ECM or other components, check the fuses in the fuse
X8680 in the E-box.
between ECM and relay.
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Fuel Injection I
Mass air flow (MAF) sensor,
checking and replacing
4 The hot film mass air flow (MAF) sensor (arrow) sends a
varying voltage (approx.
0.5 - 4.5 vdc) to the ECM represent-
ing the measured intake air. The air mass input signal is pro-
duced electronically by the
MAFsensorusing a heated metal
film in the air flow stream.
The ECM relay provides the operating voltage to the MAF
sensor. As air flows through the MAF sensor, the film is
cooled. To maintain the film at a constant temperature, addi-
tional heating current is necessary. It is this additional current
that is the basis for the input signal.
If there is no output signal from the MAF sensor, the ECM op-
erates the engine using throttle position and engine rpm in-
puts. A faulty MAF sensor illuminates the MIL.
A faulty MAF sensor can produce the following problems:
Difficult to restart when engine is hot.
Engine starts then stalls.
Engine starts and runs only with accelerator pedal de-
Disconnect electrical harness connector from MAF sensor
- Turn ignition on and check for voltage and ground at connec-
There should be ground at pin
1 and battery voltage at pin
If any faults are found, check for wiring breaks between
MAF sensor and ECM and between MAF sensor and ECM
Visually inspect the sensor for damage, missing or blocked
screens. The screens affect air flow calibration. Also inspect
the sealing O-rings where the sensor inserts into the air
housing and intake boot. Ensure the pin connections are
clean and tight.
4 Connect a BMW-compatible scan tool or an OBD II generic
scan tool. Check air mass signal (load signal) with the engine
at idle. Raise idle speed and check that load signal changes
with rpm.
Be sure ignition is OFFbefore disconnecting or reconnecting r
1 DME svstem components. 1